Leadership Minute: Late So Soon


How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flown. How did it get so late so soon? – Dr. Seuss

Leadership is a journey. Each day, week, month, and year you have the privilege of leading is a testament to your resolve. Have you hit some rough spots along the way? Absolutely. Have you overcome some setbacks and disappointments? Of course. But one thing is certain – leaders like you are the ones who make the world a better place. Why? You care. And you are passionate not just about leading others but also about leading yourself. You realize that in order to be a better leader tomorrow you have to commit yourself to growing and learning today. Every selfless act of leadership is a testament to that growth. Today let me encourage you to see the bigger picture. It’s not about you. But the life of leadership you live today is a model for the next generation. Soon you will ask, ‘How did it get so late so soon?’ But not to worry, you’ve been a great teacher.



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Leadership Minute: Compassionate Leadership


Always keep an open mind and a compassionate heart. – Phil Jackson

No matter what your station is in life; regardless of the title or position that you hold; it all comes down to this underlying attitude. When you can walk through life and leadership with all of its challenges and keep an open mind and a compassionate heart you have achieved something special. When you can keep an open mind to new possibilities and ways of thinking and possess a willingness to learn; you will go far as a leader. When you choose to have a compassionate heart towards others without being calloused by the cares of life; you have grown gracefully as a person. These two traits will always serve you well in life and in leadership. If there’s ever been a time for leaders to model this type of living it’s now. With an open mind and a compassionate heart you can impact your world in a positive way.

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The Makings of a Jealous Leader


The jealous are troublesome to others, but a torment to themselves. – William Penn

Dr. Gary Collins shares a story about Sir Walter Scott. For many years Sir Walter Scott was the leading literary figure in the British Empire. No one could write as well as he. Then the works of Lord Byron began to appear, and their greatness was immediately evident. Soon an anonymous critic praised his poems in a London Paper. He declared that in the presence of these brilliant works of poetic genius, Scott could no longer be considered the leading poet of England. It was later discovered that the unnamed reviewer had been none other than Sir Walter Scott himself!

Jealousy is one of those emotions that can cause much harm to your leadership and one that you must keep in check. It’s also an emotion that you must be willing to confront. Let’s be honest, at one time or another we’ve all had a bout with it. So what happens when you allow jealousy to enter into the DNA of your leadership style? What are the consequences and how can you stop it? Here are a few ways it might be impacting your leadership.

Signs of a jealous leader:

Jealousy makes you feel threatened

Jealousy materializes when you can resent the success of your peers rather than celebrate it. Instead of what is seen as a win for the team is a threat to one – you. Jealousy has an unflattering way of revealing motives and exposing serious leadership flaws. Jealousy reveals your insecurities, not your strengths.

Jealousy causes divisions

If left unchecked, jealousy leads to divisions and poses serious threats to the health and culture of your organization. The triggers can vary – you were passed over for a promotion that you thought was yours. You didn’t get the recognition you thought you were due. Rather than working through the issue jealousy caused you to act out in unbecoming ways. Jealousy creates strife, not harmony.

Jealousy skewers your judgment

One of the unfortunate side effects of a jealous leader is that your judgment becomes impaired. Rather than looking at situations objectively you now act out in ways that speaks more of pettiness and retaliation. When jealousy is in your heart it will reflect in the decisions you make.

How to fix it?:

Be honest with yourself

Being honest about jealous feelings is the proverbial first step in weeding it out. Don’t let pride be your downfall by refusing to deal with it. We’ve all had a jealous moment or two in our lives, but we don’t have to lead that way. You can’t build trust with your people if you are not honest with yourself.

Be comfortable in your own skin

As a leader you don’t have to compare yourself to anyone. Don’t allow personal insecurities lead to your demise. Be confident in the talents and abilities you possess and do all that you can to inspire the same in others. Recognize that the skills and abilities you have will be different from those around you. See your colleagues not as you adversaries but as allies. You win and succeed by getting along not by being jealous.

Be accountable to others

Your success as a leader is a work in progress. Jealousy is a toxic emotion that can derail it. But if you will allow a trusted confidant or mentor to hold you accountable it can save you a lot of grief in the future. Leading others is an awesome responsibility. Leading yourself takes some work. Accountability makes it all possible.

What do you say?


© 2014 Doug Dickerson

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Leadership Minute: Make Believe


Real difficulties can be overcome; it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable. – Theodore N. Vail

What real difficulty are you facing? Regardless of what it is you can overcome it. With the right attitude and a lot of determination you can turn things around. But your imaginary difficulties are the ones that will trip you every time. What are imaginary problems? They are the ones created by vivid imaginations, paranoia, and insecurity. As a leader you cannot allow your imagination to get the best of you. It’s not healthy to create real life difficulties out of imaginary circumstances. It’s when you are secure and confident in your talents, gifts, and in your ability to lead that you can rise above those false perceptions. Every leader faces challenges and difficulties and you won’t always be popular for the stands you take and the principles you lead by. But that’s where you must draw the line. Don’t create additional problems for yourself with a run-away imagination. Make believe or making it real – the choice is yours.

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Leadership Minute: Make Your Discovery


Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought. – Albert Szent Gyorgui, Nobel Prize Winner

One of the most beneficial things in the development of your leadership skills is the ability to think different. We all see the same things. In large part we have fairly similar reactions. We see something that needs to be done and we do it. We look and see the needs in our communities and we get involved. Why? Because everyone thinks it’s a good idea and we take on that responsibility. As leaders we all have similar challenges and our skills are constantly being tested. Part of the learning process is identifying long held belief systems and being brave enough to challenge it. Why do you think the way that you do? Is it because everyone else thinks that way? What would it take for you to think different? What’s holding you back? As a leader let me encourage you to shake up the way that you look at things and the way that you think. Your discovery may be long overdue.


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Leadership Minute: Bridge the Gap


Your problem is to bridge the gap which exists between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach. – Earl Nightingale

Your growth as a leader will be characterized by a lot of bridge building. You will build bridges in relationships first and foremost. But many of the bridges you will construct will center on your goals – taking you from where you are now to your place of destiny. Goals are a continuous works in progress. You are always moving from one to the next. But don’t allow the gaps in time or distance to distract you. Keep focused on the goals before you and always remain vigilant with an eye to the future. It’s all too easy to get sidetracked and the temptation is to take a shortcut. But the path to progress and towards the realization of your goal is not one to rush. Invest your time wisely and get it right.

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Leadership Minute: Serve Your Purpose


Dave, this conversation can serve no purpose anymore. Goodbye. – HAL computer, 2001: A Space Odyssey

What is your purpose as a leader? You’d be hard pressed to find anything more important to you as a leader than serving your purpose. It’s what gives your leadership meaning. Unfortunately for many, the purpose of leadership gets lost to secondary matters. For some it’s about attaining an element of power. Others might think it’s about a title or position. When these things become the focal point or belief as to what leadership is about then the purpose of leadership has been lost. The higher you climb as a leader and the more responsibilities you take on as a leader the greater this knowledge becomes. In short; it’s not about you. It is however about taking and using the influence you have to serve causes greater than yourself. Once you understand that this is your purpose as a leader you can then see it really has little to do with you. It’s about what happens through you.

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The Rhythm of Your Leadership


I am still learning that my schedule is far less about what I want to get done and far more important about who I want to become. – Bill Hybels

A story is told about the great 19th-century naturalist and Harvard professor Louis Agassiz who was once approached by the emissary of a learned society and invited to address its members. Agassiz declined the invitation, saying that lectures of this kind took up too much time that should be devoted to research and writing. The man persisted, saying that the society was prepared to pay handsomely for the lecture. “That’s no inducement to me,” Agassiz replied, “I can’t afford to waste my time making money.”

Finding the rhythm of your leadership is an important part of your development as a leader. Your leadership rhythm sets the tone and gives priority to every other aspect of your life both personally and professionally.

With so many demands placed upon you as a leader it’s worth taking into consideration your leadership rhythms and why they matter. I have identified four that are worth a closer look.

The rhythm of your time

Time is the most precious commodity you have as a leader. The decisions you make regarding your time are the most important ones you make. You are in charge of your time and schedule. It’s a given that you are busy and have many demands placed upon you for things over and above your already hectic schedule. But, when was the last time, if ever, you gave thought to the opening quote?

Many of us for far too long have looked at what we need to get done verses who we want to become. Growing into the person we want to become begins when we reclaim our schedules and put our priorities in order. As a leader everything will rise and fall on the rhythm of your time.

The rhythm of your work

The rhythm of your work is essential to your effectiveness as a leader. By now you know the rhythm that works best for you. For some people maximum productivity is early in the morning. For others it’s later in the day or in the evening. Regardless of when that time is, make the most of it. When you capitalize on your work rhythm you will be at the top of your game.

Here’s the rub – rhythms vary from person to person so in a collaborative environment where teamwork is essential it can be a juggling act. As a leader try not interrupt the rhythms of your people and their best times of productivity with rhythm-killing meetings and interruptions. The key here is to know your work rhythms and that of your people. It will help you to establish your priorities and maximizes team performance.

The rhythm of personal growth

Your growth and development as a leader is essential to your effectiveness today and will improve the quality of your leadership tomorrow. Are you setting aside time for your personal growth and development? Without a rhythm of learning and a commitment to personal growth you will begin to lose your edge as a leader. “Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other,” said John F. Kennedy. He was right.

Now more than ever there are a variety of personal growth avenues to choose from. In addition to inspiring leadership books- you can also take advantage of mastermind groups, webinars, and support groups such as found on LinkedIn. There is no shortage of available resources but you must find the rhythm that works for you.

The rhythm of your health

Your longevity as a leader is tied to the habits and rhythms of your health – physically, mentally, and spiritually. If your rhythm here is out of whack it will have an impact on the other areas already covered.

Your life in leadership is hectic. I get it. But when you develop proper rhythms in your diet you will feel better and have more energy and will be more productive. When you develop rhythms for rest and relaxation you will reduce your stress and be a much more pleasant person to be around. When you are connected spiritually you will be at peace.

Rhythms are your anchors as a leader. Develop your rhythms- nurture them, and most of all protect them. No one else can do it for you.


© 2014 Doug Dickerson





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Leadership Minute: Speak Clearly


I meant what I said and I said what I meant. – Dr. Seuss

Nothing will frustrate the people in your organization any quicker than communication that’s unclear, vague, or otherwise unnecessary. Talking just to talk is not communication. It’s noise. And it’s irritating. The effectiveness of your leadership hinges on good communication skills. Knowing what to communicate, how to communicate it, and why it’s necessary are essential to your people. Answering a few simple question can help cut through the clutter of what’s necessary and what’s not. Try these on for size:  What do your people need to know? Who needs to know it? For what purpose do they need to know? When do they need to know? And what is the most efficient and effective way to do communicate this information? Clear communication is essential to a smooth operation so don’t mess it up. Be clear. Be direct. Be succinct.

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Leadership Minute: Scripting Your ‘Good Ole Day’s’


The illusion that times that were are better than those that are, has probably prevailed all ages. – Horace Greeley

This is perhaps a widely accepted generational belief that the good ole days of yester-year were somehow better than the present. It’s not hard to look around without having a certain measure of longing for what we perceive was a better time and place. Just bring back the good ole days we cry. But the good ole days of the next generation is what we create today. As a leader this is your day, this is your time, this is your moment to create the days you long and wish for. Time doesn’t stand still for any of us. The good that you hope the next generation will look back on and remember as the ‘good ole days’ is created by what you do today. It’s found in your daily random acts of kindness, the service that you render to others, and it’s a script that only you can write. You are the author of the next generation’s good ole days. How is your script coming along?

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