Not More Life As Usual

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Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start. – Nido Qubein

Some years back, I read an account of the U.S. standard railroad gauge (distance between rails) and how it came to be set at 4 ft., 8 and one-half inches. 

Why was it set at such an odd number? The reason? Because that’s the way they built them in England, and American railroads were built by British expatriates. 

But why did the English adopt that particular gauge? Because the people who built the pre-railroad tramways used that gauge.

They in turn were locked into that guage because the people who built tramways used the same standards and tools they had used for building wagons, which were set on gauge of 4 feet, 8 and one-half inches.

Why were the wagons built to that scale? Because with any other size, the wheels did not match the old wheel ruts on the road. 

So who built the old rutted roads? The first long-distance highways in Europe were built by Imperial Rome for the benefit of their legions. The roads have been in use ever since. Roman war chariots first made the ruts. Four feet, eight-and-one-half inches was the width a chariot needed to be to accommodate the rear ends of two war horses.

The account of the railroad system is emblematic of the way many people go about accepting and living their lives.

Many people find themselves living their lives according to the “standard gauge” that others have placed upon them. Breaking free from this entrapment of low expectations is nothing more than a pipe dream filled with “one of these days” thinking that slowly turns into faded memories of what could have been.

As you read this, reflect briefly on why you do what you do. Think of the patterns and routines in your life. Are you in the driver’s seat as it pertains to your goals, dreams, and aspirations? What gets you up early in the morning and keeps you up late at night? What are you pursuing in life that you are passionate about? And, are you moving in the direction of those passions?

I know that “standard gauge” thinking – accepting things because “it’s always been this way”-  is the greatest obstacle standing in the way of where your heart, passion, and talents could otherwise take you. It’s what kills your dreams and causes you to:

  • Embrace the status quo
  • Believe that success is out of your reach
  • Believe that you are trapped where you are
  • Believe that others are more deserving of success than you

Zig Ziglar said, “If you don’t see yourself as a winner, then you cannot perform as a winner.” And this is my challenge for you:

  • Don’t allow the “standard gauge” of others to define who God has created you to be and to become. 
  • Don’t allow your negative self-talk to defeat you
  • Don’t be afraid to take risks, fail, and try again!

My prayer for you in 2024 is that you will:

  •  Deepen your perspective of who you are and why you were created (your spiritual life which grounds you)
  • Align yourself with like-minded people who share your values (this is your tribe who you share life with)

Welcome to 2024! May it be your best yet!

©2024 Doug Dickerson

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Don’t Give Up On Your Dreams

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The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it. – Henry David Thoreau

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, so says the song. Speaking of Christmas songs, which one is your favorite? 

Not long ago, I came across an article in Readers Digest that gave the backstories of some of the most popular Christmas songs. As a fan of backstories, it caught my attention. I’d like to share one of them with you.

The year was 1944, and songwriter Hugh Martin was fooling around with a little medley, but it wasn’t working. “So he played with it for two or three days and then threw it in the wastebasket,” his songwriting partner Blaine told NPR in 1989. Blaine made him get it out of the trash. And it’s a good thing, the song ended up being “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas.” 

Martin was writing the song for the film Meet Me In St. Louis. Supposedly, the song was a bit too melancholy for Judy Garland’s character in the movie, so Martin and Blaine rewrote the lyrics to be cheerier. “The film producers said, ‘It’s a sad scene, but we want a sort of upbeat song, which will make it even sadder if she’s smiling through her tears,” Martin said. “Then we wrote the one you know in the movie.” The song was a hit and has since been remade by many artists.

When reading a backstory like that one, I can’t help but wonder how many other Hugh Martins are out there – those who have – for whatever reason, have tossed their dream in the proverbial wastebasket. How many have chosen to give up in the face of opposition? How many have succumbed to discouragement to the point of giving up? 

It was Thomas Edison who said, “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Truer words have never been spoken.

But did you also know that Edison faced tragedy of epic proportions when his lab was destroyed by fire? In the aftermath of that fire, Edison said, “Thank goodness all of our mistakes are burned up. Now we can start fresh again.” And this is the posture of a man who would not be held back.

As you spend time reflecting during this Christmas season and as the year comes to a close, I want to challenge you to think about your blessings rather than your troubles. Try meditating on the good that’s come your way and the good you can do.It’s all too easy to see the bad taking place in the world, but what you dwell on is a choice and that choice shapes your point of view. Click To Tweet

Let me close by reminding you of the lyrics of “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”:


Have yourself a merry little Christmas

Let your heart be light

Next year all our troubles will be out of sight

Have yourself a merry little Christmas

Make the Yuletide gay

Next year all our troubles will be miles away

Once again, as in olden days

Happy golden days of yore

Faithful friends who are dear to us

Will be near to us once more

Someday soon we all will be together

If the fates allow

Until then, we’ll have to muddle through somehow

So have yourself a merry little Christmas now

I encourage you to discover the hope of the season, and the dreams in your heart, and to know that nothing is out of your reach so long as you have faith. 

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


©2023 Doug Dickerson

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The Problem With Good Intentions

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Everything worthwhile is uphill. – John Maxwell

After 36 years of marriage, I’ve learned a thing or two about good intentions. Most of them the hard way.

I recall the time when I was using the mixer to make some cookies. This was early on in our marriage. Up to that point, I had used it numerous times without incident. On this particular occasion, however, things went sideways and I managed to burn it up.

When Christmas came around a few months later and feeling remorse for what I had done with the decommissioned mixer, I made the decision to purchase a new one for her. Now, keep in mind, that this was just one of the many presents that I gave her. Surely, my wife would appreciate a new one, I reasoned.

I was wrong.

Her appreciation for receiving a new mixer did not match my good intentions of giving it to her. Needless to say, in the years since that incident, never has appliances been associated with Christmas. 

Good intentions – while good, are never enough. Hang around in leadership long enough and you will learn this. Here’s what I know about good intentions:

  • Good intentions reflect a dream or desire for something better
  • Good intentions reflect that you have ambition
  • Good intentions reflect that you care and are invested on some level

But my good intentions and yours are never enough.

John Maxwell said, “One of the greatest gaps in life is between sounding good and doing good. We are ultimately measured by what we do and how our actions shape the world around us. Without results, all the best intentions in the world are just a way of deluding ourselves.” And this is a gap in your leadership that needs to be bridged.

The key to moving from good intentions to action and results is found in self-discipline. It’s not what you start, plot, or plan, but what you get done.

Think for a moment about what your life – both personally and professionally, would look like if you moved from good intentions to actions and results. Consider the following:

  • What would your relationships look like?
  • What would your finances look like?
  • What would your career look like?
  • What would your faith look like?
  • What impact can you envision making on the world?
  • What would you attempt to accomplish if you had the discipline to move from good intentions to action?
While it’s true that everything worthwhile is uphill, that should not stop you. It should challenge and inspire you. Click To Tweet

The late Zig Ziglar said, “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.” And this is your leadership challenge- to start!

So let me ask you, what’s holding you back from taking action? Is it a fear of failure? Is it a fear of what others might say or think? Is it a lack of confidence in your own ability? Whatever it may be, let me be the first to encourage you to set those fears aside and simply start. 

Final Thoughts

My wife and I are able to now look back and laugh about her getting the mixer for Christmas. But it was a lesson learned that helped me realize that despite my good intentions at the time, I could have at least waited until Valentine’s Day to give it to her.


©2023 Doug Dickerson

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High Stakes Growth

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Those at the top of the mountain didn’t fall there. – Marcus Washling

I read a story about an animal trainer for Hollywood movies who was once asked how he could stake down a full-grown elephant with the same size stake used for a baby elephant. “It’s easy,” replied the trainer, “When they are babies, we stake them down. They try to tug away from the stake maybe ten thousand times before they realize that they can’t get away. At that point, their ‘elephant memory’ takes over and they remember for the rest of their lives that they can’t get away from the stake.”

When it comes to your personal growth and development as a leader, you must be fully aware of your surroundings and the stakes that would hold you back and prevent your growth. Nido Qubein put it this way, “ Whether you are a success or a failure in life has little to do with your circumstances; it has much to do with your choices.” Your choices will make or break you as a leader. 

When it comes to your own personal growth and development, you must make wise choices about the stakes that could hold you back. What are they? Let’s explore a few together.

The stake of what other people think

How far you can go, how high you can climb, and what you can achieve are not determined by the limitations that others may try and place on you. Don’t allow the negative things others say to become a stake that prevents you from achieving your goals. It’s not what others say but what you believe that matters.

The stake of failure

John Maxwell said, “The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure.” How you respond to failure will either be a stake in the ground that holds you back or a stepping stone to a brighter future because you dared to believe that your failure wasn’t fatal or final but an opportunity for growth.

The stake of your comfort zone

Comfort zones tend to lull you into playing it safe. This stake is perhaps the most dangerous stake because of the false sense of security it gives you. It causes you to embrace your worst fears rather than embrace your greatest strengths. It turns you into a spectator of others’ achievements while making you settle for less than you are capable of achieving.

The stake of comparing yourself to others

One of the most negative things that you can do on your personal growth journey is to compare yourself to others. It’s a distraction at best. You can look at what someone else is doing and achieving and talk yourself into believing you can never succeed on their level. You can compare yourself to another and think you are so much better. Either way, it’s unhealthy. Run your race with all your strength, stay in your lane, and not worry about the person next to you.  

The stake of no discipline

Bruce Springsteen said, “A time comes when you need to stop waiting for the man you want to become and start being the man you want to be.” If you have a desire to grow and develop as a leader then it’s up to you to uproot the stake of an undisciplined life and take intentional steps that will move you from where you are to where you want to be. Wishful thinking will not suffice. 

Final Thoughts

You will never achieve all that you are capable of achieving unless and until you believe that the stakes that are holding you back are not worth comparing to the rewards that await you when you believe that you can achieve anything you set your mind to.


©2023 Doug Dickerson

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Check These Boxes For Effective Change

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Whether you are a success or failure in life has little to do with your circumstances; it has much more to do with your choices. – Nido Qubein

How adaptive to change are you? Are you an early adapter or a reluctant embracer of change? What is your initial response to the word change? What emotion does it invoke when you hear the word? Do you naturally resist change?

In his book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, John Maxwell shares the following story about a lonely woman who purchased a parrot from a pet store:

After only one day of having it, she returned to the store and told the storekeeper how disappointed she was with it. “That parrot hasn’t said a word yet!” she lamented.

“Does it have a mirror?” asked the storekeeper. “Parrots like to be able to look at themselves in the mirror.” So the lady bought a mirror and returned home.

The next day she was back again, reporting that the bird still wasn’t speaking. “What about a ladder?” the storekeeper asked. “Parrots enjoy walking up and down a ladder.” So the parrot owner bought a ladder and returned home.

On the third day, she was back again with the same complaint. “Does the parrot have a swing?” was the shopkeeper’s solution. “Birds enjoy relaxing on a swing.” She bought the swing and went home.

The next day she returned to the store and announced that the bird had died. “I’m terribly sorry to hear that,” said the storekeeper. “Did the bird ever say anything before it died?”

“Yes,” said the lady. “It said, ‘Don’t they sell any food down there?’”

What’s the moral of this silly story? Change for the sake of change isn’t going to help you. If you are going to make changes, you must make sure they’re the right ones.

This humorous story illustrates that while we can be busy making changes in hopes of a different outcome, change for the sake of change does not guarantee it. 

Wiring in Management Journey, Robert Tanner states, “The truth is that human beings do not naturally resist change. We accept changes to our lives all the time, especially when we like the change that others present to us. We will change if we believe the change will be beneficial to us.” And this is a challenge for many leaders. How well do you communicate the benefits of change in a way that people will step out of their comfort zones and embrace it?

We resist change for the obvious reasons:

  • Fear of the unknown
  • Loss of control
  • Lack of clarity or understanding of why the change is beneficial

Or it could simply come down to what my good friend Jeff Turner says, “I’m pretty stubborn”, which is reflective of how many of us feel about change at times. We just don’t want to go there. 

If you are a leader about to implement change in any capacity, make sure you have checked these boxes before proceeding.

This change is the right change and comes at the right time

Nothing could be worse than making the right change at the wrong time. Make sure that the change is right and your timing is right. If not, you are about to navigate some rough times.

This change reflects a consensus of your key people

Making change without the input and counsel of your key people can cause great damage. The people most impacted by a major change should be seated at the table during discussions prior to the change being implemented.

This change aligns with your values

When implementing any change within your organization, make sure that it does not in any way conflict with your core values. Any change being considered or implemented should be a compliment to your values, not an obstruction to them.

This change is worth defending

When all is said and done, any change worth implementing in your organization must be one worth defending with integrity. If you can’t defend it, don’t implement it.

This change will stretch us

As is the case oftentimes, change will stretch you as a leader and it will stretch your team. Growth tends to do that. It will move you out of your comfort zone, cause you to look at your challenges in a different light, and grow you beyond what you previously thought possible.

Final Thoughts

Not all change is good. Not all is bad. How it works for you is the result of the choices you make along the way.


©2023 Doug Dickerson

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How Pain Shapes You As a Leader

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Success in life comes not from holding a good hand, but in playing a poor hand well. – Warren G. Lester

When it comes to the painful experiences of life, I’ve never seen anyone volunteering or signing up to go through a painful experience. Have you?

But all of us have either been touched by a painful life experience or know someone who has. Life brings the sting of pain, such as (and many more):

  • The pain of a divorce
  • The pain of the death of a friend or loved one
  • The pain of a lost job
  • The pain of financial hardships
  • The pain of poor health
  • The pain change
  • The pain of caring for aging parents
  • The pain of depression

Life is full of painful experiences. And sooner or later, we all deal with those painful events. As a leader, you are not exempt.

I will never forget the painful event of losing my mother at the height of the COVID pandemic (but not due to COVID). It was one of the most painful life experiences that I had to deal with. She lived out of state and traveling back and forth was a challenge as well as being around her.

Doug with his mom.

To make matters worse, when she did pass away, we were unable to have a funeral for her as it was at the height of the pandemic and social distancing protocols simply prevented it. Not being able to have her many friends and family gather to celebrate her life was painful and disappointing.

Virginia Satir said, “Life is not the way it’s supposed to be. It’s the way it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.” And this is especially true in the way you deal with painful life experiences as well as in your leadership. 

I’m a firm believer that life experiences – especially the bad ones, are teachers or guides that help us become better. How can we make sure that the experiences of life make us better and not bitter? Here are a few tips from a fellow friend on the journey with you.

Acknowledge your pain

As a leader, you are not exempt from painful life experiences. We are all touched by them. By acknowledging your pain you are simply stating the obvious that you are human like everyone else and you are not exempt from the pains and sorrows of life. 

Leadership Lesson: Pain shapes you to be a vulnerable leader.

Embrace your pain

The painful experiences of life are not meant to be bottled up. Life’s pains and traumas don’t go away by themselves. They won’t go away by ignoring them. On your leadership journey, you will deal with your own personal points of pain as well as share in the painful life events of those around you. The sooner you acknowledge and address your pain the sooner you will move to a place of healing.

Leadership Lesson: Pain shapes you to be a compassionate leader.

Adjust to your pain

What I am not advocating here is a surrender to the inevitability of continuous painful life experiences. Realistically, they are seasons we go through. I am, however, advocating for you to choose how you will face those experiences and the attitude by which you deal with them. 

We don’t always choose the experiences that we face in life, but we do choose our attitudes toward them. And to be sure, sometimes it’s not the size of the problem or the depth of the pain, but its duration that wears us down. Making the right adjustments – especially with regard to your attitude will allow you to navigate them with a clear mind and heart.

Leadership Lesson: Pain shapes you to be a resilient leader.

Emerge from your pain

Painful life experiences, while difficult and challenging at the time, in due time do pass. And to be sure, the pain is real, the scars hurt, and memories of what was will linger with us. But you can emerge from that season stronger and healthier in the end.

Max Lucado said, “A season of suffering is a small assignment when compared to the reward. Rather than begrudge your problem, explore it. Ponder it. And most of all, use it. Use it to the glory of God.” And this is the goal when emerging from life’s painful events.

Leadership Lesson: Pain shapes you to be a victorious leader.

Final Thoughts

I don’t know the season you face in your leadership right now. But I do believe that the pain you are walking through right now is going to serve a greater purpose in the end when you use it for the glory of God.


 ©2023 Doug Dickerson

Please be sure to visit and subscribe to my YouTube Channel for more leadership content. Click here to visit my YouTube page.

Resources: Books I’d like to recommend to you as a supplement to this new column.

All of these books can be ordered from Amazon.

  1. Forgiving What You Can’t Forget: Discover How to Move on, Make Peace with Painful Memories, and Create a Life That’s Beautiful Again  By Lysa TerKeust


2. Out of the Cave: Stepping Into the Light When Depression Darkens What You See by Chris Hodges

3. Winning the War in Your Mind: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life by Craig Groeschel



4. Anxious For Nothing: Finding Calm in Chaos by Max Lucado

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Do You Have a Winning Attitude?

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Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude. – Zig Ziglar

I read a story once by Michael Hodgin about two Kentucky racing stable owners who had developed a rivalry.

Each spring they both entered a horse in a local steeplechase. One of them thought that having a professional rider might give his horse an edge in the race, so he hired a hotshot jockey.

Well, the day of the race finally came, and as usual, their horses were leading the race right down to the last fence. But the final fence was too much for both of the horses. Both of them fell, and both riders were thrown. But that didn’t stop the professional jockey. He remounted and easily won the race.

When he got back to the stable, he found the horse owner fuming with rage. The jockey really didn’t understand the owner’s behavior, because he won the race. So the jockey asked, “What’s the matter with you? I won the race, didn’t I?” 

The red-faced owner nodded, “Oh yes, you won the race. But you won it on the wrong horse!”

The determination of the jockey is admirable despite the fact that he made that critical mistake. 

In leadership, you will be challenged regularly with your attitude. It comes with the territory. Sometimes the attitude challenges that we face are the result of our own poor choices. At other times, our attitude is challenged by outside forces that we have no control over.

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In the book, Winning The War in Your Mind, Craig Groescel writes:

“Our lives are always moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts. What we think shapes who we are.”

And this is precisely why our attitudes matter. Our thoughts and attitudes are moving us in a certain direction. The question is: Are you headed in the right direction?

Poor attitude choices can be a detriment to your leadership. Your attitude is basically the thermostat by which your team members adjust. Click To TweetWhen you are upbeat and positive, that tends to be the attitude that others embrace. The same holds true if it’s negative. So, as a leader, what posture should you take with your attitude? Here are a few simple approaches worth consideration.

Guard your thoughts

This first piece of advice is all about your discipline as a leader. It’s a profoundly simple piece of advice. And it’s a profoundly difficult discipline to master.  But much is riding on the outcome.

I would like for you to think of guarding your thoughts not from a defensive posture, which we’ve all been accustomed to, but from a proactive posture.

When it comes to guarding our thoughts, what does a proactive posture look like? Here are a few examples:

  • Practice gratitude and random acts of kindness
  • Prayer or meditation
  • Volunteer/ serve others
  • Exercise/walks 

When your thoughts and actions are others-centered and when you are intentional about what you choose to watch and listen to, then you are in a proactive way guarding your thoughts. You have less time to be self-absorbed and more time to focus on others.

Guard your company

We don’t always control what happens to us, but we do control how we will respond. This is crucial to understand. 

When you are proactive about guarding your mind in the ways that I have already outlined, the next thing you need to do is guard your company. Here’s a truth you must embrace: Not everyone belongs in your circle. 

As a leader, you will have many interactions with people within your organization and without. These are generally tied to your specific duties as a leader. 

But when it comes to your inner circle- the people closest to you by choice- you must guard your company. To be clear, I am not advocating being a snob. I am, however, saying that in order to protect and guard your attitude, you can’t allow others with poor attitudes in your inner circle who could potentially drag you down. Your winning attitude is too valuable and must be protected.

Final Thoughts

Possessing a winning attitude takes work, discipline, and determination. It is incumbent upon you to be proactive and wise in your choices. A winning attitude is attainable but you must guard your thoughts and guard your company in order to maintain it.


©2023 Doug Dickerson


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The Amazing Power of a Thank You

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No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. – Taylor Swift

As the father of two now grown and married daughters, I am a Swiftie dad. All through their teenage years our home was filled with the vibes of Taylor Swift.

It was only fitting that they traveled from South Carolina down to Tampa to see her on her Eras Concert tour. I was glad that they finally got to see her in person. It was the ultimate bucket list concert for them.

Her remarkable success speaks for itself. But what truly sets her apart is her tremendous generosity. It was reported in Forbes that she gave out bonuses totaling more than $55 million to her dancers, riggers, sound technicians, catering, and truck drivers. Multiple sources reported that she gave $100,000 bonuses to each of the 50 truck drivers on her tour.

But as impressive (and deserving) as the bonuses were, what I find most impressive is that Swift has held steadfast to the lost and dying art of handwritten notes. In fact, Swift is a prolific note-writer. 

A copy of one of the hand-written notes to a truck driver was made public in which she expressed her thanks for their hard work.

Credit: Google Images

Swift has been widely known to send these hand-written notes to friends and fans alike. This makes me wonder, could there be one for this Swiftie dad and his daughters?

In life as in your leadership, expressions of gratitude and thanks are very important. 

In fact, survey results published at BlueBoard reported that 2 in 3 (67%) of employed Americans don’t always feel appreciated for their contributions at work. In addition, nearly half (42%) of respondents feel their company lacks a strong culture of appreciation.

In light of this, what does this mean for you as a leader and for your organization to build a culture of appreciation and gratitude? Here are a few thoughts to consider.

Gratitude and appreciation are the foundation of your employee engagement

Much has been said and written here and elsewhere about employee engagement over the years. But little has been said about gratitude and appreciation being the foundation upon which it’s all built and sustained. It’s time we acknowledge it.

Building a culture of appreciation and gratitude begins with those in leadership. Some might be dismissive of this idea as simply being too much of a “soft skill” idea when in reality, it’s needed more now than ever. People will have buy-in with what they help create and when they are appreciated for their efforts and sacrifices.

Gratitude and appreciation are the future of your leadership

The future of your leadership and that of your organization hinges on your understanding of what it means to create and sustain a culture of appreciation.

In the BlueBoard survey, they also reported that a lack of employee appreciation can:

  • Cause employee disengagement
  • Impact your employees’ sense of belonging
  • Erode employee confidence
  • Trigger job insecurity and anxiety in your workplace

If you want a strong culture of appreciation, strong morale, etc., then you begin with an understanding of the power of ‘thank you’. At every opportunity, make it a practice to show your appreciation and gratitude to those around you. It means more to them than you can imagine. Click To Tweet

As for helping this dad with two daughters, I’d like to express my sincere appreciation to Taylor Swift for making our home a happier place during those middle and high school years. From the boyfriends and the proverbial broken hearts and proms, and eventually on to their weddings, Taylor’s music has been there. Now they are raising up little Swifties of their own. 

Thank you, Taylor, for accompanying us on the journey!


©2023 Doug Dickerson

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Walking in the Shoes of the People You Lead

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Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. – John F. Kennedy

Hopefully, you didn’t miss the recent story about Lufthansa CEO Jens Ritter. He took to LinkedIn to share his experience by stepping into the role as an additional crew member on a flight from Frankfurt, Germany to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Ritter, a former pilot himself, joined the crew in serving the passengers aboard the flight. In his post, he said, “Sometimes, you need to change perspectives in order to gain new insights,” he wrote on LinkedIn about his experience. He added, “It was so interesting to address the guests’ wishes individually, to deal with the different energy everyone has.” he said.

Ritter’s example serves as a great lesson for all leaders. It’s one thing to make decisions in your office that will have an impact on your people, but it’s another to walk in their shoes and see for yourself the impact of those decisions. Ritter added, “Deciding things in the office will be different after really feeling the decisions on board.” This is the genius behind what he did and why it’s worth modeling.

As a leader, you make decisions that have consequences beyond the confines of your office. Understanding the impact and consequences of those decisions should never be lost on you. So, what is a leader to do? Let’s start with some basics.

Don’t confuse what’s best for the bottom line with what’s best for your people

As a leader, you have to look out for both. It’s your responsibility to understand the difference between the monetary cost and the morale cost. You can’t win the monetary cost by sacrificing the morale cost. If you lose the morale cost, you will almost inevitably lose the money cost. Click To Tweet

Jens Ritter working with the crew on a Lufthansa flight.
Credit: Jens Ritter via LinkedIn

By placing himself firmly in the shoes of the people impacted by his decisions, Ritter gained a greater appreciation for the impact of his decisions. If you want to be an effective leader, you’ll need to learn to do the same thing.

Your relevance as a leader is proportional to the relationships you build

John Maxwell was right when he said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” And this will always be the secret sauce of your leadership. When you learn the value of relationships as a leader it’s transformative. 

You can be a leader by default because you have a title or you can be a leader by inspiration because you have the hearts of your people. I’ll go out on a limb here and say Ritter is an inspirational leader because he understood the value of walking in the shoes of his people. I can assure you that his fellow crew members will never forget the day when their CEO walked in their shoes. If you want to be an effective leader, you’ll need to learn to do the same thing.

You must choose between making a good impression or making a great impact

In leadership, it comes down to this choice you will need to make. Do you want to impress people or do you want to impact people? Far too many are satisfied with simply making a good impression. 

Howard Henricks stated, “You can impress people from a distance, but you can only impact up close.” And this is your choice as a leader. Ritter could have stayed in his office and in some small way impressed his people. But up close he impacted them and learned some valuable lessons along the way.

If you want to be an effective leader, you will have to decide whether you want to impress your people or impact them. One choice requires nothing from you while the other will move you from a place of superficiality to significance.

Final Thoughts

Walking in the shoes of your people is one of the greatest and most appreciated things you can do as a leader. It keeps you grounded, relevant, and informed. The greater the distance between you and your people, the greater the gaps are in your leadership. If you haven’t done so lately, take a walk in the shoes of the people you lead.


©2023 Doug Dickerson


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Pace Setting Leadership

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The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang. – Mary Kay Ash

Being from the South, one might draw the conclusion that I am a NASCAR fan. And while on numerous occasions, I have watched races on TV, I’m not really that into it. For me, watching a race has primarily served the purpose of inducing a nap on Sunday afternoons. However, I must say that the last 20-30 laps are the most fun to watch.

In the limited amount of knowledge that I have pertaining to NASCAR, I do understand that the Pace car serves an important purpose.

Before a race begins, the pace car serves an important function in keeping the field safe and in the proper position. The pace car will pull out in front of the field and remain at a constant speed. The drivers are required to stay behind the pace car. During caution periods, the pace car leads the pack at a lower speed, and drivers are not allowed to pass, maintaining field positions.

As a leader, you are essentially a pacesetter in your organization. Your pace for the most part will determine the pace of your people. Being a pacesetter in leadership comes with many responsibilities as all eyes are on you.

While setting an example for setting the pace is important, knowing what is transferable and what’s not is critical. Let me break it down for you.

Setting your pace personally

As a leader, the focus of your personal pace is set primarily on your personal growth. Your personal pace impacts your professional pace, and for each person, it looks different.

Components of your personal pace are those intentional things that you do daily that help you grow and develop as a leader. This is your personal growth plan. This would include but not be limited to goal setting, reading habits, exercise, health, spiritual growth, emotional well-being, etc.

It’s as you are intentionally focused on these areas of your life, you set the pace for this development. You move as fast or as slow as you choose in the areas that you are working to improve.

Essential to the success of your personal pace is found in your daily routine. Without consistency and intentionality, your growth will be hit-and-miss at best. The pace of your growth as a leader is not accidental. But once it’s set, you can grow and be an example that others will look to and be inspired by.

Your personal leadership pace is transferable to the next level.

Setting your pace professionally

As a leader, the pace you set is a reflection of your personal pace. Barbara Corcoran observed, “People imitate their leader. Lead by example.” And this is the ultimate challenge of setting the pace as a leader.

Think about leaders in your own life whom you have admired or desired in some way to emulate. In college, for me, it was Dr. Tom Wilson. His pace was steady, he exuded confidence, and he could convince us that if we were charging hell with squirt guns, we’d win. A retired Army officer, Dr. Wilson was a wonderful model of leadership for me.

In my post-college years, many have inspired me, but none have had an enduring and lasting impact on my life like John Maxwell. I began reading his work around 1992 and haven’t looked back. His example and impact on my life have been profound.

Your pace professionally is set by your daily habits and disciplines. The expectation that you have for your people is the example that you must set. Click To Tweet

While it’s a given that on many levels and in various ways, you will out-pace your people, it should never be said that your people out-paced you. 

Final Thoughts

Stephen Covey observed, “ Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment.” And this is the secret to setting the pace with your leadership. Your pace a year from now will look much different than it does today. But today is the day you begin.


©2023 Doug Dickerson


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