Will You Be 1 of the 50?


Through the Leadership in Education Initiative (read more in the tab at the top of the blog) in our local community we have gone into many schools with copies of my book, Leaders Without Borders: 9 Essentials for Everyday Leaders, placing them into the hands of our community heroes: our teachers! The response has been fantastic and the schools are so appreciative!

I am writing today asking for 50 readers and followers to join with me to place more copies of the book into the hands of our teachers to better equip them with their leadership skills. As the teachers enhance their leadership skills they are better equipped to touch the lives of their students.

With your help we can replenish our on-hand supply of the book and be ready for delivery on the first day of school. At just $10 per copy this is a small investment that can make a big difference!

To say thank you for your gift and participation I will email you the PDF version of the book for you to download to your computer or tablet at no charge!

Place your order today by visiting: www.dougsmanagementmoment.blogspot.com and scroll down to where you see the book and the “Buy Now” button. You can safely and securely order the book via PayPal with your credit card. You don’t have to have a PayPal account to place the order.



duanogdmorris Presenting a copy of my book, Leaders Without Borders, to a local elementary school principal. His teachers each received a copy of the book thanks to generous supporters like you!

Thank you for your partnership as we support and encourage our teachers!




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Ten Things Every Leader Should Always Teach


Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn. – Benjamin Franklin

At school one day a little boy was asked what he was thankful for. The boy replied, “My glasses.” “That’s good,” said the teacher, “they help you see better.”

“No,” responded the child, “I’m thankful for my glasses because they keep the other boys from hitting and fighting with me and the girls from kissing me.”

While perhaps not the reason the teacher had expected to hear, the little boy made his point. As leaders we’ve all benefited from good teachers that have shaped our lives. As a leader you are now in that role and the life lessons you share are just as important.

John Maxwell said, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” This is one of your functions as a leader. While it may not be in a formal classroom setting it is teaching nonetheless and the lessons are important. Here are ten lessons every leader should always be teaching. It’s not an exhaustive list but these are essential.

How to give praise.

Just as students tend to respond better to praise the same holds true with your team members. When the people in your business or organization receive praise and encouragement from you they come away with the sense that you have their backs. Give them praise and give it generously.

How to listen.

This is one of the most important skills that you will develop as a leader. Many leaders like to talk but you will be a more effective leader when you learn to listen and hear what others have to say. From what you learn you can make better and more informed decisions.

How to say no.

While listening may be one of the most important things to teach saying no will be one of the hardest. Many good ideas from well-meaning people will come across your desk. Be it the timing, the budget, or some other factor, sometimes the answer is no. How you say no is important. Take the time to explain why.

How to work hard.

Your team members will learn more from your example than by your words. If you want them to work hard then they need to see you work hard. Leadership by example is not just a cliché it is real and practical. When they see that you have skin and sweat in the game they will join you.

How to let things go.

As a leader you will face many challenges and many frustrations. People get on your nerves and rub you the wrong way. You have pressures, deadlines, and disappointments. Teach your team how to let things go and not get so stressed out over every little obstacle that comes your way. Not everything you set out to do is always going to go according to plan. But that’s okay. Let it go.

How to confront.

This is one of the least favorite things a leader has to do. We’d much rather be giving out praise. But there are those times as a leader when you must confront others for whatever reason. How you confront needs to be a teachable moment that shows how to be firm, how to be fair, and that you have accountability measures in place that you are not afraid to enforce. How you do it is just as important as why you do it.

How to say thank you.

This one simple act can make a world of difference. Why it’s hard at times for leaders to do I am not sure. But if you want to see the atmosphere in your office or organization improve then take the time to thank those around you for all of their hard work. And while you are at it – make it personal. Hand-written notes are especially nice.

How to forgive.

Hang around in leadership long enough and you will understand the power of forgiveness. You will learn about the necessity of giving it and receiving it. The point is simply this – life is too short to hold grudges and hold on to resentments. Forgive others and move on.

How to set priorities.

Jim Rohn said, “Either you run the day or the day runs you.” People in your organization need to see that you have a set of priorities that you live by – family, faith, work etc. You teach priorities by your routines and time management. What’s important to you is given priority. It’s that simple.

How to delegate.

Delegation is the key to your success and that involves everyone in the process. Delegation is not just by divvying up work for the sake of having something to do. It’s about matching the right people with the right skills to maximize productivity and results. You were not meant to do it all by yourself. Delegate your way to success.

What do you say?


© 2014 Doug Dickerson


I welcome your feedback:

1. What lesson stood out to you the most? Why?

2. What lessons would you add to this list?

3. What are some practical ways you can begin to implement some of these lessons right away?

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Costa Rica Update


I just returned from my second trip to Costa Rica. I helped chaperone a group of high school seniors from my daughter’s school. There were 11 of us in our group that went down with an organization that my brother operates called Mission Volunteer Partners (http://bit.ly/1iGOZeo) that has been sponsoring trips into Costa Rica on a regular basis for many years. Typical groups that go range from school groups, Rotary, university, church, etc. MVP has a great team in place in Costa Rica that serve as excellent hosts and guides.

During our five day visit we went into three schools to distribute books. More than just distribute books, our team stayed in each school up to four hours each to play with the children, visit the classrooms and teach lessons, and to absorb their culture and world.

To be sure, our team enjoyed the breath-taking beauty of this lovely country. From our splendid accommodations, the LaPaz Waterfall Park, zip-lining in the jungle, and so much more; this was a trip of a lifetime for so many of the students.

The work of Mission Volunteer Partners is making a huge difference in the country. From book and wheelchair distributions, and much more, it would be an ideal trip for you to take into consideration.

If you have interest in taking a trip with your business, Rotary, church group, or school I would be thrilled to talk to you and help you coordinate and plan a trip. I am looking to put a team together for later in the year to go back into some of the schools and I am looking for up to ten people who’d like to go.

If interested please email me as I will be looking to set a date for later in the year – perhaps in the summer. I promise you this one thing: it will change your life and change your perspective as you look into the eyes of these children. The trip would primarily be one of going into the schools with books. Of course you would be able to enjoy numerous excursions.

Contact me to express your interest in participating in a future trip. Email me at: [email protected]


* You can also find and ‘like’ Mission Volunteer Partners on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mission-Volunteer-Partners/314528795303168



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100 Books for 100 Teachers


Front Cover_Leaders Without Borders

Over the past few years I’ve had the joy of going into many schools thanks to the generosity of individuals and businesses that have partnered with us to give copies of my book to teachers. Our teachers are the heroes of the classroom and our communities and our way to thanking them is by gifting them with copies my leadership book.

I am using my “Leadership Minute” space today to ask you for your help. My goal is to gift 100 books to 100 teachers in the coming days and I am asking for your help. If you would like to help me honor our teachers, perhaps in a small way to say thank you for the teachers who helped shape your life, then I’d like to hear from you. If you have been inspired, encouraged or motivated by the “Leadership Minute” then would you consider helping us in this worthy cause?

Here’s the challenge: Go to my website, www.dougsmanagementmoment.blogspot.com, and order one or more books for this challenge. As a thank you when you place your order I will email you a free PDF version of the book!

With your generosity and help I know that we can not only reach this goal but I am confident we can exceed it. The more books gifted the more teachers we can impact!  At just $10 a copy this is simply a small investment to say thank you for all that our teachers do. Thank you for your generosity!



* You can read more by clicking on the “Leadership in Education” tab at the top of the page. Again, thank you for your help today!

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Leadership In Education Book Drive

Front Cover_Leaders Without Borders1

Since the release of my book, Leaders Without Borders (foreword by Mark Sanborn), back in 2010 we have had the opportunity to partner with many individuals and businesses to provide copies of the book to area schools for teachers. Hundreds of copies have been distributed for which we are very thankful.

Why Leaders Without Borders?

 In the book I write about nine essentials of leadership that include; passion, priorities, optimism, teamwork, attitude, authenticity, loyalty, kindness, and legacy. These are practical and applicable leadership characteristics that will benefit any leader, especially teachers.

Why teachers?

First and foremost; it’s personal. In my formative years my learning was quite challenging due to dyslexia. Thanks to dedicated and passionate teachers I was able to grow in self-confidence and overcome learning barriers. And to top it off, my wife is now in her 25th year as a school teacher. I want to do everything I can to come along side these heroes of mine and support them!

You can help!

I am asking the readers and followers of my blog to consider today making an investment into the life of a teacher! It can be a copy of the book for your child’s or grandchild’s teacher (niece or nephew…you get the idea!) to sharpen their leadership skills.

Would you consider today going to my website and ordering one, perhaps two or three copies of Leaders Without Borders that I can send out to you to pass along to a teacher? Economically priced at just $10 per copy, you can help us make a difference!  Thank you so much for embracing the mission and purpose of the Leadership in Education Book Drive.

Here’s How You Can Help

Visit my website and click on the “Buy Now” button under the promo for Leaders Without Borders and safely and securely place your order via PayPal. I will get the books out to you right away!

The web address is: www.dougsmanagementmoment.blogspot.com

Thank you for your support of the Leadership in Education Book Drive!

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