How To Bring Doers and Dreamers Together

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The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do. – Sarah Ban Breathnach

In his book, Rules of Thumb, Alan M. Webber writes about the differences between talkers and doers. It is a special relationship in organizational structures between those who talk up great ideas and those who can make it happen. Webber writes:

In your company, who gets listened to when it comes to assessing an idea or evaluating a project? If your company is like most, good talkers get taken more seriously than real doers. The people in the field who are closest to the problem and closest to the customer may be useful when it comes to doing what our experts have advised.

Herein lies the primary challenge to the discerning leader. How do you take the best and brightest ideas from the talkers and mesh them together with the people who can carry out the vision – the doers? Sound like a familiar challenge?

Let’s face the facts: companies need visionaries as well as people to execute the vision. Every organization depends upon both to be successful. Unfortunately, the marriage between the two can be rocky because each uses a different side of the brain in the process.

In keeping with the marriage metaphor, Dave Meurer said, “ A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences”.

When a leader understands the dependency upon both the dreamers and the doers, it creates an interdependence between the two which opens up the possibility of great things happening. It’s not easy. In fact, it can be messy. But if you want great results for your organization, you must find a path forward. Here are a few things to consider on that discovery.

Dreamers must trust the doers with the details

It is important to understand the influence of the dreamers. T. E. Lawrence said, “All men dream: but not equally…but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible”.

Think of where your organization would be today were it not for the dreamer – those who see the big picture long before everyone else and point the way. Dreamers are invaluable in terms of their creative genius to move the company in the right direction. Yet, when it comes to the execution of those plans, dreamers must give way to the doers.

By deferring to the doers, dreamers are in essence passing the baton as in a race to the ones who can carry the team to victory. And when the dreamers understand that the doers can take the vision to completion, it no longer becomes a territorial issue but one of what is best for the team.

Trust must flow between the dreamers and the doers in order for the ideas to work. It’s about learning to share the dream and make it a reality.

Doers must trust the dreamers with the vision

In many respects, doers and dreamers are predisposed to be skeptical of one another. Both work and live on different sides of the brain, and therefore, do not always understand how the other thinks.

But when the doer learns that the dreamer is just as invested in the organization and its success as the doer is, then progress can be made.

Trust between the two is like assembling a jigsaw puzzle for your organization. The dreamer knows what the picture is supposed to look like once assembled. Doers have to trust that the dreamers have the right picture or vision for where the organization is going before the doers start putting the pieces together.

Doers and dreamers must remember that they are on the same team

Trust is nurtured when leadership builds bridges between doers and dreamers. This can be a difficult proposition when you factor in turf wars and egos – especially when the doers and dreamers have been kept apart. Suspicions can run deep.

But Webber adds another point worth mentioning. He says:

But don’t forget: you’ve got plenty of streetsmart frontline people in your own organization, men and women who are close to the customer and have deep working knowledge about what works and doesn’t work in your company. How do you get access to their kind of knowing, the kind that comes from actual doing?

As a leader, this is what you have to figure out. But it begins when you bring your doers and dreamers together. You have build bridges between your doers and dreamers and get them talking, sharing their ideas and perspectives, and help them build relationships. Because when you do, your organization will be unstoppable.


© 2017 Doug Dickerson

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Being Present: Why It Matters To Your Leadership

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“You must live in the present, launch yourself on every wave, find your eternity in each moment” – Henry David Thoreau

One of the great challenges in leadership today is having leaders who are present in the moment. It’s a struggle for many leaders. In fact, when was the last time with intentionality you set aside even a small amount of time just appreciate the moment and reflect?

Healthy leadership is essential to your success. But what happens when the pace of your leadership is greater than your ability to be present in the moment? What is the tipping point between activity and action that does more harm than good? Why does being present matter? Here are a few reasons why being present matters to your leadership.

You can put your past in perspective

In order to effectively know where you are and where you are going, it helps to put your past in perspective. What knowledge and skills have you picked up along the way is working? What do you need to let go of? What changes do you need to make today to make for a better tomorrow?

Only being present in the moment allows you the opportunity to reflect in such a way as to appreciate the moment and put your past in perspective.

You can put your priorities in order

It’s when you are present in the moment that you can evaluate your priorities and put them in order.No leader intentionally sets out to mess up their priorities but it happens. Being present in the moment is as much of a priority for you as a leader as anything else you do. If your priorities are out of balance then the decisions you make will have consequences you hadn’t planned for.

Only being present in the moment can you see what corrections you need to make with your priorities. It’s when you are present you can make adjustments.

You can reconnect with your people

A leader not present in the moment is not the leader his or her people need. The unintended consequences can be irreparable if not careful. The graph below highlights the communication issues employees have with their leaders. Take a look at how many complaints there are on the list that could be avoided if only the leader were present in the moment among his or her people.

Being present in the moment puts you where your people need you. Being in the moment is all about leadership at the moment.

You can lead more effectively

Ultimately, being present in the moment is about more effective leadership. It’s about giving of yourself without all the distractions that come with priorities that are out of order and by being disconnected from your people.

Being present in the moment can be a challenge. Our minds are racing and thinking of a dozen other things that need our time and attention. I get it. But all you have is this moment. And in this moment, you can do something that will impact your leadership in a positive way. Be present.


© 2017 Doug Dickerson

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Let Others See The Boss In You

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“He who tends the fig tree will eat its fruit, And he who cares for his master will be honored.” – King Solomon (Proverbs 27:18)

I read an article on CBS News Money Watch about the Top 40 Bonehead Bosses. There you can read the accounts of some the most boneheaded bosses you can imagine. Here’s one just for fun:

I worked as a secretary for a large metropolitan hospital. My son was in daycare at a local church. One day a co-worker ran into the office and screamed: “the church is on fire, the church is on fire”. Immediately, I ran to the church, where I could see the smoke, the fire, four fire engines and people everywhere. I was in a panic. I lost my shoe, tore my dress and dropped my purse looking for my son. After finding him (Thank God!), I returned to work frazzled and disheveled. When I made it back to my desk, my Boss approached me and said “You left your station without permission. You will be disciplined for this!”

Boneheaded boss? I’d say so. And this highlights the age old love/hate relationship people have with their bosses. As a leadership speaker, I hear the stories. And I hear the stories from the bosses about their employees because that relationship cuts both ways.

In his book, Creative Followership, Jimmy Collins, the former COO of Chick-fil-A, outlines his powerful followership principles. Principle 12 states: Let others see the boss in you.

In explaining Principle 12, the underlying philosophy he says, “was to present unified purpose and action. When the people in the organization see management in unity, they are more confident in their own roles.” Creating a compelling vision and mission statement is only as powerful as the people’s ability to have buy-in it and execute it.

Elaborating more, Collins says, “Your work should mirror the quality and character of the boss. Do things in a manner that will meet and even exceed your leader’s personal standard.”

These timely principles are as important now as they have ever been. So let me ask you:, do your colleagues, customers, and clients see the boss in you? Do people see in you an accurate reflection and representation of your organization’s core values and beliefs? Do you back it up with your words, actions, and ethics? As you reflect on these questions, here are a few important reminders for your consideration.

You are the face of your organization

Don’t make the mistake of believing that it’s only your boss who is the face of your organization. Regardless of where you are in your organizational structure, if you are on the payroll, you are the face of your organization. If you can’t proudly be the face of your organization then it’s time to either change your attitude or change your address.

You are an extension of your boss

As an extension of your boss, you carry a great deal of responsibility on your shoulders. How can you rightfully be an extension of your boss if you do not respect your boss? How can you passionately represent your organization in public if you are undermining it in private? As an extension of your boss, make it a priority to develop trust and be in unity with him or her. Develop your consensus in private, articulate your unity in public.

You are part of the ‘why’

Simon Sinek says, “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.” It’s a simple and yet very profound statement. Think about the implications of it for just a moment. You are the reason why customers keep coming back or decide to go elsewhere. You are the reason why clients trust you and choose to keep giving you their business or move on. You are the reason why your organization runs efficiently, has a strong work ethic, and has strong morale or you are a part of the reason it doesn’t.

What is really the message of letting others see the boss in you? It’s about raising your own personal standard of excellence. It’s about stepping up as a leader in your own right regardless of your title or position. It’s about ownership and being a standard-bearer for your organization and being a part of a cause greater than yourself.

What are people seeing in you?

© 2017 Doug Dickerson

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Are You Playing To Your Strengths?

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Focusing on our own strengths is what, in fact, makes us strong. – Simon Sinek

A recent story in the Gallup Business Journal revealed that only twenty percent of U.S. Workers think that their jobs use their strengths. It said, “Identifying strengths and fulfilling natural potential has never been more important for students and employees. In the United States alone, just 13% of workers say they find their work meaningful, and a mere 20% think they’re in jobs that use their talents”.

The fact that so many companies are failing to tap into the strengths of their employees is troubling. How can these companies expect to compete when the best that their employees have to offer is going unutilized? Is it any wonder then that only 13% of workers say that their work is not meaningful?

Bridging the gap between unsatisfied employees and those who actually do play to their strengths is a leadership challenge that must be tackled. Here are a few things that we, as leaders, need to do:

Know strengths before you hire

Knowing a potential employee’s strengths before hiring is just common sense. Why would you even consider someone for a position if that person does not possess the skill sets needed or without knowing whether or not that person would be playing to their strengths? Why set someone up to be unfulfilled, miserable, and ultimately fail? When hiring, don’t drop the ball; find out what strengths the candidate possesses and place them accordingly.

Reevaluate strengths on a regular basis

Our hope is that our employees are continually growing and improving. It is important that you reevaluate employees’ strengths on a regular basis. Are they ready for more responsibility? Would they benefit from gaining experience in a new area? Is the position where they serve still a good fit? Make sure your knowledge on where employees’ strength lie is always up-to-date. Make ongoing training a part of their empowering process.

Don’t allow the position to define the person, let the person define the position

A cookie-cutter approach to filling positions within your organization typically centers around the “duties” of the job. While that is important to understand, the position must not define the person. In the final analysis, you are hiring a person, not a position. A person will only be fulfilled when he or she plays to their strengths. This is what matters most. Hire qualified employees, put them in positions where they can best utilize their strengths, and then get out of the way and allow them to make the position their own.

People will thrive when they play to their strengths

People find their work meaningful when they are playing to their strengths. When they feel they are contributing in meaningful ways they will produce at higher levels and everyone wins.The right people in wrong positions will only lead to low morale and poor performance. Make sure you know where your employees’ strengths lie and then give them the opportunity to utilize those strengths in defining their position and contribution to the organization.

The fact that only 20% of employees are in jobs where they believe that their talents are being used is a sign of deficient leadership. This trend can be reversed but it has to start with a fresh approach to your leadership and recognition and respect for what employee strengths can contribute to the organization.

Employee engagement can be a challenge on good days. Don’t complicate things from an organizational standpoint by not allowing people to play to their strengths. Unleash their potential to be their best.

© 2017 Doug Dickerson & Liz Stincelli


Learn more about Liz by visiting her website, and connect with her on Twitter @infinitestin, Google+, and LinkedIn. You can contact her by email at [email protected].


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The ‘Yes Men’ Disconnect and How it Hurts Your Leadership

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Very few big executives want to be surrounded by ‘yes’ men – Burton Bigelow

I heard a somewhat humorous account some years back about the Biblical story of David and Goliath. When the Israelites came up against Goliath all the soldiers thought was, “He’s so big we can never kill him.” When David looked at him he thought, “He’s so big I can’t miss.” It all came down to perspective. And in the end we know, David killed the giant.

One of the blind spots for leaders who have been around a long time in their organization is that they tend to be the ones with the greatest disconnect to what is really happening. And many a good and aspiring leader had rather tell the boss what he or she wants to hear rather than what they need to hear. Sound familiar?

But most credible leaders will tell you that they want the perspective of people they trust. And being a ‘yes man’ is more self-serving than it is helpful. What leaders need to hear is the truth.

But let’s be honest- many find it difficult to speak the truth for fear of negative repercussions, etc. And out of that fear, the truth is sacrificed for the expediency of the moment. As an aspiring leader yourself, what are you to do? Here are a few tips to navigate those treacherous waters.

Build relationships

That you want to speak truth to the leader in your life is noble. But you have to earn that right. And you earn that right not by being “right” all the time but by building a relationship where you earn that person’s trust. Until you recognize this you will always be afraid to speak up.

Be a team player

If you are going to build off that trust you must be a team player. By that I mean you must check your ego at the door and your motives must be genuine. It’s as you build up your leader that you build up your organization. If you have hidden motives eventually it will come to light. You’ll never build trust if your intentions are deceiving.

Stop being the gatekeeper

Leaders need perspective and people around them that will speak the truth. But that can’t happen so long as gatekeepers build walls that prevent all voices and ideas from being heard. If you truly care about your organization then you will welcome input and ideas from a wide range of people who can provide the perspective that is needed. Disarm the body guards and let your leader hear what needs to be said.

Be courageous and humble

Speaking the truth will not always be easy. It will require courage on your part and a dose of humility to say it. To that end, more times than not it is not what you say but how you say it that makes the difference. Most leaders want the truth, but not delivered with an arrogant attitude.

In the end, two things really matter: leaders need to be told the truth and have people surrounding them not afraid to speak it. You are doing a disservice to yourself, the leader you work with, and to your organization as a whole if you don’t. It’s a mark of your maturity as a leader when you learn to do it right and when you do everyone wins.


© 2017 Doug Dickerson


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Jumping to Conclusions

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Man is too quick at forming conclusions- Edward E. Barnard

John was driving home late one night when he picked up a hitchhiker. As they rode along, he began to be suspicious of his passenger. John checked to see if his wallet was safe in the pocket of his coat that was on the seat between them, but it wasn’t there! So he slammed on the brakes, ordered the hitchhiker out, and said, “Hand over the wallet immediately!” The frightened hitchhiker handed over a billfold, and John drove off. When he arrived home, he started to tell his wife about the experience, but she interrupted him, saying, “Before I forget, John, do you know that you left your wallet at home this morning?”.

Jumping to conclusions. It would be great if we could raise our hands and say we’ve never done it, but we all know better, don’t we? Many of us as leaders have been too quick to jump to a conclusion about a person or situation only to regret that decision later. We didn’t wait for all the facts and we let our imaginations get the best of us. In the heat of the moment we made a decision only to regret it later.

As leaders our gut-instincts are critical. We come to rely on our perceptions and intuition and hopefully more times than not they serve us well. So how can we avoid those embarrassing times when we blow it and our conclusions are wrong? Here are a few tips worth considering.

Give people the benefit of the doubt

Not every idea is a bad idea and not all of your ideas are the best. Be open minded enough to hear out the people in your organization and what they have to offer.  Appreciate the diversity of thought in your organization and the people who act in good faith to add value. When people fall short of your expectations be willing to work with them to find ways to improve. Don’t write them off too soon.

Cynical leaders are a drag on the organization because in due time the people in your organization are going to recognize it and as a result will be less likely to bring forth their ideas if all you are going to do is criticize it.

Seek inclusion and input

Your stock as a leader is going to go up as you bring more people to the table and work together. The buffer to your cynicism rests in your ability to hear from everyone. Even if your gut instinct about an idea or person turns out to be correct chances are in the natural course of inclusion and discourse it can be resolved.

By bringing people to the table it can validate your suspicions or it can erase them. Be willing to hear from all sides before jumping to a conclusion you may come to regret later.

Sleep on it

I’ve regretted not doing this way too many times. But sometimes the best thing to do when faced with a dilemma or decision is to just sleep on it. Often time afterward the situation looks much different and you have a much better perspective.

By sleeping on it and thinking things through one thing is for certain – you will not wake up with regrets about making the wrong call. Patience is a hard virtue to come by, and I admit it’s not always mine. But it’s better to make the right decision off a good night sleep than not being able to sleep knowing you blew it.

Check your motives

Before jumping to conclusions about people or ideas within your organization why not check your own motives at the door. What is the basis for the conclusion you’ve come to? What is your motivation? Have you openly and honestly played all of your cards for the benefit of the team? What are you holding back? Do you have your own agenda you are trying to protect?

Yes, these questions all sound like the very ones we use to come to our conclusions about other people, right? Well, perhaps as leaders it’s time to turn the tables and do a little soul-searching of our own.

As a leader it is important to trust your instincts and intuition and not jump to conclusions. Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and even slower in jumping to conclusions.


© 2016 Doug Dickerson



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Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

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“Don’t take your love away from me

Don’t you leave me in misery

If you go then  I’ll be blue

Cause breaking up is hard to do


  • Neil Sedaka


The song by Neil Sedaka was first recorded in 1962 and hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100.  Sedaka recorded it again in 1975. Without a doubt it was one of his signature songs.

Breaking up. Broken hearts, Lost love. The song encapsulates it all. And it’s time to explore the issue now. But not in the way you may think.

A survey by ADP Canada revealed that two-thirds of employed Canadians or 65 percent, are “ready to walk or leave their office doors.” The are described as “the uninspired”, “the casual daters”, and “the dissed”. While the survey was exclusive to Canadian, the implication is clear- many are ready to break up.

Circumstances will vary from one organization to the next but the reasons for wanting to  break up will be similar. While the reasons for a break up might be numerous let’s explore three of them now.

Lack of loyalty/trust

Loyalty and trust go hand in hand and when one suffers it has an impact on the other. People within your organization need to know that you have their back and that you trust them.

As pointed out in the aforementioned article company loyalty has been in decline since the 1980’s. How can any organization successfully move forward with a steady loss of loyalty and trust? As a leader you must shore up the loyalty trust issue. Without it your future is in jeopardy.

Poor communication

Communication is the life-blood of your organization. When done right your people will respond. Your people not only want to be informed of decisions that affect their performance but need to be included in it. If your leadership style is to lead by decrees then this might explain why you have loyalty/trust issues.

Be proactive in establishing clear lines of communication and be inclusive with your team. They will appreciate the inclusion and it will strengthen morale.

Lack of vision or purpose

The buy-in to one’s work is linked to a clearly defined vision and purpose. People deserve to know the vision in terms of where the organization is headed and the significance of their role in seeing it to completion.

If you people are in the dark as to the vision and mission of the organization or if the organization is adrift internally then one’s purpose will be a casualty. A smart leader will keep the vision, mission and purpose clear and before the team at all times.

While breaking up might be hard to do it becomes much easier for your people if there is no loyalty or trust, when communication is ineffective, and when there is no vision or purpose found in being there.

It’s time to evaluate the strength of your organization and reinforce what matters most. Building the type of organization your people would never dream of leaving begins by being the type of leader everyone wants to follow.

© 2016 Doug Dickerson

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Value- Added Leadership

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Few things increase the credibility of leaders more than adding value to the people around them. – John Maxwell

American artist James Whistler, who was never known to be bashful about his talent, was once advised that a shipment of blank canvases he had ordered had been lost in the mail. When asked if the canvases were of any great value, Whistler remarked, “not yet, not yet.”

Value, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. While it’s not too hard to spot beauty when we see it, the search for value might be a bit more challenging.

I came across an article in Inc. magazine ( by John Brandon in which he reveals the results of one survey that should grab the attention of every leader who has anything to do with his or her employees. Citing a survey by O.C. Tanner that surveyed 2,363 office workers it “ found that, for those who feel appreciated, a whopping 89% feel satisfied in their jobs. That number drops to only 51% for those who said they don’t feel appreciated.

In the same control group, 85% of the “appreciated” employees also said they were satisfied with life while 61% of the under-appreciated employees were not happy with life in general. The data creates a stark contrast in other areas as well, revealing that those who feel appreciated tend to be less stressed, have a better sense of belonging, and feel like they have better control over their life.”

In theory we know that employee engagement is a good thing. We intuitively know that we should be engaged and taking a proactive posture towards building relationships that make a difference. As a leader, the value that you add to your organization is like one of those blank canvases. The value is yet to be determined.  So what can you do as a leader to make a difference and create a masterpiece? Here are four practical ways.

Add value with your words

You can add value to those in your sphere of influence simply by the words you speak. Be generous with praise, be passionate with vision, be patient in confrontation. But understand that the word you use set the tone for the way in which your employees react and how together you move forward as a team. When they feel valued they will perform like it.

Add value with you actions

In as much as your team likes to hear from you, what carries the day is not your words but your deeds. Talk is just that – talk. Value is added when you back it up with actions that moves the team in the right direction. If you want to see morale soar in your organization be a leader that backs up the talk with action.

Add value with your attitude

Your attitude is the thermostat for the morale of your organization. It’s most unrealistic for you to expect strong morale from those you lead if your attitude stinks.  Can you blame them? You add value to those you lead with a strong attitude that knows how to celebrate accomplishments, is steady in times of testing, and sets the bar high with a winning attitude.

Add value with your culture

The findings in the above mentioned survey found that the quality of life not only at work but outside of it was much improved simply because the employees felt appreciated. What one, two, or three actions could you do today that would add value to those you lead? It’s not about righting the ship overnight, but it is about taking steps today that can begin to change the culture of your organization. And you don’t have to fly off to some fancy conference to learn or do this.

Adding value to those you lead should be utmost in your mind, your heart, and the focal point of the decisions you make. Are you a value-added leader?


©2016 Doug Dickerson



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In Praise of Second Fiddle Leaders


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Expressions of servant leadership are found when you concede being in the spotlight by putting someone else in it.

Where were you on April 8, 1974 at 9:07 p.m. EST? It might be a stretch for some to remember where they were last weekend, much less on this date 42 years ago, if indeed you were even alive. But I remember the date and time like it was yesterday. I was glued to my TV watching one of my sports heroes make history.

The stadium in Atlanta, Georgia was filled with 53, 775 joyous fans. It was in the fourth inning with a runner on first, when finally it happened- with one powerful swing of the bat – baseball history was made. Hank Aaron hit homerun number 715 into the Braves bullpen in left field. Babe Ruth’s long-standing record was finally broken.


But there is another part of the story that is rarely, if ever, mentioned. Right off the top of your head, can you name the pitcher who threw the ball to Aaron? What team were they playing? On that April night, someone had to be the hero, and someone had to make it possible. That person was left-handed veteran Al Downing of the Los Angeles Dodgers. Downing had a career ERA of 3.22 with a Win-loss record of 123-107. On this historic night, Al Downing was second fiddle.

Second fiddle. Not a very glamorous sounding title is it? But were it not for untold thousands of people who courageously bear the name, we would not have our heroes to idolize. To be sure, – every quarterback needs a center, every NASCAR driver needs a crew chief, the boxer needs a trainer, etc. Behind and beside every successful person is a second fiddle who helps make it all possible.

Who are the second fiddle people in your organization? Chances are you have already identified this person. They are your most reliable go-to people who make things happen without being asked or told. They have an intuition of what needs to be done and take action. They prefer the shadows over the spotlight and whose job, when completed, make you look better than you are.

I contend that what we need today are more people who play second fiddle. Yes, we need strong leaders out front casting vision, defining the mission, and leading the way. And yes, we need our heroes to cheer who inspire us to be our best. All of my teammates in Little League wanted to be like Hank Aaron.

But in a culture where people clamor for the spotlight perhaps a second look is in order. The backbone of every successful leader, organization, business, and any other worthwhile cause is a dedicated group of people who play second fiddle- the unsung heroes, the real leaders.

So here is to all the second fiddle leaders out there – I write in praise of your leadership. You have conceded the spotlight by putting others in it and by doing so have shown what servant leadership is all about. People may not know your name, or see the tireless contributions you make, but none of it could be done without you.

Al Downing may be a tiny asterisk in the annals of baseball history. But were it not for Al Downing on that April evening 42 years ago you wouldn’t know the history of Hank Aaron. We need more players willing to step up the big leagues and play second fiddle. Are you game?

By the way, the Braves won the game 7-4.


© 2016 Doug Dickerson

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Six Threats Every Leader Will Face

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Strong convictions precede great actions. – James Freeman Clarke

The legendary bare-knuckles boxing champion John L. Sullivan was confronted by a runt of a man who, suffering from the effects of too much drink, challenged the burly champion to a fight. Sullivan, who once battled toe-to-toe with an opponent for 75 rounds, growled, “Listen, you, if you hit me just once — and I find out about it …” The Champ didn’t need to finish the sentence!

Hang around in leadership long enough and you will have your share of challenges and threats. While they may not be physical in nature, threats to your leadership and how you handle them is important. Some threats are obvious while others can seem rather innocent. If left unchecked they can threaten your effectiveness going forward.

Identifying the threats to your leadership is helpful if you are going to succeed. Here are six common ones. Which one is the most pressing to you?

The threat against your values.

Your values and character are the cornerstones of your leadership. Threats against your character will come and how you deal with it will make you or break you. Don’t take threats to your values lightly. Be diligent and accountable. Make sure that your values are clear and non-negotiable.

The threat against your time.

One of the largest challenges you will face as a leader is time management. If you are not intentional about the priorities of your day or take ownership of your time then someone else will. If something is a priority to you then it should be a priority in your schedule. From family, children, work, deadlines, meetings, etc…set your pace, set your priorities, and stick to it.

The threat against your expectations.

Expectations fuel your dreams and goals. Threats to your expectations surface when people see the obstacles and not the opportunities. Threats to your leadership occur when people opt for what’s safe instead of what’s hard. Bring these people up to your level of expectations if you can but never retreat.

The threat against your personal growth and development.

If you are not growing as a leader you are in decline as a leader. Personal growth and development is fundamental to good leadership. When you commit to grow and develop it will expand your horizons and will open up a whole new arena of possibilities. Never stop growing.

The threat against your health.

Leaders are busy and are often under a great deal of stress. Don’t allow the responsibilities of your leadership to cause you to neglect your health. A healthy diet with exercise is important not only to your physical health but it will keep you refreshed mentally and emotionally. In addition, your spiritual health is not one to neglect either. When you can tap in to the inspiration that your faith provides it can replenish your heart and mind. Healthy leaders are productive leaders.

The threat against yourself.

Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. Often it’s not the jerk down the hall that’s my greatest threat- it’s the one in the mirror. When my body is tired and my attitude stinks then the potential to make a mess of things is magnified. Can you relate? As you work on the fundamentals of your leadership remember that first and foremost it’s an inside job. Before you can lead others you must learn to lead yourself.

What do you say?


© 2016 Doug Dickerson



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