Bring Back Meaningful Conversations

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The most fruitful and natural exercise for our minds is, in my opinion, conversation. – Michel de Montaigne, The Essay: A Selection

As I was being escorted to a table in a restaurant not long ago, I passed by a family seated at a long table. There must have been five or six gathered around. What struck me as I passed by was not that they were all together or that they were laughing and talking and otherwise engaged with one another. Sadly, it was an all too familiar sight.

Every person at the table had their smartphone device in their hand and was using it. No conversations were taking place. It was just a group of people sitting together, but very far removed from one another.

According to Google, a survey by Pew Research Center revealed that many people find phone usage during dinner obnoxious. Of those people surveyed, 88 percent think it is okay to use a phone during dinner and 82 percent thinks that using a phone in social settings can hurt conversations.

I realize that we are addicted to our devices. I am clear-eyed in my understanding that it’s just a part of the fabric of our culture for better or worse.

Be it because of our electronic devices or any other distractions that come along, we are increasingly losing the art of meaningful conversation. It takes a toll on relationships, and yes, it can take a toll on your leadership if you are not careful.

Writing in his book, Didn’t See It Coming,  bestselling author, Carey Nieuwhof devotes a chapter as to why so many us feel alone and to the demise of genuine conversation. He writes about what many have come to know. He writes:

“Sadly, conversations seem to be developing into an exchange of monologues among people who don’t seem terribly interested in one another. People today appear to be talking at one another more than they’re talking with one another. Next time you’re in a conversation with someone, wait to see how often you get asked a question.”

What about you? What’s been your experience with this issue?

From a leadership point of view, I believe having meaningful conversations is one of the key ingredients to developing effective leadership skills.  Here’s why I think it so important and why we must return to them.

Meaningful conversations put you squarely in the moment

Unlike an email that can be put off or an incoming call or text that can be ignored, meaningful face to face conversation puts you in the moment as nothing else can Click To Tweet.  It’s your chance to give someone else your undivided attention. Be in the moment.

Meaningful conversations give you the necessary context

There’s just no substitute for meaningful conversations. It gives you the advantage of understanding fully from the source in a way that other forms of communication can’t deliver. Meaningful conversation strips away any chance of misunderstanding when you’re engaged with the source. Leadership in context is invaluable. Click To Tweet

Meaningful conversations teach you to slow down and listen

Leaders are busy people. Too busy at times. But when you engage in meaningful conversation it’s sharpening this all-important leadership skill. Too often our thoughts are elsewhere and we are not really tuned in when talking with our people. Meaningful conversations are not rushed. They’re thoughtful. It may try your patience or seem inconsequential to you, but it can make all the difference to the one you are conversing with. Slow down and listen.   

Meaningful conversations enhance trust

Nothing can build trust like meaningful conversations. They accomplish more than the tech devices that supposedly making communicating easier. Trust is the glue that binds your organization together and gives your leadership the credibility its due. Don’t allow your busy schedule or other demands rob you of this most essential leadership ingredient. Initiate meaningful conversations. Have meaningful conversations. Build trust.

Meaningful conversations are all about relationships   

The secret sauce in leadership is relationships. It’s all about people. The depth of your relationships in large part depends upon the depth of your conversations. Let the focal point of your conversations be more about the people you lead. Listen more. Talk less. When the people you lead have your ear, you will have their heart. Click To Tweet Don’t pretend it’s all about you. It’s not. You will build stronger relationships by having more meaningful conversations.

It’s time to get back to meaningful conversations. Your leadership depends on it.

©2019 Doug Dickerson  

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Five Traits of Extra Mile Leaders

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There are no shortcuts on the extra mile – Zig Ziglar

Bob Kuechenberg, the former Miami Dolphins great, once explained what motivated him to go to college. “My father and uncle were human cannonballs in carnivals. My father told me, “go to college or be a cannonball.” Then one day my uncle came out of the cannon, missed the net and hit the Ferris wheel, I decided to go to college.”

The way you tap into your motivation as a leader may not be as drastic for you as it was for Bob Kuechenberg, but tapping into it is necessary nonetheless. Going the extra mile as a leader is what will set you apart from the rest of the pack and will take you farther than you could have without it.

So what traits do “extra mile” leaders possess? Here is a sampling of a few that I believe are essential. It’s not an exhaustive list but is a good place to start.

Extra mile leaders are proactive

Extra mile leaders take the initiative in getting things done. They prefer to tackle issues head-on rather than assume a reactionary posture. Extra mile leaders are out front on understanding the culture of their organization and the needs of the people they serve. Click To Tweet They don’t wait to be told or asked, they see what needs to be done and they do it.

Extra mile leaders possess a contagious enthusiasm

What sets extra mile leaders apart from mediocre leaders-every time, is a passion and enthusiasm for what they do. Their attitudes are positive and their temperament is even-handed. An extra mile leader in your organization with enthusiasm and passion will be the benchmark for the rest of your team. Click To Tweet Without extra mile leaders your work will be hard, but with them, your team can see extraordinary results. Extra mile leaders bring out the best in those they serve.

Extra mile leaders put the team first

Extra mile leaders by and large are selfless in that their motivation and their proactive ways are done with the intent of benefitting the team. Yes, there can be exceptions when what motivates an individual is selfish in nature. But by and large, extra mile leaders have a broad understanding of the mission and vision of the organization and their extra mile sacrifices are for the benefit of the group. Of course, it pays dividends in the long run as all hard work and effort do, but it’s not the prime motivation. Extra mile leaders put their colleagues first.

Extra mile leaders have an attitude of excellence

Extra mile leaders are not satisfied with the status quo nor do they settle for what is merely acceptable. Extra mile leaders have a compelling desire to be the best personally and professionally. At times it can be misinterpreted by those without the extra mile mentality as self-serving, grand-standing, or posturing, etc. but at their core, the extra mile leader cares deeply and truly wants to advance the team in the right direction.

Extra mile leaders have found their purpose

Extra mile leaders have not only tapped into their passion but have taken it a step further in discovering their purpose. Extra mile leaders intuitively understand that it’s not about what they “do” that defines them or motivates them to go the extra mile. Extra mile leaders are those who have embraced the blessing and gift of their Creator and have committed themselves to live their life in such a way that honors it. Click To Tweet

Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard said, “There is nothing with which every man is so afraid as getting to know how enormously much he is capable of doing and becoming.”

What you are capable of becoming as an extra mile leader is realized when you worry less about what you do and care more for the life you have to live and the ways in which you can serve others. When you do, the results will speak for itself.

Are you an extra mile leader?

© 2019 Doug Dickerson

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How To Finish The Year Strong

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Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But soon or late the man who wins
Is the one who thinks he can.
From, The Man Who Thinks He Can, by Walter D. Wintle

The Greeks had a race in their Olympic games that was unique. The winner was not the runner who finished first. It was the runner who finished with his torch still lit.

As we move down the stretch toward the end of 2018 now might be a good time to think about how you are finishing the year. As it was with the Greeks, it’s the one who finishes the race with his torch still lit that wins.

At this juncture in the year, you may be tired and weary. You may be more than ready to turn the page and welcome a clean slate that awaits you in 2019. With the finish line of another year in sight let’s consider the traits of leaders who finish strong. It’s a simple list and is certainly not an exhaustive one. You may want to add to it. These are my top three.

Leaders who finish strong have clarity of purpose
One of the traits of leaders who finish strong is those who live their life intentionally with purpose. Each day is seen as a gift and an opportunity to add value to those around them and make a difference in their world.

Living and leading with a purpose makes each day meaningful and unique. It’s an opportunity to use your God-given gifts and abilities for a good cause. Click To Tweet When you live your life with purpose it motivates you in a different way. No longer is it about you, it’s about others. A selfless leader is a strong leader who will also finish strong.

Leaders who finish strong have a resilient attitude
I’ve yet to meet a leader who doesn’t face his or her fair share of problems and adversity. It comes with the territory. Maybe more so. But the leader who finishes strong is not the one who was exempt from adversity but the one who endured it.

Leaders who finish strong have discovered the secret that it’s not about what happens to them that matters but what happens in them that sets them apart. Leaders who finish strong have a resilient attitude that never gives up. Click To Tweet They understand that they are responsible for it and work at having a good one every day.

Leaders who finish strong have tapped into their work-life balance
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” so says the old proverb. Leaders who finish strong are those who understand the importance of a sound work-life balance. These leaders know and understand the value of hard work and give it their all day in and day out. They roll up their sleeves and are willing to go the extra mile to get the job done.

But finishing strong requires balance. And if as a leader you are burning the candle at both ends with no balance in your life as it pertains to rest and recreation soon you will be of little value to anyone.

Leaders who finish strong are able to do so because they have found the balance they need. Make sure that you give your mind and body the rest it needs and deserves. Remember, it was not about finishing the race first for the Greeks that mattered, it was finishing with your torch still lit. If you cross the finish line of 2018 burned out and spent how will you begin 2019?

As the year draws to a close think about how you can finish strong. What action steps do you need to take? It’s not too late. Finish strong and be ready to tackle a new year with a renewed sense of passion and purpose. Click To Tweet

© 2018 Doug Dickerson



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Leadership Lessons From Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

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Then all the reindeer loved him as they shouted out with glee, Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeer, you’ll go down in history!- Robert L. May

For many years, the story goes; Montgomery Ward department store in Chicago purchased and gave away coloring books as a promotional during the Christmas season. In 1939, company executives wanted to do something that would both reduce costs and be new and different.

To help with the new project they turned to Robert L. May, a 34-year old Montgomery Ward copywriter who was known to dabble in children’s limericks and stories. His creation was a short story written in rhyming verse and differed from the version known today. The original Rudolph lived in the woods with his loving parents far from the North Pole.

May’s story became an immediate success. Montgomery Ward gave away 2.4 million copies of the story in 1939 and by 1946, despite wartime paper shortages; over 6 million copies had been distributed. Faced with large medical bills because of his wife’s battle with cancer, May asked Montgomery Ward officials if he could have the copyright to Rudolph turned over to him. The company agreed and that same year the story was published commercially.

May also asked his brother-in-law, songwriter Johnny Marks, to adapt his basic story idea to music. When Marks was done, one singer after another, including Bing Crosby, declined to record the song. Finally, in 1949, Gene Autry accepted and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer shot to the top of the charts. Autry’s version is now the second best-selling Christmas song of all time, surpassed only by Crosby’s White Christmas.

From the song, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, come leadership lessons that are still applicable today. Here are three leadership lessons that will serve you well regardless of the season.

We all have natural gifts and abilities

Rudolph was the object of scorn by the other reindeer who mistakenly thought that because he was different from the others he didn’t have anything to contribute.

We all come in different shapes, sizes, and with unique gifts. It is not in the similarities that we stand out but in our differences. The gifts and talents you bring to the table of your business or organization may not look like anything else in your company, but that is your gift Click To Tweet. As you embrace and celebrate those gifts, others will also come to appreciate what you have to offer.

We all face opposition

Because his appearance was different from others around him, Rudolph faced opposition. There will always be an element of people who will oppose you not based on your appearance as in the story, but because you have a different perspective, you have a different attitude, and you bring an optimistic mindset to the challenges your company faces.

When you embrace that which causes you to stand out you are on your way to the top. Others can ridicule you or join you but the choice is theirs. Regardless of the opposition you face, never surrender your uniqueness to any opposition. Click To Tweet

Your moment to shine will eventually come

It is your daily faithfulness in the little things that you prove yourself. Even though Rudolph faced opposition from the others, he didn’t allow their negativity to defeat him. In the moment of crisis when Santa needed a go-to Reindeer, Rudolph was ready. Armed with his natural giftedness and positive attitude, he navigated the team of fellow reindeer to a successful completion of the Christmas mission.

Your moment of destiny will come one day and it may not happen the way you expected. Open your eyes to all the possibilities that your leadership can provide. As you remain faithful your big moment will come. Click To Tweet

This Christmas season, celebrate your gift as a leader, rise above your opposition, and stand ready to embrace your destiny. As you do, you will have a greater understanding of just how special the season can be.


© 2018 Doug Dickerson

  • I originally posted this article a few years ago, I bring it back during the Christmas season.
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Big Sky Thinking

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We all live under the same sky but we don’t all have the same horizon. – Konrad Adenauer

In, A Savior For All Seasons, William Barker shares the story of a bishop back in the early twentieth century who had an exchange with a college president about all of the discoveries that had been made up that point in time.

The bishop conveyed that he thought everything in nature and everything in inventions had been discovered.

The college president took exception to this and told his guest that he was certain that within fifty years men would be able to fly. “Nonsense!” replied the bishop. “Only angels are intended to fly.”

The bishop’s name was Milton Wright. He had two boys at home- Orville and Wilbur-who one day would prove him wrong.  

As a leader, it is imperative that you know the causes of limited thinking and how it impacts you as a leader. As the above story reveals, we can all live under the same sky, but we can have different horizons. But why? Here are three common reasons.

We use the wrong words

If Orville and Wilbur had listened to their father they may have never taken flight. Often time, it’s the repeated use of our negative words that hold us back. It could very well be that you have grounded your dreams and blurred your vision by the words coming out of your mouth. Click To Tweet

We have the wrong mindset

Your mindset has as much to do with your dreams as anything else. If all you entertain is negative talk and negative beliefs, all you will experience is negative outcomes. If your mindset is wrong, don’t expect the outcomes to be right. It just won’t happen.

We have the wrong vision

Many variables can come into play as to why your dream never materializes. Could it be that the dreams you are pursuing are just too small? Could it be that it’s just not worthy of your God-given talents and abilities? Better to fail when pursuing a dream too big than succeed at a dream too small. Click To Tweet

Big sky thinking ought to be a reflection of big size dreams. What does that look like? Here are three for your consideration.

Big sky thinking is seeing what others don’t see

When Walt Disney’s wife was being introduced to speak at the dedication of Disney World, the emcee turned and said to her, “I wish he could have seen this”. To which she replied, “He did”. What do you see that others don’t?

Big sky thinking is all about removing the limitations you have placed on yourself and those you’ve allowed to be transferred upon you. Dare to see beyond what others don’t or can’t.

Big sky thinking is refusing to settle for what’s easy

When a young President Kennedy cast the vision of man going to the moon, he embraced what was thought impossible and rallied a nation to believe with him. In a speech he said, “We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” Big sky thinking is embracing things that are hard because nothing worth achieving ever comes easy. Click To Tweet

Big sky thinking is all about believing in yourself

Joel Osteen said, “If you’re alive and breathing, you can still become everything God has created you to be.” Until you believe that, big sky thinking will always be out of your reach. Dare to believe in yourself and dare to believe that you are here for a greater purpose.

When you embrace big sky thinking you are creating a shift from limited thinking and limited possibilities and unlocking a whole new world of possibilities. What are you waiting for?

©2018 Doug Dickerson

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Three Ways Leaders Can Model Losing

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I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work. – Thomas A. Edison

In most all leadership circles we hear much about winning and success.  I’m not knocking it. We all like to win.

But in leadership, as in life, not every endeavor we undertake results in a win. Sometimes we lose. We don’t need books and webinars on how to win. That comes easy for most. Losing, on the other hand, is another story.

As a sports enthusiasts and player back in the day, we all heard the saying, “It’s not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game.” That’s all good and well if you win but can ring hollow when you lose.

In leadership, losing and failure takes on a whole new meaning. We tend to tie our value to our successes and see failure as unacceptable (not that it ever should be), and not as a part of our overall success journey. We forget the big picture.

In his acclaimed book, Failing Forward, John Maxwell states, “One of the greatest problems people have with failure is that they are too quick to judge isolated situations in their lives and label them as failures. Instead, they need to keep the bigger picture in mind.” Your approach and attitude toward losing are critical to your leadership.

How you lose or fail as a leader says as much about your leadership as does winning. How will you model it? Click To Tweet

Here are three ways as a leader you can model losing. Weigh them carefully, one day you will need this.

You model losing with your humility

At the end of the day, nothing is more humbling as a loss. Losing has a way of keeping you humble and grounded as a leader. Not that you always want to end up on the losing end of things, but it is an indication that the journey to success is also littered with failures along the way.

Losing is a not so subtle way of learning that you don’t know it all and remaining humble is important. At times, the best thing that can happen to you is to experience a loss. A loss is a great teacher.

You model losing with your integrity

In the event of losing, be sure not to lose your integrity. Be humble and gracious. Don’t blame others for your loss and be sure to accept responsibility. Losing shows that you have skin in the game and that you were willing to take some risks.

There are worse things in a leaders life than losing. You can learn from your mistakes and live to fight another day. Click To Tweet But when you compromise your character and lose your integrity you’ve lost the most significant battle of all.

You model losing with your resolve

Thomas Edison’s attitude towards failure is a great example of resolve. He experienced setbacks (a fire destroyed his lab) and suffered numerous hardships. He is remembered not for his defeatist attitude but for having a positive one. Thirty days after that fire destroyed his lab he put forth the first phonograph.

The battles you win and lose as a leader is a reflection of your skills and judgment. How you lose is a reflection of your character and your heart. What kind of leader will you be? Click To Tweet

When you are an example of a leader who knows how to lose, you will be a leader who knows how to win, and one worth following. Stay humble, keep your integrity in check, and never lose your resolve.

© 2018 Doug Dickerson

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What Bees Teach Us About Teams

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Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success. – Henry Ford

It’s been said that bees can show you something about teamwork. On a warm day about half the bees in a hive stay inside beating their wings while the other half go out to gather pollen and nectar. Because of the beating wings, the temperature inside the hive is about 10 degrees cooler than outside. The bees rotate duties and the bees that cool the hive one day are honey gatherers the next.

Who knew that the bee could teach us about the power and function of teams.

Pardon the pun, but there’s been a lot of buzz in recent years about teams and teamwork and rightfully so. Anyone can throw a group of people together and call it a team. But is it, really?

Until the following four characteristics emerge within that group of individuals they will simply remain a group of people struggling for identity, struggling to make sense of what they are doing, where they are going, and what they are accomplishing. Here are the four things we must learn from the bees.


It stands to reason that if a group people can emerge and gel as a team it will be predicated on trust

The bees trust one another to carry out their duties. Whether those duties are in the hive beating their wings or out gathering pollen and nectar. They depend on each other to get the job done.

One recent survey I read said that 45% of employees say that a lack of trust in leadership is the biggest issue impacting their work performance. So until the issue of trust is settled then those in leadership will continue to struggle. And sadly, so will the team and its ability to perform.


Due to the revolving nature of the bees’ duties, they have an understanding of what it takes to get the job done each day. Each knows and understands what the other is going through.

Within your organization, developing empathy goes a long way in building trust and moving the team forward. Everyone’s skills and talents are needed and all must be respected even though not all are the same. Team members need to see the big picture not just through the lens of what they do but in what others do as well. Click To Tweet


Bees depend on each other to cool the hive and gather food. If they fail to do their job, someone might just get stung!

In his book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Patrick Lencioni says, “Great teams do not hold back with one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.” And this is the secret sauce of how teams work. They hold each other accountable.

Without accountability, your team will flounder and miss the mark. It’s when you embrace it, as painful as it can be at times, that you will come to understand the power and potential of your team. Click To Tweet

Mutual respect

When team members begin to trust one another, develop empathy, hold one another accountable, then they can move forward with mutual respect.

When you look at your fellow team members not as competitors but as colleagues, you can then harness the power of teamwork. Don’t let petty office politics or gossip ruin what could otherwise be the making of a well-performing team. Click To Tweet

When you come together possessing these qualities you can move from being a group of people that look like a team to actually being one. If the bees can do so can you!

©2018 Doug Dickerson

Coming in January 2019 – A brand new four-session workshop I facilitate with the purpose of bringing your team together, having intentional conversations in order to clarify values and get your team members off the sidelines. Watch for more details in the coming weeks!

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The Power of a Thankful Leader

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If a fellow isn’t thankful for what he’s got, he isn’t likely to be thankful for what he’s about to get. – Frank A. Clark

A story is told of two men who were walking through a field one day when they spotted an enraged bull. Instantly they darted toward the nearest fence.  The storming bull followed in hot pursuit, and it was soon apparent they wouldn’t make it.

Terrified, the one shouted to the other, “Put up a prayer, John. We’re in for it!”

John answered, “I can’t. I’ve never made a public prayer in my life.”

“But you must!” implored his companion. “The bull is catching up to us.”

“All right,” panted John, “I’ll say the only prayer I know, the one my father used to repeat at the table: ‘O Lord, for what we are about to receive, make us truly thankful.'”

With all of the pressures and demands that are placed on leaders today, it’s as important as ever to stop and give thanks. In this season as we prepare to do just that, let’s examine why it’s important to you as a leader to give thanks.

It puts the past in perspective
Every leader has a story to tell regarding his or her journey. You’ve had up’s and down’s, struggles, and sacrifices along the way. There were times you probably thought about throwing in the towel. But here you are. No, you haven’t “arrived” yet, but you are in a good place and in comparison to where you were, you are very blessed.

It’s important to remember the past but not to live there. The perspective you gain is in knowing that every trial and experience along the way has prepared you for this moment and for a bright future ahead. Be thankful for your past and where you have come from, but keep looking forward. Click To Tweet

It gives the present a purpose
When you develop a thankful heart as a leader it helps give purpose to your present. If you are holding on to a hurt, or bitterness from your past, you won’t be effective as a leader today. Let it go. You are right where you are for a reason. Your past experiences, good and bad, have prepared you for this time and place in your leadership journey. Click To Tweet You may not be where you want to be, but then again, you are not where you once were either.

It’s as you understand your purpose and put it into context you can excel in your leadership skills. As you carry within you a thankful heart and serve with humility you can set the course for a bright future.

It gives a hope for the future
When you learn the secret of a thankful heart it frees you as a leader. When you learn to count your blessings instead of your troubles, it will help you look at your troubles with a different attitude. You are not defined by your past and you are not the sum of your fears or your mistakes. Click To Tweet You have a solid grip on the present. You have hope.

Your future is wide open and is predicated on being thankful for all the blessings you now enjoy. As you ponder these and other blessings during this time of the year, do so with a renewed commitment to not neglect this important area of your leadership. What are you thankful for?

©2018 Doug Dickerson

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Why Your Employees Stand On The Sidelines

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I like work; it fascinates me. I can sit and look at it for hours. – Jerome K. Jerome

According to Gallup’s 2017 State of the American Workplace, only 33% of full-time employees in the U.S. are engaged at work. The majority of employees are indifferent.

Chances are you know one of these persons. They show up at work. They do their job. Then they go home. They don’t go above and beyond what’s required of them to improve the company or advance its goals.

We’ve known for some time that engagement in the workplace is a challenge. It’s been written about extensively.

Sideline employees make up what Gallup identifies as the “actively disengaged” – those who do not enjoy going to work and are sucking the morale out of your organization. They’re unhappy and everyone knows it.

Why employees opt for the sidelines will vary from organization to organization. Understanding why is crucial. While this is not an attempt to identify all of those reasons, perhaps these observations will help.

Indifferent leaders produce indifferent employees

Leaders set the tone for the organization. If the leadership is indifferent towards its team members – not engaged with them, listening to them, empowering and equipping them, then it’s going to be a stretch to think the team members will be enthusiastic about coming off the sidelines. If you want your employees to have skin in the game they first need to see your investment.

The mission isn’t clear

If your team members can’t identify the mission of the organization then don’t expect them to commit to uncertainty. Click To Tweet. Team members will come off the sidelines when they know the mission when the vision is clear, and when they know what impact their contribution will make. Don’t expect your team members to stick their necks out for what you as a leader haven’t made clear.

The risk isn’t worth the reward

Leaders move employees off the sidelines by not only sharing the mission and vision but painting a picture of what victory looks like. Engaged employees had rather risk defeat by being in the game and contributing than watching others celebrate a victory they had nothing to do with. Click To Tweet It could be that some on the sidelines are there because there’s no incentive to be in the game.

Poor company culture

According to YouEarnedlt, 49% of employees say culture influences their employee experience more than the physical environment or the technology to do their job. Company culture is a two-edged sword that cuts both ways for sideline employees. They are on the sidelines because of their perception of a poor company culture but are too indifferent to step up to change it. The culture of your organization sets the tone for the productivity of your people. As a leader, you must accept responsibility for this. Click To Tweet

Moving your people from the sidelines to an all in commitment requires strong leadership. The foundational principles are relationships, communication, engagement, and culture. It’s time to get your players in the game!


©2018 Doug Dickerson

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Four Things All Humble Leaders Do

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Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less. – C.S. Lewis

Pride and arrogance. It’s been the Achilles-heel for leaders it seems for as long as anyone can remember. There’s a fine line and big difference between a leader who instills pride among his or her people and in doing so lifts morale across the board throughout the organization.

But then there’s the leader who is simply arrogant and prideful in that they are haughty, think they know it all, look down on others, ignores input, is condescending, and are basically just jerks. Chances are, you already have a visual image of this person in mind, don’t you?

Yet one of the most endearing qualities of leadership is found in the person who genuinely walks in humility.  

But what sets this leader apart? How can you spot them? What are their characteristics? Here are four that are obvious.

They ask a lot of questions

Humble leaders are not afraid to ask questions. It’s a leadership hack that is lost on many aspiring leaders due to pride. The proud and arrogant leader had rather make you think they know it all by not asking a question. The humble leader had rather ask questions and be sure of it.

In his book, Good Leaders Ask Great Questions, John Maxwell writes, “Any leader who asks the right questions of the right people has the potential to discover and develop great ideas”. And this is true of you.

Your road to success as a leader is not achieved through pride and a know-it-all attitude. It comes from a humble attitude and by asking questions. Click To Tweet

They put others first

In an age when so many are only looking out for themselves, the humble leader knows how to put others first.

Putting others first is all about putting the needs of the team ahead of your own. It’s not just about making decisions within your organization that best fits your needs, but is about empowering all people across the board. The humble leader is willing to make sacrifices others won’t. It’s done out of service and duty to a cause, purpose, and mission greater than self.

They bring people together

This characteristic of a humble leader is worth highlighting because this leader understands that they alone are not the source of all knowledge.

The humble leader is smart enough to know that the way forward is not alone, but with others. Click To Tweet The humble leader knows that in order to sustain momentum and move forward it takes everyone working together. The humble leader is all about bringing people to the table for all voices to be heard.

The humble leader taps into the wisdom and knowledge of all his or her people in order to move the team forward. He does so not by feeling threatened by those voices but by appreciating them. Click To Tweet

They speak less and listen more

The one with the title talks- a lot. The humble leader is prone to speaking less and listening more.

Stephen Covey said, “It takes humility to seek feedback. It takes wisdom to understand it, analyze it and appropriately act on it.” And this is what humble leaders desire to do. Humble leaders are like sponges- learning all they can.

Humble leaders are like a breath of fresh air. They are confident in who they are, what they know, and the skills they have. But they are not so arrogant that they are afraid to ask questions, put others first, bring people together, and speak less (or as Simon Sinek suggests – speak last) and listen more. In this day and time, we could use some humble leaders.


©2018 Doug Dickerson


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