Leadership Minute: Make The Connection


If you’re talking with your head, you’re going to speak to their heads. If you’re talking with your heart, you’re going to reach their hearts. If you talk with your life, you’re going to reach their lives. – Italo Magni

In many ways leadership is about making connections. It comes with the territory. But the depth of your connections is up to you. When you seek to only connect with others from an intellectual standpoint then your impact will be nominal. When you go a little deeper and lead with your heart then you can make a difference. Certainly your influence is increased. But when you lead with your life and connect on that more intimate level you can change the world. Do you desire to be a world-changing leader? Make the investment to lead with your life and then everything else will fall into place.  It will not be easy and will require much from you. But it’s worth it. Make the connection.

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100 Books for 100 Teachers


Front Cover_Leaders Without Borders

Over the past few years I’ve had the joy of going into many schools thanks to the generosity of individuals and businesses that have partnered with us to give copies of my book to teachers. Our teachers are the heroes of the classroom and our communities and our way to thanking them is by gifting them with copies my leadership book.

I am using my “Leadership Minute” space today to ask you for your help. My goal is to gift 100 books to 100 teachers in the coming days and I am asking for your help. If you would like to help me honor our teachers, perhaps in a small way to say thank you for the teachers who helped shape your life, then I’d like to hear from you. If you have been inspired, encouraged or motivated by the “Leadership Minute” then would you consider helping us in this worthy cause?

Here’s the challenge: Go to my website, www.dougsmanagementmoment.blogspot.com, and order one or more books for this challenge. As a thank you when you place your order I will email you a free PDF version of the book!

With your generosity and help I know that we can not only reach this goal but I am confident we can exceed it. The more books gifted the more teachers we can impact!  At just $10 a copy this is simply a small investment to say thank you for all that our teachers do. Thank you for your generosity!



* You can read more by clicking on the “Leadership in Education” tab at the top of the page. Again, thank you for your help today!

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Leadership Minute: Prepare Your Victory Speech


I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the underdog, I still prepare a victory speech. – H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Your expectations as a leader are very important. They are reflective of your attitude which is a strong indicator of your mindset. When you have high expectations about your tasks at hand and the future you are working toward it sets you up for success. We all face obstacles and the path is not always smooth. Sometimes you may even be the underdog. But when you choose to embrace a positive attitude over a negative attitude you are more inclined to come out ahead. Control your thoughts and you control your attitude. Control your attitude and you control your destiny. Have you prepared your victory speech?

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Leadership Minute: At Ease


Try to be like the turtle- at ease in your own shell. – Bill Copeland

If not careful leaders can find the demands and expectations of leading to be a daunting challenge.  The constant barrage of requests for time, critical decisions that must be made, and bouncing from one meeting to the next – it can all be a bit overwhelming. But when you learn to be comfortable in your own skin that’s where the much needed separation takes place. As you embrace the confidence you have in your abilities and when you set the pace for those around you it can generate the calming effect that others around you need. Are you comfortable in your own skin?

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Leadership Minute: Believe in Yourself


Belief in yourself comes from a positive attitude that sees life as worth living and that you have a wonderful part to play in it. – John Patrick Hickey

This is a life truth as much as it is a leadership truth. How you see yourself is important. While it’s true that your worth is not defined by others you can be your own worst enemy if your perceptions of your value are low. You are not here by chance or by accident. You are a person of value whose life has meaning. When you live your life in a way that reflects your worth and it’s aligned with a positive self-image your value as a leader multiplies. When you believe in yourself and the reason why you are here you will leave the world a better place.

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Three Ways to Map Your Future


Each man should frame life so that at some future hour fact and his dreaming meet. – Victor Hugo

A story is told of an old map on display in the British Museum in London. It’s an old mariner’s chart, drawn in 1525, outlining the North American coastline and adjacent waters. The cartographer made some intriguing notations on areas of the map that represented regions not yet explored.

He wrote: “Here be giants,” “Here be fiery scorpions,” and “Here be dragons.” Eventually, the map came into the possession of Sir John Franklin, a British explorer in the early 1800’s. Scratching out the fearful inscriptions, he wrote these words across the map; “Here be God.”

Your rise as a leader is marked by a future you choose for yourself. Although it’s not a guarantee, you can take great strides to attaining it through big dreams, hard work, and a willingness to pay the price to achieve it. From the old mariner’s chart come three leadership lessons for your consideration as you map your future as a leader.

A future with a clean slate.

Regardless of how others may have labeled you in the past your future is yours to write. Have you made mistakes in the past? Have you been unfairly criticized? Have others tried to marginalize you or overlooked your potential? Well, let me encourage you to know that who you are today and where you are headed as a leader is not decided by what others think or believe but in the way you now choose to behave. It’s decided by the truth you choose to believe and accept about who you are now. Ignore the labels and refuse to be defined by your past. You have a clean slate with which to work. Now is your time to chart a new course.

A future with fresh thinking.

By embracing your future and working with a clean slate you can now go to work with fresh thinking that can propel you to a new level. Are you comfortable enough in your own skin to be made uncomfortable with new ideas? When you map your future you must do so with new and improved ways of thinking. Throw off the shackles of old thinking and stale ways of doing things. It won’t happen by chance. Moving forward with new disciplines will require an open mind and right attitudes. Fresh thinking deserves a chance but it will only work when you cross out the old inscriptions of the past and chart a new future.

A future with unlimited potential.

Mapping out your future has little to do with past labels. It has everything to do with what you believe about yourself, how you choose to act upon that belief, and what actions you are willing to take to go there. In as much as you don’t have to be defined by your past, only you can choose your future. You have all the makings of a strong leader when you believe the truth of today over the definitions of yesterday. Embrace your potential.  What goals or dreams do you need to resurrect and dust off? What past inscription do you need to cross out? It’s time for a new entry on the map of your future and it needs to be the one you write. Dare to believe that you have unlimited potential and a future full of possibilities. Just remember, those who have tried to contain you in your past won’t be part of your success in the future. Your story is yours for the making. Dream big. Work hard. Don’t look back.

© 2014 Doug Dickerson
I invite your feedback! 

1. Which point hit home with you the most?

2. What are some tangible ways one can cross out the impressions of others in the past so that you can move forward with your future?

3. What goals and dreams are you inspired to pursue with a renewed passion?

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Leadesrhip Development: If Not Now; When?


Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better – Bill Bradley

In a column for the Harvard Business Review Blog Network, (http://bit.ly/UDGyUE) Jack Zenger unveiled a startling and troubling fact; we wait too long to train leaders. Citing research from his consulting agency he revealed that in their database of some 17,000 worldwide leaders participating in their training programs, the average age for first time leadership training was 42. More than half were between 36 and 49. Less than 10% were under 30; less than 5% were under 27.

The results also pointed to another disturbing fact; the average age of supervisors in those firms was 33. The typical individual in those companies became a supervisor around age 30 and remained in the role for nine years. The result? Most of these individuals are not getting any leadership training at all as supervisors. They are operating the company untrained, on average, for over a decade.

That so many individuals are entering the workforce and advancing into positions of leadership with little or no leadership development is a frightening prospect. While a person may possess the management skills necessary to perform the duties of his or her work without proper personal leadership development it is not wise. The equivalent is teaching a person to swim by throwing them into the deep end of the swimming pool. While most survive; it’s ugly to watch.

While few in the corporate world would argue against the need for leadership development, its placement on the list of budgeting priorities suggests that it can wait. But can a company really afford to put forth supervisors and aspiring executives into positions of responsibility without the necessary leadership tools in hand? Personal leadership development is simply not something you should postpone. Here are three reasons why you should not delay.

Leadership development completes the learning process. It is good that executives and supervisors come to you trained to execute the mechanics of business but without the leadership skill sets in place it creates a negative drag. Leadership development is not about perfecting the craft of operating the business; it is about developing your people to be their best as leaders who operate the business. When you commit to the personal success of your people you make an investment in your business success.

Leadership development stabilizes the working environment. Strong leadership creates stability within your organization. A manager with strong leadership skills can resolve potentially negative situations much easier than one without them. In addition, they are the influencers who are passionate about taking everyone around them to a higher level. They give your company the competitive edge you desire. The long term benefits to your company filled with executives and managers with strong personal leadership skills are invaluable.

Leadership development positions you for the future. The future success of your business depends on many factors aligning correctly. Developing better employees begins by developing better leaders. Your long term success in business is contingent upon it. Employees who have developed as leaders are focused on personal growth, performance, effectiveness, solutions, and the future, etc. They are not mired down in the minutia of title, rank, and procedure. They desire to be productive and with the right leadership development they will.

Leadership development; if not now, when?


© 2013 Doug Dickerson

Visit Doug’s website at www.dougsmanagementmoment.blogspot.com

Follow Doug at www.twitter.com/managemntmoment

*This column originally appeared in the International Business Times http://bit.ly/UbuhZk



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