Leadership Minute: Refuse to Quit


Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit. – Napoleon Hill

The payoff of your efforts will only be realized when you remain committed to the cause and not give up. Too often we complicate the secrets to success. And danger can be found in oversimplifying it. Here is a formula for success that I think will work: DG (dream or goal) +DH (determination and hard work) +RQ (refusal to quit) = Success. You have to know where you are going, be willing to work hard, and ultimately, not give up if you want to see it come to pass. Regardless of the obstacles you face today stay the course, refuse to give up, you can achieve your goals!

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Leadership Minute: Think Twice


Napoleon Hill said, “Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.” As someone in a place of leadership your words carry a lot of weight. People look to you for good reason. Your ability to influence is heightened. Your words matter. It’s as you think twice before speaking that you ensure that what you are about to say has the outcome you intend. The influence you have as a leader is a privilege. Think twice. Speak once. Plant good seed.




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