Do You Have a Winning Attitude?

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Your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude. – Zig Ziglar

I read a story once by Michael Hodgin about two Kentucky racing stable owners who had developed a rivalry.

Each spring they both entered a horse in a local steeplechase. One of them thought that having a professional rider might give his horse an edge in the race, so he hired a hotshot jockey.

Well, the day of the race finally came, and as usual, their horses were leading the race right down to the last fence. But the final fence was too much for both of the horses. Both of them fell, and both riders were thrown. But that didn’t stop the professional jockey. He remounted and easily won the race.

When he got back to the stable, he found the horse owner fuming with rage. The jockey really didn’t understand the owner’s behavior, because he won the race. So the jockey asked, “What’s the matter with you? I won the race, didn’t I?” 

The red-faced owner nodded, “Oh yes, you won the race. But you won it on the wrong horse!”

The determination of the jockey is admirable despite the fact that he made that critical mistake. 

In leadership, you will be challenged regularly with your attitude. It comes with the territory. Sometimes the attitude challenges that we face are the result of our own poor choices. At other times, our attitude is challenged by outside forces that we have no control over.

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In the book, Winning The War in Your Mind, Craig Groescel writes:

“Our lives are always moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts. What we think shapes who we are.”

And this is precisely why our attitudes matter. Our thoughts and attitudes are moving us in a certain direction. The question is: Are you headed in the right direction?

Poor attitude choices can be a detriment to your leadership. Your attitude is basically the thermostat by which your team members adjust. Click To TweetWhen you are upbeat and positive, that tends to be the attitude that others embrace. The same holds true if it’s negative. So, as a leader, what posture should you take with your attitude? Here are a few simple approaches worth consideration.

Guard your thoughts

This first piece of advice is all about your discipline as a leader. It’s a profoundly simple piece of advice. And it’s a profoundly difficult discipline to master.  But much is riding on the outcome.

I would like for you to think of guarding your thoughts not from a defensive posture, which we’ve all been accustomed to, but from a proactive posture.

When it comes to guarding our thoughts, what does a proactive posture look like? Here are a few examples:

  • Practice gratitude and random acts of kindness
  • Prayer or meditation
  • Volunteer/ serve others
  • Exercise/walks 

When your thoughts and actions are others-centered and when you are intentional about what you choose to watch and listen to, then you are in a proactive way guarding your thoughts. You have less time to be self-absorbed and more time to focus on others.

Guard your company

We don’t always control what happens to us, but we do control how we will respond. This is crucial to understand. 

When you are proactive about guarding your mind in the ways that I have already outlined, the next thing you need to do is guard your company. Here’s a truth you must embrace: Not everyone belongs in your circle. 

As a leader, you will have many interactions with people within your organization and without. These are generally tied to your specific duties as a leader. 

But when it comes to your inner circle- the people closest to you by choice- you must guard your company. To be clear, I am not advocating being a snob. I am, however, saying that in order to protect and guard your attitude, you can’t allow others with poor attitudes in your inner circle who could potentially drag you down. Your winning attitude is too valuable and must be protected.

Final Thoughts

Possessing a winning attitude takes work, discipline, and determination. It is incumbent upon you to be proactive and wise in your choices. A winning attitude is attainable but you must guard your thoughts and guard your company in order to maintain it.


©2023 Doug Dickerson


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The Amazing Power of a Thank You

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No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. – Taylor Swift

As the father of two now grown and married daughters, I am a Swiftie dad. All through their teenage years our home was filled with the vibes of Taylor Swift.

It was only fitting that they traveled from South Carolina down to Tampa to see her on her Eras Concert tour. I was glad that they finally got to see her in person. It was the ultimate bucket list concert for them.

Her remarkable success speaks for itself. But what truly sets her apart is her tremendous generosity. It was reported in Forbes that she gave out bonuses totaling more than $55 million to her dancers, riggers, sound technicians, catering, and truck drivers. Multiple sources reported that she gave $100,000 bonuses to each of the 50 truck drivers on her tour.

But as impressive (and deserving) as the bonuses were, what I find most impressive is that Swift has held steadfast to the lost and dying art of handwritten notes. In fact, Swift is a prolific note-writer. 

A copy of one of the hand-written notes to a truck driver was made public in which she expressed her thanks for their hard work.

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Swift has been widely known to send these hand-written notes to friends and fans alike. This makes me wonder, could there be one for this Swiftie dad and his daughters?

In life as in your leadership, expressions of gratitude and thanks are very important. 

In fact, survey results published at BlueBoard reported that 2 in 3 (67%) of employed Americans don’t always feel appreciated for their contributions at work. In addition, nearly half (42%) of respondents feel their company lacks a strong culture of appreciation.

In light of this, what does this mean for you as a leader and for your organization to build a culture of appreciation and gratitude? Here are a few thoughts to consider.

Gratitude and appreciation are the foundation of your employee engagement

Much has been said and written here and elsewhere about employee engagement over the years. But little has been said about gratitude and appreciation being the foundation upon which it’s all built and sustained. It’s time we acknowledge it.

Building a culture of appreciation and gratitude begins with those in leadership. Some might be dismissive of this idea as simply being too much of a “soft skill” idea when in reality, it’s needed more now than ever. People will have buy-in with what they help create and when they are appreciated for their efforts and sacrifices.

Gratitude and appreciation are the future of your leadership

The future of your leadership and that of your organization hinges on your understanding of what it means to create and sustain a culture of appreciation.

In the BlueBoard survey, they also reported that a lack of employee appreciation can:

  • Cause employee disengagement
  • Impact your employees’ sense of belonging
  • Erode employee confidence
  • Trigger job insecurity and anxiety in your workplace

If you want a strong culture of appreciation, strong morale, etc., then you begin with an understanding of the power of ‘thank you’. At every opportunity, make it a practice to show your appreciation and gratitude to those around you. It means more to them than you can imagine. Click To Tweet

As for helping this dad with two daughters, I’d like to express my sincere appreciation to Taylor Swift for making our home a happier place during those middle and high school years. From the boyfriends and the proverbial broken hearts and proms, and eventually on to their weddings, Taylor’s music has been there. Now they are raising up little Swifties of their own. 

Thank you, Taylor, for accompanying us on the journey!


©2023 Doug Dickerson

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Pace Setting Leadership

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The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang. – Mary Kay Ash

Being from the South, one might draw the conclusion that I am a NASCAR fan. And while on numerous occasions, I have watched races on TV, I’m not really that into it. For me, watching a race has primarily served the purpose of inducing a nap on Sunday afternoons. However, I must say that the last 20-30 laps are the most fun to watch.

In the limited amount of knowledge that I have pertaining to NASCAR, I do understand that the Pace car serves an important purpose.

Before a race begins, the pace car serves an important function in keeping the field safe and in the proper position. The pace car will pull out in front of the field and remain at a constant speed. The drivers are required to stay behind the pace car. During caution periods, the pace car leads the pack at a lower speed, and drivers are not allowed to pass, maintaining field positions.

As a leader, you are essentially a pacesetter in your organization. Your pace for the most part will determine the pace of your people. Being a pacesetter in leadership comes with many responsibilities as all eyes are on you.

While setting an example for setting the pace is important, knowing what is transferable and what’s not is critical. Let me break it down for you.

Setting your pace personally

As a leader, the focus of your personal pace is set primarily on your personal growth. Your personal pace impacts your professional pace, and for each person, it looks different.

Components of your personal pace are those intentional things that you do daily that help you grow and develop as a leader. This is your personal growth plan. This would include but not be limited to goal setting, reading habits, exercise, health, spiritual growth, emotional well-being, etc.

It’s as you are intentionally focused on these areas of your life, you set the pace for this development. You move as fast or as slow as you choose in the areas that you are working to improve.

Essential to the success of your personal pace is found in your daily routine. Without consistency and intentionality, your growth will be hit-and-miss at best. The pace of your growth as a leader is not accidental. But once it’s set, you can grow and be an example that others will look to and be inspired by.

Your personal leadership pace is transferable to the next level.

Setting your pace professionally

As a leader, the pace you set is a reflection of your personal pace. Barbara Corcoran observed, “People imitate their leader. Lead by example.” And this is the ultimate challenge of setting the pace as a leader.

Think about leaders in your own life whom you have admired or desired in some way to emulate. In college, for me, it was Dr. Tom Wilson. His pace was steady, he exuded confidence, and he could convince us that if we were charging hell with squirt guns, we’d win. A retired Army officer, Dr. Wilson was a wonderful model of leadership for me.

In my post-college years, many have inspired me, but none have had an enduring and lasting impact on my life like John Maxwell. I began reading his work around 1992 and haven’t looked back. His example and impact on my life have been profound.

Your pace professionally is set by your daily habits and disciplines. The expectation that you have for your people is the example that you must set. Click To Tweet

While it’s a given that on many levels and in various ways, you will out-pace your people, it should never be said that your people out-paced you. 

Final Thoughts

Stephen Covey observed, “ Be patient with yourself. Self-growth is tender; it’s holy ground. There’s no greater investment.” And this is the secret to setting the pace with your leadership. Your pace a year from now will look much different than it does today. But today is the day you begin.


©2023 Doug Dickerson


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Making Course Corrections

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If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading. – Lao Tzu

In 1829, Martin Van Buren, then Governor of New York, wrote the following to the President:

The canal system of this country is being threatened by the spread of a new form of transportation known as ‘railroads.’ The federal government must preserve our canals for these reasons: If canal boats are supplanted by railroads, serious unemployment will result. Captains, cooks, drivers, hostlers, repairmen, and lock tenders will be left without any means of livelihood. 

Canal boats are essential to our defense. In the event of trouble with England, the Erie Canal could be the only means by which we could move supplies. The Almighty certainly never intended that people should travel through the countryside at the breakneck speed of 15 miles per hour.

This letter is a bit humorous now in the context of how far we have progressed with the railroads in the modern era. But the letter reflects the predominant thinking of the day as it relates to transportation.  

As leaders, how we perceive change and what measures we are willing to embrace will in many respects determine the type of future we can expect. If you are stuck in your thinking and see change as a threat to your current existence, you will eventually be left behind. Click To Tweet

So what is a leader to do? Here are a few tips on how to make course corrections that will be necessary in your leadership. 

Course corrections are just that – corrections

It’s important to know that course corrections in your leadership are just that – corrections. It’s not that the way you are doing now is necessarily wrong, but it can be improved upon. Obviously, the railroad turned out to be a significantly better means of transportation than canals.

When you are open to corrections and ways of improving your operations, it’s good to see it as a way to make you more efficient and productive and not as a threat to the outdated way of doing things. 

Course corrections move you out of your comfort zones

If the mindset of Van Buren had prevailed, it would have set back a more efficient way of operating on the canals. And while the change over to the railroads was inevitable, many still embraced a canal boat mindset.

Think about your own leadership for just a moment. In what areas do you find yourself resisting changes that could actually make you a better leader? Perhaps you’ve held on to the canal boat mentality for a bit too long and it’s trapped you in a comfort zone that is no longer serving you well.

Course corrections position you for greater possibilities

Proper course corrections can position you for greater possibilities when you see them not as a threat but as a benefit. Canal boats did the job, just slower than the railroad. And while Van Buren mistakenly believed at the time that the breakneck speed of 15 miles per hour was way too fast, consider the cost of slower and inefficient work it would create.

When you embrace course corrections, it’s not about disrespecting what brought you to where you are, it is about embracing a new future that builds upon it. 

Final Thoughts

In leadership, you will often be faced with the necessity of course corrections. When you are, embrace the possibilities before you. Victor Hugo said, “Change your opinions, keep to your principles; change your leaves, keep intact your roots.” And this is your challenge as a leader.

What course corrections are you making?


©2023 Doug Dickerson



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How Indecisive Leaders Hurt Morale

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Indecision may or may not be my problem – Jimmy Buffett

A story is told of former president Ronald Reagan once had an aunt who took him to a cobbler for a pair of new shoes. The cobbler asked young Reagan, “Do you want square toes or round toes?” Unable to decide, Reagan didn’t answer, so the cobbler gave him a few days. 

Several days later the cobbler saw Reagan on the street and asked him again what kind of toes he wanted on his shoes. Reagan still couldn’t decide, so the shoemaker replied, “Well, come by in a couple of days. Your shoes will be ready.” When the future president did so, he found one square-toed and one round-toed shoe! “This will teach you to never let people make decisions for you,” the cobbler said to his indecisive customer. “I learned right then and there,” Reagan said later, “if you don’t make your own decisions, someone else will.”

Indecisive leadership is a crippling character trait for leaders. When your organization needs clear direction and decisive action, a waffling leader can cause more harm than good. Click To Tweet

With so much at stake, why do leaders waffle and struggle with decision-making? Three primary reasons come to mind.

They lack clarity

Leaders who struggle with decision-making may lack the necessary clarity needed to make the necessary decision. Rather than making the wrong decision, they make no decision at all. 

They lack confidence

In some situations, leaders withhold decision-making because they are not confident enough in their own instincts. Rather than take a risk and make a decision, they play it safe and everyone is left dangling.

They lack consensus

In some cases, leaders withhold decision-making because they don’t have a consensus on the best path forward. Rather than offend a few with a decision, the leader demoralizes everyone by not making one.

So what is a leader to do? How can a leader overcome this agonizing dilemma? Here are a few ideas.

Trust your instincts

A confident leader will trust his or her instincts in times of decision. Deep down you have a strong intuition that guides you. Trust it.

Invite input

Decisive leaders are informed leaders. Those most affected by your decisions should be the first at the table of discussion. As it’s been said, “The person who sweeps the floor should choose the broom”. Welcome input, but make your decisions on principle, not politics.

Clarify your values

The worst thing you can do as a leader is to make a decision for the sake of making one. Roy Disney was right when he said, “When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier”. When making a decision make sure it aligns with your values. If not, don’t do it.

Check your motives

First and foremost your decision-making should be what’s best for your organization and people. If you are making decisions to gain popularity or to gain favor with some to the detriment of others you are sowing the seeds of low morale. You must have the best interest of the team at heart and not just a few.

Leadership is about making hard decisions. Indecisive leaders make it harder–on themselves and those they lead. Your path forward begins by acknowledging what your indecisive tendencies are doing to your leadership and how it’s impacting the morale of those you lead. 


©2023 Doug Dickerson 

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Leadership and the Toxic Workplace Culture (Part 2)

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Who you attract isn’t determined by what you want. It’s determined by who you are. – John Maxwell

In part one of this two-part series, I introduced you to a working definition of what a toxic workplace culture is and introduced you to the leader’s role in addressing it.

A toxic workplace environment was defined as “a workplace where a negative atmosphere caused by coworkers, supervisors, and/or the company culture, makes it difficult to work or progress in a job.”  Perhaps you can identify with this working definition. In fact, 87% of those surveyed for the study said that they worked in such an environment.

The leader’s role in reversing a toxic workplace environment begins with two things: 1) The leader defines the workplace culture. In other words, the type of culture you want is determined by who you are. You can’t expect to have great workplace culture if you, as the leader, do not possess the character and integrity to create it. You define the culture by who you are. 2) The leader must defend the culture. It’s not enough to define the culture you want, you must defend it. This means everyone in leadership is clear on what it is and everyone sets the example of what it looks like and you hold everyone accountable for it.

As stated in part one, many CEOs and CFOs acknowledge the benefits of a healthy workplace environment but do not know where to start when it comes to fixing it. I addressed a starting place in part one, so let’s continue with a few next steps that can turn the tide.

Don’t assume everyone knows or understands the culture

It would stand to reason that your values and culture are an integral part of your onboarding process. If it’s not, it should be. But that aside, you must build upon it. Your culture and environment are always evolving. At every opportunity, remind your people that they represent the culture and the health of the organization. 

Everyone is held accountable

Patrick Lencioni says, “Great teams do not hold back from one another. They are unafraid to air their dirty laundry. They admit their mistakes, their weaknesses, and their concerns without fear of reprisal.” 

And this must be the guiding philosophy of your organization if you want it to be healthy. If all your people do is bottle up their frustrations and concerns and never speak up, even though that employee is an otherwise ideal team member, they are inadvertently contributing to the toxic culture. Your people must take ownership of the culture they want and it begins with mutual accountability. Click To Tweet

Regularly employ T.L.C.

The benchmarks of a strong workplace culture that will cause it to thrive are found in three basic ingredients:

  1. Trust – The foundation of your workplace culture is trust. When your people trust each other (and you), the sky is the limit in terms of what you can accomplish. Without it, you will always be stuck.
  2. Loyalty – Loyalty to one another – built on trust, is the glue that holds everything together in your organization. Guard and protect this with everything you have.
  3. Communication – Nothing will undo a strong workplace culture any faster than a lack of good communication. Your people do not want to be left in the dark. If you can’t properly communicate then how can your people trust you or be loyal? 

By no means have I exhausted all there is to say about toxic workplace cultures. But I trust that these two posts have opened your eyes and understanding to the possibilities of what can be done to turn it around in your organization.


©2023 Doug Dickerson

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Leadership and the Toxic Workplace Culture (Part 1)

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Who you attract isn’t determined by what you want. It’s determined by who you are. – John Maxwell

A quick toxic workplace culture Google search netted more than 43 million results. To say that toxic workplace cultures are not prevalent would be grossly inaccurate.

What is a toxic workplace culture? How do you know if you are in one? What can be done about it? These are more than just curious questions. For far too many, these are some of the most relevant questions many in the workforce want answers to.

A good working definition comes from a post at CareerPlug. They define a toxic work environment as a “workplace where a negative atmosphere caused by coworkers, supervisors, and/or company culture makes it difficult to work or progress in a job.” In the same survey, 87% of respondents, when asked, said they had experienced such an environment.

My purpose here is not to throw around too many statistics and figures. That toxic workplace cultures exists speaks for itself. But I will sparingly use some for the sake of context.

Writing in Forbes, Bryan Robinson, author of Chained To The Desk In A Hybrid World says, “More than 90% of North American CEOs and CFOs believe that improving their corporate culture would benefit financial performance. Although most leaders acknowledge that their organization’s culture is not as healthy as it should be, many don’t know where to start (emphasis mine). But time is running out.”

This admission of not knowing where to start is a telling revelation as it relates to leadership. Knowing that there is a problem does not translate into being able to do something about it. When/if leadership is paralyzed by the inability to act in a decisive way, the people - the culture, suffer. Click To TweetAnd what’s troubling about this is, people in the organization are not waiting around for things to improve. Employees who are tired of waiting are moving on. Can you blame them?

My leadership mentor, John Maxwell says, “Everything rises and falls on leadership”. And as it pertains to toxic workplace cultures, the absence of engaged leadership creates a void (intentionally or by default) that must be filled. And unfortunately, this is the root of many toxic workplace origins – not exclusively, but certainly a strong contributing factor.

So what’s the starting place for leaders? In part one of this series, I believe the focus has to be on those in leadership. Here are some starting points for consideration.

Leaders must define the culture

Simon Sinek says, “Corporate culture matters. How management chooses to treat its people impacts everything – for better or for worse.” And this is where leaders must step up. The type of culture you want is determined by who you are. The creation of your corporate culture begins with the leader and expands from there. In order to build a of culture of excellence, integrity, loyalty, passion, etc. it first must reside in the leader. This is where it must begin. The absence of these qualities in the leader will produce the absence of them in the organization. From there, the leader sets the tone in words and in actions. Again, who you attract isn’t determined by what you want. It’s determined by who you are.

Leaders must defend the culture

It’s just not enough to point out the values that you say define your culture. You must live it and breathe it, and ultimately, you must defend it. So how does a toxic culture evolve in an organization? It happens when the leader phones it in and believes that because the values and mission statements are written in a dusty policy handbook the job is done.

Your company culture and workplace must be defined and defended by those in leadership. And this means holding yourself and others accountable for it. Without this safeguard, you are on a slippery slope. As a leader, you must fight for your culture.

©2023 Doug Dickerson

  • Next week I will look at specific things leaders can do to enhance employee engagement and put a stop to toxic workplace cultures.
  • Read more about employee engagement and workplace culture in my book: Employee Engagement -Creating Space for Engaged Employees and Healthy Culture Click here to order my book on Amazon  
  • For more information about employee engagement and workplace culture workshops, email me at: [email protected]

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Does Your Workplace Culture Need an Alignment?

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A statement of shared values, no matter how inspiring, does not make a healthy culture. – Tod Bolsinger (Canoeing The Mountains)

I read with great interest a study at Team Stage which reported that only 28% of executives understand their company culture. They stated, “While they understand its importance, they fail to fathom the culture itself.” From a leadership perspective, I found the disconnect quite disturbing. How can one believe culture is important while at the same time failing to understand their own culture? 

Imagine, if you will, that you are driving your car and you notice that it is pulling to the left or to the right. Intuitively you know that your car is out of alignment. Knowing that your car is out of alignment is a good thing, but if you ignore it for too long, it’s going to create bigger problems that you will have to address. And the longer you put it off, the more damage it can cause.

Simply having a mission or value statement plastered up on the wall somewhere in the office is no indication that anyone truly knows what it is, how it pertains to them, and how it impacts the day-to-day operation of the organization. 

As a leader, you need the awareness of knowing if your organizational culture is out of alignment and what corrections are needed. Here are a few things that may help guide you in that process. 

Focus more on alignment than organizing

Writing in the Harvard Business Review, John Kotter states, “The idea of getting people moving in the same direction appears to be an organizational problem. But what executives need to do is not organize people but align them.” In other words, align them around your values. The more your people are aligned with your mission and vision, the healthier it will be. 

It will always be hard for your organization to move forward if it’s out of alignment. Just as your car will want to go off the road, so, too, will your organizational culture drift if not properly aligned. Once you take care of alignment, organizing will be a much simpler process.

Lead by example, not by decrees

When only 28% of executives understand their company culture they will not be in a place to lead by example. Here’s the rub – organizational culture is leader driven. If the leader doesn’t get it or know it, then the leader will not be able to align with it.

Writing in A Tale of Two Cultures, David Burkus writes, “People typically do not look to written codes for clues about how to behave; they look to others.” And this is the void leaders must fill. They need to know their culture and the people in your organization ultimately need to look to each other in terms of knowing how to behave – not a poster on the wall. As a leader, you must set an example and it happens when your words and your actions are aligned. Click To Tweet

Final Thoughts

Tod Bolsinger writes that “culture creation work rests on identifying the gaps between aspired values and actual behavior, and then working with the leaders to bring every aspect of the organization into alignment…” As a leader, this is your responsibility. A healthy workplace culture just doesn’t happen – it’s intentionally created. 


©2023 Doug Dickerson

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Lifting the Lid Off Your Limitations

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Life has no limitations, except the ones you make. – Les Brown

During his first year of graduate study at the University of California, at Berkeley, George B. Dantzig (later known as the father of linear programming) arrived late for a statistic class. He saw two problems on the blackboard. Assuming they were homework, he copied them and a few days later turned in his solutions.

One Sunday morning about six weeks afterward, the professor appeared at Dantzig’s door, waving a manuscript. It turned out that the professor had merely written two examples of unsolvable problems on the blackboard. The work was Dantzig’s manuscript for publication.

The story is a great example of what we can achieve when we set our minds to something – but beyond that, what can happen when the label of “unsolvable” is removed from the conversation?

As much as I’m fascinated by the story and what Dantzig did, it also makes me wonder how many other classmates attempted to solve the problem and how many didn’t even make the effort due to the problems being labeled unsolvable.

Think for a moment about your own experiences. Can you think of a time when you attempted to do something but quit somewhere in the process because someone came along and convinced you that it couldn’t be done? 

Now think for a moment about how that situation could have turned for you had you not listened to the voices of those imposing those limitations on you. 

Amelia Earhart said, “The most effective way to do it, is to do it.” The great divide between stepping up and doing, and just wishing you could is found by embracing the courage to act. It’s all about lifting the lid off of your limitations. Click To Tweet

Lifting the lid off your limitations begins with identifying them. Here are two of the most common limitations lids you will face as a leader. Which one is holding you back?

The limitations of your own creation

The single greatest lid on your limitations is the ones you create in your own mind. When your fears and reservations play like reels on a loop in your own mind and it’s all that you entertain, it will hold you down at every turn. If you don’t win this battle, you will never lift the lid off your limitations and reach your full potential.

The limitations of others that you believe

Any person committed to growing and reaching their full potential will eventually hear the voices of those who say that what you are attempting to do can’t be done. They will try to convince you that your dream is too big or your dream is unattainable. At this point, at this crossroads, you have a choice to make. And the choice will either move you close to the direction of your dreams and goals or will hold you back. 

Final Thoughts

Mark Twain advised, “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” And this is the decision you must make. Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions, embrace a positive mindset, and never give up on your dreams.


©2023 Doug Dickerson

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Fish Tales and Reclaiming Humility in Leadership

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Nothing is more deceitful than the appearance of humility. It is often only the carelessness of opinion, and sometimes an indirect boast. – Jane Austen

Once when I was just a young boy, our family was all together visiting my grandparents. One of my favorite places to gather with the rest of my cousins was a big pond around the corner from their house.

The lake was far enough away to get out from under foot of the grown-ups but close enough to get back to quickly for a snack.

On this particular visit, I was about five or six. One morning, I made my way to the pond before my siblings and cousins and met a man fishing on the bank. Seeing that I had no fishing gear with me, he gave me a cane pole to use. The only catch was, there was no hook on it, just a clothespin.

About the time that some of the others joined me, the man caught a fish. Seizing an opportunity to play a joke, the man took the fish off of his hook and placed it on the clothespin attached to the line on my cane pole.

With all the glee that I could muster, I showed everyone the fish that I had just caught. My cousins were beside themselves in astonishment that I was able to catch a fish with only a clothespin for a hook.  

All these years later, that fish tale continues to be laughed about with my cousins. Perhaps you have a fish tale that has taken on a life of its own or a story that has seen numerous revisions and embellishments. 

Be it fish tales or tall tales, we have stories that we love to share, and the more embellishments the better. 

But in the real world and in your leadership, a more humble approach needs to be embraced.

Patrick Lencioni observed, “People who have a sense of peace that their priorities are in the right place also have a sense of humility and a realistic view of life.” And this is exactly the outcome and by-product of humility-driven leadership.

When your priorities and values are rightly aligned, you can lead with a greater sense of humility and purpose. Click To Tweet

This is not a false humility that secretly craves attention, but a humility that willingly concedes the spotlight by putting someone else in it.

On a day-to-day basis, what does humility in leadership look like? Here are a few ways to tell:

  • The humble leader listens more, talks less
  • The humble leader takes less of the credit and more of the blame
  • The humble leader seeks collaboration and input
  • The humble leader lifts others and celebrates their success
  • The humble leader takes on the mindset of a student; never stops learning
  • The humble leader is forgiving and patient with the growth challenges and mistakes of others
  • The humble leader is willing to put a fish on your clothespin in order to make you look good

Final Thoughts

Over my decades in leadership, I’ve seen leaders of every stripe. But the ones who last are the ones who do not think more highly of themselves than they should. I think it’s time to reclaim humility in leadership.


©2023 Doug Dickerson


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