Are You Solving the Wrong problem?

As a leader, many of the problems that your organization faces will come across your desk. While this is not uncommon, especially for a small business, what should not be uncommon is the way you address them. But unless you are tuned in to your people and their needs, what you perceive to be a problem may not be one at all.

On today’s Management Moment Radio program, I will guide you through the lesson entitled, Are You Solving the Wrong Problem? I will share three insights about problems that will help you gain a better perspective on how to approach problems and what you can learn from them.

I’d like to invite you to tune in to the show today at 2 p.m. ET. Simply follow this link to listen in

If you miss the show, that’s OK, simply use the same link to listen to the show on demand. I’d also appreciate you telling a friend and sharing the link. Would you like to call in during the show? Call 347.843.4719.


© 2012 Doug Dickerson

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