Leadership Minute: Serve Your Purpose


Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye. – HAL computer, 2001: A Space Odyssey

What is your purpose as a leader? You’d be hard pressed to find anything more important to you as a leader than serving your purpose. It’s what gives your leadership meaning. Unfortunately for many, the purpose of leadership gets lost to secondary matters. For some it’s about attaining an element of power. Others might think it’s about a title or position. When these things become the focal point or belief as to what leadership is about then the purpose of leadership has been lost. The higher you climb as a leader and the more responsibilities you take on as a leader the greater this knowledge becomes. In short; it’s not about you. It is however about taking and using the influence you have to serve causes greater than yourself. Once you understand that this is your purpose as a leader you can then see it really has little to do with you. It’s about what happens through you.

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Leadership Minute: Embrace Your Gift


You have something to offer this world that nobody else has. –Joel Osteen

Just as no two snowflakes are alike; neither are two people the same. You have been created with a special purpose and mission to fulfill in life. Your DNA has divine fingerprints. What I have to offer the world will differ from what you offer. We each run our own race. But regardless of what your gift or talent may be; it is important that you embrace it. Fulfilling your mission and purpose is your duty. You are not here just to occupy space. The world is waiting for what you have to offer. Let me encourage you today to step up to the plate. Don’t worry about how it compares to what someone else has or if it will make a difference. It will. The world needs your leadership and what you have to offer. Are you ready to embrace your gift and engage your world?

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