Discovering Your ‘One Thing’: Why Passion Matters to You as a Leader

Embracing the challenge of personal leadership is the beginning of expanding your sphere of influence as a leader. Whether you are the CEO of your business or serve elsewhere in the organizational structure, one thing is for sure: the boundaries of your leadership are limitless if you are devoted to developing your personal leadership skills.

In his book, Halftime: Change Your Game Plan from Success to Significance, Bob Buford writes, Most people never discover their one thing.’ But part of what is so unsettling about approaching the end of the first half of our lives is that we know it’s out there somewhere.”

Finding your one thing-your passion as a leader-is life transforming. As Buford says, “It is discovering what’s true about yourself, rather than overlaying someone else’s truth on you or injecting someone else’s goals onto your personality.”

Have you discovered your one thing? Each one of us have unique gifts, talents, and God-given abilities that the world needs.

Here are three simple questions you can answer that will help bring that discovery into focus:

  • What tugs at my heart? – In leadership, what tugs are your heart is likely an area in which you are going to be effective. Your passion as a leader is developed by what moves you at your core.
  • What is my gift? – Often time what tugs at your heart is an area in which you have natural gifts and talents waiting to be used. When you discover what tugs at your heart and blend it with you gift(s) you will excel as a leader.
  • What is my purpose? – Discovering your purpose leads to a life-mission; a course of action that transcends any title or position.

Discovering your passion is essential to your leadership. It is essential to understanding why you are here. Your plan and purpose is larger than you. Find your passion – find your life’s purpose!


*This post is an excerpt from my book: Leaders Without Borders: Nine Essentials for Everyday Leaders – Chapter One: Passion

To purchase the book click on the tab “Order Doug’s books” at the top of the page.

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Leadership Minute: Bouncing Back


Do you, as a leader, bounce back quickly from setbacks? – Bob Rosen

As a leader, the question is not whether you will have setbacks, but when you do, how quickly will you bounce back? It happens to all of us and it comes with the territory. Your resilience as a leader is crucial to your success. You and I have choices to make when faced with setbacks. We can let it get us down and discourage us to the point of giving up. Or, we can get up, dust ourselves off and get moving. None of us are exempt from setbacks so you need to stop with any notions that they are not supposed to happen to you. Get over it. Bouncing back from setbacks means you were doing something worthwhile and encountered an obstacle. Don’t let it throw you off your game or keep you from reaching your goal. How long will it take you to bounce back? That is entirely up to you. But the sooner you bounce back the sooner you will reach your goal. Get moving!

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