Developing a Leadership Mindset

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“You can change your mindset” – Carol S. Dweck – Mindset, The New Psychology of Success

In her highly acclaimed and recommended book Mindset , Carol S. Dweck lays out four foundational statements to gauge whether you have a fixed-mindset or a growth mindset.

Here are the statements ( Answer T  or F to each one):

  1. Your intelligence is something very basic about you that you can’t change very much.
  2. You can learn new things, but you can’t really change how intelligent you are,
  3. No matter how much intelligence you have, you can always change it quite a bit.
  4. You can always substantially change how intelligent you are.

Statements 1 and 2 are fixed-mindset statements. Statements 3 and 4 reflect the growth mindset. “Which did you agree with more? You can be a mixture, but most people lean toward one or the other,” states Dweck.

Over the years I have come to know that leaders have a mindset that sets them up for success or failure even before that leadership journey begins. 

The mindset you embrace sets the tone for your leadership style, success, and the influence you will have. What mindsets or characteristics will hold you back? Which ones will cause you to succeed? Here are a few.

The mindset of your attitude

In leadership, your attitude is your best friend or worst enemy. It’s one of the most contagious characteristics of your leadership style. It will cause people to rally around you and your vision or it will turn them away. The attitude mindset of the leader will be the benchmark for the rest of the organization. You can’t expect the attitude of your people to be good if the one you showcase is bad. Eventually, you will have to change your attitude or your people will change their address. (I wrote about attitude in the workplace here).

What kind of attitude are you projecting? Do you only focus on the negative? Do you only see what your people are doing wrong as opposed to what they do well? How does your attitude inspire, encourage, and motivate your colleagues? Is your attitude worthy of emulating?

The mindset of your perceptions

One of the basic foundational leadership lessons I learned many years ago from John Maxwell was in how he sees other people. Maxwell said he always looked at people and saw a “10”. It was his way of helping others get in touch with their potential and set them up for growth and success. Were all of the people he labeled as a  “10” truly a 10? Of course not. But the perception he put into play was one that emphasized unlimited growth and possibility in the people he believed in–even when they may have only been a 4, 5, or a 6 in reality.

What are the perceptions of the people you lead? Do you instill confidence in your people that reflects a 10 even though they may only be a 5? If known by your people would your perceptions give them a reason to be optimistic or discouraged? What changes do you need to make in your perceptions of other people or personal changes that would cause you to be a better leader in general?

The mindset of your personal growth and development

Every successful leader I know has one thing in common- they never stop growing.The older I get the more I realize how much I don’t know which is humbling. (I wrote about the things I wish I had known years ago about leadership here). You can have a fixed-growth mindset that Dweck writes about or you can have a growth mindset that will make all the difference in the world to your leadership. The mindset you choose, feed, and nurture is the one that will win out at the end of the day.

What are you doing on a daily basis that contributes to a growth mindset? As a whole, does your organization have a fixed-mindset or a growth mindset? What fixed-growth mindsets do you struggle with the most? What changes do you need to make to develop a growth mindset?

Developing a growth centered leadership mindset is the beginning of a leadership journey that begins by believing it is possible.


© 2017 Doug Dickerson

  • I am booking leadership training events for 2017. See the tab at the top of the page for more information.


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‘Us’ vs. ‘Them’ and the 5 Questions You Need to Answer


You can observe a lot by just watching. – Yogi Berra

The story is told of a golfer who had been playing so bad that he went to see a psychiatrist who told him to relax by playing a round of golf without the ball. “Do everything you normally would do, but use an imaginary ball,” advised the psychiatrist.

The round went well and as he approached the 18th hole, he met another golfer playing the same way. They decided to play the last hole together and bet $10 on the outcome. The first golfer swung at his imaginary ball and announced that it had gone 280 yards right down the middle of the fairway. The second golfer matched his drive. The first man took out his 5-iron and after swinging at his imaginary ball, exclaimed, “Look at that shot! It went right over the pin and the reverse spin brought it right back into the hole. I win!” “No you don’t,” said the second golfer, “you hit my ball.”

Your perceptions go a long way in determining what and how you think. But can you always trust those perceptions? Sadly, and much too often, in many organizations there is the proverbial “us vs. them” mentality that exists. And too often we are more concerned about being heard than understood. So here are five questions that I believe are fitting for leaders to ask and answer. They can set you on a course of better communication and understanding that will make you a more effective leader and create a better work environment.

What do I see?

What you see taking place in your organization is a perspective unique to you as the leader. Of course you will have a better understanding and answer the more you are out among your people. What do you see taking place? Do you see your people with all the tools they need to be their best? Do you see collaboration and camaraderie? What are the strengths of the organization and what are the weaknesses? Who are your heavy-lifters and who are your slackers?

What do I know?

Next is the formation of your perceptions based upon what you see. It may or may not be an accurate assessment based in part on the amount of time you spend with your people. If this is not something you do on a regular basis it may not be very accurate. But based upon what you do see – what do you know? Are you where you need to be? Are you getting the most from your people where they are? What do you know now that you wish you had known six months ago? What do you need to change?

What do my people see?

The first two questions are about your perceptions. Your perceptions are needed and important but the puzzle is still incomplete. Now, put yourself in the shoes of your people. Look at things from where they sit and work – now what do you see? This is about their perceptions. How do they see your leadership? Do they see you as an obstacle to progress or a facilitator of it? Do they see a fine-tuned operation or one that is mired down somewhere? If you want to be a more effective leader then you need to see what they see.

What do my people know (that I should)?

Throughout your organization are talented and highly skilled sales people, PA’s, marketing professionals, accountants, executives, volunteers, and the list goes on. What they know is a treasure trove of valuable information. But that information is of no worth to you if you do not tap into it. Your people are the most valuable asset you have as a leader. Get to know them and what they know. You can make better decisions that affect your organization when you listen to the people on the ground who have the most at stake by your decision. Listen to them and give value to their input.

How can we come together?

It’s time to put an end to the “Us vs. Them” mentality and the walls and isolation it creates. You best build and grow your organization when you build and grow it together. What you have to do is figure out the best and most practical way for you and your people to come together, get to know one another, build relationships, share information, and work together for a brighter future. Good leaders will do this. It’s time to ask, answer, and listen. Are you game?


© 2014 Doug Dickerson
I welcome your feedback:

1. What additional steps would you suggest to overcome the “Us vs. Them” mentality?

2. What other things should leaders look for from the perspective of their people?


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Leadership Minute: Proper Perceptions


Any person who selects a goal in life which can be fully achieved, has already defined his own limitations. – Cavett Robert

As you weigh your goals, dreams, and aspirations be sure not to sell yourself short. By that I mean your goals should stretch you to a place of challenging your own self-imposed limitations. We tend to play it safe by staking our claim to that which we feel we can comfortably achieve. But why settle? Why not set goals and dreams that are out of your present capacity to attain and see how you can grow to the challenge? You will only risk what your perceptions of yourself will allow. Simply put; aim high, remove the lids that would hold you back, and grow to new levels you thought were not possible.

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