Leadership Minute: People Business


Howard Behar (former president, Starbucks Intl.) said, “At Starbucks, I’ve always said, we’re not in the coffee business serving people, we’re in the people business serving coffee.” Until we understand this concept as leaders we will always miss the mark of our true potential. Until we understand that we are in the people business we will have misdirected motives, and thus, unmet expectations. As leaders we are in the people business first. When you take care of people, they will take care of your product (whatever your product might be). When you make people your priority you will act different, think different, lead different, and succeed in a different way. Are you in the people business?



If you enjoy reading the “Leadership Minute” you will especially enjoy reading Doug’s books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! Visit Doug’s website to order your copies today!

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Leadership Minute: Experience Happens


Aldous Huxley said, “Experience is not what happens to you; it’s what you do with what happens to you.” As a leader you will have many experiences that will be your teachers. What you do with those lessons will determine the style and future of your leadership. From your experiences you will learn from mistakes, chart new courses, and hopefully be a better leader as a result. While you may not choose every experience you go through you can choose each lesson you learn. Lead with humility, learn with grace, and go forward with confidence. Experience happens. Make it count.



If you enjoy reading the “Leadership Minute” you will especially enjoy reading Doug’s books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! Visit Doug’s website to order your copies today.

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Leadership Minute: Understand Your Calling


Harvey S. Firestone said, “The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership.” As a leader it is important to understand this one practical and functional component of your leadership. It’s as you commit yourself to the growth and development of those around you that you fully embrace the calling of your leadership. The good news is that it can take place in a variety of different ways. It does not have to be in a formal setting. Just the manner in which you conduct yourself and how you treat others is a formidable way to demonstrate good leadership. Never underestimate the power of your influence. Understand the high calling of your leadership.



If you enjoy reading the “Leadership Minute” you will especially enjoy reading Doug’s books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! Visit Doug’s website to order your copies today.

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Are You In Over Your Head?

in over your head

If you’re going through hell, keep going. – Winston Churchill

A story is told of a group of friends who went deer hunting and paired off in twos for the day. That night one of the hunters returned alone, staggering under the weight of an eight-point buck.

“Where’s Harry?” he was asked. “Harry had a stroke of some kind. He’s a couple miles back up the trail,” In disbelief the others replied, “You left Harry laying there and carried back the deer?” “Well,” said the hunter, “I figured no one was going to steal Harry.”

That humorous story sets up a not so funny real life scenario involving the state of mind of many of corporate leaders in today’s workplace. Writing in Forbes (http://onforb.es/122XxYT), Susan Adams opined about a recent Booz &Co. survey that revealed that “many corporate leaders are not able to keep their priorities straight. They are also pursuing strategies they don’t believe in, and many of their strategies fail to build on the things their companies are especially good at, compared with competitors. It’s like everything that can go wrong already has gone wrong for them.”

More than 3,500 managers from around the world took part on the Booz survey. Here is a sampling of the results:

  • A majority, 64%, said their biggest frustration was having too many conflicting priorities.
  • 54% said they don’t believe that both employees and customers understand their strategy.
  • Only 33% said they thought the company’s “core capabilities” support their company’s strategy.
  • Just 21% said all their businesses “leverage their core capabilities.’
  • Only 20% said they think their company has a “right to win” in all markets where it competes.

From these findings we get an idea as to why so many corporate leaders feel the way they do and the need for strong leadership to correct it. The issues are complex and the solutions are varied. If you feel like you are in over your head then here are three solutions worth considering.

Organizational values should be shared not sacrificed. At the heart of your business is a set of values that define who you are, the product you deliver, the customers you serve, and how your will conduct your affairs. It’s the creed of your business that transcends ‘what’ you do and answers the question of ‘why’.

Until everyone is on the same page as it relates to your values you will never carry out your priorities. If managers and leaders are feeling the tension of competing priorities then it’s time revisit your values in order to get to the root of the problem. Values are the glue that binds you together and without them you will always have tension.

Organizational priorities should complement not be in conflict. Not even the best corporate leaders will be able to execute their plans successfully if the company’s priorities are not in harmony with its values and embraced by everyone. When competing agenda’s and ego’s interfere with what’s best of the company then there will be problems.

Everyone has priorities as it relates to individual performance. That being said, those priorities should not run contrary to the overall values and priorities of the organization. They should complement it. If you don’t fully embrace your core values then you will never fully execute your priorities. Why? Priorities flow out of values.

Organizational communication should give clarity not lend to confusion. The lifeblood of your organization is clear communication –on all levels. Many of the concerns expressed by the survey respondents can be traced back, and in part attributed to, poor communication. If the lines of communication are not open and clear it makes keeping priorities straight much more difficult.

Tony Robbins said, “To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others.” This is a great point to consider going forward. Wise leaders will make every effort possible to communicate core values clearly so that they are known and embraced internally, and as a result known and appreciated by your customers.

The challenges of corporate leadership are as complex as they’ve ever been. But in the search for solutions we must not be our own worst enemy by engaging in approaches that are self-defeating. Values should be clear. Priorities should be mutual. Communication must be clear.

What do you say?



© 2013 Doug Dickerson
If you enjoy reading Doug’s columns you will especially enjoy his books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! Order today in time for Father’s Day!

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Leadership Minute: Signs of Leadership


Max de Pree said, “The signs of outstanding leadership appear primarily among the followers. Are the followers reaching their potential? Are they learning? Serving? Do they achieve the required results? Do they change with grace? Manage conflict?” These are all great questions worth examining because they have less to do with how many people you lead and has more to do with the quality of your leadership. As you consider the above questions as it relates to your leadership you can identify your strengths and your weaknesses and make adjustments as needed. Remember, leadership is a journey. Navigate with strength. Lead with clarity. Pay attention to the signs.



If you enjoy reading the “Leadership Minute” you will especially enjoy reading Doug’s books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! Both will make great Father’s Day gifts! Visit Doug’s website and order your copies today!

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Leadership Minute: Never Too Old


C.S. Lewis said, “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” I like Lewis’ optimism and I like the challenge. As leaders it is important to always believe in yourself and your abilities. In addition it is important to never buy-in to the belief that you are too old to set a new goal or embark upon a new dream. It is the creation of new goals and dreams that keep you vibrant and productive. Believe this truth today – your best days are not behind you they are before you. Dare to keep dreaming!




If you enjoy reading the “Leadership Minute” you will especially enjoy reading Doug’s books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! Both will make great Father’s Day gifts! Visit Doug’s website and order your copies today!

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Leadership Minute: Don’t Forget to Laugh


E.E. Cummings said, “The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” I agree. Yes, the demands of leadership are ever present and the decisions we make have important consequences. But along the way we must learn to take our work seriously but not ourselves. Make it a point to carry yourself lightly and learn to laugh. Long after the seriousness and demands of leadership have subsided it is your ability to laugh that will be your most cherished companion. Loosen up. Enjoy the journey. Laugh!




If you enjoy reading the “Leadership Minute” you will especially enjoy reading Doug’s books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! They both will make great gifts as Father’s Day approaches. Visit Doug’s website to order your copies today.

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Leadership Minute: Lead by Example


Tom Landry said, “Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence, seeing how your react. If you’re in control, they’re in control.” This is one of the most important truisms of leadership. Leadership is most effective when you lead by example. When others see the consistency of your leadership they can gain confidence. When it comes to good leadership never underestimate the power of a good example. Because of it others will follow. Because of it you have a great influence. Leading by example is the high calling of leadership.




If you enjoy reading the “Leadership Minute” you will especially enjoy reading Doug’s books Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! You can have both by Father’s Day by ordering them at Doug’s website!

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Leadership Minute: Live in the Moment


Denis Waitley said, “Learn from the past, set vivid detailed for the future, and live in the moment of time over which you have any control: now.” Often times you will meet people who only live in the past. Others only talk of the future and “one day”. As a leader it is important to put the past in perspective and work toward future goals, but we must live in the moment. Don’t miss out on what is unique and special about this day. Make this day count for what it is: a gift that you will never receive again. Enjoy this moment and live it to the fullest.



If you enjoy reading the “Leadership Minute” you will especially enjoy reading Doug’s books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! Order them today in time for Father’s Day!

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Three Ways to Add Value as a Leader


People always move toward someone who increases them and away from anyone who decreases them – John Maxwell

I came across a story about renowned photographer Edward Steichen that has significant leadership application. His fame as a photographer was almost never realized as he nearly gave up on the day he shot his first pictures. At 16, young Steichen bought a camera and took 50 pictures. Only one turned out—a portrait of his sister at the piano.

Edward’s father thought that was a poor showing. But his mother insisted that the photograph of his sister was so beautiful that it more than compensated for the 49 failures. Her encouragement convinced the youngster to stick with his new hobby. He stayed with it for the rest of his life, but it had been a close call. What tipped the scales? The vision to spot excellence in the midst of a lot of failure.

The opportunity you have as a leader to add value and encouragement has never been greater and never more needed. A recent Harvard Business Review blog (http://bit.ly/WQkqgG) reported the findings of a new American Psychological Association survey that reports that fifty-four percent of workers say they are not paid enough for their efforts and 61% say they don’t have sufficient opportunities for advancement. When you couple those findings with long work weeks, the endless answering of emails at all hours of the night, it contributes to one-third of U.S. workers reporting chronic stress.

As a leader who is committed to adding value to those around you it is important that you are aware of what is taking place among your team, the stress they are under, and your investment in their personal development. Here are three ways you can show it.

Recognition. The long hours, work and dedication of your team is the life-blood of your success. Their success is your success. Their achievement is your achievement. How do you adequately recognize the people in your organization who believe in you, who have embraced your vision, and work tirelessly to make it happen? You start with recognition.

It’s as you understand that recognition and loyalty go hand-in-hand that you will add value as a leader. When you give recognition to those around you it sends the message that you not only recognize their work but that you value them as individuals. Recognition adds value to the person and builds the morale of your team.

Respect.  Albert Schweitzer said, “Only those who respect the personality of others can be of real use to them.” Adding value to others is a matter of respect. Recognition is nice but if there is no accompanying respect attached to it then it is meaningless. Value is added as respect is shown.

Leaders who add value to others understand that respect is the basic premise by which a relationship is forged. It opens the door to all other possibilities. A leader who wants to add value to those around him begins by respecting the gifts, talents, and contributions of those he leads. To be sure, respect must be earned, but if never given, value will never be added.

Reinforcement. In adding value and moving your team forward it is important to understand the role that reinforcement plays as part of your leadership style. Your corporate culture is developed by implementing the formula of BP (best practices) + DE (daily execution) that = VBO (value based outcomes) for success. It’s as you reinforce your values that you will achieve the results you desire.

Consider the effects of low morale, high stress, and the general feeling of not being appreciated by many in today’s workplace. Certainly a lack of respect and recognition are factors. As you give recognition, show respect, and reinforce values you can be a leader that adds value to those around you.


© 2013 Doug Dickerson


If you enjoy reading Doug’s posts’ you will especially enjoy reading his books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted. They will make great Father’s Day gifts. Visit Doug’s website to order your copies today!

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Website: www.dougsmanagementmoment.blogspot.com

Follow at: www.twitter.com/managemntmoment


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