The Measure of Your Leadership


If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zones. – John C. Maxwell

Humans have long used rulers to measure distances accurately. The oldest ruler we have is from Egypt, found in the tomb of King Tut’s treasurer, Maya. This wood instrument from the 1300’s B.C. marks out precise distances, not unlike the modern ruler. 

Since that time, we have relied on the accuracy of the ruler in countless ways such as in carpentry, roads, engineering, math, geometry, drafting blueprints, and more. 

In leadership, it’s important to understand the measure of your leadership. While a ruler serves a valuable role, at the end of the day it’s still an inanimate object but its function is timeless. While the function of leadership has changed, the foundational principles have remained. 

When you think of the measure of your leadership, what comes to mind? What are those must-have qualities that not just define you, but the ones that will outlive you? This is the essence of what the measure of your leadership is all about. 

In order to help you narrow down how you define the measure of your leadership, allow me to pose it to you in the form of some questions. Of course, the answers are uniquely yours but you’ll never discover them unless you are intentional about it. Reflect on these questions as you consider the measure of your leadership.

What is your motivation to lead?

Your ‘why’ about leading will always be your motivation for leading. While you may possess leadership qualities that could be beneficial to you and those around you, until you figure out your motivation for leading those qualities will never serve a greater purpose.

Have you identified your passions?

While understanding your ‘why’ and tapping into your motivation is essential, it’s your passions that will give your leadership direction. It’s all about making the transition from knowing your why to discovering your one thing. Once you know these two things the measure of your leadership will begin to make sense and your purpose becomes clear.

Do you understand what leading is not about?

Leadership means different things to different people. Is it about having a title or position? Maybe perks and prestige? Here’s what every leader needs to know: it’s not about you. Neither is it about the trappings of leadership that so many thinks are important. Until you learn this, the measure of your leadership will always come up short.

Are you adding value?

The measure of your leadership is found in the value that you bring to others. While misguided and misplaced “want-to-be” leaders think in terms of taking from others for their own personal gain and ultimately subtracting from others. True leaders think in terms of adding value to others, serving others, and ultimately moving from a leadership style of addition to one of multiplication. Click To Tweet

What will outlast you?

The measure of your leadership comes down to what you did for others. How did you serve others and causes greater than yourself? Who did you lift up and who did you hold the ladder for? Leadership is not about the notches in your belt, but the seeds you planted and the lives you touched that will follow in your footsteps.

Final Thoughts

Mark Twain said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.” And the measure of your leadership comes down to understanding the measure of your leadership.


©2022 Doug Dickerson

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Three Qualities of Inspiring Leaders

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Great things can happen when you don’t care who gets the credit – Mark Twain

A Randstad USA survey revealed some surprising insights and statistics about how employees view their managers. Here are a few of their key findings:

  • Only 53% of employees feel their boss values their opinion
  • Only 35% feel inspired by their boss
  • 25% of employees believe they can do a better job than their boss
  • 17% say their boss takes credit for their work
  • Both younger employees (aged 24-35) and females tend to be uncomfortable challenging their managers- about 35% in both cases.

These types of statistics remind us of the importance of good leadership in the workplace. It’s hard to lead in an organization where any of these beliefs are prevalent.

It reminds me of a recurring character in the NBC comedy Brooklyn Nine-Nine nicknamed “the Vulture” who has a habit of letting everyone else do the work and then swooping in and taking the credit. Such actions and behaviors are demoralizing and demonstrate gross leadership incompetence.

As a leader, you want to build the type of environment where your people are not only trusted and appreciated for their performance and contributions but that they are properly recognized for it.

So the question becomes one of how you, as a leader, can inspire the people that you lead in a way that reverses the type of negative views cited above. What leadership qualities are essential in bringing out the best in your people and building the type of organization that people want to be in? Here are a few qualities worth developing.

Invest relationally

John Maxwell was right when he said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” And this is the standard by which you build relationships. Your people don’t care how much you know. They do want to know that you care for them, support them and that you will empower and equip them in every way possible to be successful.

When 53% of employees don’t believe that their boss values their opinion, that’s concerning. Yet, how can an employee believe that their opinion matters if the boss is not engaged relationally with that employee? 

Until you develop relationally as a leader, you will always fight this perception whether it’s true or not. Be invested relationally and everything else will fall into place.

Lead confidently

Employees gain confidence by seeing confident leaders in action. A leader can instill this confidence by their example and in their words. When a leader connects on this level of empowerment, it can have a transformative effect on the organization. 

Coach Vince Lombardi said, “Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence.” And this is the rub as leaders that we must be mindful of. You have the opportunity to instill and inspire confidence as well as the ability to diminish it. And this is why your leadership matters now more than ever. 

With only 35% of employees believing that their boss inspires confidence, there’s a void that needs to be filled by confident leaders. Lead confidently and others will follow.

Embrace vulnerability

This is perhaps the most difficult and challenging thing a leader can do. On the surface, it would even appear to be a contradiction to my previous point of leading confidently. But if there’s one thing I’ve learned over my years in leadership, it’s this: the more I learn, the more I come to realize how much I don’t know. And it’s been one of the most helpful things to me as a leader.

Your ability to adapt as a leader, learn new things, and unlearn old ways, is one of the most important things you will do as a leader. Click To Tweet Make it a practice to talk with and listen to the generation that’s coming up behind you – they’re smart, they’re talented, they see the world differently from you, and it’s precisely why you need to surround yourself with them.

Vulnerability in your leadership is an act of humility that will endear you to your people. Embrace it and you will be a better leader for it.

Final Thoughts

The face and future of leadership are being defined by the practices we embrace today. It’s as you invest in relationships, lead with confidence, and are willing to be vulnerable and humble that your best practices will take shape. Be an example worth following.


©2022 Doug Dickerson


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What’s In a Name?

To add value to others, one must first value others. – John C. Maxwell

During her second month in nursing school, the professor gave the students a quiz. The last question stumped most people in the class. It read, “What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?”

All the students had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired, and in her 50’s, but how would any of them know her name? Before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward their grade.

“Absolutely,” said the professor. “In your career, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say hello.”

The students never forgot that lesson. They also learned that her name was Dorothy.

As a leader, your interactions with people matter. And how you treat people is a reflection of your character. The value that you place in others says more about your leadership than any title or position you have. And while you may think it makes you look important to name-drop and take selfies with certain people to impress people you will never meet, I believe it’s a greater reflection of your leadership to know the name of the person who empties the trash out of your office. 

Value is given where value is placed. If the person in the lowliest position in your estimation is not worthy of your time, smile, or greeting, then perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate the way in which you look at people.

Here are a few simple reminders for all of us on this journey of life together. It will make you a better person and a better leader to remember them.

Everyone’s fighting a battle

Someone once said (various attributions), “Be kind, everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about.” You never know how your one word of kindness can make a difference in someone’s day. You don’t know the hurts, the fears, the concerns that people around you carry. With this in mind, just be kind. Click To Tweet

Be merciful

Mother Teresa said, “Be kind and merciful. Let no one ever come to you without coming away better and happier.” And this is our mission – to make other people’s interaction with us the highlight of their day. It’s not as hard as you might think.

Be in the moment with others

Marcandangel said, “Don’t be lazy and make judgments about people. Be kind. Ask about their stories. Listen. Be humble. Be open. Be teachable. Be a good neighbor.” Being your best self begins by seeing the best in others.

Walk slowly through the crowd

This is a leadership principle taught by John Maxwell that’s so powerful. We can be so busy and in a hurry to get on to the next thing on our agenda that we walk right past our real work- people. Tasks are important, but not as important as the people you lead. Click To Tweet

Know their name

Dale Carnegie said, “Remember that a person’s name is to that person, is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.” And this is why, I believe, the professor wanted to make sure that the students knew the name of the lady who cleaned the school. And it’s why it should also matter to you.

Final Thoughts

Be a person of value and add value where you can. See the value in those around you and always do your best to be kind and merciful. The world needs it now more than ever.


©2022 Doug Dickerson

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Don’t Forget The Small Things

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Be faithful in the small things because it is in them that your strength lies. – Mother Teresa

In the final pages of his great epic The Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien writes of his heroes, Sam and Frodo, and their desperate quest to reach the cursed Mount Doom to cast the ring of power, a device that held much of the dark lord Sauron’s power, into the fire and destroy it. As they came closer to the mountain, their situation grew more desperate.

They were wasting away physically, Frodo’s spirit was failing, and their quest seemed hopeless. In a key moment, Sam attempts to encourage Frodo by asking him if he remembers the taste of strawberries and cream, the sound of water, and the beauties of spring in their far-off home, the Shire. 

The lesson here is as powerful as it is simple – we must not forget the small and meaningful things in life that we often take for granted. In life, we are so busy and the “tyranny of the urgent” often crowds out what’s truly important.

In leadership, remembering the small things is also a necessity. The small things that leaders do are what make them great leaders. So, let’s examine some of the small things that yield great returns. 

Mind your manners

It should go without saying, but I’m saying it, leaders must mind their manners. Common courtesies of respect matter. It may seem like a small thing to you but people see, hear, and notice when you use your manners and in particular when you don’t.  

Give credit, take the blame

Little things like giving credit or praising the work of others are one of the most honorable things you can do as a leader. Take responsibility when things go wrong, and give credit to others when things go well.

Listen more, talk less

You will be more effective as a leader when you understand the value of listening more than speaking. Often, it’s not what you have to say that’s so important, but what you need to hear that will make you a better leader. 

Put your phone away

It will be hard for you to be in the moment and for your people to believe that you matter to them if you are constantly toggling between them and your phone. This is not just common courtesy, it’s a matter of respect.

Walk humbly

Never allow yourself to get so proud and “successful” that you forget what the struggle was like when you started out and what the struggle is like for those following your footsteps. You can be a great resource and help others but not if you are haughty or prideful.

Remain teachable

John Wooden said it well, “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” This is timeless advice. You will never know it all so never stop learning.

Laugh at yourself

Life’s too short to be taken so seriously. Learn how to laugh at yourself. You’ll feel better and it will endear you to those already laughing at you.

Be reliable

Nothing will frustrate the people you lead more than not being reliable. If your people are unsure about you as a leader they will be unsure about where you are leading them.

Keep your word

It’s a simple rule of leadership. If your people can trust you they won’t follow you.

Be Generous

Leaders lead by example – be generous with your time, your talents, and your treasure. Every day strive to make the world a better place because you are in it.

Final Thoughts

“Character demonstrates itself in trifles,” said Louise Imogen Guiney, and while it might seem small to you, the small things add up and your leadership depends on it. Don’t forget the small things.


©2022 Doug Dickerson


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The Power of Your Tribe: Who Belongs In It and Why

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Some people will hear you louder in silence. Those are your tribe- they’ll get you through the tough days and give you something to laugh about on the way. – Nikki Rowe

In one of Shakespeare’s most famous monologues, the Crispen’s Day speech from Henry V, King Henry inspires his soldiers in the face of grim odds with a rousing speech about how the men who fight this battle with him will be forever united as a “band of brothers.” This is a king speaking to peasants, and yet he’s saying that what they are about to go through will unite them all as brothers. 

We don’t always get to choose the battles life throws our way, but we do choose our response. And just as important, we choose the tribe we run with. 

While you may not always have control over the people who surround you in your organization, you do choose your inner circle in life that has a way of completing you. These are the people that walk with you through the good and bad and are there when the dust settles and the smoke clears.

Finding friends and acquaintances is not hard work for the most part, but your tribe is a different breed of people that you discover along the way. Who are they? What are their characteristics?

Charlie “Tremendous” Jones once said, “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” And to that, I would include those who you make part of your tribe. So let’s find out who belongs in your tribe.

Your tribe sees the best in you and keeps you humble; they see the worst in you and still love you

This characteristic of people in your tribe is so important. And quite frankly, you wouldn’t have much of a tribe without them.

They will be quick to celebrate your accomplishments and wins. And when you feel like you’re invincible they will keep you grounded by not being overly impressed by you. When they see you at your worst they will have your back, speak the truth you need to hear, and will walk patiently with you. 

In your tribe you need loyalty.

With your tribe, you share common values 

While it’s common to have many friends and acquaintances, not all of them will share your values and priorities. It’s not a deal-breaker in terms of friendship, but in your tribe, you need those who share and understand the values that drive you and the priorities that guide you. 

When the bond among your tribe is driven by shared values it provides the clarity that you need. When your people understand the significance of your priorities it keeps everyone focused and accountable. It’s why knowing who belongs in your tribe, and those who don’t, is so important. While many may be impressed with what you’re doing and where you’re going, not all are willing to make the sacrifices and pay the same price as you to go there. Click To Tweet

In your tribe you need purpose.

With your tribe, you travel higher and farther

With a shared mindset and values, your growth potential is multiplied. It’s why each person must find their tribe. You can only travel so far by yourself but can travel higher and farther when part of a tribe of like-minded people.

When you are committed to your personal growth and are surrounded by those who share that passion you position yourself and your tribe for greater opportunities and greater impact. Pick your tribe wisely because with them you can go far, but the wrong tribe will hold you back.

In your tribe you need clarity.

With your tribe, you have greater balance and perspective

As you settle in with your tribe of like-minded people, you begin to develop a certain vibe and develop an understanding that is the product of being in a genuine relationship. Over time, you begin to know one another better, and before too long a comradery forms that Shakespeare wrote about.

One of the great benefits of finding your tribe is that those people bring balance and perspective to your life that you may not have with anyone else. Having a close tribe is a game-changer and one that every leader should seek.

In your tribe you need community.

Final Thoughts

Having a tribe of like-minded people is one of the most consequential things you can have as a leader. But you must be intentional in finding them. When it’s built on loyalty, purpose, clarity, and community you will be part of a powerful community. 


©2022 Doug Dickerson


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Building a Culture of Respect

Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. – Mother Teresa

Building and maintaining a healthy workplace culture is a challenge within any organization. Creating and sustaining a healthy culture where comradery thrives begins with respect and trust. With it, there is such potential for great things; without it, there’s always going to be tension between that potential and the disappointment of unfulfilled goals. 

If there’s ever been a time for building a culture of respect it’s now. A great tension exists between our culture as a whole and how that plays out day-to-day in the workplace. Whatever stands you take and positions you subscribe to in our current culture at large, those can and do inevitability carry over into the workplace.

So how does a leader set the tone for a healthy workplace culture when the people within it bring such diverse and strong points of view regarding the things that are taking place outside of it? 

Here’s what I know to be true and what everyone needs to remember - there is a difference between people being divided and being divisive. Click To Tweet And as a leader, you have to know the difference and set up healthy boundaries. People will have differing views on all sorts of issues. That’s to be expected and normal. But people choose to be divisive by their actions and behaviors.

The other day I called my friend Tom. He and I have been friends for more than 30 years. He was one of the first ones to visit my wife and me in the hospital after our children were born. He was very instrumental in some of my early career choices and he is a valued and trusted friend.

Our friendship transcends the different ways in which we see the world. And after some of the recent major headlines, it was Tom whom I wanted to talk with. Why is that?

While we have our different convictions and differences of opinion our friendship transcends them. The fact that we don’t always agree is precisely why I called him. I didn’t want an echo chamber conversation. I wanted to talk, ask questions, listen, and broaden my perspective and understanding. And this is what we’ve been doing for more than 30 years.

Over the years our friendship has lasted because of one word – respect. Our friendship is not defined by our political points of view, by a label, by always having to be right, or by the need to get in the last word. We listen to each other with respect and do not allow any disagreement to come between us.

As a leader, how you walk this tightrope and how it plays out in your workplace is vital to the health of your organization.

On a practical level, what can you do as a leader? How can you help build a culture of respect? Here are a few ideas.

Model it

Having the kind of workplace culture that you want as a leader begins with you. If respect is what’s needed, then respect has to be shown. Never insist on any action or behavior that you are not taking the lead on. Respect, as with any other value within your organization, begins with leadership. It succeeds or fails by your example.

Make it a priority

As a leader, you are not responsible for the beliefs and actions of the masses outside of your organization. But you do have a say about what takes place within it. Building a respectful culture within your organization not only has to be modeled by you but must be made a priority.  Once values and behaviors are communicated they must be made a priority that your people embrace.

Hold people accountable

Within the context of building a culture of respect within your organization, there have to be accountability measures in place. The culture of the organization does not rest on the shoulders of one person- everyone shares that responsibility. 

Hold diversity in high regard

Benjamin Franklin said, “When everyone is thinking alike, then no one is thinking.” And this is when you run the risk of getting stuck. You need people who see things differently and who think differently from you. Your diversity is not the problem, it’s your strength and you need to recognize and celebrate it. Mutual respect and trust must be the glue that holds it all together.

Final Thoughts

Building a healthy culture in your organization begins with respect. Along with trust, it’s the foundation upon which everything else is built. It takes a commitment on your part to model it and make it a value and when you do and it takes hold, you will have a culture worth emulating.


©2022 Doug Dickerson


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Authenticating Your Leadership

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Authenticity is your most precious commodity as a leader. – Marcus Buckingham

The painting was named the Sunset at Montmajour and depicted trees, bushes, and the sky that was later confirmed to be inspired by the landscape at Montmajour hill, near Arles, France,  near where the artist Vincent van Gogh lived. The painting had spent years in the attic of a Norwegian private collector.  

The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam had previously rejected the painting’s authenticity in the 1990s partly because it was not signed. Was it truly an original by the renowned painter?

Thanks to new research at the time (2013), and an extensive two-year investigation, it was concluded that the artwork was indeed by the artist Vincent van Gogh. It was called a “once-in-a-lifetime experience” at the unveiling ceremony.

The painting was authenticated by letters, style, and the physical materials used. The investigation into the authenticity of the painting took two years. 

The authentication process is one that was done with a great deal of research and care. There could be no doubts or reservations before making such a bold declaration.

This leads me to the question of how we go about authenticating leaders.

Many people desire to be leaders. Many people claim to be leaders. Some are the real deal and, of course, there are pretenders. But how can you be certain? How do you authenticate or validate one’s leadership? 

Over time many things will ultimately reveal whether a person is truly a leader – whether that person is just starting or has been around for a long time. So what are those distinguishing characteristics? Here are a few ways to know.

Authentic leaders seek to serve

This is one of the most distinguishing differences that exist in leadership – those who chase after power and position, and those who seek out ways to serve others. A true leader understands that ultimately, it’s not about you. 

Jim George put it this way, “Serving others prepares you to lead others.” And this is why it takes so long for so many to authenticate their leadership – they have it all backward. When you prioritize serving others,  you are laying the stepping stones to your success as a leader.

Authentic leaders walk with humility

Since authentic leaders know that it’s not about them, they check their ego at the door. Authentic leaders know that the more they are entrusted to lead and influence those around them the more responsibility they assume. 

Thomas Merton was correct when he said, “Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real.” Let that thought sink in for a moment. Grandstanding and self-promotion come across more times than not as being artificial and fake, but those who walk with humility demonstrate true characteristics of leadership that are appealing and worth emulating.

Authentic leaders are trustworthy

The great thing about authentic and trustworthy leaders is that you don’t have to question their motives. You don’t have to second-guess the validity of the relationship. Their word is their bond. 

Authenticity in this area of your leadership is critical to your success as a leader whether you are just starting or have been around a while. You have to build trust and be trustworthy because with it anything is possible, and without it nothing is. Click To Tweet

Authentic leaders growing leaders

Authentic leaders are growing leaders. They are constantly learning, failing, re-evaluating, and re-entering. They are not afraid to make mistakes and fail and appear at times to not have it all together. They are comfortable in their skin because they know that this life and leadership journey is real and at times can get messy.

This tribe of leaders embrace the mess and had rather risk looking foolish than be a phony who never ventures and never learns and never grows. They’d rather be authentic- warts and all.

What sets this authentic leader apart from the rest is their insatiable desire to grow and be the best they can be and leave their mark on the world.

Final Thoughts

Authenticating your leadership is an important aspect of your leadership. And these characteristics listed here are a good place to start but certainly aren’t an exhaustive list. But you can begin by taking an honest assessment of where you are now with this list. Dare to challenge your beliefs and assumptions and dare to be authentic.


©2022 Doug Dickerson


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Swimming Upstream: What Salmon Teach Us About Leadership

Only dead fish go with the flow – Andy Hunt

I read an interesting article at not long ago about fish who swim upstream. The main reason salmon, for example, swim upstream is to ensure the survival of their offspring. Salmon are born in freshwater rivers, spend most of their adult lives in the ocean, and then return to the place they were born to lay their eggs.

As young salmon hatch in their home stream, they learn the smell of it. As they migrate downstream and into the ocean they may even memorize certain scents along the way. Even after being away for many years, when the salmon return to their birthplace as adults, they will use those smells to “test the waters” and find their home stream. Some studies have shown that salmon use the Earth’s magnetic field to guide their migration. This helps them travel long distances and understand where they are going. 

Many interesting things stood out to me as I read the story of the migration of the salmon, but namely, it was that salmon swim upstream to ensure the survival of their offspring. 

In your leadership, there will be times, more often than not, when for your survival and success you will need to swim upstream. In your organization, you may feel that you are swimming against the current as it relates to values and direction and this has placed you in an awkward situation. 

But not all swimming upstream is necessarily a bad thing. At times it’s going to be required of you. Let’s look at four reasons why.

You have to swim upstream to grow

Your growth as a leader is not automatic and to grow you have to be intentional. When swimming downstream with the rest of the crowd it’s easy to just relax and go with the flow. But if you want to grow as a leader you will have to embrace what John Maxwell describes as the law of trade-offs. In other words, you have to give up to grow up.

Eric Hoffer said, “People will cling to an unsatisfactory way of life rather than change to get something better for fear of getting something worse,” and it’s this mindset that you have to break free from. It won’t be easy and you will have to swim upstream to attain it. But your growth as a leader depends upon it.

You have to swim upstream to stay true to your values

When it comes to your values and belief system as a leader, you will have to fight to keep from getting swept up in the downstream current. It’s so much easier to swim downstream and blend in. And by downstream I mean the downward current of negativity, bad attitudes, office politics, and toxic people. 

“The first step toward success,” said Mark Caine, “is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment you find yourself in.” And this is precisely what you have to do as a leader. Your values and belief systems are your non-negotiables and to stay true to them, you will have to be relentless and swim upstream. Just as the salmon swim upstream to preserve their offspring, so too will you need to swim upstream to protect your values.

You have to swim upstream to make a lasting impact

Swimming upstream is painful and difficult. As a leader, you have to embrace the pain if you want to grow and make an impact on the lives of those around you.

Neale Donald Walsh said, “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone,” and this is the push I am encouraging you with – get out of your comfort zone. Swimming downstream requires little of you and consequently produces little from you. Click To Tweet But to swim upstream requires more and therefore, the return is more significant. When you embrace the struggle of swimming upstream you also embrace the reward it generates.

You have to swim upstream to be your best

If you were to pause and look around at those closest to you in your circle- your friends and colleagues, how many would you say are living their best life as they swim downstream? These are unquestionably good people but are in a downstream current with no thought of where it’s taking them. 

John Maxwell said, “We become the combined average of the five people we hang around.” Let that sink in for a moment. Think of those five people. Are those five floating along downstream? How many are swimming upstream? Are they taking you downstream with them or are you leading the way up?

Final Thoughts

I believe that your best days as a leader are found when you discover that swimming downstream with everyone else is not the destiny that’s meant for you. It’s discovered when you realize that you want more out of life and leadership than just blending in. And just as the salmon swim upstream to ensure the survival of their offspring, so too, you need to choose to swim upstream to ensure your success as a leader.


©2022 Doug Dickerson



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This is Your Time

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“…And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” – Micah 6:8 

I’d like to dedicate this time and space to the Class of 2022. Whether you’ve just graduated from high school or college, your accomplishment is to be commended. Congratulations!

In the Netflix documentary, The Movies That Made Us, in the episode about the movie Back to the Future, screenwriter Bob Gale has this to say as he reflects on making the movie: “Time is the only thing money can’t buy. And it can’t be replaced in any way. Time only goes one way so far, and we never get it back. You never know what the future will bring.”

That time has been on your side and has brought you this far is a blessing. For that, you can be thankful. But the question that lingers that you need to ponder is what will you do with the time – the hours, days, weeks, months, and years that are before you? How will you use this time that is on loan to you?

I’d like to offer up a few suggestions and words of advice for you to consider. And my hope is that you will find a path forward with a purpose that makes wise use of your time.

Serve causes greater than yourself

One of the first lessons leaders has to learn and perhaps the hardest is that it’s not about you. 

You live in a world that in many ways is broken, hurting, and divided. Use your time to serve people and causes greater than you so that when your days are over you can look back and say that you may not have changed the world but you helped change your world and you left it better than you found it.

Don’t be afraid to fail 

The greatest accomplishments in your life more often than not are realized on the other side of failure. At an early age Walt Disney was fired from a newspaper for “lacking ideas,” Albert Einstein had the label “mentally slow” put on his permanent school record, and Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. No one looks at these individuals as failures, but rather they are remembered for their outstanding accomplishments.

Thomas Edison said, “ I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” In life, we come to expect failure. It will be a great teacher for you. The only thing that makes you a failure is after you get knocked down you don’t get back up. In life, learn to fail forward and you will be just fine.

Don’t let anyone define your worth or put a lid on your goals a dreams

Your purpose and destiny in life are just that – yours.  And you must not allow anyone – especially your critics, to define your worth and dim the light of your dreams. You have not been placed on this earth by accident and you have a destiny to fulfill. 

What God has spoken to you, placed in your heart, and the passion that’s been ignited in you was not a conference call. It was birthed in your heart. Not everyone will understand it, but always remain true to it.

Act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly

As you embark on this new journey and season in your life, many will be looking at you. Some with a dose of skepticism and others with optimism. This is your time to step up – but not with arrogance or pride.

This is your opportunity to act justly – be a model to those around you by the way that you serve a broken world. It’s your time to step up and love mercy and show mercy to a world that can be so cruel. And finally, walk humbly (remember, it’s not about you). 

Final Thoughts

None of us are promised tomorrow. We only have the time that we have been gifted each day to make a difference and change our world. My prayer for you, the Class of 2022, is that you will serve each day to the best of your God-given abilities and be a force for good.


©2022 Doug Dickerson

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Five Advantages of Connected Leaders

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Humans are social beings and we are happier, and better when we are connected to others. – Peter Bloom

I came across a story about how a tree stump in New Zealand keeps itself alive by holding onto the roots of its neighboring trees, exchanging water and resources through its grafted roots system. 

Though the remnant appears dead, a grafting of roots underground connects the part that looks dead to the healthy trees. 

I found this story to be inspiring by the way the tree stump stayed alive by being grafted to the other trees around it. 

That story says a lot about the importance of how healthy leaders stay connected to the sources that give them the greatest opportunities for growth. In leadership, it’s imperative to learn this lesson early. 

The late John Lennon once wrote, “A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality,” and that sums up the power of being connected to like-minded people who can move you from dreaming to achieving.

What does a connected leader look like? What sets them apart from other leaders? Consider these five advantages of being a connected leader.

A connected leader has greater momentum

Ask any leader or look at the one commodity of any organization and momentum is one of those things that once you have can lift you to new levels. By yourself, creating momentum is a challenge. Within the confines of being connected, it’s much easier to attain and keep going.

If you are a leader who’s lacking momentum, consider your level of connectedness to those around you who can give you that confidence that comes with momentum.

A connected leader has greater resources

A great advantage of being a connected leader is that you have greater resources at your disposal. It empowers and equips you in ways that you’d never experience otherwise. 

If you are a leader who is lacking in resources, then consider the advantages of being a part of something larger than yourself and resources that can elevate your leadership.

A connected leader has greater accountability

One of the most important advantages you can have in leadership is to be surrounded and associated with a group of people that will support you and hold you accountable. While many may resist it, it’s the one thing that will help you the most.

A “Lone Ranger” leader who is not accountable is one that can easily squander their potential. Accountable leaders are growing leaders.

A connected leader has greater influence

Ultimately, a leader who is connected to a team of other like-minded people significantly increases their potential in ways never previously imagined. This kind of influence is a game-changer in how it impacts the lives of others, increases the mission and vision of their organization, and has the capacity to grow more leaders in the process.

If you are a leader who seriously wants to increase your influence then be a leader that’s connected to something greater than yourself. Click To Tweet

A connected leader has greater rewards

This is the culmination of what being a connected leader is all about. Ultimately, being a connected leader is not about what’s in it for you but rather what you, as a connected leader, can do for others. It’s about how you and your life-minded tribe can add value to others and be the leaders you were destined to become. 

If you are a leader who has a desire for greater rewards, then consider the mindset of a leader connected to a cause and purpose greater than you.

Final Thoughts

What you stand to gain by being a connected leader is far greater than anything you think you might lose by going it alone. The truth is, we need each other, and leaders who are connected to one another have that advantage. You weren’t meant to do life alone- get connected and see the difference it can make in your leadership.


©2022 Doug Dickerson

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