Leadership Minute: Reign in Your Ego


You need enough ego to believe you matter but not so much that you ignore others. –Dan Rockwell

One of the dangers of your leadership is that of an over-inflated ego. If not careful, leaders who achieve a certain level of success can make the mistake of believing that everything revolves around them. The danger worsens when you believe you matter more than you do and by ignoring others in the process.  While it’s good to believe in yourself you should not be writing your own biased headlines. Strive to make a difference and be grateful for your success. Your accomplishments matter but not nearly as much as the people around you. Don’t let your ego be the stumbling block as it relates to your growth as a leader. Remember, it’s not about you. You will keep your ego in check when you seek to elevate those around you and serve with humility.

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