Five Signs Your Leadership Has a Settler’s Mentality

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There is no passion to be found in playing small- in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living. – Nelson Mandela 

About 350 years ago, the story is told, a shipload of travelers landed on the northeast coast of America. The first year they established a townsite. The next year they elected a town government. In the third year, the town government planned to build a road five miles westward to the wilderness.

In the fourth year, the people tried to impeach their town government because they thought it was a waste of public funds to build a road five miles westward into a wilderness. Who needed to go there anyway?

Here were people who had the vision to see three thousand miles across an ocean and overcome great hardships to get there. But in just a few years were not able to see even five miles out of town. They had lost their pioneering vision.

This story in some ways embodies what can happen to leaders when they “arrive” at certain levels of success or accomplishment and settle for where they are. And instead of blazing new trails and creating new opportunities, they are content to stop and smell the roses without any thought of moving forward.

You may be in a place in your leadership where you feel that you are in a rut or have grown stagnant. Would you even know that you have or what that looks like? What are some of the signs that you have a settler’s mentality when it comes to your leadership? Here are five for your consideration.

You stand in the way of change

A leader with a settler’s mentality stands in the way of change. He or she not just longs for the ‘good ole days’ but still has that mindset and to some extent prefers it. While one can certainly appreciate the past one must not live or stay there. 

John Maxwell once said, “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” And so long as you stand in the way of change, you will be like the early settlers in the story above who made a three thousand mile journey across the ocean but lack the vision to move five miles out of town. You can stand in the way of change and be a settler, or change and be a pioneer.

You don’t have a personal growth plan

A leader with a settler’s mentality is in many ways a leader who has grown stagnant. In other words, they’ve stopped growing. Your growth and development as a leader have no endpoint where you’ve arrived and you know it all. If you are not learning and growing as a leader then you are settling.

When you embrace a growth mindset and have a personal growth plan you can break out of that settler’s mentality. It will invigorate you and it will add value to your team. If you’re not growing you are not moving forward. And as a leader, you can’t afford to settle. With growth comes more growth. Don’t settle for where you are, grow to where you want to go. Click To Tweet

Others have moved on without you

Another sure sign that you have a settler’s mentality as a leader is that, well, others have moved on from you. And this is not necessarily because you are not a likable person, but because they’ve outgrown you. They’ve outgrown you not necessarily because they are more talented or gifted, or possess a greater skillset. They’ve moved on because you’ve stopped growing. 

Take a look around you. If those closest to you never stay close to you for long, this might be a sign that you’ve settled for too long.

You’re afraid to take risks

Settlers tend to only move when they know it’s safe. If you are a leader whose afraid to take risks then you might have been one of the townspeople opposing the road out of town. Life is full of risks and as a leader, you have to be willing to take them. Click To Tweet

This doesn’t mean that you throw caution to the wind and that you recklessly make decisions, but so long as you never make them, you will always be a settler. Dare to dream, dare to take risks, dare to bet on yourself.

You’ve stopped dreaming

The by-product of a settler’s mentality in your leadership is evidenced in that you’ve stopped dreaming. When was the last time your dreams kept you up at night? Have you lost the passion that you once knew? When you give up on a dream or when it begins to fade, you begin to settle. 

When you stop dreaming, something inside you stops growing. A settler’s mentality has no vision of the future beyond their current surroundings.

Are you settling or moving forward?


©2022 Doug Dickerson

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Leadership For Such A Time As This



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And where were you?- Winston Churchill

A story is told that in the early days of World War II, Winston Churchill called Britain’s coal miners together. A great crisis had arisen. The miners were not getting out enough coal to fuel the factories that produced the planes and ships they so desperately needed.

When Churchill stood to speak he said, “I want to give it to you straight.” For an hour and forty minutes, he outlined the desperate situation confronting Britain. 

Then in stirring language he said, “When at last it is all over, we’ll parade these streets again and as you go by, people will call out, “And where were you?” Someone will answer, ‘I marched with the Eighth Army,’ and someone else will say, ‘I was in the skies over Britain,’ Another will reply, ‘I was in the Merchant Maries pushing the ships through the sea up to Archangel,’ Then I shall be standing there and I will call out, ‘Where were you?’ I will hear your answer, ‘We were down in the black pits right up against the face of the coal.” 

Then thousands of coal miners arose and with tears streaming down their faces, cheered the Prime Minister, and the coal came out. They had caught a fresh vision of the importance of their work.

We are challenged on every front right now. We see the horrific images coming out of Ukraine, our hearts are broken as we see the human suffering and senseless loss of life.

And just when we begin to see that we have turned the corner with COVID we are now facing an economic strain that we haven’t experienced in decades. 

It’s in moments of historic significance we find ourselves living in right now, that we need to hear in the back of our minds the words Churchill invoked as he spoke to the miners when he said, “And where were you?”. 

This is one of the most significant questions of our generation that we need to answer. I’m asking all leaders to search their hearts and ponder these questions:

  • In this time of adversity and trial – Where are you?
  • When our world cries out for leaders with backbone, clarity, and vision – Where are you?
  • When the world begs for leaders with integrity and true north – Where are you?
  • When there is brokenness and despair in the hearts of people around you – Where are you?
  • With the spiritual climate in decline and the moral vacuum has to be filled – Where are you?
  • When partisans at every turn try to divide us – Where you are?
  • When our neighbors are in distress and in need – Where are you?
  • When those without a voice need a voice to speak on their behalf – Where are you?
  • When our youth need mentors and a guiding hand – Where are you?

Our world needs leaders to step up and answer these questions and more with courage and conviction. When the world is broken all around us, may people look to you and me as a source of healing and strength. Click To Tweet

Final Thoughts

The Old Testament speaks of a woman named Esther who became queen. In Esther 4:14 it says, “…and who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?” This verse was spoken to her because she found herself in a position to rescue her people from death. In that season of her life, her faith was tested, just like your leadership is being tested today. Esther trusted and believed that God had put her in that position, in that time, to do what needed to be done. Her faith was tested, but God was working in her position. 

I believe that this is our moment in time to step up be the leaders the world is looking for – for such a time as this.


©2022 Doug Dickerson


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Why People Fire Their Leaders – And How To Stop It

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People quit people, not companies – John Maxwell

I remember my first job out of college. I was excited and filled with great enthusiasm. But it played out like A Tale of Two Cities, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times”. I was surrounded by people I genuinely liked with many friends. With a great team in place, we made great strides in the community we served. But I had “the boss from hell” who made life hell. So, I fired him. 

An article in Inc. magazine identified the top 5 characteristics that caused employees to leave their jobs. They are:

  • Management style — 37 percent
  • Condescending attitude — 30 percent
  • Mean or bad temper — 30 percent
  • Inappropriate behavior — 26 percent
  • Harassed employees — 24 percent

Speaking of bad boss behavior, here is a sampling of what respondents called unacceptable or deal-breaking behaviors: Your boss takes credit for your work 63%, your boss doesn’t trust or empower you 62%; your boss doesn’t care if you’re overworked 58%, your boss doesn’t advocate for you when it comes to compensation 57%, your boss hires and/or promotes the wrong people 56%, your boss doesn’t provide proper direction on assignments/roles 54%, your boss micromanages and doesn’t allow you “freedom to work” 53%, etc. 

When you look at the above examples of why people leave their work or the characteristics of bad bosses, one thing is certain – there is a leadership gap.  As it relates to employee engagement, bad bosses, company morale, and corporate culture, how the leadership gap is addressed going forward is critical. A boss without strong leadership skills will drive his or he people away.

I’ve said it in this space before: Building the type of organization that your people would never dream of leaving begins by being the type of leader everyone wants to follow. Let’s explore three basic ways in which you can build that type of culture.

Serve your people

The higher you ascend in your organization the more responsibilities you take on – not more rights. This is where many a boss drops the leadership ball. Think of a pyramid. The old way of thinking is that at the bottom you have many rights and at the top, few responsibilities. Now flip it- when you do, the opposite becomes true. You now have more responsibilities as the leader/boss and fewer rights. Now, start acting like it. 

You will build the type of organization people would never dream of leaving when you develop the mindset of servant leadership and by empowering your people at every opportunity. Click To Tweet

Empower your people

Employee engagement is directly tied to empowered employees. The cited survey, along with many others drive this point home. If your people are micromanaged, underappreciated, and not given credit for their ideas and work, is it any wonder they are firing their bosses? 

Billy Hornsby said, “ It’s okay to let those you lead outshine you, for if they shine brightly enough, they reflect positively on you”. The boss who makes for a good leader understands that when his or her people are empowered it makes them look good. You will build the type of organization they would never dream of leaving when you empower them to reach their full potential.

Engage your people

Employee engagement is only as meaningful and effective as the leader who engages on this level. The boss who only sees employee engagement as something “they do” may have the work of his employees’ hands, but will never have their hearts. If you want to stop your people from walking out the door, then you must open yours. You must be among your people, know your people, and serve them. Click To Tweet

Building the type of organization people would never dream of leaving begins when you understand that they are the most appreciable asset you have. Simply put, employee engagement begins at the top.

Final Thoughts

There’s no way in this space to take a deep dive into all of the issues that need to be addressed here. But engaged and invested people need to step up and help right the ship. What role will you play in closing the back door and helping build the type of culture no one would ever dream of leaving?


© 2022 Doug Dickerson

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The Value of Adding Value


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There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assist another human being, to help someone else succeed. – Alan Loy McGinnis

I read a story about Jan Paderewski when upon leaving his native Poland to play his first recital in London, had asked an influential compatriot for a letter of introduction to a leading figure in Britain’s musical world. He asked for this just in case anything should go amiss. 

The letter was handed to him in a sealed envelope. He hoped that everything would proceed smoothly and he would not have to use it. 

As it turned out, Padwereswski didn’t need the letter. His debut in London was a success. Some years later, while going through his papers he came upon the letter and opened it. It read: “This will introduce Jan Paderewski, who plays the piano, for which he demonstrates no conspicuous talent.” I wonder what went through Paderewsko’s mind when he read those words? I’d like to think he had a smile on his face.

As leaders, one of the most important things we can do is to add value to those around us. It’s when we understand this imperative leadership principle that it changes everything about how we view and exercise our leadership – it’s not about us.

In my span of years in leadership, I have intentionally applied four basic principles when it comes to adding value to the people around me. These are the four questions that I regularly ask myself.

How can I speak encouragement into someone’s life today?

If you are observant and take a look around, it’s not going to be hard to find someone who might need a word of encouragement. Your one word of encouragement can make all the difference to someone who is facing a struggle or a challenge. 

By being observant and speaking words of encouragement to those around you it demonstrates that you are a leader who is in touch with your people. It says you are not so self-absorbed that you miss the cues. Click To Tweet

In what ways can you add value to those around you simply by speaking words of encouragement?

In what ways can I resource them?

Your words of encouragement are important and can certainly add value. But I’ve also discovered that I can also add value by finding ways to be a resource to those around me. 

By this I mean, if I can find a book, an article, a podcast, etc., that I’ve come across that I know will add value to another person, then I will pass it along. People not only appreciate what you’ve done for them, but it shows that you are invested in them and want to see them grow. As an avid reader, I really enjoy giving books away. Being a resource is a simple way of planting seeds of growth in others that has many returns.

What introductions can I facilitate?

One way in which I try to add value to others is by helping facilitate introductions. I really enjoy bringing people together who share common values and interests. 

I remember on one such occasion some ten or more years ago, I facilitated a connection for a friend (at my prompting) and that connection took her career to a new level because of it. As a result, she’s had doors open to speak and train all over the world. It all happened because in a conversation with her I said, “I need to introduce you to…”

As a leader, be mindful of your connections and how you can build bridges with the people you know. By doing so, you can add value in ways that can greatly benefit those around you.

In what ways can I challenge those around me to embrace their giftedness?

There are moments in your leadership when you see and recognize something uniquely special – a gifting, in someone else that needs to be embraced and called out. This person may have a story or perspective on life, leadership, or business that the rest of the world needs to hear. 

When you do this, chances are you are only validating what they have already been thinking or feeling and your challenge gives them the confidence they need to step out.

Final Thoughts

Adding value to those around isn’t complicated. Be intentional by asking yourself, “How am I adding value to others today?”. Be a leader of value by adding value.


©2022 Doug Dickerson

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Leadership Lessons From The G.O.A.T.

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Losing is no disgrace if you’ve given your best. – Jim Palmer

The Cinderella ending of Tom Brady’s playoff run with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers is not the one he wanted. But with class, he played the hand he was dealt. Will he retire from the game? By the time you read this, we may have our answer.

My intention here is not to stroll down memory lane detailing all of the highlights of his remarkable career. There’s not enough time or space here to do that. His accomplishments speak for themselves.

Any player can give glowing remarks after an incredible come from behind win or other such accomplishment and look good. But how you handle the disappointment of a loss is more revealing. 

After the defeat of the Buccaneers to the Rams in the recent playoff game, Brady took to his Instagram page to comment about the loss. In doing so, he gives us a few lessons in leadership that transcend the game. 

Allow me to break down those leadership lessons taken from his post. I believe these lessons can benefit any leader regardless of your profession.


“…but this week, all that is on my mind is the gratitude I have for this team and the fans that have supported us…”

In this statement, Tom Brady brings to the forefront a leadership characteristic all can emulate. When you lead from a heart of gratitude it speaks volumes about your character. The lesson here is simple but profound – no one does it alone.

Brady rightfully acknowledges his teammates and fans for their support. He acknowledges that when everyone comes together and works hard then great things can happen. A heart of gratitude and humility is refreshing coming from a player the caliber of Brady especially after a loss. 

Hard work pays off

This year has been incredibly rewarding personally and professionally and I am appreciative of everyone who worked their ass off to help our team achieve so much.”

Simply put, Brady is acknowledging the obvious – hard work pays off. When everyone is invested and willing to work hard and make the sacrifices to achieve great results, it’s a humbling experience. Even though the season ended sooner than he and the rest of the team would have liked, he acknowledged everyone’s efforts and did not blame anyone for the loss. It was a total team effort that was characterized by hard work and determination. 

Hard work and self-discipline have always been hallmarks of Brady’s career, even in the offseason. When a leader or athlete like Brady is the one who sets the bar, it lifts everyone to a higher standard and he gives credit where it’s due. 

Keep everything in proper perspective

“ I always want to win., I think that’s pretty apparent by now, but that doesn’t mean I equate losing to failure, especially when you go out fighting the way we did.”

Brady’s quote here is leadership gold. When you understand that losing one game does not equal failure it’s a game-changer.

In his book, Failing Foward, John Maxwell writes, “ The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure.” Brady’s ability to see in this light indicates that he clearly understands the difference.

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Final Thoughts

Tom Brady demonstrated that winning is not characterized by the final score of a game. He showed that some things are more important – like living with gratitude, working hard, and keeping everything in proper perspective. 


©2022 Doug Dickerson 

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Attitude Checkup: Three Questions You Need To Answer Now

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Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. – Lou Holtz

I read a story about a girl named Naaz. One day, she looked in the mirror and found that she had only three strands of hair left on her head!

She said to herself, “I think I will braid my hair today!” So she did and went out and had a great fun-filled day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror, and found just two hair on her head!

She thought to herself, “Well, I think today I will part my hair down the middle”. So she did and had a wonderful day.

The next day, she woke up and noticed that she had only one hair left. She said, “Well, today I will put my hair in a ponytail.” So she did and had a jolly good day.

The next day she woke up, looked in the mirror, and noticed she had no hair on her head. “Hurray!” She exclaimed and said, “I don’t have to fix my hair today.” And went with a big smile on her face.

The moral of the story? – Be happy with what you have. Each one of us is fighting some battle. Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

I like the story about Naaz. It’s a simple reminder of something that at times can be lost on us – the importance of choosing the right attitude.

As a leader, your attitude is extremely important. It needs to be. Think of your attitude as the thermostat by which all other attitudes are set. Would you consider that a good thing or bad? 

In Business News Daily, Jennifer Post writes, “Psychologists generally agree that our brains are hardwired to put more of our focus and energy on bad news. Maybe it’s because we are surrounded by it, now more than ever in the age of instant news and videos of tragedies being uploaded seconds after they happen.” Sound familiar? This is why your attitude matters.

So let’s take a few moments and have an attitude check-up. Here are three questions worth asking yourself right now.

What are you thankful for?

When you are intentional about what you are thankful for, it will change your perspective and attitude. It’s all too easy to dwell on negative things and complain about what we don’t have or don’t like. When your focus is on what you are thankful for it can be a game-changer.

Even when Naaz had lost all of her hair, she had something to be thankful for. Chances are, you do too. 

Question #1 is the mindset question. Your mindset and attitude are uniquely connected. Guard them both.

What are you dreaming about?

When you have a dream in your heart that inspires you it will have a positive effect on you. You cannot move in the direction of your dreams and ultimately achieve them if you harbor a negative attitude. Click To Tweet A dream bigger than yourself will require an equally positive attitude to get you there. 

What dream do you have right now that requires the best attitude from you to achieve it? Never allow a negative attitude to take away your dream.

Question #2 is the passion question. How far you go with your dream is in large part determined by your attitude. Guard them both.

How are you serving others?

When your focus is on serving others and giving back you will find it hard to entertain a negative attitude. When you take the focus off of yourself and put it on others it will change your perspective. As a leader, you have to remember that it’s not about you. When you learn that, it changes everything.

In what ways can you serve others in your organization or community? Your attitude will shift for the better when you learn the secret of selfless leadership. 

Question #3 is the purpose question. When you know and understand your purpose your attitude will naturally follow.

Final Thoughts

When you align your attitude with your mindset, your passion, and your purpose you will open a whole new realm in your leadership. How’s your checkup looking?


©2022 Doug Dickerson


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How Leaders Talk To Themselves

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Talking about what you want focuses your mind on the outcome you desire rather than the one you fear and dread. – Valorie Burton

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” – Proverbs 23:7

I’ve been around long enough to know that how we see ourselves and how we talk to ourselves will ultimately chart the course for where we go in life. It’s inevitable and it’s predictable.

You see, your destination is all dependant upon the thoughts you entertain, and what you talk yourself into believing. You will never rise higher than the way you see or perceive yourself. 

In his book, Power of the Plus Factor, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale shares a story about walking through the streets of Hong Kong. He came upon a tattoo shop and was looking at all of the available choices for tattoos in which a person could select. One, in particular, stood out – “Born to lose”. Taken aback, Dr. Peale asked the shop owner why anyone would ever choose to have that saying inked on their body.

In his broken English, the shop owner replied, “Before tattoo on body, tattoo on mind.” And this is precisely what you have to be on guard against as a leader. 

As a leader, you have to be intentional about how you talk to yourself. How you talk to yourself matters now more than ever. This is easier said than done, and so I want to break the process down for you. How you talk to yourself, in part, depends on the following questions.

Who do you allow to speak into your life?

There will be many voices who speak in your life but not every voice needs to speak into it. There’s a difference between those who speak in your life and those who speak into it and the sooner you learn who those people are the better. Click To Tweet Many voices and a lot of chatter take place on the margins of your life. Some of it is unavoidable. But not all of it. 

Action step: Who are you allowing to speak into your life? Are they adding value and helping to move you in the right direction? Who do you need to stop listening to?

What are you listening to?

Our culture in many ways is toxic and divided. It’s red vs. blue, left vs. right, and people find it harder than ever to come together. We’ve lost the art of meaningful conversation and listening that’s coupled with mutual respect. It might be a given, but what you listen to matters just as much as who you listen to if not more. 

Action Step: Think for a moment about what you listen to on any given day. Is it uplifting, positive, inspiring, and motivating? Is it bringing people together or driving the wedge of division further? What can you do today to change or improve what you are listening to?

What do you dwell on?

Of all the voices that speak in your life and into your life, which ones do you dwell on? What conversations and topics do you most find yourself returning to and entertaining? These are the ones that will more times than not be the source for the conversations that you have with yourself. It will always be a challenge to separate what you dwell on from the way you talk to yourself. What your mind dwells on the most is what will take root in your heart. Be careful.

Action Step: In what way can you begin to filter what you listen to and what you dwell on? What habits do you need to change? 

What do you believe?

That you hear many voices on a daily basis isn’t the issue. That there are voices that may try to define who you are and define your worth is not the issue. That there are toxic people and much division around you isn’t the issue either. Ultimately, it comes down to what you believe and what you choose to entertain that will determine the way you talk to yourself and drive the behaviors that come from it. So, let me ask you, what do you believe?

Action Step: How can you better filter the voices that you hear? What one change can you make today that will help you? 

Final Thoughts

It’s been said that the longest distance in the world is from your head to your heart. Be careful and wise about what gets in your head because you don’t want it getting into your heart. Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” When it comes to how you talk to yourself as a leader, you must control the narrative.


©2022 Doug Dickerson



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2022 Is Your Year To Soar!

Photo Credit: Doug Dickerson

Eagles don’t flock, you have to find them one at a time. – Ross Perot

While walking through the forest one day, a man found a young eagle who had fallen out of its nest. He took it home and put it in his barnyard where it soon learned to eat and behave like the chickens. 

One day a naturalist passed by the farm and asked why it was that the king of all birds should be confined to live in a barnyard with the chickens. The farmer replied that since he had given it chicken feed and trained it to be a chicken, it had never learned to fly. Since it now behaved as the chickens, it was no longer an eagle.

“Still it has the heart of an eagle,” replied the naturalist, “and can surely be taught to fly.” He lifted the eagle toward the sky and said, “You belong to the sky and not to the earth. Stretch forth your wings and fly.” The eagle, however, was confused. He did not know who he was, and seeing the chickens eating their feed, he jumped down to be with them again.

The naturalists took the bird to the roof of the house and urged him again, saying, “You are an eagle. Stretch forth your wings and fly.” but the eagle was afraid of his unknown world and jumped down once more for the chicken feed. 

Finally, the naturalist took the eagle out of the barnyard to a high mountain. There he held the king of the birds high above him and encouraged him again, saying, “You are an eagle, you belong to the sky. Stretch forth your wings and fly.” The eagle looked around, back towards the barnyard and up to the sky. Then the naturalist lifted him straight towards the sun and it happened that the eagle began to tremble. Slowly he stretched his wings, and with a triumphant cry, soared away into the heavens.

On the brink of a new year, it’s time to decide – fly with the eagles or run with the chickens. I believe that it’s time for you to break free and remind yourself of some of the following truths.  

Not everyone who picks you up will lift you up

The man who found the young eagle might have meant well in bringing the young eagle to his barn. But over time, his good deed turned the majestic bird, full of so much potential, into a common barnyard chicken.

If you want to soar as a leader you must break free from the good intentions of people who do not bring out the best in you. Click To Tweet

Your worth is not defined by those holding you back

As the young eagle grew its identity was shaped by the company that is kept. Instead of realizing its full potential to soar the heavens, it was grounded with the chickens. The eagle was being labeled as something it wasn’t. His future was being cast. And the man could not be more wrong.

If you want to soar as a leader you must never let the people who are holding you back define your worth. When you have the heart of an eagle, don’t allow the mindset of a chicken to hold you back.

You can only soar like an eagle when you start acting like one

Over time, the young eagle was persuaded by the naturalist that he was more than a chicken as led to believe. It was when the eagle embraced everything that was great about him that he took his rightful place soaring to the heavens. 

If you want to soar as a leader you will have to shake off the labels of your critics and stop hanging out with the chickens. Surround yourself with those who bring out the best in you.

Those who believe in you the most will insist that you fly

The naturalist saw the eagle for the grand and majestic bird that it was. He knew that as long as it was confined to the barnyard it would never live up to its potential. He saw the eagles’ potential and he didn’t give up until it flew.

If you want to soar as a leader you will need people in your life who believe in you, people who will call out the best in you, and people who will never rest until you fly.


2022 is your year to soar!


© 2021 Doug Dickerson

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A Season For Reflection

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Follow effective action with quiet reflection.  From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action – Peter Drucker

Somewhere at the beginning of each day, you probably find yourself looking at your reflection in the mirror. Many of us never give a second thought as to how that reflection is produced. All surfaces reflect some light, but only a special type of surface reflects light in such a way that it can form a mirror.

In 1835, German chemist Justis von Liebig devised a process for coating plates of glass with metallic silver. This was the beginning of the mirror as we know it today and helped it become a household item. The mirrors in our homes are made in a similar fashion by evaporating a very thin layer of silver onto a glass. 

If you’re like me, spending a lot of time in front of the mirror is not a good thing–for the mirror. But during the month of December in the lead up to Christmas and when thoughts turn toward the new year, it is a time of reflection.

What about you? What are you reflecting on? What are you thankful for? What are you celebrating? What are you mourning?

Times of reflection as a leader are important and every leader needs to do it. Here are a few ways it can help you grow in your leadership.

It puts your past in perspective

When you look back on 2021, it will generate mixed emotions and responses for sure. But the lessons you’ve learned serve a greater good when you stop to consider all that you’ve been through.

While you may not have chosen every event that came your way, you found a way to face it. You found a way to pivot, improvise, and adapt. Was it easy? Certainly not. Were their setbacks and disappointments? Yes. But here you are, and you are here for a purpose.

Reflect on this: You are not defined by your past. You have a purpose to fulfill.

It gives context to your present

Reflection gives you the opportunity to put your present situation into context. One year ago, many would not have imagined they would be in the situation they find themselves in today. Think about the challenges you faced this past year. I’m sure much has changed as you reflect on it and look toward the promise of a new year. 

Nibo Qubein said, “Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go, they merely determine where you start”. And this is the point of reflection – not to see how far you’ve come but to get a good look at the starting line going forward.

Reflect on this: What actions do you need to take today to get a fresh start on your future?

It provides clarity for your future

Richard Carlson was right when he said, “Reflection is one of the most underused yet powerful tools for success”. And this is one of the primary benefits of it. Not only does reflection give you the benefit of putting your past in perspective and context to your present, but it can give you a blueprint for your future. Click To Tweet

Every lesson you’ve learned this year has prepared you for this moment. You are not the sum of your failures, fears, or setbacks. I believe that you’ve been prepared by them for a future brighter than what you’ve imagined.

Reflect on this: What attitudes do I need to embrace and who are the people that I need to surround myself with going forward?

Final Thoughts

Times of reflection can be invaluable to you as a leader. It can give you the clarity you need as you lead your people who rely on it. Embrace times of reflection and develop it as a discipline. You will be the wiser leader for it.


©2021 Doug Dickerson

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When the Cure is Worse Than the Problem

Credit: Google Images

Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make them all yourself. – Groucho Marx

I’d like to share with you about the time I was passed out on the kitchen floor at my parent’s house. In my defense, alcohol was involved.

I was around 10 or 11, and my sister and I were in the big field out behind our house. As we were walking along, I was pulling weeds. We were headed back to the house and as we were making our way to the backyard, I reached down to pull one last weed out of the ground before going inside. This time when I did, it slit my index finger open.

As we approached the house, my instinct was to go up to the water faucet and start cleaning it up. Blood was everywhere and my blue winter coat was soaked in it which only created more alarm on the part of my sister who promptly went inside to tell my mother – not a good move.

Once inside, my mother did as I had predicted she would – she panicked! My dad was at work and so she was almost hysterical in trying to figure out what to do. She had me stand at the sink and put my hand over it so as not to spill blood on the floor. Then she left.

A few moments later she returned with a bottle of rubbing alcohol. I was under the impression that she would only pour just a little of it on my finger in order to “kill the germs”. In her panic and to my astonishment, my mother turned the bottle upside down and proceeded to pour all of it onto my finger!

For a brief moment I recalled letting out a scream – but not much after that as I then passed out onto the kitchen floor. In her desire to help me with my cut finger, I was now passed out on the floor that she didn’t want any blood on just moments before. 

There are a few lessons I learned from that experience that applies to us in leadership. See how these resonate with you.

Sometimes problems look worse than they are

As a leader, you will experience problems and issues of varying degrees all the time. In those moments, be careful not to exaggerate the problem beyond what it is. It’s likely you will have others around you doing that already. Your job as the leader is to accurately define the situation and calmly convey the right course of action that’s needed. Not every problem requires you to dump the whole bottle of alcohol on it to fix it. Stay calm and think it through.

Sometimes the “cure” is worse than the problem

In a way that I am not fully capable of explaining, my sweet mother, God rest her soul, in the heat of the moment believed that an entire bottle of rubbing alcohol was the “cure” to my cut. There will be times in leadership when those around you may propose a solution to a problem that is not worthy of the problem. Click To Tweet In the heat of the moment, you need to be clear-eyed and accurately assess the situation and not make matters worse. The damage caused by the cure can make a very manageable problem much larger simply by doing the wrong thing.

Sometimes you have to hide the alcohol from your mother

I am now able to look back on that experience and laugh over what happened that day. But had I known what was going to happen before leaving the house to go on that walk, I would have hidden that bottle of rubbing alcohol from her.

As a leader, you will be exposed to people from whom you need to hide the alcohol. I bet you can name at least one of them now, am I right? But more importantly, as a leader, you need to be about training your people not to see “problems” but to see the opportunities before them and gear them toward a solution mindset versus a problem mindset. Then when they come to you, they don’t just come with a problem, they come with ideas on how to solve it.

Let’s be careful not to make the cure worse than the problem. There is a better way.


©2021 Doug Dickerson

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