Leadership Minute: Don’t Be Afraid


I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship. – Louisa May Alcott

One of the certainties of leadership is the existence of storms. Storms come to every leader. Some are self-inflicted while others come from outside forces. Nonetheless, storms come. But storms, like other life events, are times not just of testing but are times for learning. A storm is not a waste of time if you learn from it. What storm are you facing? What conflict are you going through? What employee is giving you fits? What problem is giving you stress? Just remember as you are going through the storm you are learning to sail. You are earning your leadership stripes. No storm is pleasant to go through and at times you may question your ability to lead. But don’t despair. There is a reason for the storm and a greater purpose for you to understand. Be assured of this – when you cast aside your fears and face the storms that come your way, you will be a stronger leader in the end. Don’t be afraid.

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