Why Composure Matters in Leadership

Credit: Google Images

Always keep your composure. You can’t score from the penalty box, and to win, you have to score. – Horace

I read a story about actress Carol Burnett some time ago. One day, she was getting out of a cab, and her coat was caught in the door. The driver was unaware of her plight and slowly began to merge into traffic. The actress had to run alongside down the block to keep from being pulled off her feet. 

A passerby noticed her predicament and quickly alerted the driver. He stopped, jumped out, and released Burnett’s coat. “Are you all right?” he asked anxiously. “Yes,” she gasped, but how much more do I owe you?”

Given our current circumstances, I can’t help but appreciate Burnett’s reaction. Given today’s litigation culture, it could have ended differently for the cab driver with a different passenger. How you and I keep our composure in the face of challenging times is a matter of good leadership. 

In a survey by Harvard Business Review, 85% of executives believe that composure is crucial for effective leadership during a crisis. This is important to you as a leader, whether in a crisis or not. 

Composure impacts decision-making, how your team functions under pressure, and how you lead your team through times of transition. But more importantly, it matters in your day-to-day leadership and the example you set. When your team members see that you can consistently respond no matter the situation, you are modeling leadership at a higher level.

How much thought have you given to composure as a vital part of your leadership DNA? What leaders have you been directly associated with who modeled composure well? How about those who were poor examples of leaders without it?

Every leader you have been around has modeled composure in some way, and you have learned from it. How are you modeling it yourself? What are the challenges? What are your struggles? Let’s explore a few ideas about keeping our composure as leaders.

Composure for the sake of your leadership

Before you can be a leader with composure for your team, you must be a leader of composure for yourself. It’s been noted repeatedly that the hardest person you will ever lead is yourself. Without discipline and maturity that drives composure, this area of your leadership will be a struggle.

For reflection: Do you know your strengths and weaknesses under pressure? Do you know your tipping points that put it all in jeopardy? Do you know how to manage your emotions under pressure best? Are you a reliable source of emotional stability for your team in times of crisis? Can your team members look to you with confidence that you are up for the challenge? You must come to grips with these types of questions as a leader to effectively lead others around you.

Additional Resource: How Leaders Keep Calm in a Crisis

Composure for the sake of morale

The late football coaching legend Tom Landry said, “Leadership is a matter of having people look at you and gain confidence, seeing how you react. If you’re in control, they’re in control.” And this is why composure matters in leadership.

It’s one thing for the leader to have composure, but modeling it instills confidence in the people around you. When you exemplify composure, you are acting as a thermostat for those around you – your level of composure will elevate those around you.

For reflection: Is your level of composure helping or hurting the morale of your team? Do those around you see a confident and composed leader in you? In what ways will your team benefit from a renewed sense of composure and confidence office-wide? 

Additional Resource: How Indecisive Leaders Hurt Morale

Composure for growth

You can weather any challenge as a leader with composure and a team with composure. Healthy leaders producing healthy teams and organizations lead to more substantial confidence and purpose in the future. Composure is essential to it all.

For reflection: In what ways are you developing composure as an essential leadership skill not only for yourself, but for the rest of your team? Do your team members understand the need to create this skill? How will your organization benefit from it?

For reflection: In what ways are you developing composure as an essential leadership skill not only for yourself, but for the rest of your team? Do your team members understand the need to create this skill? How will your organization benefit from it? 

Additional Resource: High Stakes Growth


©2025 Doug Dickerson


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What’s In a Name?

Credit: Google Images

I yam what I yam an’ that’s all that I yam! – Popeye

Setting out from Hamburg, Germany, one day to give a concert in London, violinist Fritz Kreisler had an hour before his boat sailed. He wandered into a music shop, where the proprietor asked if he could look at the violin Kreisler was carrying. He then vanished and returned with two policemen, one of whom told the violinist, “You are under arrest.”

“What for?” asked Kreisler. “You have Fritz Kreisler’s violin,” replied the officer. “I am Fritz Kreisler,” he responded.

“You can’t pull that on us. Come along to the station.” As Kreisler’s boat was sailing soon, there was no time for prolonged explanations. Kreisler asked for the violin and played a piece he was well known for. “Now, are you satisfied?” he asked. They were!

Kreisler’s detainment and subsequent release from the questioning authorities are reminders of the importance of knowing one’s name and what it is known for.

If I were to give you a list of names, you could immediately identify them by what made them famous. For example:

  • Henry Ford – Inventor of the Model T Ford
  • Thomas Edison – Inventor of the light bulb, among other things
  • Walt Disney – A pioneer of the animation industry 
  • Michael Jordan – Arguably by many the greatest NBA player of all time
  • Steve Jobs – The co-founder of Apple
  • Billy Graham – The greatest evangelist of the last century
  • Babe Ruth – One of the all-time greats in Major League Baseball

Many people are fascinated by learning more about their names and ancestry. I read that Ancestry.com had a revenue of $1 billion in 2022. That amount indicates that people long to learn more about their ancestral roots and seek a sense of belonging that connects them to their past. 

While my name and yours may not be synonymous with a great inventor or a star NBA player, our names represent a life that matters. As leaders, this is significant.

My name and yours may not command worldwide attention or recognition, but it’s a name entrusted to us to represent well.

Leadership takes many forms and has many definitions. Some leaders command the spotlight with grace and dignity, while others serve with equal honor in obscurity. 

Sadly, some abuse their place of leadership by mishandling their authority and using others to get ahead and make a name for themselves at the expense of those around them. 

As you read this, the challenge is to reflect on what your name as a leader means and what you want to be known for. Here is some food for thought.

Be known as a servant leader, not self-serving.

When you believe your leadership is about your title or position, a self-serving leadership posture will define you. Rule one in leadership is that it’s not about you. 

Additional Resource: Get Off Your High Horse

Be known for adding value, not subtracting.

As leaders, you and I have a choice every day to add value to those around us or to subtract. This is an amazing privilege. Leadership is not about what others can do for you, but is found in what you can do for them.

Additional Resource: The Value of Adding Value

Be known for listening more and talking less.

As a leader, you don’t always have to be the “answer man” to everyone around you. Your influence increases as you listen and seek to understand those around you. The old saying rings as true today as ever: God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. Use accordingly.

Additional Resource: Are You Listening?

Be known for building bridges, not tearing them down

As a leader, you can be a unifier in a world of discord. Be known for bringing people together when the culture wants to divide. Division is ruled by fear; unity is defined by those who seek understanding. Good things can happen when people come around the table with open hearts and minds. That begins with you.

Additional Resource: Building Bridges and Tearing Down Walls

Be known for your humility, not your arrogance.

Leadership is not about your “rights” or the weight you want to throw around. Leadership is a privilege, and serving others is your mission. Arrogant and haughty leaders may command a room, but they don’t lead the hearts of those in it. That comes from genuinely understanding your role as a leader. Click To Tweet

Additional Resource: Recovering Humility in Leadership

As you consider the above list of ways you want to be known as a leader, I trust you will build on and add to it. Make your name and your leadership count!


©2025 Doug Dickerson

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Fly-by Leadership

Photo Credit: Doug Dickerson

Seagull managers fly in, make a lot of noise, dump on everyone, and then fly away. – Ken Blanchard

Living in coastal South Carolina and thoroughly enjoying time at the beach, I have come to get acquainted with seagulls.

I have had a love-hate relationship with seagulls over the years. I have been fascinated by watching them at the beach whether in flight or walking along in the sand in search of food. I have been annoyed by their dive-bombing in attempts to partake in my snacks at the beach or interrupting my outdoor dining at local seafood restaurants. It just comes with the territory when you live along the coast.

Seagulls are interesting birds. In my research, I have learned that they can detect food from as far as three miles away, can fly as fast as 28 mph, and can fly long distances and glide over open ocean for hours in search of food. 

In the quote above, Ken Blanchard humorously sums up what it is like to be around seagulls. Seagulls tend to fly in, make a lot of noise, dump on things, and then fly away.  From experience, I can tell you that this is not too far-fetched.

Marshall Goldsmith observed, “One of the most important actions, things a leader can do, is to lead by example. If you want everyone else to be passionate, committed, dedicated, and motivated, you go first!”. As a leader, you have to be out front leading the way in the things that matter most to you and those you lead.

I would like to share my leadership takeaways from Blanchard’s quote and the actual approach you should take as a leader.

Fly-in vs. being present and approachable

As a leader, you can fly in and fly out and be all over the place. Or, you can take a more deliberative approach and be a leader who is present among his/her people and is recognized as a stabilizing influence. This is not to be confused with micromanaging. Instead, you are a steady and reliable leader who leads with passion and influence.

Leadership Tip: Don’t flit and fly. Be present.

Make a lot of noise vs. being humble and listening

If you have ever worked with a leader who flies in and flies out and makes a lot of noise, you know how unsettling that can be at times. In your leadership, strive to lead with humility, and be in touch with your people. Take time to listen and be engaged with them and build relationships. 

Leadership Tip: Don’t be a loudmouth and bark orders. Be approachable and a good listener.

Dump on everyone vs. adding value to everyone

When your presence is a disruption because of your words and actions, you need to rethink your leadership. If all you are doing is dumping on people, barking orders, and flying away, you are only making things unbearable for your people. That style of leadership sinks morale along with the ship. Consequently, your best and brightest will soon be leading an exodus. If instead, your presence adds value, meaning, and purpose to your people, you will see your leadership style transform from that of a seagull to that of an eagle – soaring to new heights.

Final Thoughts

Your leadership development is a work in progress. Leading and lifting others begins when you develop the right leadership mindset and attitude that is attractive and uplifting, not disruptive and ugly.


©2024 Doug Dickerson

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Check These Boxes For Effective Change

Credit: Google Images

Whether you are a success or failure in life has little to do with your circumstances; it has much more to do with your choices. – Nido Qubein

How adaptive to change are you? Are you an early adapter or a reluctant embracer of change? What is your initial response to the word change? What emotion does it invoke when you hear the word? Do you naturally resist change?

In his book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth, John Maxwell shares the following story about a lonely woman who purchased a parrot from a pet store:

After only one day of having it, she returned to the store and told the storekeeper how disappointed she was with it. “That parrot hasn’t said a word yet!” she lamented.

“Does it have a mirror?” asked the storekeeper. “Parrots like to be able to look at themselves in the mirror.” So the lady bought a mirror and returned home.

The next day she was back again, reporting that the bird still wasn’t speaking. “What about a ladder?” the storekeeper asked. “Parrots enjoy walking up and down a ladder.” So the parrot owner bought a ladder and returned home.

On the third day, she was back again with the same complaint. “Does the parrot have a swing?” was the shopkeeper’s solution. “Birds enjoy relaxing on a swing.” She bought the swing and went home.

The next day she returned to the store and announced that the bird had died. “I’m terribly sorry to hear that,” said the storekeeper. “Did the bird ever say anything before it died?”

“Yes,” said the lady. “It said, ‘Don’t they sell any food down there?’”

What’s the moral of this silly story? Change for the sake of change isn’t going to help you. If you are going to make changes, you must make sure they’re the right ones.

This humorous story illustrates that while we can be busy making changes in hopes of a different outcome, change for the sake of change does not guarantee it. 

Wiring in Management Journey, Robert Tanner states, “The truth is that human beings do not naturally resist change. We accept changes to our lives all the time, especially when we like the change that others present to us. We will change if we believe the change will be beneficial to us.” And this is a challenge for many leaders. How well do you communicate the benefits of change in a way that people will step out of their comfort zones and embrace it?

We resist change for the obvious reasons:

  • Fear of the unknown
  • Loss of control
  • Lack of clarity or understanding of why the change is beneficial

Or it could simply come down to what my good friend Jeff Turner says, “I’m pretty stubborn”, which is reflective of how many of us feel about change at times. We just don’t want to go there. 

If you are a leader about to implement change in any capacity, make sure you have checked these boxes before proceeding.

This change is the right change and comes at the right time

Nothing could be worse than making the right change at the wrong time. Make sure that the change is right and your timing is right. If not, you are about to navigate some rough times.

This change reflects a consensus of your key people

Making change without the input and counsel of your key people can cause great damage. The people most impacted by a major change should be seated at the table during discussions prior to the change being implemented.

This change aligns with your values

When implementing any change within your organization, make sure that it does not in any way conflict with your core values. Any change being considered or implemented should be a compliment to your values, not an obstruction to them.

This change is worth defending

When all is said and done, any change worth implementing in your organization must be one worth defending with integrity. If you can’t defend it, don’t implement it.

This change will stretch us

As is the case oftentimes, change will stretch you as a leader and it will stretch your team. Growth tends to do that. It will move you out of your comfort zone, cause you to look at your challenges in a different light, and grow you beyond what you previously thought possible.

Final Thoughts

Not all change is good. Not all is bad. How it works for you is the result of the choices you make along the way.


©2023 Doug Dickerson

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The Amazing Power of a Thank You

Credit: Google Images

No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. – Taylor Swift

As the father of two now grown and married daughters, I am a Swiftie dad. All through their teenage years our home was filled with the vibes of Taylor Swift.

It was only fitting that they traveled from South Carolina down to Tampa to see her on her Eras Concert tour. I was glad that they finally got to see her in person. It was the ultimate bucket list concert for them.

Her remarkable success speaks for itself. But what truly sets her apart is her tremendous generosity. It was reported in Forbes that she gave out bonuses totaling more than $55 million to her dancers, riggers, sound technicians, catering, and truck drivers. Multiple sources reported that she gave $100,000 bonuses to each of the 50 truck drivers on her tour.

But as impressive (and deserving) as the bonuses were, what I find most impressive is that Swift has held steadfast to the lost and dying art of handwritten notes. In fact, Swift is a prolific note-writer. 

A copy of one of the hand-written notes to a truck driver was made public in which she expressed her thanks for their hard work.

Credit: Google Images

Swift has been widely known to send these hand-written notes to friends and fans alike. This makes me wonder, could there be one for this Swiftie dad and his daughters?

In life as in your leadership, expressions of gratitude and thanks are very important. 

In fact, survey results published at BlueBoard reported that 2 in 3 (67%) of employed Americans don’t always feel appreciated for their contributions at work. In addition, nearly half (42%) of respondents feel their company lacks a strong culture of appreciation.

In light of this, what does this mean for you as a leader and for your organization to build a culture of appreciation and gratitude? Here are a few thoughts to consider.

Gratitude and appreciation are the foundation of your employee engagement

Much has been said and written here and elsewhere about employee engagement over the years. But little has been said about gratitude and appreciation being the foundation upon which it’s all built and sustained. It’s time we acknowledge it.

Building a culture of appreciation and gratitude begins with those in leadership. Some might be dismissive of this idea as simply being too much of a “soft skill” idea when in reality, it’s needed more now than ever. People will have buy-in with what they help create and when they are appreciated for their efforts and sacrifices.

Gratitude and appreciation are the future of your leadership

The future of your leadership and that of your organization hinges on your understanding of what it means to create and sustain a culture of appreciation.

In the BlueBoard survey, they also reported that a lack of employee appreciation can:

  • Cause employee disengagement
  • Impact your employees’ sense of belonging
  • Erode employee confidence
  • Trigger job insecurity and anxiety in your workplace

If you want a strong culture of appreciation, strong morale, etc., then you begin with an understanding of the power of ‘thank you’. At every opportunity, make it a practice to show your appreciation and gratitude to those around you. It means more to them than you can imagine. Click To Tweet

As for helping this dad with two daughters, I’d like to express my sincere appreciation to Taylor Swift for making our home a happier place during those middle and high school years. From the boyfriends and the proverbial broken hearts and proms, and eventually on to their weddings, Taylor’s music has been there. Now they are raising up little Swifties of their own. 

Thank you, Taylor, for accompanying us on the journey!


©2023 Doug Dickerson

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How Indecisive Leaders Hurt Morale

Credit: Google Images

Indecision may or may not be my problem – Jimmy Buffett

A story is told of former president Ronald Reagan, who once had an aunt who took him to a cobbler for a pair of new shoes. The cobbler asked young Reagan, “Do you want square toes or round toes?” Unable to decide, Reagan didn’t answer, so the cobbler gave him a few days. 

Several days later, the cobbler saw Reagan on the street and asked him again what kind of toenails he wanted on his shoes. Reagan still couldn’t decide, so the shoemaker replied, “Well, come by in a couple of days. Your shoes will be ready.” When the future president did so, he found one square-toed and one round-toed shoe! “This will teach you never to let people make decisions for you,” the cobbler said to his indecisive customer. “I learned right then and there,” Reagan said later, “if you don’t make your own decisions, someone else will.”

Indecisive leadership is a crippling character trait for leaders. When your organization needs clear direction and decisive action, a waffling leader can cause more harm than good. Click To Tweet

Why do leaders waffle and struggle with decision-making with so much at stake? Three primary reasons come to mind.

They lack clarity

Leaders who struggle with decision-making may lack the clarity needed to make a decision. Rather than making the wrong decision, they may not decide at all. 

They lack confidence

Leaders sometimes withhold decision-making because they are not confident enough in their instincts. Rather than take a risk and make a decision, they play it safe, and everyone is left dangling.

They lack consensus

Sometimes, leaders withhold decision-making because they don’t have a consensus on the best path forward. Rather than offend a few with a decision, the leader demoralizes everyone by not making one.

So what is a leader to do? How can a leader overcome this agonizing dilemma? Here are a few ideas.

Trust your instincts

A confident leader will trust his or her instincts when making decisions. Deep down, you have a strong intuition that guides you. Trust it.

Invite input

Decisive leaders are informed leaders. Those most affected by your decisions should be the first at the discussion table. As it’s been said, “The person who sweeps the floor should choose the broom”. Welcome input, but make your decisions on principle, not politics.

Clarify your values

The worst thing you can do as a leader is make a decision for the sake of making one. Roy Disney was right when he said, “When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.” When making a decision, make sure it aligns with your values. If not, don’t do it.

Check your motives

First and foremost, your decision-making should be what’s best for your organization and people. If you are making decisions to gain popularity or favor with some to the detriment of others, you are sowing the seeds of low morale. You must have the team’s best interests at heart, not just a few.

Leadership is about making hard decisions. Indecisive leaders make it harder on themselves and those they lead. Your path forward begins by acknowledging what your indecisive tendencies are doing to your leadership and how they impact the morale of those you lead. 


©2023 Doug Dickerson 

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Does Your Workplace Culture Need an Alignment?

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A statement of shared values, no matter how inspiring, does not make a healthy culture. – Tod Bolsinger (Canoeing The Mountains)

I read with great interest a study at Team Stage which reported that only 28% of executives understand their company culture. They stated, “While they understand its importance, they fail to fathom the culture itself.” From a leadership perspective, I found the disconnect quite disturbing. How can one believe culture is important while at the same time failing to understand their own culture? 

Imagine, if you will, that you are driving your car and you notice that it is pulling to the left or to the right. Intuitively you know that your car is out of alignment. Knowing that your car is out of alignment is a good thing, but if you ignore it for too long, it’s going to create bigger problems that you will have to address. And the longer you put it off, the more damage it can cause.

Simply having a mission or value statement plastered up on the wall somewhere in the office is no indication that anyone truly knows what it is, how it pertains to them, and how it impacts the day-to-day operation of the organization. 

As a leader, you need the awareness of knowing if your organizational culture is out of alignment and what corrections are needed. Here are a few things that may help guide you in that process. 

Focus more on alignment than organizing

Writing in the Harvard Business Review, John Kotter states, “The idea of getting people moving in the same direction appears to be an organizational problem. But what executives need to do is not organize people but align them.” In other words, align them around your values. The more your people are aligned with your mission and vision, the healthier it will be. 

It will always be hard for your organization to move forward if it’s out of alignment. Just as your car will want to go off the road, so, too, will your organizational culture drift if not properly aligned. Once you take care of alignment, organizing will be a much simpler process.

Lead by example, not by decrees

When only 28% of executives understand their company culture they will not be in a place to lead by example. Here’s the rub – organizational culture is leader driven. If the leader doesn’t get it or know it, then the leader will not be able to align with it.

Writing in A Tale of Two Cultures, David Burkus writes, “People typically do not look to written codes for clues about how to behave; they look to others.” And this is the void leaders must fill. They need to know their culture and the people in your organization ultimately need to look to each other in terms of knowing how to behave – not a poster on the wall. As a leader, you must set an example and it happens when your words and your actions are aligned. Click To Tweet

Final Thoughts

Tod Bolsinger writes that “culture creation work rests on identifying the gaps between aspired values and actual behavior, and then working with the leaders to bring every aspect of the organization into alignment…” As a leader, this is your responsibility. A healthy workplace culture just doesn’t happen – it’s intentionally created. 


©2023 Doug Dickerson

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How Leaders Embrace Their Mistakes

Pier at Folly Beach, SC – Provided

If you’re not making mistakes, then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes. – John Wooden

As an avid photographer (semi-professional) of many decades, I’ve come to learn a thing or two about mistakes. There’s nothing more satisfying than taking a good picture. Many factors come into play to make that happen, and oftentimes a little luck.

But on a typical photoshoot, it’s not uncommon to take 300-plus pictures in order to narrow down to 20 or 30  pictures that will pass muster for consideration in the final selection process.

Why do so many pictures not make the cut? In a word – mistakes. If the photoshoot was outdoor it could be lighting issues, eyes were closed, hair was a mess, the picture was not in focus, the composition wasn’t right, the 3-year-old quit cooperating, I hesitated too long on the shutter, and the list goes on.

Photography has been a rewarding passion for me over the years. But it’s also quite humbling. It humbles me when I step into the home of a  family member or a friend and see their family portrait prominently placed and knowing I took it is humbling. Knowing the backstory of my countless mistakes in getting to that prominently placed picture is equally as humbling. 

In leadership, as in photography, mistakes are bound to happen. Sometimes they are mistakes of our own creation while others are not. Either way, it’s part of a leader’s life.

My leadership mentor John Maxwell writes, “All leaders make mistakes. They are a part of life. Successful leaders recognize their errors, learn from them, and work to correct their faults.” And this is what separates successful leaders from the rest of the pack. Let’s look a little closer look.

All leaders make mistakes

This shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Welcome to the human race. But in leadership, perhaps we need to ask what mistakes are we making. Are they the same ones over and over? If so, perhaps the lessons haven’t been learned. But that aside, as a leader, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Making mistakes is a sign of progress and without making mistakes there will be no progress. Click To Tweet

Successful leaders recognize their mistakes and learn from them

This is the distinguishing characteristic of a strong leader. Being able to recognize one’s mistakes is essential. This involves humility and being grounded in reality. Perhaps you were just tone-deaf at the moment and made a poor decision. You didn’t take advice or listen to others before making a critical decision. Perhaps you didn’t delegate a task when you should have and it created issues you otherwise could have avoided. Successful leaders recognize this.

Successful leaders work to correct their mistakes

In order to be successful in your leadership, acknowledge that you make mistakes and also pour yourself into learning from them and making the necessary corrections. This is your work and obligation as a leader. 

As a leader, there will always be something to work on and improve, but as you stick with it, you’ll be well on your way to significant growth as a leader.


©2023 Doug Dickerson

*To see more of my photography visit Facebook.com/dougdickersonphotography

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The Courage To Find Your Voice

Malala Yousafzai – Credit Google Images

When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful. – Malala Yousafzai

By age 17, most teens are simply mustering up the courage to figure out where to go to college, whether or not to get a job, who to date, or are more concerned about their social media accounts.

But by the age of 17, Malala Yousafzai was the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. She was only the second Pakistani to receive it. By no means was she your typical 17-year-old. Her mission?  Fighting and advocating for the rights of Pakistani women and children – especially for education. 

In October 2012, Yousafzai and two other girls were shot in an assassination attempt on a bus after taking an exam in retaliation for her activism. Her physical recovery and therapy eventually took her to Birmingham, England. Afterward, she formed a non-profit and wrote an international best-selling book entitled, I Am Malala. Time magazine featured her as one of the most influential people in the world.

Not everyone’s life mission and purpose will be discovered in tragedy. But in the midst of hers, Malala found her voice and life calling.

Looking back on that singular event that changed her life, she said, “ I don’t want to be thought of as “the girl that was shot by the Taliban” but the “girl who fought for education.” This is the cause to which I want to devote my life.”

The courage to find your voice is essential in leadership. Not because of what it can do for you, but because of the good you can accomplish for others with it. Click To Tweet

President Harry Truman said, “Men make history and not the other way around. In periods where there is no leadership, society stands still. Progress occurs when courageous, skillful leaders seize the opportunity to change things for the better.” Truman’s words ring just as true and relevant today as when he spoke them. 

The question for our day is whether we have the courage to find our voice. For each person, it will look different. But here are some common characteristics.

Finding your voice will empower you

The day you find your voice and lend it to a cause greater than yourself is the day you begin to make things better. For Malala it was and is for the cause of education for women and children. Your cause and your voice will be equally as important to you. As a leader, you will be empowered when you find your voice and move toward action.

Finding your voice will elevate you

Leaders who will be remembered are not those who sit in silence on the sidelines while things continue to get worse. It will be those who step up, speak up, roll up their sleeves, and work to make things better and say, Join me.” Finding your voice will not only elevate you but will also separate you from those who only talk.

Finding your voice will energize you

Finding your voice is tantamount to finding your passion. Your passion is what gives your voice conviction and credibility. When you find this courage you raise your stature as a leader and you become a force for good.

While not everyone will embrace your voice as was the case of Malala, don’t let it stop you. Be courageous. Find your voice and embrace it. With it, you may not be able to change the world, but you can make your world better with it.


©2023 Doug Dickerson

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About My Altercation At The White House

Credit: Google Images

Conflict is drama, and how people deal with conflict shows you the kind of people they are. – Stephen Moyer

I believe the time is now right and any concern of repercussions would be covered by the statute of limitations.

It all started innocently enough while on a family vacation. Our tent was pitched at Bull Run in Prince William County near Manassas, Virginia. 

We spent our days taking in all the sights in Washington, D.C. This also included a much anticipated White House tour. 

I was only about 6 or 7 years old at the time. We were queued up in line to go inside the White House and when we arrived at the door to step inside, a guard greeted us. He reached out and patted my head and said, “Hello, curly.” 

At that time, I had blondish-brown curly hair. The only thing I hated more than having curly hair was someone mentioning it.  At the moment, I did not appreciate the “compliment” that he was paying me. I was offended and I let him know.

With all the strength that I could muster, I reared back and proceeded to kick this White House guard in the shin as hard as I could. 

It was not the proudest moment in my young life and more than once I heard about it from my parents.

Photo by Doug Dickerson

I’ve been back to Washington numerous times since and have stopped by the White House to take a picture, but have never been back inside. I hope to again someday, and, if so, I promise to be on my best behavior.

As leaders, we all have choices with regard to the way we handle conflict. You see it play out on a daily basis in your place of work where conflict and tensions seem to always be simmering just beneath the surface.


Recent research by The Myers-Briggs Company revealed that managers spend nearly 4 hours a week dealing with conflict on average. 

The research included insights such as: 

  • Poor communication is the number one reason for conflict
  • Nearly 1 in 4 people think that their managers handle conflict poorly or very poorly
  • The more time that an individual spent dealing with conflict at work, the lower their job satisfaction and the less included they felt

In this day and time, leaders can’t afford to be passive bystanders when conflicts are occurring all around them. There are some things that a leader can delegate for the sake of good organizational management, but when it comes to a healthy organizational culture – and preserving it, the ownership of it starts with the leadership.

Final Thoughts

Conflict is never easy but not all conflict is bad. Not every pat on the head is an act of hostility, and not every kick in the shin should be seen as a rebellion. People’s perspectives are different, and that’s why smart leaders are relentless communicators to bring out the best in others, discern the motives, and rally the team to its higher purpose.


© 2023 Doug Dickerson

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