Be a Leader That Lifts

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A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you. – C.S. Lewis

In the washroom of a place of business in London, British newspaper publisher Willaim Beaverbrook happened to meet Edward Heath, a young member of Parliament, about whom Beaverbrook had printed an insulting article a few days earlier. “My dear chap,” said the publisher, embarrassed by the meeting, “I’ve been thinking it over, and I was wrong. Here and now, I wish to apologize.”

“Very well,” grunted Heath, “but next time, I wish you’d insult me in the washroom and apologize in your newspaper.”

If you hang around in leadership long enough, you will eventually have moments when you are on the receiving end of critics and toxic people. It comes with the territory. My friend Ron Ward explains it this way. “ The tallest trees catch the most wind. Leadership can make you a target.” This is so true.

Most likely by now, you’ve heard the popular expression, “In a world where you can be anything, be kind”. The message is simple but profound. I think it’s time more people live it, especially leaders. 

One of the most lasting things you can do as a leader is to lift others- to see people where they are not with a condescending eye, but with a lifting hand. As a leader, you are either lifting people or leaving people, your choice will make all the difference.

What qualities or attitudes do lifting leaders possess? What sets apart leaders that lift as compared to leaders that hold others down? Let’s consider these five for starters.

Leaders that lift look at potential

When you look for and see the potential in people it becomes the starting place for lifting. It’s a principle that I learned many years ago from John Maxwell. He always saw people as a 10. In reality, they were not 10’s. They may only be a 2, 3, or 4, but he looked upon them as 10’s. He saw them not as they were in that moment but who they could become. As a leader that lifts, don’t just look at the dirt that surrounds that diamond in the rough, look at their intrinsic value and worth.

Leaders that lift set aside their insecurities

This perhaps is one of the most common causes as to why some leaders don’t lift others. So long as you are insecure you will always be looking upon others with a suspicious eye. This posture puts a lid on your leadership. What’s worse, in the process, you hold others back. Don’t allow your insecurities and pettiness to hold others back. People around you need your best, not your baggage. Click To Tweet As a leader that lifts, be willing to call out the best in people. At the end of the day, all people want and deserve is a leader that believes in them and is not intimidated by their rise. 

Leaders that lift build relationships

A leader that lifts knows the power of connections and relationship building. While you may have the ability to lift those around you, it may be another that takes them further on the journey than you. Make those connections anyway. The people you lift may just be one connection away from reaching their dream and realizing their destiny. That journey begins with a simple act of kindness and offering a hand that lifts.

Leaders that lift build momentum

The compound effect of leaders that lift is that it creates an energy and momentum that is fueled by those who have been lifted to fulfill their dreams. Would you rather fuel momentum in your organization by coercion or by passion? When you commit to being a leader that lifts you unleash a momentum that you couldn’t do on your own.

Leaders that lift build the future

This is the lasting contribution of leaders that lift. When you lift others, you are not just improving the lives of others today, you are helping build the next generation of leaders. In the end, it’s not about what you did for yourself. How can you make the world a better place? It begins when you are not looking down on others, but when you lift them up. A promising future is built one lifting hand at a time.

Are you a leader that lifts?


©2021 Doug Dickerson

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The Example of Your Leadership

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If not me, who? And if not now, when? – Rabbi Hillel 

A story is told of the late Harland “Colonel” Sanders on an airplane when an infant screamed and would not stop even though the mother and flight attendants tried every trick they could think of. Finally, the Colonel asked if he could hold the baby. He gently rocked it to sleep. 

Later, a passenger said, “We appreciate what you did for us.” 

Colonel Sanders replied, “I didn’t do it for us. I did it for the baby.”

The story is a reminder of a principle that all leaders need to remember – it’s not about you. It never has been.

Standing in the way of an otherwise good leader that’s setting a bad example is: 

  • A sense of entitlement – So long as you feel entitled by your position or power, you will continue to set a bad example. 
  • Pride – So long as you feel as if serving is beneath you then leading will be beyond you.
  • Ego – If you are thinking too highly of yourself then it will be difficult to set an example or lead others.

In more than three decades in leadership, I’ve been exposed to some leaders who were great examples and I’ve been around those whom I had just soon forgotten about. Chances are, so have you.

So what qualities or characteristics are essential in times like these if we are to set a good leadership example? Here are a few for consideration.

A leader with humility

It’s been said that humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less. A leader with humility is comfortable in his own skin and places the needs of others ahead of his own. 

A leader with integrity

At the end of the day, all you have is your name. Before a person buys into your vision they first must buy-in to you. It won’t matter how good your vision or dreams are, you can only travel as far as your integrity allows.

A leader with a servant’s heart

You will never set a more powerful example than when you exemplify the qualities of servant leadership. When you serve others and are committed to their growth and when you are empathetic to their needs, you then model a style of leadership that’s worth following. 

A leader who listens to his people

When the people you lead know that they can come to you and that you will listen to them, you will have their hearts. It’s a great example of leadership when your people know that you are attentive to their concerns and that their voices are heard. I’ve said it before and it’s worth repeating here again – often the best ideas don’t flow out of your office, they flow into it. 

A leader who elevates others

It’s sad to see leaders who elevate themselves off the backs of their people. It’s an abuse of leadership. You will set a positive example in leadership when you learn how to elevate your people, help them grow, and allow them to succeed. When you get your ego out of the way, your people can shine. 

Final Thoughts

These are but a few ways in which you can set an example as a leader. It’s up to you to never stop growing, learning, and improving as a leader. Abraham Lincoln said, “ I do the very best I know how- the very best I can; and I mean to keep on doing so until the end.” And this is our calling as leaders. Because if not me, who? And if not now, when?


©2021 Doug Dickerson

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Elevating Your Leadership Influence

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Think twice before you speak because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another. – Napoleon Hill

One day a farmer grabbed his shotgun to shoot at a flock of pesky crows. Unfortunately, he didn’t see his sociable parrot that had joined the crows. After firing a few shots, he walked over to the fallen birds and was surprised to find his parrot badly ruffled with a broken wing.

When the farmer’s children saw the injured bird, they asked, “Dad, what happened?” The farmer simply replied, “Bad company.” 

In leadership, one of the greatest responsibilities you have is to add value to your people and to increase the level of your influence in a positive way. As a leader, this ought to be top of mind in your thinking, but also in your actions. Are they lining up?

As you consider how to elevate your leadership influence, perhaps a good place to start is with these questions.

Are you investing in yourself as a leader?

After 30+ years in leadership here’s what I have learned – growing as a leader is a lifelong process. There’s never been a time in which I can say that I’ve learned it all. Before you can be a leader of influence in the life of those around you, you must first invest in your own personal growth and development as a leader. You have to grow yourself before you can grow others. Click To Tweet

Do you see the intrinsic value and worth of the people you lead?

It’s a simple leadership principle but one that needs to be established – if you don’t place value in the people that you lead, you will be unable to add value to them. Not everyone you lead has the same potential, but everyone has potential. Make sure that you value and respect the people that you lead, if not, your influence will be marginal at best.

Are you aware of the power of your words and actions?

The overwhelming influence you have as a leader comes from your words and actions. There’s no escaping it. The Biblical advice, “…let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger…”  (James 1:19) is advice we can all learn from. Your words, actions, and temperament as a leader will go a long way in determining how much influence you will ultimately have. Click To Tweet

Do you have the right motives?

In leadership, it’s important that you are using your influence for the right reasons. There’s no greater joy for a leader than to add value, build relationships, and help others grow and develop in their leadership. But sadly, not every leader has unselfish motives. Your influence as a leader is proportional to your motives and integrity.

So long as you see relationships as transactional – what’s in it for me- then your influence as a leader will be scarce and eventually people will see through it. Be genuine and authentic and your influence will increase.

Can you keep your ego in check?

I’ve said it many times over the years and it still rings true today – expressions of servant leadership are found when you concede being in the spotlight by putting someone else in it. And this cuts to the heart of what leadership is all about. The day you and I discover that it’s not about us is the day we truly understand leadership. When your influence as a leader puts someone else in the spotlight is a time of celebration, not jealousy. So long as you hold onto your ego, you will have a hard time being an influential leader. 

Who’s in your circle of influence?

Elevating your leadership influence begins with identifying who is in your circle of influence and being intentional with it. Who are you reaching? How are you adding value to them? In what ways can you improve upon what you are doing? How can you expand your circle and be a more productive leader? Knowing the answers to these questions will help you increase your influence.

©2021 Doug Dickerson


The Cardinal Point Leadership Podcast is coming in January 2021! The Cardinal Point Leadership Podcast is for leaders young and old. My desire is simple – to cut through the clutter and deliver leadership content that is relevant, practical, and useful. Here we will talk about leadership development, employee engagement, servant leadership, and much more.

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Reimagining the Heart of Leadership

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People will follow a leader with a heart faster than a leader with a title –  Craig Groeschel

I once read the story about a young woman who wanted to go to college, but her heart sank when she read the question on the application that asked, “Are you a leader?” Being honest and conscientious, she wrote, “No”, and returned the application, expecting the worst. 

To her surprise, she received this letter from the college: “Dear Applicant: A study of the application forms reveals that this year our college will have 1,452 new leaders. We are accepting you because we feel it is imperative that they have at least one follower.”

One of the hardest things for new and aspiring leaders to learn is that leadership is not about titles or positions. It’s one of the hardest things for veteran leaders to remember. 

I don’t have to tell you that we live in a divisive culture on many fronts. My focus in leadership is not to get into the weeds of what divides us, but rather in the context of those things, point us in a better direction. 

Reimagining the heart of leadership begins when we make shifts to the following five areas in our lives. This list is not an exhaustive one but rather a starting place on the journey.

Reimagining the heart of leadership begins with humility

In my 30+ years in leadership, the most inspiring and most memorable leaders I’ve come to know are those who lead with humility. During this time, I have met my fair share of leaders who live it, and I’ve met those who talk about it but whose actions are far from it.  How about you?

I like the way Paul David Tripp defines humility. He puts it this way, “Humility means you love serving more than you crave leading.” The day your desire to serve others is greater than your desire for recognition, power, or a position, is the day you can reimagine what the possibilities of your leadership are. Click To Tweet

Reimagining the heart of leadership begins with empathy

One of the defining characteristics of your leadership is the ability to translate empathy into action with your people. A seasoned leader can relate to the one just starting out and can serve a valuable role in his or her leadership development.

“Empathy is about standing in someone else’s shoes,” said Daniel Pink, “feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes.” As an empathetic leader, your possibilities are endless.

Reimagining the heart of leadership through empathy will move you from being an observer of your people to being a developer of your people. Empathy is a great instrument in your leadership toolkit.

Reimaging the heart of leadership begins with your attitude

The game-changer in your leadership has been and always will be your attitude. In the culture in which we live it’s easy to be cynical or discouraged. Many have lost hope. 

Reimagining the heart of leadership happens when you realize that you will never rise above the attitude you have. As John Maxwell said, “The greatest day in your life and mine is the day we take total responsibility for our attitudes. It’s the day we truly grow up.”  

You and I have a choice as it relates to our attitudes and we must do everything within our power to protect it. No one can do it for you. It’s an inside job so be intentional when it comes to attitude changes you need to make. 

Reimagining the heart of leadership begins with relationships

Relationships are essential in leadership. They matter now more than ever. If we’ve learned anything in the last year during this pandemic, we’ve learned that people have an innate desire to be together. 

Relationships certainly look a lot different now as compared to a year ago. But the need for them is greater than ever. Click To Tweet

Reimagining the heart of leadership begins when we all remember that it is through relationships that we grow, reach our potential, and accomplish more than we could ever have imagined by ourselves.

Reimagining the heart of leadership begins with transparency

One of the greatest challenges you will deal with as a leader is that of transparency. Many leaders tend to be guarded. They don’t like the vulnerability that comes with it and tend to build walls that too few are able to see above. 

Mother Teresa gave us this advice, “Honesty and transparency make us vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.” And this is the call to leadership that we need today. 

Reimagining the heart of leadership begins with an understanding that we are all works-in-progress. And so long as we remain humble and teachable our transparency will set us free to be who we are as we strive to be all God created us to become. 

Are you ready to reimagine the heart of your leadership?


©2021 Doug Dickerson

The Cardinal Point Leadership Podcast is coming in January 2021! The Cardinal Point Leadership Podcast is for leaders young and old. My desire is simple – to cut through the clutter and deliver leadership content that is relevant, practical, and useful. Here we will talk about leadership development, employee engagement, servant leadership, and much more.

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Building a Culture of Empowerment

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The greatest leaders aren’t necessarily the ones who do the greatest things. They are the ones who empower others to do great things.- John Maxwell

When the great singer Enrico Caruso had his first voice lesson, his teacher was less than impressed. “You can’t sing.” his teacher exclaimed, “Your voice sounds like a wind in the shutters”. 

Not deterred by the review, Caruso’s mother believed that her young son indeed could sing. She was very poor, but she scraped up enough money to pay for his voice lessons. She believed in her son and made great personal sacrifices to help him along.

In order for your organization to move forward and succeed it needs a leader at the helm who will dare to defy the words of its critics and believe in its people. For an aspiring singer like Caruso, he had a mother who believed in him and made sacrifices for his success. Who do your people have?

Building a culture of empowerment is one of the single most important roles you have as a leader. In order to get it right, you have to be intentional. Here are four ways to begin.

Encourage Ownership

Chances are, within your organization are individuals who have a ‘take the bull by the horn’ mentality- those who contribute in significant ways to moving your organization forward. Then again, there are those who simply need encouragement to embrace their skills and overcome their fears in order to rise to their potential. 

As a leader, make it your priority to empower your people to own their work, make decisions in real-time, and to act in harmony with your values. When ownership increases so does morale which leads to greater wins for everyone.

Promote Collaboration

When the people within your organization learn how to work in collaboration with one another it builds a momentum you would not otherwise experience. This type of energy is not created alone nor is it sustained alone. It takes a group of dedicated people working together to make it happen.

As a leader, it’s important to understand the power of collaboration. When your people see each other as allies instead of competitors, it will change the dynamic of your organization Click To Tweet. When you promote collaboration and you promote empowerment.

Challenge Traditions

The most deadly words in any organization -’ this is the way we’ve always done it’, will have the same consequences for your organization if you do not challenge traditions. If 2020 has taught us anything in leadership, it’s taught us how to pivot and has upended many traditional ways of doing things. When your people have the freedom to shake things up a bit it creates new energy of empowerment that can move your team to a higher level.

As a leader, you must empower your people to challenge traditions that have lingered too long or serve no practical purpose now. Don’t forsake the values that brought you where you are, but be willing to take a fresh look at those practices going forward.

Elevate Everyone

Your people are the most appreciable asset you have as a leader. When you elevate your people with your words, your actions, and your daily decisions, you demonstrate their importance in tangible ways. This type of empowerment has a lasting impact that is an extension of your leadership.

While empowering your people is one of the most important things you can do for your organization, being the type of leader that adds value to others is your highest calling as a leader. Click To TweetMake it your practice to add value above all else.

Final Thoughts

One of the greatest returns on your leadership is not in what you can get others to do for you, but in what you can do for them. The day you realize that it’s not about you is the day you will begin to empower others. 


©2020 Doug Dickerson


The Cardinal Point Leadership Podcast is coming in January 2021! The Cardinal Point Leadership Podcast is for leaders young and old. My desire is simple – to cut through the clutter and deliver leadership content that is relevant, practical, and useful. Here we will talk about leadership development, employee engagement, servant leadership, and much more.


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A Season for Reflection

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Follow effective action with quiet reflection.  From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action – Peter Drucker

Somewhere at the beginning of each day, you probably find yourself looking at your reflection in the mirror. Many of us never give a second thought as to how that reflection is produced. All surfaces reflect some light, but only a special type of surface reflects light in such a way that it can form a mirror.

In 1835, German chemist Justis von Liebig devised a process for coating plates of glass with metallic silver. This was the beginning of the mirror as we know it today and helped it become a household item. The mirrors in our homes are made in a similar fashion by evaporating a very thin layer of silver onto a glass. 

If you’re like me, spending a lot of time in front of the mirror is not a good thing–for the mirror. But during the month of December in the lead up to Christmas and when thoughts turn toward the new year, it is a time of reflection.

What about you? What are you reflecting on? What are you thankful for? What are you celebrating? What are you mourning?

Times of reflection as a leader is important and every leader needs to do it. Here are a few ways it can help you grow in your leadership.

It puts your past in perspective

When you look back on 2020, it will generate mixed emotions and responses for sure. But the lessons you’ve learned serve a greater good when you stop to consider all that you’ve been through.

While you may not have chosen every event that came your way, you found a way to face it. You found a way to pivot, improvise, and adapt. Was it easy? Certainly not. Were their setbacks and disappointments? Yes. But here you are, and you are here for a purpose.

Reflect on this: You are not defined by your past. You have a purpose to fulfill.

It gives context to your present

Reflection gives you the opportunity to put your present situation into context. One year ago, many would not have imagined they would be in the situation they find themselves in today. In the past year, I have celebrated the birth of a new grandchild, mourned the passing of my mother, and faced the challenges of a pandemic with my fellow human race.

Nibo Qubein said, “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go, they merely determine where you start”. And this is the point of reflection – not to see how far you’ve come but to get a good look at the starting line going forward.

Reflect on this: What actions do you need to take today to get a fresh start on your future?

It provides clarity for your future

Richard Carlson was right when he said, “Reflection is one of the most underused yet powerful tools for success”. And this is one of the primary benefits of it. Not only does reflection give you the benefit of putting your past in perspective and context to your present, but it can give you a blueprint for your future. Click To Tweet

Every lesson you’ve learned this year has prepared you for this moment. You are not the sum of your failures, fears, or setbacks. I believe that you’ve been prepared by them for a future brighter than what you’ve imagined.

Reflect on this: What attitudes do I need to embrace and who are the people that I need to surround myself with going forward?

Final Thoughts

Times of reflection can be invaluable to you as a leader. It can give you the clarity you need as you lead your people who rely on it. Embrace times of reflection and develop it as a discipline. You will be the wiser leader for it.


©2020 Doug Dickerson

The Cardinal Point Leadership Podcast is coming in January 2021! The Cardinal Point Leadership Podcast is for leaders young and old. My desire is simple – to cut through the clutter and deliver leadership content that is relevant, practical, and useful. Here we will talk about leadership development, employee engagement, servant leadership, and much more.

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Three Attitude Adjustments to Make Before Christmas

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An attitude of positive expectation is the mark of the superior personality – Brian Tracy

In A Charlie Brown Christmas, Charlie Brown was having trouble getting into the Christmas spirit so Linus said, “Charlie Brown, you’re the only person I know who can take a wonderful season like Christmas and turn it into a problem.” Ouch!

Have you ever known a person who, like Charlie Brown, can take a festive event like Christmas and turn it upside down simply because of their attitude? I have and they are no fun to be around. 

But the truth of the matter is this: 2020 has been a year like no other. And while most are not going to be sad to see this year come to a close end, it’s important to remember that in many ways, our attitudes can make us or break us. 

As we head down the stretch to close out this year, now might be a good time for an attitude inventory and make some adjustments where necessary. Here are three questions to reflect upon.

Am I  thankful?

Despite the challenges that came your way in 2020,  nothing will reflect on your attitude more than knowing and remembering what you are thankful for right now. During a pandemic, it’s easy to focus on the negative and find things to be upset about. I get it. But during the season we are now in, perhaps it’s time for some perspective that is greater than this snapshot in time. 

Charles Dickens aptly put it this way, “Reflect upon your present blessings- of which every man has many- not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” I believe this is a good reminder for us all. Be thankful.

Am I serving?

I have found over the years that the surest way to get my mind off of my troubles is by serving others. In leadership this one of the greatest lessons you will learn – it’s not about you. If you find your attitude waning this holiday season, let me encourage you to look outside yourself and renew your sense of purpose by serving those in need. 

Martin Luther King, Jr. put it this way,” Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: What are you doing for others?”.  The day your focus is on others more than it is on you is the day your attitude begins to shift for the better. Serve others.

Am I hopeful?

One of the underlying foundations of a positive attitude is hope. Hope sees beyond the present circumstances and holds to a greater sense of purpose and meaning that might temporarily be eluding you. Let me encourage you to press on anyway. Allow me to encourage you to believe that despite what your present circumstances look like to remember that your faith is not based upon what you see but on what God sees. Click To TweetIf there’s ever been a time for hopeful leaders it’s now. 

In his book Unshakeable Hope, Max Lucado writes, “The question is not, will God keep his promises, but, will we build our lives upon them?” And this is what will cause your attitude to be strong in the good times and the bad, Never lose hope.

Final Thoughts

Here’s what we know – life happens-the good, the bad, and the ugly. While we can’t always control everything that comes our way, we can control our attitude. When our focus is on being thankful, serving others, and being hopeful it can help keep our attitude healthy and strong.


©2020 Doug Dickerson

The Cardinal Point Leadership Podcast is coming in January 2021! The Cardinal Point Leadership Podcast is for leaders young and old. My desire is simple – to cut through the clutter and deliver leadership content that is relevant, practical, and useful. Here we will talk about leadership development, employee engagement, servant leadership, and much more.

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Why Clarity Matters in Your Leadership

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Individuals can live without certainty from a leader, but not without clarity. – John Maxwell

The story is told about the father of a vacationing family who came across a large sign that read, “Road Closed, Do Not Enter.” The man proceeded around the sign because he was confident it would save them time. His wife was resistant to the adventure, but there was no turning back for this road warrior.

After a few miles of successful navigation, he began to boast about his navigational skills. His proud smile was quickly replaced with humble sweat when the road led to a washed-out bridge. 

He turned the car around and retraced his tracks to the main road. When they arrived at the original warning sign he was greeted by large letters on the back of the sign, “Welcome back, stupid!”

How many times have we thought- even as leaders, that we knew for sure what we were doing or talking about, only to discover that we were wrong the whole time? I’ve been there plenty of times. Chances are, you have as well. Now what?

In leadership, it’s important to remember that we are not required to have all of the answers. That ought to be refreshing. But for the sake of the people we lead, let’s talk about what’s needed most which is clarity. Here are a few reasons why it matters.

Clarity provides context

Often it’s not answers to big questions that are the most important thing your people need, but context to the smaller ones. They may not see the big picture as you do. So rather than trying to tackle the big picture, break it down into bite-size pieces that they can make sense of what matters today.

Your people will be more apt to move forward with confidence if they have clarity and context about what they are doing and why.

Leadership Tip: Keep it simple.

Clarity inspires camaraderie

Your people will rally around a common goal and mission. When you people have clarity about what it is, their role in it, and why it matters, it makes all the difference. As you cut through the confusion and any indifference that might exist, you can move your people to a new level.

At every opportunity, give your people clarity to what’s going on around them. They will appreciate it and from there you can build stronger morale.

Leadership Tip:  Keep them together.

Clarity builds trust

Trust is your leadership currency. With it, you have unlimited possibilities before you. Without it, you are done. When you provide clarity, even during uncertain times and when answers are in short supply, you are building relations with your people based on their trust in you. During challenging times, your people need to be able to look to you with the assurance that you will always tell the truth – even if it hurts, knowing you have their best interests at heart. 

Leadership Tip: Keep them close. 

Final Thoughts

We live in a time when clarity seems to be in short supply. As a leader, be mindful that you don’t have to be the answer-man to every problem. Nor should you pretend to know it all. But in your role as a leader, you can give clarity and that will always serve you well. 


©2020 Doug Dickerson

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Employee Engagement in the Pandemic Era

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Life grants nothing to us mortals without hard work. – Horace

A new report issued by the Gallup organization sheds new light on the state of employee engagement in the midst of the pandemic. 

The report states that those who are “highly involved in, enthusiastic and committed to their workplace-has dropped back (from a previous high of 40%) to just slightly above the pre-COVID-19 rate of 35%, to 36%”.  The report goes on to say that “the percentage of workers who are “actively disengaged”–those who have miserable work experiences and spread their unhappiness to their colleagues–in this latest survey remains the same, at 13%”.

Credit: Gallup

Two more noteworthy takeaways from the report say that the largest decline in employee engagement was among those in managerial or leadership positions and that the drop was also sharper for people working on-site versus at home and among blue-collar or service workers. The drop was larger for men than women.

How do these findings stack up against what you know and are experiencing at your place of work? 

To be sure, the COVID pandemic altered the way in which we work, collaborate, and daily find satisfaction with our careers. It’s been challenging on multiple levels. And as leaders, we know and understand that the challenges presented to many at the beginning of the pandemic continue with us today. 

We realize that the challenges of employee engagement will vary from business to business and from person to person. Here, we want to offer some tips for leaders to help you process what’s taking place and give you some encouragement going forward. 

Acknowledge where you are today

It can be overwhelming to think about slips in employee engagement merely by looking at survey results. Before you embrace the results of this or any other survey, embrace what is true and peculiar to your people and in your organization. 

Acknowledge what is true about your organization and build from there. At the end of the day your numbers may reflect something direr, it may reflect something more positive, but either way, start with where you are at. 

Focus on managers and leaders

As stated in the report, the single largest drop in employee engagement was among those in managerial and leadership positions. If engagement is waning among your managers and among your leadership team, then it is incumbent upon you to get ahead of it and figure out where the deficiencies are. Before you can stop the disengagement among all of your employees, you must stop it among your leaders. Click To TweetDuring this time, worry less about the cosmetics of it and focus more on content and relationships.

For each day and week that goes by without correcting the course, it only moves you further in the wrong direction. Rally around your management team and give them the support they need. This will not only help them but they in turn will be able to plug the holes elsewhere.

Acknowledge that these are not normal times

While it is tempting to want your company leadership, management team, and even employees to get back to work as if things were normal, they aren’t. This expectation just adds to the stress and disengagement you are experiencing in your organization. When we are stressed, we easily become distracted from the tasks we need to focus on and turn our attention to the very thing that is causing us stress.

Acknowledging that things are not normal and helping your entire organization accept that work will look and feel different for the foreseeable future goes a long way in alleviating stress in the workplace. Be transparent in communicating where the organization is right now, what the projections are for the short-term, and what your strategic plan is to mitigate the negative impact that COVID has on your workforce. Solicit input from your teams as to what they need in order to perform during this stressful time.

A little gratitude goes a long way

This is no time to take your people for granted. Everyone is operating under less than optimal circumstances. Your teams have had to adapt, in the blink of an eye, to new ways of getting work done. While engagement may have taken a hit during this time, how many of your people have stepped up to the plate?

Showing your gratitude for their hard work during times of stress and uncertainty will go a long way. When you make your people feel appreciated, you gain loyalty and a renewed commitment to their responsibilities. Click To TweetShow enthusiasm toward them and the vital role that they play in the success of the organization.

Final Thoughts

Employee engagement is waning and we are all wrestling with the challenges of how to work and collaborate effectively during the COVID pandemic. As a leader, it is your responsibility to step into the gap, reach out, and provide support and encouragement during this stressful and uncertain time. Your company leadership, management team, and employees need to know that you are in this with them more than ever. Your positive and inspiring leadership during this time of hardship will result in improved loyalty, morale, productivity, and yes, even engagement.


©2020 Doug Dickerson and Liz Stincelli 

Check out these additional resources on employee engagement by Doug and Liz:

Maintaining Culture Remotely

Moving From Buy-In to Engagement: Why Buy-in May Not Be Enough

7 Reasons Why Your Leadership Style is Causing Workplace Drama

Read more from Liz Stincelli at

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Three Signs That Pride is Impacting Your Leadership


Credit: Google Images

Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful. – Ann Landers

A turtle wanted to spend the winter in Florida, but he knew he could never walk that far. He convinced a couple of geese to help him, each taking the end of a piece of rope, while he clamped his vise-like jaws in the center.

The flight went fine until someone on the ground looked up in admiration and asked, “Who in the world thought of that?”

Unable to resist the chance to take credit, the turtle opened his mouth to shout, “I did.”

Just as it was for the turtle, pride can be the source of your downfall in leadership. To be sure, we want to take pride in our work and do the best we can, but it’s another thing to allow pride to become detrimental to our leadership.

What does runaway pride look like on a day-to-day basis and why does it matter? Here are three traits to watch for.

An arrogant attitude

This is perhaps the most noticeable prideful trait you’ll display among your peers. To you, it’s a sign of confidence that says you believe in yourself and that you are in control. But an arrogant attitude in leadership does not come across that way to the people around you. 

An arrogant attitude hurts your leadership because it sends the message to those around you that you think you are better than everyone else and gives off an air of superiority. Click To Tweet This, in turn, makes it much more difficult for your people to approach you or seek out your help for fear of ridicule. Drop the attitude and give your people a break.

An out of control ego

While an arrogant attitude may be the most noticeable prideful trait, an out of control ego can potentially be the most damaging. When your ego is out of control, over time your behaviors become more irrational. You eventually come to the place where you think everything is about you and take credit for things that you had nothing to do with.

An out of control ego not only hurts you as a leader, it also hurts those around you. When your team members are subservient to your ego and not focused on the mission, everything is in jeopardy. Get your ego in check. It’s not about you.

An overbearing management style

When an arrogant attitude and an out of control ego join forces the only possible outcome is an overbearing management style. This, of course, is the by-product of a leader who isn’t self-aware enough to notice what’s taking place. The result of this can be devastating to the people and to the organization unless the leader changes course.

The people who work under an overbearing leader will ultimately leave. They almost always do. This is why pride can be so detrimental to your leadership and is why you must always guard your heart.

Final Thoughts

It’s normal and natural to take pride in our work and pursue excellence. As leaders, you must be on guard not to allow pride in your work to become pride in your heart. When pride takes root in your heart, your leadership will always suffer. 

As leaders, we must walk in humility and remember that it’s not about us.


©2020 Doug Dickerson

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