Take Your Leader Down From The Pedestal

Holding Up Person On Pedestal

Contrary to what you may think, good executives don’t want to be worshipped. – Howard Behar

Everyone has leaders they respect and admire. I know I do. Along my journey I’ve been privileged to meet some rather interesting people. Included on the list are four U.S. Presidents and other political figures, famous athletes, actors, musicians, and authors. Some had large egos while others came across as more grounded and down to earth. While the trajectory of each person’s career path took them to differing places of fame and work they each embraced their talents and made the most of it.

Within your business or organization are leaders who are striving to make a difference. Some may be succeeding on a grand scale while others are struggling to find their way. So what can you do to help your leader, and yourself, in the process? One of the first things I’d suggest you do is this: take your leader down his or her pedestal. Here’s why.

It’s all about perspective. Let’s examine this from your leader’s perspective. If you are worshipping your leader then he or she has two primary concerns they wrestle with, (1) your motives and (2) your loyalty. If you are worshipping your leader and are always kissing-up to them they will always wonder why. In addition, they tie your loyalty to their tenure and not much more.

Now let’s examine things from a different perspective and look inward. So long as you keep your leader on a pedestal you will have two primary conflicts to wrestle with, (1) freely speaking the truth out of fear of repercussion, and (2) the appearance of misplaced priorities. Each struggle has ramifications and if they are holding you back then your pedestal is your greatest obstacle moving forward.

When you take your leader(s) down from the pedestal it opens up a whole new realm of possibilities. Here’s how you can do it and why it matters.

Embrace their humanity

What most leaders want you to know is that they are surprisingly human. They have the same struggles, concerns, hopes and dreams as everyone else in the office. Just like you, your leader is not perfect and makes mistakes. Instead of being overly critical perhaps you can be a little more forgiving. So long as you idolize your leader because of their position and not as a person then you fail to see what is most important to them. At the end of the day they’d rather not be above you, they would prefer to be beside you.

Welcome authenticity

Once you take your leader(s) down from the pedestal then authenticity and transparency can begin. So long as you look at your leader through rose-colored glasses then it’s hard to move forward in a meaningful way. Open and honest working relationships include the good, the bad, and the ugly. It’s a natural by-product of being human. What makes you an adult is the way you work through the difficult times and come out on the other side with something to celebrate. An authentic leader will respect you more if you idolize them less.

Build community

Once you embrace the humanity of your leader(s) and welcome authenticity then building community is the reward. Most leaders want to build a team of committed and like-minded people who share the same vision and will work passionately to get there. So long as your leader is on a pedestal being idolized, or in a worse-case scenario – feared, then community will suffer. Your collective strengths and weaknesses form a powerful combination of all the skills you need to do great things. But it won’t happen until shoulder to shoulder you are working together in community as a team.

Taking your leader down from the pedestal is not about abolishing lines of authority or diminishing your respect. Ultimately, it’s about how to move out of an “idol” status with your leader to something more beneficial.

What do you say?


©2015 Doug Dickerson

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The Two Faces of Conflict


The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. – Thomas Paine

A story is told of two men who lived in a small village that got into a terrible dispute. They could not resolve it so they decided to talk to the town sage. The first man went to the sage’s home and told his version of what happened. When he finished, the sage said, “You’re absolutely right.” The next night, the second man called on the sage and told his side of the story. The sage responded, “You’re absolutely right.” Afterward, the sage’s wife scolded her husband. “Those men told you two different stories and you told them they were absolutely right. That’s impossible, they can’t both be absolutely right.” The sage turned to his wife and said, “You’re absolutely right.”

Leaders know a thing or two about conflict. And most don’t like it. But conflict or “storming” as I once heard it described, can be beneficial if handled the right way. Much of what you hear in leadership or management circles focuses on conflict “resolution” which is based largely off the belief that conflict is always harmful. But is it? Can an organization embrace a healthy form of conflict that works for the organization in a positive way? I believe so. Here are two key lessons about conflict and their characteristics that you need to know.

The conflict that divides us

There is no denying that unresolved conflict can be very detrimental to an organization.  But a greater question needs to be addressed. Do you want the conflict to go away as quick as possible because it makes you uncomfortable or do you want to get to the root of the problem? A Band-Aid approach will not help you in the long run. What are some of the characteristics of the conflict that divides us? Here are a few:

  1. Clashing values. One of the most significant causes of conflict that divides organizations happens over clashing values. When values are not clear, not embraced, or are compromised then the end result will be unhealthy conflict.
  2. Personal agendas. If the people within your organization place their personal agendas over the mission of the organization then conflict that divides will exist. If your people are score-keepers and are only interested in what’s in it for them then perpetual conflict will ruin your organization.
  3. Lack of trust. Most conflict that divides any organization at its root is a trust issue. If team members do not feel they can trust each other- or their leader, then conflict is inevitable. Conflict is the language of lost trust.

The conflict that unites us

As already mentioned, I do not believe all conflict is harmful. If we do not understand the source of conflict that divides us we will have a hard time understanding conflict that can unite us. So how do we make the connection and rally around conflict or ‘storming’ that can bring us together? Here are a few ways:

  1. Mutual trust and respect. It all comes back to trust. If conflict that divides is the language of lost trust then mutual trust and respect is the language that unites us. Values must be clear, mutual, and fully subscribed to in order to move forward as a unified team. Honesty is the key word for conflict that unites.
  2. A focus on what’s best for the team. When personal agendas are set aside for what is best for the organization then every ‘storming’ session is about what’s best for all of us rather than just one. The airing out of ideas then becomes team focused which creates an atmosphere where, because of trust, a free-flow of best ideas can be voiced and no one is threatened. Differences of opinion or approach are now welcomed because no one is questioning motives. It can breathe new life into your organization and creativity can flourish.
  3. Principled leadership. “Everything rises and falls on leadership,” says John Maxwell. It is incumbent upon leaders to position their organizations in a way that fosters healthy conflict by means of mutual trust and respect and open communication. Values must be clear and everyone must be engaged.

Healthy conflict can thrive within your organization but it won’t happen unless there is a principled leader in place who understands the difference. Not all conflict is harmful and not all of it is helpful, but hopefully now you have a better understanding of the two.

What do you say?

© 2015 Doug Dickerson


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Leadership By The Numbers


Leadership By The Numbers is my new book release exclusively with Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing!

In Leadership By The Numbers you will learn ten powerful leadership lessons to help you grow as a more effective leader. Do you know how to handle your critics? What are the some of the most important habits of kind leaders? How do you map your future as a leader? In this new release I share my insights and answer these questions and more!

In Leadership By The Numbers it all adds up to one thing – adding value and helping you grow as a leader.

You can download the book now at Amazon for just $3.99! Click on the link and make your purchase today!

Order here:   http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00SQMLHTC


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Your Life in Leadership


Life is too short to be little. – Benjamin Disraeli

As defined by John Maxwell, leadership is influence. With the influence you have as a leader, you can add value to the lives of others by your leadership style. The alternative is often characterized by missed opportunities. How you see yourself determines the direction you travel.

Italo Magni said, “If you’re talking with your head, you’re going to speak to their heads. If you talk with your life, you’re going to reach their lives.” So, here is the question: On which level do you want to lead? Discover these simple secrets and understand the most effective way to lead.

When you lead with your head you can help.

You can draw a person in with your knowledge, but if you want to make a difference there has to be more.

When you lead with your heart you can make a difference.

Until you connect with the heart you will never get to the life-changing encounters that come from leading with your life.

When you lead with your life you can change the world.

Leading with your life is the most powerful form of leadership. This level of leadership embodies all that you know and all of your passions and unites them into a life committed to adding value to others.

When you lead with your life, your influence has no limits. What will be the measure of your leadership?


  • This post is an excerpt from the book, Great Leaders Wanted, which can be purchased by visiting the “Order Doug’s Books” page when you click on the tab above.
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Four Things to Know…About Being a Team Player


Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. – Michael Jordan

How well you work together as a team matters. The consequences are real. The success you strive for are too important to leave it to those who are not team players and insist on having their own way.

What team characteristics do you think are needed for success? How do you turn personal leadership qualities into successful teamwork strategies? Let’s examine a few possibilities.

  1. A team player has the right temperament.

A team player has a pleasant combination of what the dictionary defines as, “the combination of mental, physical and emotional traits of a person or disposition.” In other words, team members blend well with each other. The team member thinks in terms of what is best for the whole team, not just his or her own needs or wants.

  1. A team player sets the right example.

A team player models behavior that inspires others to be their best. As Mark Twain once said, “Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyance of a good example.” A strong team player inspires others by a good example of selfless behavior.

  1. A team player has the right attitude.

The attitude of the leader at the top of the organization sets the tone for everyone else in it. John Maxwell said, “A leader’s attitude is caught by his or her followers more quickly than his or her actions.” A team player contributes to the team with a good attitude.

  1. A team player has the right motivation.

A strong team player is motivated to perform at his or her very best. A team player is always thinking of ways to improve and move the team toward success, which requires a willingness to set aside personal agendas for the sake of the team.

When you are developing these four attributes in yourself and building them among your team you are well on your way to building an environment where teamwork can thrive and success can be achieved.

  • This was adapted from my book, Leaders Without Borders: 9 Essential for Everyday Leaders. Visit the “Order Doug’s Books” page for more information and to place your order.
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Three Things to Know…About Jerks at Work


We don’t devote enough scientific research to finding a cure for jerks. – Bill Watterson

Whose face comes to mind when you hear the word “jerk”? Not much hesitation there was it? Identifying jerks is not hard – so what do you need to know?

  1. Jerks are everywhere. Your organization does not have a monopoly on the number of jerks it has working in it. Every organization has their fair share of them so don’t think you are unique because you have more than one.
  2. Jerks procreate. Most of the jerks I know have it in their DNA to be that way. Here are a few questions to consider: Do the contributions of the jerk(s) make it more or less feasible to overlook their obnoxious behaviors? At what point do they become more of a liability rather than an asset? Is your organization a jerk magnet, and if so, why?
  3. Jerks will have their day. Whether it’s in the form of bullying or some other type of intolerable workplace behavior –it’s just a matter of time before the jerks meet with enough resistance to change or move on, or be brought down by their own actions. Best advice here? Be patient.

A few final takeaways…

  1. Stay above the fray. Don’t be drawn in by the behaviors of the jerk(s) regardless of their following.
  2. Keep your attitude right. It’s not easy dealing with the jerks and it can be very frustrating especially when you think nothing is being done about it. Regardless, keep your heart right. Don’t let the jerks drag you down!
  3. Set the right example. Let others (and the jerk) know that there is a better way to conduct yourself. When you treat people with dignity and respect and know how to mind your manners you are setting the right tone. Show the better way to lead.
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Three Purposes of Leadership Training


I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.’ – Muhammad Ali

In Readers Digest, Lori Andersen shared a story about an experience as a professional animal trainer. Andersen recounts, “I was disturbed when my own dog developed a bad habit. Every time I hung my wash out on the clothesline, she would yank it down. Drastic action was called for. I put a white kitchen towel on the line and waited. Each time she pulled it off, I scolded her. After two weeks the towel was untouched. Then I hung out a large wash and left to do some errands. When I came home, my clean clothes were scattered all over the yard. On the line was the white kitchen towel.”

That humorous story illustrates the importance of proper training. While we can all acknowledge the necessity of leadership training and the value it brings, properly identifying the right type of training is important.

Much time and resources is devoted to and invested in the topic of leadership development so you want to make sure you get it right. From Fortune 500 companies to the small mom and pop business, everyone wants and needs a competitive edge and leadership training is a practical way to foster that improvement. But what specifically should you be training for? Here are a few tips for your consideration before you plan your next leadership training activity.

Train to replenish

Workplace anxiety and stress can take a toll. In fact, according to the American Psychological Association (http://bit.ly/1jRDByb) in 2012, 65% of Americans cited work as a top source of stress while only 37% said their organizations provide sufficient resources to help them manage that stress.

Before you get too far down the road in planning some extravagant training session keep in mind the likelihood that your team members are stressed out and perhaps you should focus on their well-being first. Healthy team members (mentally, physically, emotionally) will perform at a higher quality and standard if they are not stressed out or burned out. Don’t add to the problem with the good training at the wrong time.

Train to remind

Sometimes the best thing you can do in a leadership training session is to simply remind your people of the basics. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. For example, soft skills are some of the most important skill sets your people will learn and apply. It’s in the daily practice of these skills that you get ahead.

Don’t know where to begin? Try these: good manners, communication, collaboration, attitude, feedback, and trust for starters. Blunders in leadership happen not because you fail at learning new skills but because of laziness in the old ones. Reminders of the basics are never a waste of time.

Train to reinvigorate

When team members are reinvigorated it can pay huge dividends for your organization. When your people have a fresh perspective of their value to the organization, a fresh take on your vision going forward and what their future will look like, you have most likely met some target goals of a training event.

Key here is take stock of your team members’ well-being, sharpen their existing skills, and take everyone to the next level in their leadership. The goal here is to have everyone moving in the right direction – onward and upward.

I am a strong advocate of leadership training and personal development but what’s more important is hitting the right targets. Be perceptive of where your people are collectively so you can fashion the best training possible to meet your goals. Having their best interest at heart is a step in the right direction, but moving your people toward that goal takes careful planning. Be sure to align your purposes with your training.


© 2014 Doug Dickerson

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