Pushing Through Your Frustrations


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Needing to have things perfect is the surest way to immobilize yourself with frustration. – Wayne Dyer

I read a story once about a famous composer who had a rebellious son who would stay out late at night and come home after his father and mother had gone to bed. Before going to his room, he would stop by his father’s piano and slowly and loudly play a simple scale, all but the last note.

Then, leaving the scale uncompleted, he would retire to his room. Meanwhile, the father, hearing the scale minus the final note, would writhe in bed, his mind unable to relax because the scale was unresolved. Finally, in consternation, he would stumble down the stairs and hit the previously unstruck note. Only then, would he be able to return to his bed and go to sleep.

I have to confess that I find the story humorous. If only for a moment I channel my inner prankster, I could find myself doing such a thing. 

Here’s what I know, we all have frustrations that we deal with on a regular basis. We all have pet peeves that irritate us. 

A story in Forbes magazine revealed the Top 10 pet peeves in the office. They were: gossip and office politics, people taking others’ lunch, inconsiderate co-workers, constant interruptions, loud and annoying ringtones, poorly organized meetings, overcrowded and noisy office spaces, smelly food in the office, inadequate temperature control, and finally,  forced birthday celebrations.

Which one(s) do you most identify with?

It’s important to be self-aware and be in touch with your frustrations and how they impact your leadership. Owning what frustrates you is an important first step, but not allowing those frustrations to boil over is equally as important. So here are a few tips for you as a leader to push through your frustrations.

Be at peace with your frustrations

Owning the frustrations is a good first step and can help you be at peace with it. This doesn’t mean that this frustration doesn’t need to be addressed or resolved, but you have to give yourself permission to be frustrated. From there, you can begin seeking solutions to what frustrates you – determine if it can be changed and if not, how your attitude towards it needs to change. But first and foremost, own it and be at peace with what frustrates you.

Own your frustrations

Pushing through your frustrations means that you own it. It means that you do not allow what frustrates you to control you or dictate your attitude or your performance. It means that you take control of the negative emotions that would otherwise derail you. Owning it simply means that you are naming or identifying what is frustrating you and you are committed to pushing through it with a good attitude.

Know what you can and cannot control

Nothing with frustrate you more than trying to push through and change something that frustrates you that you have no control over. For example, if a co-worker has a quirky personality that rubs you the wrong way, chances are you are not going to be able to do much about that. People are wired the way they are wired whether you like it or not. And that truth cuts both ways.

If however, your pet peeve falls into your purview as the leader in your organization and said the co-worker is constantly late for work – which is one of your pet peeves, then yes, you can do something about it.

Nothing will frustrate you more than trying to control what you can’t. Effectively pushing through your frustrations is all about working from this knowledge.


©2023 Doug Dickerson


Next Steps: As you reflect on my article this week, consider the following:

  1. What would you identify as your top pet peeve as it relates to you in your workplace?
  2. . What is one thing that you can do today that would help you “own it” – attitude change, etc.?
  3. Is this pet peeve an internal change you are going to have to deal with it, or is it something that you can directly do something about?

Remember – You can be at peace with your frustrations and you do not have to allow them to control you. Is your attitude toward your frustration helping or hurting?


For more information on my coaching services, email me at:  [email protected]

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Employee Engagement in the Pandemic Era

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Life grants nothing to us mortals without hard work. – Horace

A new report issued by the Gallup organization sheds new light on the state of employee engagement in the midst of the pandemic. 

The report states that those who are “highly involved in, enthusiastic and committed to their workplace-has dropped back (from a previous high of 40%) to just slightly above the pre-COVID-19 rate of 35%, to 36%”.  The report goes on to say that “the percentage of workers who are “actively disengaged”–those who have miserable work experiences and spread their unhappiness to their colleagues–in this latest survey remains the same, at 13%”.

Credit: Gallup

Two more noteworthy takeaways from the report say that the largest decline in employee engagement was among those in managerial or leadership positions and that the drop was also sharper for people working on-site versus at home and among blue-collar or service workers. The drop was larger for men than women.

How do these findings stack up against what you know and are experiencing at your place of work? 

To be sure, the COVID pandemic altered the way in which we work, collaborate, and daily find satisfaction with our careers. It’s been challenging on multiple levels. And as leaders, we know and understand that the challenges presented to many at the beginning of the pandemic continue with us today. 

We realize that the challenges of employee engagement will vary from business to business and from person to person. Here, we want to offer some tips for leaders to help you process what’s taking place and give you some encouragement going forward. 

Acknowledge where you are today

It can be overwhelming to think about slips in employee engagement merely by looking at survey results. Before you embrace the results of this or any other survey, embrace what is true and peculiar to your people and in your organization. 

Acknowledge what is true about your organization and build from there. At the end of the day your numbers may reflect something direr, it may reflect something more positive, but either way, start with where you are at. 

Focus on managers and leaders

As stated in the report, the single largest drop in employee engagement was among those in managerial and leadership positions. If engagement is waning among your managers and among your leadership team, then it is incumbent upon you to get ahead of it and figure out where the deficiencies are. Before you can stop the disengagement among all of your employees, you must stop it among your leaders. Click To TweetDuring this time, worry less about the cosmetics of it and focus more on content and relationships.

For each day and week that goes by without correcting the course, it only moves you further in the wrong direction. Rally around your management team and give them the support they need. This will not only help them but they in turn will be able to plug the holes elsewhere.

Acknowledge that these are not normal times

While it is tempting to want your company leadership, management team, and even employees to get back to work as if things were normal, they aren’t. This expectation just adds to the stress and disengagement you are experiencing in your organization. When we are stressed, we easily become distracted from the tasks we need to focus on and turn our attention to the very thing that is causing us stress.

Acknowledging that things are not normal and helping your entire organization accept that work will look and feel different for the foreseeable future goes a long way in alleviating stress in the workplace. Be transparent in communicating where the organization is right now, what the projections are for the short-term, and what your strategic plan is to mitigate the negative impact that COVID has on your workforce. Solicit input from your teams as to what they need in order to perform during this stressful time.

A little gratitude goes a long way

This is no time to take your people for granted. Everyone is operating under less than optimal circumstances. Your teams have had to adapt, in the blink of an eye, to new ways of getting work done. While engagement may have taken a hit during this time, how many of your people have stepped up to the plate?

Showing your gratitude for their hard work during times of stress and uncertainty will go a long way. When you make your people feel appreciated, you gain loyalty and a renewed commitment to their responsibilities. Click To TweetShow enthusiasm toward them and the vital role that they play in the success of the organization.

Final Thoughts

Employee engagement is waning and we are all wrestling with the challenges of how to work and collaborate effectively during the COVID pandemic. As a leader, it is your responsibility to step into the gap, reach out, and provide support and encouragement during this stressful and uncertain time. Your company leadership, management team, and employees need to know that you are in this with them more than ever. Your positive and inspiring leadership during this time of hardship will result in improved loyalty, morale, productivity, and yes, even engagement.


©2020 Doug Dickerson and Liz Stincelli 

Check out these additional resources on employee engagement by Doug and Liz:

Maintaining Culture Remotely

Moving From Buy-In to Engagement: Why Buy-in May Not Be Enough

7 Reasons Why Your Leadership Style is Causing Workplace Drama

Read more from Liz Stincelli at http://www.stincelliadvisors.com/

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Maintaining Culture Remotely

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We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. – Peter Drucker

When COVID-19 hit, who could have imagined the changes that would come with it? Our way of life on so many levels looks very different today as compared to seven months ago. How are you adjusting?

One of the changes many have experienced is working remotely. This happened to many seemingly overnight as health officials and others scrambled to ensure safe working environments and how to best combat the virus. And just like that, your new office is now your kitchen table or home office.  Gone are the familiar trappings and routines of your workspace. Gone are the people interactions you routinely participated in. 

In a Stanford News report, we see 42% of the U.S labor force now working from home full-time. Almost twice as many employees are working from home as at work. With numbers like this, it’s as important as ever to be intentional about maintaining a strong workplace culture even among remote workers. 

While we acknowledge this new reality, we also must intentionally focus on ways to maintain a vibrant culture and uphold the values of our respective companies even while doing it remotely. With this in mind, here are some questions that we believe are essential as we talk about culture.

Does it really matter?

Our company culture is the driver behind employee behavior. And, it is the behavior of our employees that ultimately determines the success of the organization. Maintaining a strong, positive organizational culture becomes even more important and as employees transition to working remotely. Click To Tweet This transition can be stressful both mentally and emotionally. 

We want employees to feel empowered and trusted as they begin working remotely, many for the first time. We need to encourage a sense of camaraderie and ensure that employees do not feel isolated. And, we want to keep in alignment with our company values, even as we work from our own little corners of the world.

Who should be responsible?

There are many factors that play into maintaining company culture while working remotely. Responsibility for these factors falls on each of us. Employees need a point of contract to receive information and to address concerns. Human Resources should serve as the contact that gives employees confidence that they have not been forgotten. Team leaders are ultimately responsible for building and maintaining culture. Leaders must work together to create a cohesive culture company wide. And, employees shoulder some of the responsibility for helping others feel included even though they are no longer working face-to-face. 

How do we do it?

In a remote work environment, communication is more important than ever. Leaders must check in with remote workers frequently. It is a good idea to start a weekly rundown, where leaders share updates and employees have the opportunity to share feedback from their experiences. We want to ensure that we are building human connections within the team, even if it is virtually. We want to provide as much consistency for remote employees as possible by honoring traditions in new and innovative ways. We also want to provide them with processes, structures, and tools that are designed to help them succeed in the virtual work environment. Keep recognizing employees and don’t be afraid to try new things. 

How do we measure it?

Employee engagement and culture was easier to measure before the pandemic hit and the majority of your workforce was on-site. Daily interactions and camaraderie was on full display for all to see. Issues and concerns that existed could more readily be dealt with and resolved in real time. But with more and more employees working remotely this is a new challenge. Leaders must be more engaged and sensitive to the needs of those they lead. Leaders no longer can afford a passive approach and be satisfied with the way things are so long as the work is being done. Click To TweetLeaders must be proactive and engaged with their people whether down the hall or across town. 

Final Thoughts

We strongly believe that your workplace culture can thrive in spite of the challenges of remote working. It’s something that everyone in the organization must take ownership of and be responsible for.  We believe it matters and when everyone takes personal ownership of it you organization can thrive.


©2020 Doug Dickerson and Elizabeth Stincelli

Elizabeth Stincelli is president of Stincelli Advisors. Read more at https://www.stincelliadvisors.com/

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When Leadership Gets Squirrely

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Some people are like clouds. When they go away, it’s a brighter day. – Anonymous

I have to start this with a disclaimer. I am not a hateful person. I was raised better. So here goes my confession – I hate squirrels. I hate them with a passion. I have on occasions questioned God as to the reason for their miserable existence. But, I digress.

You see, one of my great joys is birding. I have somewhat of a bird sanctuary in my backyard at home. I love the beauty and majesty of the many birds that visit the feeders every day. They are beautiful creatures and it brings me a great deal of satisfaction to feed them and to create space for them in my yard.

But, I hate squirrels. 

I hate having to chase them away from the feeders. I hate having the “experts” in the specialty stores recommend me to buy their guaranteed product that will keep them away. They don’t. Squirrels are a nuisance of the highest order. 

Hang around in leadership long enough and you will run into squirrely characters. Over the years, I’ve come across plenty. Who are these squirely characters you have to contend with in leadership? In what ways are they like the menacing squirrel? Here are a few examples.

They are self-serving

At times in your organization, you will run across people who are self-serving. They make decisions based entirely on what’s good for them. Typically, these people have hidden agendas that over time become not so hidden. Then one day you have that aha moment and you realize that everything that they have been doing has only had one benefactor-themselves. Like the squirrel, they take what they want and leave the rest with no thought to the consequences.

They stick together and sow discord 

Negative people tend to attract negative people in the same way positive people attract positive people. It’s one of the reasons why attitude is so important. Left unchecked, this pact of negative influencers can grow like cancer and pull everyone down. This is not to say every organization has this pact within it, but most have at least one. And so long as there is one sympathetic ear then there’s the potential for disruptions in the morale of your organization.

They are indecisive – until they aren’t

Have you ever seen a squirrel try and cross the road? They zig-zag back and forth in either direction until they finally dart across the road before they meet their demise. Sometimes in your organization, you will run across those squirrely and indecisive leaders who can’t seem to make up their mind. Their ability to lead is hindered by the obvious fact that they don’t know where they are going or why. This, of course, only frustrates the dynamic of the organization due to a lack of leadership skills which makes everyone else want to pull their hair out. 

They destroy to get what they want

Over the years, I’ve had more than one bird feeder destroyed by squirrels. It’s just what they do to get to the seed. In every good, efficient, and profitable organization there are a group of dedicated and committed people who have the buy-in and determination to bring their vision to life and succeed. And then there are those squirrely people who are only in it for themselves and what’s good for them. And unfortunately, they will cause more harm than good until they are dealt with. 

Final Thoughts


Sometimes when I see a group of squirrels in my yard, I call for my dog, Shakespeare. It’s a fun little activity as he anxiously waits for me to open the door while channeling his inner Mufassa with all of the energy his seven-pound Morkie body can muster. Then it happens – he charges through the door to defend his yard. The chase is on! It ends almost as quickly as it begins – the squirrels win again!

But in real life, it’s not as easy, and it’s certainly not amusing. Too much is at stake. As a leader, you will be surrounded by people who bring you joy and delight like the birds. They are pleasant to be around and are good team players. 

And then you have a few squirrels.

Next week, I will devote this space to how we deal with those squirrely people and help you see your path forward. 

Until next week, keep feeding the birds. It’s worth it.


©2020 Doug Dickerson



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How Leaders Keep Calm in Crisis

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Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny. – C.S. Lewis

We are living in unprecedented times. We are living during a moment of history that will be read about in the history books a hundred years from now. These are trying times for sure!

How we handle this crisis will be debated for years to come. As leaders, how we step up right now is as important as ever.

As a leader, you might be able to identify with Tom Welling who said, “I have so much chaos in my life, it’s become normal.” Can you relate?

Being a leader does not exempt you from chaos, stress, pressures, and such. If anything, it might add to it. 

But as a leader, your style and approach at such times are important. Others are looking to you to see how you react which in many ways determines how they will react.

Your leadership when times are tough will either cause people to lose hope and succumb to despair or it will instill hope and confidence. Click To Tweet In these times, your people need an example of the calming effect that your leadership can have. Here are four ways that happen.

Calm leaders see the big picture

Calm leaders are not rocked by every disruption that comes along. Short-sightedness tends to fuel the insecurities in people. A calm leader can exude confidence because they see the big picture and it’s with that understanding they can lead with a steady hand. 

Calm leaders understand timing

One of the hardest things to learn as a leader is timing. We are people of action. Waiting is not necessarily a finer quality. But calm leaders have an intuition for timing. They know when it’s time to wait and when it’s time to act. The calming effect of timing within your organization and with your people can make a world of difference. Calm leaders can help avert a multitude of troubles just by understanding how timing impacts every decision they make. Click To Tweet

Calm leaders challenge norms

Calm leaders tend to challenge norms and stretch others to grow in ways they are not often comfortable with. Call it what you will – human nature, gut reactions, etc., but many people react to things happening to them or around them in ways that only make matters worse. But a calm leader is processing. A calm leader brings peace to the storm, level-headed thinking, and challenges the norms that define the way things have always been done. 

Calm leaders bring stability

Calm leaders bring a level of maturity and stability that is often lacking during turbulent times. Calm leaders know that their actions, attitudes, reactions, and thinking go a long way in determining successful outcomes.

Calm leaders are not passive leaders, nor are they passionless. Calm leaders are simply those who know how to harness the power of their intuition, experience, maturity, and wisdom to be a more effective leader. Click To Tweet

Strive to be a leader who, when everything around them seems to be in chaos, brings a calming presence to the situation. We could surely use more calm leaders.

It was Robert Schuller who once said, “Know that tough times don’t last but tough people do.” And we are certainly in the midst of tough times. Be encouraged today and know that we will get through this together!

©2020 Doug Dickerson


*This post was adapted from Four Attitudes of Calm Leaders that was originally published to my blog in April 2019.

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Are You Leading By Example?

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I don’t know any other way to lead but by example. – Don Shula 

When General George C. Marshall took command of the Infantry School at Fort Benning, Ga., he found the post in a generally run-down condition. Rather than issue orders for specific improvements, he simply got out his own paintbrushes, lawn equipment, etc., and went to work on his personal quarters.

The other officers and men, first on his block, and then throughout the post, did the same thing, and Ft. Benning was brightened up. 

Leadership by example is a timeless principle. Actions like this speak volumes and words are not necessary.  

While our current circumstances we find ourselves in today obviously do not mirror those found in the story, we need leadership by example as we’ve never needed it before.

To be sure, leading in a time of a worldwide pandemic is not something any of us have experience in. It’s all-new territory. 

But the foundational principles of leadership are applicable to any situation and is why it’s incumbent upon leaders the world over to step up and be the leader others are looking for.

What exactly does leadership in a global pandemic look like? When the people you lead look to you, what hope and assurances are you offering to them?

Recently, I was reading back through Leadershift by John Maxwell. In the book he makes this noteworthy observation: “What is happening around you determines whether you hold fast or move forward.” This is especially true today. 

Whether or not you move forward depends on how you act today. It’s why your leadership is so important to you and the people you lead. 

I believe in times like this that there are a few foundational leadership principles that you need to be standing on. Here are just a few worth noting.

Lead with focus and perspective

In uncertain times, we need leaders with a steady hand and proper perspective. We don’t need endless knee-jerk reactions to everything we see and hear. This only breeds more fear and stress. In uncertain times we need leaders who know how to weather the storm which allows others to gain much-needed confidence. Calm focus and perspective is a sign of stable leadership. Be an example of it.

Lead with the right attitude

Attitudes are contagious and the attitude of the leader tends to be the attitude throughout the organization. If you want to keep morale strong and hope alive, be a leader with a strong attitude. Click To TweetThe impact of your strong attitude will prepare you for the long haul. No one knows how long this pandemic will last but a strong attitude is essential to beat it. Be the leader who brings hope to your people. Begin with the right attitude.

Lead with empathy and compassion

Before this pandemic is over, most of us will be touched directly or indirectly by COVID-19. You will know people who have it – be it a family member, friend, colleague, and unfortunately, maybe even someone reading this. Your empathy and compassion as a leader are needed now more than ever. As a leader others are looking to, now is the time to step up and care for those in your care. Your leadership will be defined by the empathy you show and the compassion you mobilize. Click To TweetLet’s be all about bringing hope and healing to those around us.

Lead with the end in mind

When this pandemic is over, many people will be walking back into their places of business and familiar surroundings. But it will not be the same. Just as many have had to learn how to adjust to new ways of doing things while working remotely, new adjustments will be made upon the return. A wise leader doesn’t just think about the here and now, but also knows how to think long for the good of his people. Click To Tweet

Final Thoughts

In these uncertain times, people need the assurance of proven leadership. The people in your sphere of influence need you. Be the leader they can look to who is steady under pressure. Be an influencer of hope. Above all else, keep the faith. We will get through this together.


©2020 Doug Dickerson

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Harnessing the Power of Common Ground

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No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it. – H. E. Luccock

I read a story about a family in New York who intended to raise cattle, so they bought a ranch out West. When their friends visited and inquired about the ranch’s name, the would-be rancher replied, “I wanted to name it the Bar-J. My wife favored Suzy-Q. One of the sons wanted the Flying-J while the other liked the Lazy-Y. So we’re calling it the Bar-J-SuzyQ-Flying-W-Lazy Y.

“But where are all your cattle?” the friends asked. The would-be rancher replied, “None survived the branding.”

While the story does have a humorous component to it, the sad reality is that this scenario plays out on a regular basis all the time. It doesn’t happen on a ranch. It happens in businesses and organizations where its people have failed to find common ground. 

In his book, The Leader’s Greatest Return, leadership expert John Maxwell states, “You need to find common ground with potential leaders, which is less about ability and more a function of attitude.” He’s right. 

But why is common ground so hard to find and maintain? Here are a few reasons that quickly come to mind.

  • Individual agendas  – We want it done our way and we are not willing to bend
  • Unchecked ego’s – We think it’s all about us 
  • We have unhealthy relationships – We view each other as competitors rather than colleagues. Internally there’s an us vs. them mindset that’s killing the culture.

Finding common ground is but a beginning to building deeper and healthier relationships within your organization. It’s where trust, loyalty, and respect are established. With it, the sky’s the limit. Without it,  you’ll always be scratching your head trying to figure out why you’re stuck and not making progress. 

So how do you find common ground? It’s not as complicated as you might think. Here are a few suggestions.

Ask more, talk less (this is where the buy-in happens)

One way to harness the power of common ground is to ask questions. Seek out feedback from all sectors of your organization. The more you ask, the more you will know. That much is a given.

But by asking questions you are also inviting more buy-in and participation from your people. Finding common ground is a discovery that begins simply by talking less and asking more. 

Seek first to understand (then be understood)

The difference between a smart leader and a not-so-smart leader is that the smart one wants to understand others before being understood. Click To Tweet As a leader, when you invest the time to get to know your people – what makes them tick, understand on a deeper level what they do, how they do it, and why – then it opens up a whole new level of understanding for you as a leader.

Also in this is your ability to understand their needs on a more personal level. It’s not just about knowing their requests or their frustrations, but why it matters and is so important to them. When you seek to understand, you are laying a strong foundation of common ground.

Prepare the path (to a brighter future)

It’s not an uncommon desire on the part of a lot of people to want the path cleared for them. But when you prepare your people for the path then they can tackle any obstacle that arises on it. This is done when you and your team have found common ground.

When your people, at every level, are empowered, trusted, given the ability to make decisions in real-time, it’s a game-changer. Click To TweetThis can only happen and be successful when you’ve dealt with individual agendas, unchecked ego’s, and have built healthy relationships. It’s a must if you want your team to share common ground. 

Final Thoughts

Harnessing the power of common ground can transform your organization when you approach it with a humble attitude and right mindset. Your people will learn the value of being on a team with a purpose. As a leader, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that it’s not about you. 

Common ground is a game-changer. Find it. Protect it. Live it.


©2020 Doug Dickerson


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Moving From Buy-In to Engagement: Why Buy-In May Not Be Enough

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 None of us is as smart as all of us. – Ken Blanchard

In his book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John Maxwell devotes a chapter to Law 14 – The Law of Buy-In. In it he states, “People don’t at first follow worthy causes. They follow worthy leaders who promote worthwhile causes. People buy into the leader first, then the leader’s vision.” This statement is profoundly true, simple, and complicated all at the same time.

Many leaders and many more organizations work diligently on buy-in. We aren’t knocking it, we understand that without it, you’re dead in the water. But making the transition from buy-in to engagement can be difficult.

Here’s what we know. The latest 2019 Employee Engagement Report from TINYpulse found that employee loyalty is decreasing. 43% of workers would be willing to leave their companies for a 10% salary increase. A staggering 44% of employees don’t feel they have sufficient opportunities for professional growth in their current position. Less than one-third of people believe they have a strong culture.

We can’t say enough about the importance of buy-in. It means so much for so many reasons. But without active engagement, everything else is in jeopardy. With this in mind, we have identified four essentials that we believe are necessary for engagement. 


The hardest task for you as a leader is to get the buy-in. Selling the ‘why’ to a prospective team member or client puts your vision to the test every time. And, the truth be told, before they buy into the vision, they buy into you as a leader. Oftentimes the crisis of buy-in is not about the organization or product, it’s the leadership. 

Everyone is searching for meaning and purpose. People thrive when they feel their work is meaningful. This meaning is not found in the work itself, it is found in connecting their work to a purpose larger than themselves. Your ‘why’, as a leader, provides purpose and direction that gives those who follow you something to believe in. It appeals to others on an emotional level and makes work feel less like work and more like a purpose. People will be more engaged when they buy into your leadership and are excited about the work they are doing. Click To Tweet


Once buy-in has been achieved, now the real work begins. How do you harness the momentum that buy-in gives you and turn it into action steps that advance you? We believe communication is essential and that it should take place on a regular basis.

American psychologist, Rollo May, believed that “Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy, and mutual valuing.” This sense of community fosters an environment where others feel safe to collaborate, cooperate, and compromise. Effective leaders use conversations to build connections, convey information, share stories and thoughts, and to encourage questions. Click To Tweet These connections form trusting relationships that earn a commitment from others. The safety and inclusion of the relationships built on open communication enhance engagement.


We believe that engagement is the life-blood of your organization. With that in mind, it must not only be communicated regularly, but it must also be given priority. With this in mind, ownership must be taken at all levels and coaching is critical to how it’s done.

Successful leaders play the role of coach and supporter with an emphasis on helping others succeed. They invest their time and resources into building others up. We are drawn to those who want the best for us and will use their strengths to help us achieve our goals. Your employees are more likely to become fully engaged when they know that you will always be there to offer support and catch them if they fall.


Engagement is not hard to measure, but we believe you must keep your finger on the pulse of your organization at all times. The time to find out about issues that impact your people and their performance is not at the end of the year; by then it’s too late. Click To Tweet

Accountability boils down to taking ownership of one’s own thoughts, words, actions, and reactions. One of the greatest keys to accountability is the level of control people feel they possess over their work. When employees are in control of the “what, when, and how” of a decision or action, their ownership and accountability skyrockets. As a result of taking ownership of their work, people will become more engaged.

At the end of the day, worthy leaders are the ones who effectively lay out their vision and get others to buy into that vision. Successful leaders are able to encourage others to move beyond buy-in to becoming fully engaged in their work. Engaged employees have a sense of purpose and know that they are making a difference. They feel safe and included because of open and ongoing communication. They feel supported by a leader who serves as a coach. And, they feel a sense of ownership and accountability for their work.

Final Thoughts

Lay a strong foundational culture for your employees by deliberately sharing a meaningful purpose, building relationships through open communication, serving as a supportive coach, and giving them control and accountability for their work. This foundation will move you from buy-in to engagement. And, active engagement is the key to success.

©2020 Doug Dickerson and Liz Stincelli

To learn more about Liz Stincelli visit her website at https://www.stincelliadvisors.com/

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Why Encouragement Matters in Leadership

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If you are a leader, you should never forget that everyone needs encouragement. – John Maxwell

As a young boy, he worked in a factory but had an intense desire to be a singer. When he turned ten years old, he took his first voice lesson which procured a less than encouraging remark from his teacher, “You can’t sing. You haven’t any voice at all. Your voice sounds like a wind in the shutters.”

His mother, however, believed that he could learn to sing. She was very poor, but she hugged and said, “My boy, I’m going to make every sacrifice to pay for your voice lessons.” 

Her encouragement and sacrifice for her son proved to be invaluable. He became known as one of the world’s greatest singers. His name is Enrico Caruso. 

I’m always inspired by stories like this. To think that the turning point for a world-renowned singer was the encouragement from one person who believed in him when others passed him over.

Think about your own story. Who was it that inspired and challenged you to be your best and pushed you to go further than you thought possible? 

I’m thankful for teachers who helped me reclaim the confidence I need to succeed in school due to my struggle with dyslexia. Without their understanding and their encouragement to me to push through and overcome my learning challenges, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Encouragement is the secret sauce for all successful leaders. And all leaders who want to add value to those around them but are not quite sure where to start - well, this is it. Click To Tweet There are many benefits to encouraging those around you, but here are three that stand out.

Encouragement pays immediate dividends

In any given moment, a word of encouragement is the boost a friend or colleague needs. Without your knowledge, encouragement can be a game-changer for someone who may have felt like giving up and throwing in the towel. 

Never underestimate the power of encouragement at the moment in which it was given. It may not seem like all that much to you at the time, but it could make all the difference in the world to the one who just received it.

Encouragement creates margins

Have you ever had those times when you just felt stuck? You were in that funk and it was like your head was in a cloud. I know I have. Many times. When I look back, I can see where it was a word of encouragement snapped me out of it. It caused me to look at my circumstances from a different perspective and try another way.

Encouragement is not meant to be an isolated emotional boost of support. Encouragement stirs you to look at your circumstances differently and find new paths to better solutions. Click To TweetYour word of encouragement may be all it takes for someone else to find new margins they need.

Encouragement creates a boomerang effect

There’s an old saying, “What goes around, come around,” and that is especially true with encouragement. Every leader worth his or her salt is an encouragement to those around them. It’s in a leader’s DNA. 

While it’s never about what you get in return, every word of encouragement you give as a leader has a boomerang effect and comes back around in positive ways in your own life. Be generous with encouragement. People around you need it now more than ever. Click To Tweet

Final Thoughts

By our words and actions, we are either building or destroying. As a leader, let me admonish you to see the best in others, believe the best in others, and speak words of encouragement to those around you. When you do, everyone benefits.


©2020 Doug Dickerson

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The Value of Recognition

Credit: Google Images

Don’t worry when you are not recognized, but strive to be worthy of recognition. – Abraham Lincoln

I read a story about a man who attended a lecture on the importance of showing appreciation to the important people in your life. Mike decided to start with his wife. So after work that night on his way home, he bought her a dozen long-stemmed red roses, a box of chocolates, and a pair of earrings. He smiled with self-satisfaction as he contemplated surprising his wife and showing her how much he appreciated her.

He stood at the front door with the roses and gifts in hand and rang the doorbell. His wife came and opened it, and stared at him for a long minute. Suddenly she burst into tears. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong?” he asked.

“It’s been the worst day of my life,” she answered. “First, Johnny tried to flush his diaper down the toilet. Then Kevin melted a plastic airplane in the oven. Then the dishwasher clogged and overflowed all over the kitchen floor. Then Jessica came home from school with a note from the teacher saying that she beat up a boy in her class. And now you come home drunk?”

Despite our best efforts, sometimes showing our appreciation doesn’t always go according to plan. It can be awkward to express and sometimes misinterpreted.

But in the workplace, let’s make sure that we understand that recognition is important. It’s what TINYpulse refers to as the secret sauce of employee engagement.

In the report, they state, “Providing recognition for excellent work is one of the best things an organization can do to maintain employee engagement”. Yet, according to the report, “only one in three people feel they were well-recognized the last time they went the extra mile at work.”

The report states that when asked more broadly about how valued people feel at work, the results we just as bleak. Only 26% of employees report feeling valued at work. This is outweighed by the 33% of people who actually feel undervalued.

If you are concerned at all about employee engagement in your workplace, you must make recognition a priority. Click To Tweet

Here are a few reasons why it matters.

Recognition matters because your people matter

It’s just this simple. And because they matter they should be recognized for the excellent work they do. I know for many in leadership the unspoken attitude may sound something like “their paycheck is all the recognition they need,” but not so fast. 

According to the same TINYpulse report, 43% would leave for a 10% salary increase, up from 25% last year. If just a 10% salary increase is all it takes for an employee to leave, perhaps more recognition is in order for them to stay.

Recognition matters because your culture matters

Imagine if you will what it would be like to be in a workplace culture that is thriving, producing, and where recognition abounds for all the hard work. Culture is contagious. And a thriving workplace culture creates a momentum that is hard to beat. Click To Tweet

To be sure, no workplace is perfect even in the best of environments. But it’s easier to tackle the issues that challenge your workplace culture when your people feel valued and appreciated. Recognition plays a huge role in making that happen.

Recognition matters because your reputation matters

In the TINYpulse survey, there is a gap in how managers perceive culture and how employees perceive it. That should not come as a surprise. The survey states, “leaders make or break motivation within their team.” And this is where recognition can work to your benefit.

If your people do not feel valued or respected, then everything else you do comes across as disingenuous. Click To TweetRecognition is given to what is valued. If your people are not recognized, then it is obvious to them that they are not valued. Like it or not, your reputation as a leader is being defined on how you treat your people.

Final Thoughts

Employee engagement is critical to your success as a leader. Recognizing your people for their hard work, sacrifices, and contributions ought to come as natural to you as breathing. Recognition matters that much. 


©2020 Doug Dickerson

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