Three Traits of Leaders Who Finish Strong


Life’s battles don’t always go

To the stronger or faster man,

But soon or late the man who wins

Is the one who thinks he can.

  • From, The Man Who Thinks He Can, by Walter D. Wintle

The Greeks had a race in their Olympic games that was unique. The winner was not the runner who finished first. It was the runner who finished with his torch still lit.

As we move down the stretch toward the end of 2015 now might be a good time to think about how you are finishing the year. As it was with the Greeks, it’s the one who finishes the race with his torch still lit that wins.

At this juncture in the year you may be tired and weary. You may be more than ready to turn to turn the page on 2015 and welcome a clean slate that awaits you in 2016.

With the finish line of 2015 in sight let’s consider the traits of leaders who finish strong. It’s a simple list and is certainly not an exhaustive one. You may want to add to it. These are my top three.

Leaders who finish strong have clarity of purpose

One of the traits of leaders who finish strong are those who live their life intentionally with purpose. Each day is seen as a gift and an opportunity to add value to those around them and make a difference in their world.

Living and leading with purpose makes each day meaningful and unique. It’s an opportunity to use your God-given gifts and abilities for a good cause. When you live your life with purpose it motivates you in a different way. No longer is it about you, it’s about others. A selfless leader is a strong leader who will also finish strong.

Leaders who finish strong have a resilient attitude

I’ve yet to meet a leader who doesn’t face his or her fair share of problems and adversity. It comes with the territory. Maybe more so. But the leader who finishes strong is not the one who was exempt from adversity but the one who endured it.

Leaders who finish strong have discovered the secret that it’s not about what happens to them that matters but what happens in them that sets them apart. Leaders who finish strong have a resilient attitude that never gives up. They understand that they are responsible for it and work at having a good one every day.

Leaders who finish strong have tapped into their work-life balance

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” so says the old proverb. Leaders who finish strong are those who understand the importance of a sound work-life balance. These leaders know and understand the value of hard work and give it their all day in and day out. They roll up their sleeves and are willing to go the extra mile to get the job done.

But finishing strong requires balance. And if as a leader you are burning the candle at both ends with no balance in your life as it pertains to rest and recreation soon you will be of little value to anyone.

Leaders who finish strong are able to do so because they have found the balance they need. Make sure that you give your mind and body the rest it needs and deserves. Remember, it was not about finishing the race first for the Greeks that mattered, it was finishing with your torch still lit. If you cross the finish line of 2015 burned out and spent how will you begin 2016?

As the year draws to a close think about how you can finish strong. What action steps do you need to take? It’s not too late. Finish strong and be ready to tackle a new year with a renewed sense of passion and purpose.


© 2015 Doug Dickerson

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People Business 101


The more I get to know people, the more I love my dog – Frederick the Great

Writing in The Book of Business Anecdotes, Peter Hay shares a story that back in the 1950’s, marketing whiz Stanley Arnold was working at Young & Rubicam, where he was asked to come up with a marketing campaign for Remington Rand. The company was among the most conservative in America. Its chairman at the time was a retired General Douglas MacArthur.

Intimidated at first by a company that was so much a part of America, Arnold also found in that phrase the first inspiration for a campaign. After thinking about it, he went to the New York offices of Merrill Lynch, Fenner and Beane, where he told the broker, “I want to purchase one share of every single stock listed on the New York Stock Exchange.”

After a vice president tried to talk him out of it, the order was finally placed. It came to more than $42,000 for one share of the 1098 companies listed at the time. Arnold now took his diversified portfolio into a meeting of Remington Rand’s board of directors, where he argued passionately for a sweepstakes campaign with the top prize called A Share in America.

The old gentlemen shifted around in their seats and discussed the idea for a while.  “But Mr. Arnold,” said one, “we are not in the securities business.” Another said, “We are in the shaver business.”

“I agree that you are not in the securities business,” said Arnold, “but I think you also ought to realize that you are not in the shaver business either. You are in the people business.” The company bought the idea.

As a leader when you grasp and understand this simple but sometimes elusive reality of business it will be a difference maker for you. It’s easy to get so caught up in the day-to-day procedures and maintenance of business (the what) that we forget the why (vision and values) and fail to nurture the who of business – people. Here are three essential reminders to help you stay focused.

People are the purpose of your business; serve them.

At times this is a concept lost on many leaders. Crystalizing a key point on this topic is the former president of Starbucks International, Howard Behar. In his book, It’s Not About The Coffee, he writes, “At Starbucks we’re in the human service business, not the customer service business.” That’s the distinction. Behar adds, “I’ve always said, we’re not in the coffee business serving people, we’re in the people business serving coffee.”

It’s when you serve people and treat them the way you would like to be treated that you will be fulfilling the tenants of excellent customer service. But it’s a point so simple we often overlook it. When your focus is on people and not your product the people will take care of your product.

People are the fuel of your business; invest in them.

In his book, Up, Down, or Sideways, my friend Mark Sanborn explains, “Selling creates a transaction. Service–how we treat and care for that person-creates a customer. Without the customer, all is lost. Remember: no customers, no profit. Know customers, know profit. So making a connection with the customer becomes vital to the initial transaction and, more important, to the continued loyalty to your organization or brand.”

Smart leaders are all about building relationships. A person’s association to your product will take a backseat to their relationship with you as a person. When you nurture relationships above all else you are placing value where it belongs. Invest in people and they will invest in you.

People are the future of your business; be faithful to them.

If not careful, leaders can have a narrow view of loyalty and only see it flowing one way – towards them. But may I remind you that loyalty is a two-way street and the best way to receive it is to give it. Be loyal to your people and they will be loyal to you. It’s that simple.

Og Mandino said, “Always render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be.” Leaders who deliver their service with a servant’s heart will never go wrong. Faithfully deliver your best and the people you serve will reward you.

Are you a people person?


© 2015 Doug Dickerson

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Three Crutches That Will Sink Your Leadership


I don’t know any other way to lead but by example – Don Shula

A turkey is chatting with a bull, “I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree,” sighed the turkey, “but I haven’t got the energy.”

“Well,” replied the bull, “why don’t you nibble on some of my droppings? They’re packed with nutrients.”

The turkey pecked at a lump of dung and found that that it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree. The next day, after eating more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally after a fourth night, there he was proudly perched at the top of the tree. But he was promptly spotted by a hunter, who shot him down out of the tree.

The moral of the story: BS might get you to the top, but it won’t keep you there.

One of the worst mistakes aspiring leaders make is the quest to get to the “top” without the benefit of the wisdom and leadership skills necessary to sustain them once they do. So instead of relying on strong leadership and relational skills they fall back on crutches that do more harm than good. Here are three of the most common crutches that will sink your leadership.

The crutch of your position

This is perhaps one of the most common crutches aspiring leaders depend on. It’s much too easy to throw your weight around as a leader by playing the “positon” card rather than putting in the time to develop stronger leadership skills. It’s much easier to issue decrees from behind closed doors than it is to get out from behind the desk and build relationships and get to know your people.

Your position is not the end game of your leadership – it’s the beginning. Your position is not your destination. Positons come and go and at the end of the day what matters is that you have skill sets in place that render your position or title as secondary compared to the extra-ordinary influence you have that is born out of relationships.

Leadership Tip: The harder you work at developing your skill sets with people the less you will have to rely on your position.

The crutch of entitlement

The crutch of entitlement is the by-product of the crutch of your position. Once a leader has bought-in to the belief that he or she has arrived simply based upon a title is the day he or she begins to develop a sense of entitlement that they believe their title confers. This is a devastating view of leadership.

Here’s the truth- the higher you ascend in your organizational structure and the more your leadership influence will grow and the more responsibility you will have. It’s not a power grab for your personal entitlement, it is a call to servant leadership. It’s not about what’s in it for you, it’s about growing others around you.

Leadership Tip: The measure of your leadership is not about what you believe you are entitled to but in how you can serve others more effectively.

The crutch of the rule book

The crutch of the rule book is one of the most detrimental crutches that a leader can evoke in his or her organization. It is the crutch that stifles creativity, which builds walls instead of bridges, and puts the lid of growth. The crutch of the rule book lives by “the manual says…” instead of igniting creative and imaginative thinking.

Howard Behar, the former president of Starbucks International, espouses a “play book” instead of a rule book, and I agree. It’s when your people are empowered and trusted that they will shine the brightest. A play book is empowering and is based on trust. Beyond that, it gives you options. A rule book locks you in and is tightly controlled.

Leadership Tip: Develop a play book with your team. Foster a culture of innovation and creativity. Be a leader who unleashes the potential of your people.

Here’s one last take-away about leadership and crutches that I’ve learned over the years. Getting rid of the crutches is like taking the training wheels off a bike. At first, you may think you can’t ride the bike without them but in due time you will wonder why you held on to them for so long.

Whatever your leadership crutch may be- dare to identify it, and dare to let it go. You will be glad you did.


© 2015 Doug Dickerson

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On Becoming a Relevant Leader



There are times when a leader must move out ahead of the flock, go off in a new direction, confident that he is leading his people the right way. – Nelson Mandela

When Irving S. Olds was chairman of the U.S. Steel Corporation, he arrived for a stockholders’ meeting and was confronted by a woman who asked, “Exactly who are you and what do you do?” Without batting an eye, Olds replied, “I am your chairman. Of course, you know the duties of a chairman–that’s someone who is roughly the equivalent of parsley on a platter of fish.”

The pretense in Irving S. Olds answer may have satisfied the inquisitive woman, but it is a relevant question for leaders today. Understandably, the people you lead need to know who you are and what you do. If not, they will not follow you. But beyond that, it’s imperative that you know the answer.

The fact is, every leader wants to be relevant. I’ve yet to meet a leader who did not want to be at his or her best and make an impact. The issue of relevance however is not about satisfying your ego or building yourself up at the expense of knocking someone else down.

The measure of your relevance as a leader may be open to subjective interpretation by some people. That being said, the measure of your relevance is not about how others see you but how you answer these four questions. It’s not an exhaustive set of questions by which to gauge your relevance as a leader but it’s a good place to start.

Do I know my “why?”

Simon Sinek popularized the idea in his book, Start With Why, and it has revolutionized the lives of many with the discovery. So the question is, “Why do I do what I do?” Put another way, “What drives and inspires you?” It’s a question every leader must answer.

Until you know the answer it will be hard to lead and consequently it will be hard to be relevant. Until you know the “why” of your life in leadership it will be difficult for others to know why they should follow you. Being relevant in the lives of the people you lead begins by being honest with yourself. Know your “why”.

Are my values clear?

Having a clear set of values is what keeps you grounded as a leader. When your values are clear then decision-making becomes much easier. Values-based decisions are made not by what is expedient or popular but by a governing set of principles.

Unfortunately, some leaders fall into the trap of confusing being popular for being relevant. The two could not be more different. If you want to be relevant as a leader in the 21st century then be a leader with a clear set of values and stick to them. If your values are not clear then your leadership will be uncertain. Relevance begins with clearly defined values.

Am I building relationships?

Leaders are busy people. I get it. But the day you become too busy to connect and build relationships with your people is the day you become irrelevant in their eyes. Building relationships is time consuming and is hard work. But consider the consequences if you don’t.

Your relevance as a leader is tied to your ability and desire to build relationships with the people you lead. The greater the desire and effort the greater relevance and impact you will have. It’s not complicated. I realize you will not have deep personal relationships with everyone on your team, but as a leader you should always remember that people are your most appreciable asset. How you connect and build relationships will make a world of difference. If you want to be relevant to your people get connected to them. There are no shortcuts.

Am I still growing?

Your ability to connect and be relevant with your people hinges on your growth and development as a leader. How are you growing the leader within you? The simple truth is this: you can’t give what you don’t have. If you are not growing as a leader your relevance as a leader will suffer

Be proactive and intentional in your growth as a leader. Make reading good leadership books a priority, find good leadership podcast to listen to, subscribe to good magazines to read such as Success. Your growth and development as a leader will set you apart as a leader. Your relevance as a leader depends on it.


© 2015 Doug Dickerson

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Six Ways to Rise Above Your Critics


To escape criticism- do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. – Elbert Hubbard

A story is told of Winston Churchill and his extraordinary integrity in the face of opposition. During his last year in office, he attended an official ceremony. Several rows behind him two gentlemen began whispering. “That’s Winston Churchill. They say he is getting senile. They say he should step aside and leave the running of the nation to more dynamic and capable men.” When the ceremony was over, Churchill turned to the men and said, “Gentlemen, they also say he is deaf.”

Critics. Every leader has them and every leader will. How you respond to critics is an important component of your leadership development. It’s all too easy to get defensive when critics rub us the wrong way or misunderstand us. But can you appreciate a critic when he or she is right? Rising above your critics takes courage. Here are six ways to do it.

Keep a positive attitude.

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude,” is a famous Zig Ziglar quote. How high and how far you go as a leader will be determined by your attitude. Nothing will give you a bad attitude any quicker than a wrong reaction to a critic. Basic things you will want to know regarding a critic are the source, the accuracy, the ramifications, and your reaction – if there even needs to be one. Regardless, stay positive and focused on the big picture.

Stay true to your values.

Don’t allow your critics to throw you off of your game. Stay grounded and connected to the values that have guided you to where you are. Values do not change but are guideposts when your circumstances do. The values and principles that brought you to where you are will keep you there so handle your critics with that in mind.

Speak no evil.

Seriously? Yes. Engaging in mud-slinging with your critics only hurts you in the long run. Unless what they have spoken or done is libelous then don’t waste your time in a verbal battle. Be content in knowing that the truth is on your side. There is no greater satisfaction than in knowing that you can look yourself in the mirror and lay your head down at night with a peace that comes from knowing you did the right thing regardless of how others behaved.

Don’t retaliate.

There will be times when you will want (and those close to you) to retaliate against critics. There is something about human nature that wants to fight back and get revenge and settle the score. I get it. But again, the end result will never be good for you. As hard as it may be there are times when you just have to let it go. Don’t worry if you lose a battle today, you are going to win the war if you keep your heart right.

Give them more ammo.

Most of the critics you will encounter are simply those who have some kind of vendetta or jealousy directed toward you. As opposed to stooping down to their level why not give them more ammo? As you do the right thing by continuing to work hard and by exhibiting good leadership, you will only become more successful. Nothing will annoy your critics more than your continued success.

Don’t lose your sense of humor.

One of the most important leadership skills you can develop is a sense of humor. Churchill exhibited it towards the men who spoke ill of him. Bill Cosby said, “Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive it.” Your critics will stir up a wide range of emotions and reactions that you will want to run with. But if you laugh – at them, and at yourself, half the battle is won.

What do you say?


© 2016 Doug Dickerson


*This column is a “Best Of” and was originally posted in 2015.


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Leadership Toolkit: When the Visionary Leader Meets the Strategic Leader


Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. – Warren Bennis

About 350 years ago, as the story is told, a shipload of travelers landed on the northeast coast of America. The first year they established a town site. The next year they elected a town government. The third year the town government planned to build a road five miles westward into the wilderness.

In the fourth year the people tried to impeach their town government because they thought it was a waste of public funds to build the road westward into a wilderness. Who needed to go there anyway?

Here were people who had the vision to see three thousand miles across an ocean and overcome hardships to get there. But in a few short years were not able to see five miles out of town. They had lost their pioneering vision.

Visionary leaders (those who see the big picture) and strategic leaders (those who create the plan) are essential for the future growth and development of any organization. But can the two co-exist? It can be a challenging relationship but not an impossible one if you follow these basic rules of engagement.

Embrace your differences

Visionary leaders tend to be your charismatic type leaders who can cast the vision with great enthusiasm and confidence. They have a clear picture in their heart and mind of where they are going and why you should too.

But visionary leaders can at times be hard to work with. In his book, Rules of Thumb, Alan M. Webber writes, “Great idea people are rare- and also frequently hard to live with. They see things the rest of us can’t see, which is their gift. They can’t see what you and I see easily, which is their burden. Still, you need them and they need a home where they can contribute.”

Strategic leaders can be a great asset to the visionary leader by breaking down the vision into doable and measurable action steps which creates the vision. The strategic leader is the one who puts the puzzle together.

Leadership key: Your differences are your strengths. Embrace them and work together. You need each other.

Build a bridge

What strategic leaders and visionary leaders need is a way to connect. The divide between ideas and implementation must be joined. There has to be a way as Webber says to “build a bridge the great ideas can walk across from those who have to those who can make them real.”   For the vision to materialize this is a necessity. So what is a leader to do?

The vision needs a strategic plan. It has to be clearly communicated and thoroughly understood before the pieces of the puzzle can be created. From there roles can be assigned and teams put into place, and the execution can begin. The hard part will come later.

Leadership key: Before you build your vision build your relationships. The vision rises and falls on the strength of your communication and relationships.

Give each other space

The role of the visionary leader is not the same as the strategic leader, and vice versa. The relationship is one of isolation and interdependency. Boundaries must be set, observed, and protected while at the same time staying bridged with a unified goal and vision. It’s tricky.

The temptation of the visionary leader is to tinker, mettle, and tweak. Their greatest asset can now become their greatest liability. While they are excellent at creating the vision they can be terrible at designing the plan. As long as they keep interjecting themselves into the details of execution they will stifle the execution.

Strategic leaders thrive on creating the plan and seeing it come into existence. The visionary leader has to learn to give this person the space they need to work. It is a relationship of necessity, one of complexity, but most of all trust. The partnership will only survive if it’s built on mutual trust. The respective leaders have to know how to embrace a shared vision but then give each other the space needed to bring it to pass. When they do it can lead to overwhelming success.

Leadership key: Out of respect give each other space. Out of trust let each other work.


© 2016 Doug Dickerson

  • This is a “Best Of” column originally posted in 2015.
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Five Keys to Engaging Your Team


Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better. – Bill Bradley

A recent Gallup story ( revealed that less than one third (31.5%) of U.S. workers were engaged in their jobs in 2014. While that was an improvement over 2013 figures, a majority of employees, 51%, were still “not engaged” and 17.5% were “actively disengaged” in 2014 – according to the story.

It goes without saying that employee engagement is critical to the success of any organization. But with numbers like these it makes the leadership challenge more pronounced. How you position yourself as a leader is essential. Your engagement can’t be underestimated.

Theodore Roosevelt said, “The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.” The secret to your success is your people. They secret to their success is you–getting out of their way. Walking the tightrope of leadership is definitely a challenge but not impossible if are ready to get in the trenches and engage your people. They need a compelling reason to be engaged. Here’s where to start.

Your team needs a compelling leader

Before your team can buy in to your vision they first must buy in to you. If you do not inspire them to dream beyond their own limitations and work for a greater cause and purpose then don’t expect them to be engaged in something that makes no sense to them. If your people aren’t connected to you they won’t be connected to your vision.

Your team needs a compelling vision

Your team members must have a compelling vision if you want them to be engaged. When your people know the purpose behind what they are doing they will do it with passion. The formula breaks down like this:  T (tasks) +P (passion) = E (engagement).  T (tasks) – P (passion) = W (work). Passionless work leads to disengaged teams. Your team needs a clear vision of where they are going and why.

Your team needs a compelling example

Your team members need a leader who not only points the way but walks the road with his or her people. They need a leader who sees what they see, hears what they hear, feels what they feel, and shows by example that they have skin in the game. Bridging the gap with disconnected team members and you as a leader begins by setting the example. If you are not engaged then why should they be?

Your team needs a compelling trust

Your team needs to know that you trust them and that you have their backs. Nothing will lead to disengagement faster than a leader who does not empower and trust his people. It is your responsibility as a leader to set the bar high and hold people accountable. When your level of trust exceeds your level of expectation then your people will outperform your dreams. Empower your people with trust and engagement will rise with it.

Your team needs a compelling culture

It’s not a secret that the key to any thriving organization is one that is built on strong community. Strong relationships are the key to your success. When your team is centralized around strong leadership that sets the example, when your purpose is clear, and trust abounds, you have a culture that is ripe for success.

An engaged team needs compelling reasons for the journey. Begin with the ones I’ve outlined and build upon them. Your success depends upon it.


© 2015 Doug Dickerson

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Cracked Mirrors: Embracing Your Humanity as a Leader


“Out flew the web and floated wide; The mirror crack’d from side to side; ‘The curse is come upon me,’ cried The Lady of Shalott.” (From “The Lady of Shalott” by Alfred Lord Tennyson)

We all enjoy reading the stories of the likes of Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg, and others who in spite of their setbacks and failures overcame their obstacles. The names and their accomplishments are too numerous to mention in this space. Suffice to say, all such stories are inspiring and serve as a source of encouragement and how that no amount adversity can overtake us if we persevere.

But I’d like to address a more personal issue as it pertains to our leadership. We are familiar with the personal characteristics of leadership that we strive for such as integrity, loyalty, trust, etc. But how do we reconcile our desire to live up to these virtues of leadership while embracing our humanity at the same time?

John Maxwell said, “A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.” And this is the challenge of personal leadership. The question is not whether we will fail, have errors in judgment, offend people, or otherwise not live up to our best as a leader. In short- we’re human. So here are a few tips going forward as you look at that cracked mirror of leadership.

Embrace your humanity

By embracing your humanity you are acknowledging that you are not perfect. As such you are also acknowledging that you are vulnerable and susceptible to shortcomings like anyone else. But this is not meant to be an “out” for bad behavior. As such you should have safeguards in place and surround yourself with trusted confidants to hold you accountable.

Be quick to forgive

Hang around in leadership long enough and you will come to know the value of forgiveness. As a leader you know what it’s like to be on the receiving end of criticism- fair or not. Life is just too short to hold grudges. In as much as you should forgive others their faults, be sure along the way to forgive yourself for the times you have blown it. And don’t be afraid to ask for it. When I understand the depth of forgiveness I need as a leader it’s much easier for me to look upon others through the lens of grace.

Keep the bar set high

That we as leaders may have come up short at times is no reason to lower the bar of excellence. Character still matters and striving to be better should be foremost in our endeavors. Don’t allow past mistakes to knock you off course. Don’t allow past failures to define you. Keep the bar set high and when you fall short don’t be discouraged. Your mistakes will overtake you only when you give up.

Walk humbly

Some might argue that walking humbly as a leader does not fit into the modern definition or understanding of leadership. Walking humbly is not abdicating your authority as a leader or otherwise exerting weakness. If anything, it’s the opposite.

Rick Warren said, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.” Walking humbly is living each day with an awareness of my humanity with the understanding of my dependence upon my faith to form me and my friends to complete me. It’s lived out when I realize the leader I want to be tomorrow is being shaped by my actions today. Do we fall short? Yes. But what we see in the cracked mirror is more bearable when we face the truth.


© 2015 Doug Dickerson


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Leadership Wit and Wisdom from Yogi Berra


When you come to a fork in the road, take it! – Yogi Berra

We recently lost one of baseball’s most beloved icons – Yogi Berra. The former New York Yankee catcher was the consummate ambassador of the game long after his playing days ended.

Known for his quick wit and humor, his quotes have inspired and entertained us for decades. In tribute to Yogi Berra and his many infamous quotes, I’d like to share my ten favorite and how they can inspire the leader in you.


“When you come to a fork in the road, take it!”

Decision-making for leaders is very important. And while Robert Frost may have been more poetic in his observation of the road not taken, Yogi’s philosophy was more proactive – take it. There comes a point in time for every leader when every possibility and contingency is taken into account and you have to act. Just do it.

“Slump? I ain’t in no slump…I just ain’t hitting”

Perspective in leadership paramount to your success. Every successful leader has periods of time when he or she just may not be clicking on all cylinders. Everyone experiences setbacks and times when the wind is not at your back. It’s important to remember that slumps will pass and to overcome you have to dig in your heels and press on. It will pass.

“I’d rather be the Yankee catcher than the President”

When you do what you love and love what you do then there is nothing else that will satisfy and no other occupation to be envious of. Discovering your “one thing” and passion is the most rewarding thing you will do. And wherever journey that may take you, there you will find great contentment.

“If people don’t want to come out to the park, nobody’s going to stop them”

One of the hardest and most important things to learn as a leader is that not everyone will take the journey with you – and not everyone should. If people are not willing or capable of embracing your vision and the direction you are going then you can’t stop them from not coming along. And that is okay. Go forward without them.

“You can observe a lot just by watching”

A smart leader pays attention to his or her surroundings. You can learn a lot about your people and your organizational structure just by observing. Perhaps a good rule of thumb would be to talk less, listen more, and keep your eyes open.

“We made too many wrong mistakes”

We all make mistakes. Making too many wrong ones will do you in. Sometimes we can stumble upon success in spite of ourselves. The old adage in sports is that the team that makes the fewest mistakes wins. Learning from our mistakes is the key to our success. Avoid making too many of the wrong mistakes and in time you will be fine.

“The future ain’t what it used to be’

Change is the constant of life. As leaders it is imperative to understand change and how to be out in front of it. You will either be prepared for change or a victim of it. But make no mistake – change is inevitable. Smart leaders are early adapters and ahead of the curve. The future ain’t what it used to be so you best be ready for it.

“It ain’t over til it’s over”

Optimism is a key characteristic for every leader. Having a positive attitude will propel you in the good times and sustain you in the bad. You are not exempt from the challenges that come from being a leader but you do choose how you will face them. Regardless of how bad things may look, it ain’t over til it’s over. Don’t give up.

“He’s learning me all his experience”

Every leader needs a good coach or mentor. We don’t start out with all of the real-world experience and wisdom we need. Just as a ball player needs a coach to be successful on the playing field, leaders need coaches who can impart their wisdom and experience. Perhaps you are at the stage where you should be the coach or mentor to someone starting out. The simple truth is this- smart leaders are always learning and gracious enough to share what they know.

“Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise they won’t go to yours”

Leaders understand the power of relationships. People are your most appreciable asset as a leader and how you treat people is imperative. Never waste an opportunity to give a complement or practice a random act of kindness. How you treat others is a testament to your leadership and at the end of the day – it’s all about people.

Thank you Yogi Berra for your example and making our world just a little nicer place.


© 2015 Doug Dickerson


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The Four B’s of Effective Communication


The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. – George Bernard Shaw

The story is told of Broadway producer Jed Harris who once became convinced he was losing his hearing. He visited a specialist, who pulled out a gold watch and asked “Can you hear this ticking?” “Of course,” Harris replied. The specialist walked to the door and asked the question again. Harris concentrated and said, “Yes, I can hear it clearly.” Then the doctor walked into the next room and repeated the question a third time. A third time Harris said he could hear the ticking. “Mr. Harris,” the doctor concluded, “there is nothing wrong with your hearing. You just don’t listen.”

Good communication is the life-blood of your organization. It is what keeps your team healthy and cohesive. It reinforces a strong corporate culture. But when communication is floundering it can send things within your organization into a downward spiral.

A Business Performance article ( stated that, “Organizations that fail to convey clear strategies and processes and engage employees in shared goals are likely to lose to companies with more effective communication practices.” The article revealed the obvious – that businesses with poor communication have higher employee turnover, increased absenteeism, poor customer service, ineffective change management, etc.

That these negative consequences are taking place in organizations is no surprise. It’s a natural consequence of poor communication. Leaders must be aware that effective communication skills will take you to the next level and poor communication skills will sink you.

Here are four tips that will help you become a more effective communicator as a leader. Take these to heart and put them into practice.

Be intentional

There must be intentionality behind your communication. Your words must convey meaning, purpose, and be delivered with clarity. This goes for written communication as well. Say what you mean, mean what you say. Be concise and as best you can leave no room for misinterpretation. Never assume anything on the part of the people with whom you communicate.

Be consistent

Your communication must be consistent. Don’t damage your credibility as a leader by saying one thing and doing another. Nothing will frustrate your people more and sink morale faster than a leader who isn’t consistent in his or her message.

Be receptive

As a leader you must remember that communication is a two-way street. It’s not always what you say that will make the difference. It’s what you hear that can be a game-changer. Simply put – don’t just be a dispenser of information – listen to your people. Hear what they are saying and create an environment where it is safe for them to talk without any fear of repercussion.

Be accountable

There is an old adage that says “the teacher hasn’t taught until the student has learned.” Apply this to your leadership and it will sound something like this, “The leader hasn’t communicated until his people understand.” This applies to the vision and mission of your organization. Do your people know it? Have they embraced it? Keep in mind – your people are the face of your organization. If they don’t know your mission or vision how well do you think they are representing it?

As a leader you are accountable for communication. It falls upon you to make sure that communication on all levels is taking place. Do you have accountability procedures in place to assess communication effectiveness and desired results?  These things do not happen by accident. You need to have a plan and implement the plan.

You have too much riding on the outcome of good communication. Master these basics and you will soon see the results you desire.

What do you say?


© 2015 Doug Dickerson











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