Elevating Your Leadership Influence

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Think twice before you speak because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another. – Napoleon Hill

One day a farmer grabbed his shotgun to shoot at a flock of pesky crows. Unfortunately, he didn’t see his sociable parrot that had joined the crows. After firing a few shots, he walked over to the fallen birds and was surprised to find his parrot badly ruffled with a broken wing.

When the farmer’s children saw the injured bird, they asked, “Dad, what happened?” The farmer simply replied, “Bad company.” 

In leadership, one of the greatest responsibilities you have is to add value to your people and to increase the level of your influence in a positive way. As a leader, this ought to be top of mind in your thinking, but also in your actions. Are they lining up?

As you consider how to elevate your leadership influence, perhaps a good place to start is with these questions.

Are you investing in yourself as a leader?

After 30+ years in leadership here’s what I have learned – growing as a leader is a lifelong process. There’s never been a time in which I can say that I’ve learned it all. Before you can be a leader of influence in the life of those around you, you must first invest in your own personal growth and development as a leader. You have to grow yourself before you can grow others. Click To Tweet

Do you see the intrinsic value and worth of the people you lead?

It’s a simple leadership principle but one that needs to be established – if you don’t place value in the people that you lead, you will be unable to add value to them. Not everyone you lead has the same potential, but everyone has potential. Make sure that you value and respect the people that you lead, if not, your influence will be marginal at best.

Are you aware of the power of your words and actions?

The overwhelming influence you have as a leader comes from your words and actions. There’s no escaping it. The Biblical advice, “…let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger…”  (James 1:19) is advice we can all learn from. Your words, actions, and temperament as a leader will go a long way in determining how much influence you will ultimately have. Click To Tweet

Do you have the right motives?

In leadership, it’s important that you are using your influence for the right reasons. There’s no greater joy for a leader than to add value, build relationships, and help others grow and develop in their leadership. But sadly, not every leader has unselfish motives. Your influence as a leader is proportional to your motives and integrity.

So long as you see relationships as transactional – what’s in it for me- then your influence as a leader will be scarce and eventually people will see through it. Be genuine and authentic and your influence will increase.

Can you keep your ego in check?

I’ve said it many times over the years and it still rings true today – expressions of servant leadership are found when you concede being in the spotlight by putting someone else in it. And this cuts to the heart of what leadership is all about. The day you and I discover that it’s not about us is the day we truly understand leadership. When your influence as a leader puts someone else in the spotlight is a time of celebration, not jealousy. So long as you hold onto your ego, you will have a hard time being an influential leader. 

Who’s in your circle of influence?

Elevating your leadership influence begins with identifying who is in your circle of influence and being intentional with it. Who are you reaching? How are you adding value to them? In what ways can you improve upon what you are doing? How can you expand your circle and be a more productive leader? Knowing the answers to these questions will help you increase your influence.

©2021 Doug Dickerson


The Cardinal Point Leadership Podcast is coming in January 2021! The Cardinal Point Leadership Podcast is for leaders young and old. My desire is simple – to cut through the clutter and deliver leadership content that is relevant, practical, and useful. Here we will talk about leadership development, employee engagement, servant leadership, and much more.

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Reimagining the Heart of Leadership

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People will follow a leader with a heart faster than a leader with a title –  Craig Groeschel

I once read the story about a young woman who wanted to go to college, but her heart sank when she read the question on the application that asked, “Are you a leader?” Being honest and conscientious, she wrote, “No”, and returned the application, expecting the worst. 

To her surprise, she received this letter from the college: “Dear Applicant: A study of the application forms reveals that this year our college will have 1,452 new leaders. We are accepting you because we feel it is imperative that they have at least one follower.”

One of the hardest things for new and aspiring leaders to learn is that leadership is not about titles or positions. It’s one of the hardest things for veteran leaders to remember. 

I don’t have to tell you that we live in a divisive culture on many fronts. My focus in leadership is not to get into the weeds of what divides us, but rather in the context of those things, point us in a better direction. 

Reimagining the heart of leadership begins when we make shifts to the following five areas in our lives. This list is not an exhaustive one but rather a starting place on the journey.

Reimagining the heart of leadership begins with humility

In my 30+ years in leadership, the most inspiring and most memorable leaders I’ve come to know are those who lead with humility. During this time, I have met my fair share of leaders who live it, and I’ve met those who talk about it but whose actions are far from it.  How about you?

I like the way Paul David Tripp defines humility. He puts it this way, “Humility means you love serving more than you crave leading.” The day your desire to serve others is greater than your desire for recognition, power, or a position, is the day you can reimagine what the possibilities of your leadership are. Click To Tweet

Reimagining the heart of leadership begins with empathy

One of the defining characteristics of your leadership is the ability to translate empathy into action with your people. A seasoned leader can relate to the one just starting out and can serve a valuable role in his or her leadership development.

“Empathy is about standing in someone else’s shoes,” said Daniel Pink, “feeling with his or her heart, seeing with his or her eyes.” As an empathetic leader, your possibilities are endless.

Reimagining the heart of leadership through empathy will move you from being an observer of your people to being a developer of your people. Empathy is a great instrument in your leadership toolkit.

Reimaging the heart of leadership begins with your attitude

The game-changer in your leadership has been and always will be your attitude. In the culture in which we live it’s easy to be cynical or discouraged. Many have lost hope. 

Reimagining the heart of leadership happens when you realize that you will never rise above the attitude you have. As John Maxwell said, “The greatest day in your life and mine is the day we take total responsibility for our attitudes. It’s the day we truly grow up.”  

You and I have a choice as it relates to our attitudes and we must do everything within our power to protect it. No one can do it for you. It’s an inside job so be intentional when it comes to attitude changes you need to make. 

Reimagining the heart of leadership begins with relationships

Relationships are essential in leadership. They matter now more than ever. If we’ve learned anything in the last year during this pandemic, we’ve learned that people have an innate desire to be together. 

Relationships certainly look a lot different now as compared to a year ago. But the need for them is greater than ever. Click To Tweet

Reimagining the heart of leadership begins when we all remember that it is through relationships that we grow, reach our potential, and accomplish more than we could ever have imagined by ourselves.

Reimagining the heart of leadership begins with transparency

One of the greatest challenges you will deal with as a leader is that of transparency. Many leaders tend to be guarded. They don’t like the vulnerability that comes with it and tend to build walls that too few are able to see above. 

Mother Teresa gave us this advice, “Honesty and transparency make us vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.” And this is the call to leadership that we need today. 

Reimagining the heart of leadership begins with an understanding that we are all works-in-progress. And so long as we remain humble and teachable our transparency will set us free to be who we are as we strive to be all God created us to become. 

Are you ready to reimagine the heart of your leadership?


©2021 Doug Dickerson

The Cardinal Point Leadership Podcast is coming in January 2021! The Cardinal Point Leadership Podcast is for leaders young and old. My desire is simple – to cut through the clutter and deliver leadership content that is relevant, practical, and useful. Here we will talk about leadership development, employee engagement, servant leadership, and much more.

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Why Clarity Matters in Your Leadership

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Individuals can live without certainty from a leader, but not without clarity. – John Maxwell

The story is told about the father of a vacationing family who came across a large sign that read, “Road Closed, Do Not Enter.” The man proceeded around the sign because he was confident it would save them time. His wife was resistant to the adventure, but there was no turning back for this road warrior.

After a few miles of successful navigation, he began to boast about his navigational skills. His proud smile was quickly replaced with humble sweat when the road led to a washed-out bridge. 

He turned the car around and retraced his tracks to the main road. When they arrived at the original warning sign he was greeted by large letters on the back of the sign, “Welcome back, stupid!”

How many times have we thought- even as leaders, that we knew for sure what we were doing or talking about, only to discover that we were wrong the whole time? I’ve been there plenty of times. Chances are, you have as well. Now what?

In leadership, it’s important to remember that we are not required to have all of the answers. That ought to be refreshing. But for the sake of the people we lead, let’s talk about what’s needed most which is clarity. Here are a few reasons why it matters.

Clarity provides context

Often it’s not answers to big questions that are the most important thing your people need, but context to the smaller ones. They may not see the big picture as you do. So rather than trying to tackle the big picture, break it down into bite-size pieces that they can make sense of what matters today.

Your people will be more apt to move forward with confidence if they have clarity and context about what they are doing and why.

Leadership Tip: Keep it simple.

Clarity inspires camaraderie

Your people will rally around a common goal and mission. When you people have clarity about what it is, their role in it, and why it matters, it makes all the difference. As you cut through the confusion and any indifference that might exist, you can move your people to a new level.

At every opportunity, give your people clarity to what’s going on around them. They will appreciate it and from there you can build stronger morale.

Leadership Tip:  Keep them together.

Clarity builds trust

Trust is your leadership currency. With it, you have unlimited possibilities before you. Without it, you are done. When you provide clarity, even during uncertain times and when answers are in short supply, you are building relations with your people based on their trust in you. During challenging times, your people need to be able to look to you with the assurance that you will always tell the truth – even if it hurts, knowing you have their best interests at heart. 

Leadership Tip: Keep them close. 

Final Thoughts

We live in a time when clarity seems to be in short supply. As a leader, be mindful that you don’t have to be the answer-man to every problem. Nor should you pretend to know it all. But in your role as a leader, you can give clarity and that will always serve you well. 


©2020 Doug Dickerson

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Three Truths About Encouragement in Leadership

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How do you know someone needs encouragement? They are breathing. – S. Truett Cathy

A young boy, on an errand for his mother, had just bought a dozen eggs. Walking out of the store, he tripped and dropped the sack. All the eggs broke, and the sidewalk was a mess. The boy tried not to cry.

A few people gathered to see if he was okay and to tell him how sorry they were. In the midst of the words of pity, one man handed the boy a quarter. 

Then he turned to the group and said, “I care twenty-five cents worth. How much do the rest of you care?”. 

In many ways, encouragement is the lifeblood of leadership. So long as you are around a person who’s breathing they need encouragement.

While it may not be hard to imagine what your organizational culture would be like without encouragement taking place, imagine what the possibilities would be like if it were? The challenge in leadership as it relates to encouragement is to be as generous as possible.

Encouragement is the lifeblood of any organization. Here are a few reasons why you need to pass it along.

Encouragement can be a game-changer

A word of encouragement given at the right time can make the difference between success and failure for the person receiving it. And in some cases, it’s not so much the uplifting word spoken that made the difference, but the timing of it that turned things around.A word of encouragement given at the right time can make the difference between success and failure for the person receiving it. Click To Tweet

It’s been said that everyone is facing struggles we know nothing about. You never know how your word of encouragement can give a person that extra dose of confidence to continue on and not give up. Never underestimate the power of a kind word.

Encouragement is a unifier

Just as gossip and office politics tends to divide, encouragement sets the bar at a higher level. Encouragement tends to bring people together in a way that destructive words never will. Your organization will grow stronger and healthier when words of encouragement are at the center of your conversations.

If you are looking for ways to bring your people together, look first at the way in which you communicate with your people. Click To TweetBringing your people together begins with words of encouragement. So long as your people know you have their backs it makes every other conversation better.

Encouragement builds relationships

One of the benefits of encouragement is that it builds bonds between you and your people. It’s easy to come together over words of encouragement, but the relationships that emerge from it are where you can really make improvements. This is where you can take your people to a higher level and out of their comfort zones.

Developing relationships takes time and commitment. It begins with the power of your words. Encouragement for the sake of encouragement is always good. But at some point, you want to take your people to a higher level. Encouragement sets the table to do so.

Final Thoughts

If there’s ever been a time for encouragement in the workplace it’s now. Many of your colleagues and friends are hungry for an encouraging word of support. Be the voice of hope. Be the voice of understanding. Be the voice of encouragement that others need. 

Who have you encouraged today?


©2020 Doug Dickerson

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Recovering Humility in Leadership

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Do you wish to rise? Begin by descending. Do you plan a tower that will pierce the clouds? Lay first the foundation of humility. – Saint Augustine

Shortly after he took over as the president of Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, Booker T. Washington was walking in an exclusive section of town when he was stopped by a wealthy white woman. Not knowing the famous Mr. Washington by sight, she asked if he would like to earn a few dollars by chopping wood for her.

Because he had no pressing business at the moment, Mr. Washington smiled, rolled up his sleeves, and proceeded to do the humble chore she had requested. When he was finished, he carried the logs into the house and stacked them by the fireplace. A little girl recognized him and later revealed his identity to the lady.

The next morning the embarrassed woman went to see Mr. Washington in his office at the Institute and apologized profusely. “It’s perfectly alright madam,” he replied. “Occasionally I enjoy a little manual labor. Besides, it’s always a delight to do something for a friend.” She shook his hand and warmly reassured him that his meek and gracious attitude had endeared him and his work to her heart.

Not long afterward, she showed her admiration by persuading some wealthy acquaintances to join her in donating thousands of dollars to the Tuskegee Institute. 

Have you ever had the privilege of running across a leader like this? Refreshing, isn’t it? Unfortunately, we live in a culture that’s turned toxic on many levels and the most basic virtues of leadership are diminished before our eyes on a daily basis. I submit, we can and should be better.

John Maxwell was right when he said, “If leaders can move past arrogance and work toward humility, they can become the very best.” And this is one of the greatest challenges I see in leadership today.  When you see leadership as a right and not as a privilege, and when servant leadership is beneath you, then your pride will always hold you back.

In this environment in which we live, is it possible to recover one of the essential ingredients to good leadership that’s found in humility? I believe so. Here are a few ways to do it.

We must model servant leadership

The most important lesson you will learn as a leader is that it’s not about you. Your capacity to lead is proportional to your capacity to serve your people. Click To TweetThis is what allows you to be comfortable in your own skin and lead with humility. Your greatest satisfaction as a leader is found in what you can do for others, not in what they do for you.

We must remember our beginnings

I see this often with leaders. In  the beginning of their careers they are finding their way and working their way up. But at some point, they forget the past, they forget the struggle, they forget the sacrifices made that got them where they are. Now they enter into a sense of entitlement having “paid their dues” so they believe that they can behave any way they want. In order to recover the virtue of humility will require a sense of remembering and gratitude in recognition of where you are today. No matter how far you’ve come, be grateful and thankful and remember it hasn’t given you the right to act like a jerk. Click To Tweet

We must remain teachable

If you are going to last as a leader you must remain teachable. The pace of information and technology in today’s global economy requires it of you. To be sure, there are bedrock principles of leadership that are timeless. But your ability to remain relevant is only guaranteed as you commit to being teachable and not falling back on what you learned in years past. Leading with humility begins the day you realize how little you know and as you commit to improving yourself daily.

Final Thoughts

As a leadership trait, humility is not to be mistaken for a sign of weakness. Rick Warren put it this way, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” And herein lies the leadership secret of humility. It’s being secure in your power to not abuse it, secure enough in your position without flaunting it, and secure enough in your title that nothing is beneath you. 

We’ve seen the abuses of power and the destruction it leaves. Perhaps now it’s time to see a return to humility in leadership.


©2020 Doug Dickerson

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Leadership In The Era of The Partisan Divide

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Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedies. – Groucho Marx

An elderly gentleman was sitting on a park bench, basking in the sun when another elderly man sat down next to him. They looked at each other for a moment but did not speak. Both men sat there, staring straight ahead.

After a while, one of them heaved a big, heartfelt sigh.

The other jumped up immediately and said, “If you’re going to talk politics, I’m leaving.”

Leadership in the best of times can be difficult. John Maxwell eloquently put it  this way, “Sometimes, leadershi[p  sucks.” Can you relate?

Being a leader during an election cycle such as we are in now has the potential to create a toxic environment in your workplace. Chances are, you have already experienced it on some level. And while people can be very passionate about their views, how you tread these waters as a leader can be tricky. Side with group A and you alienate those in group B. Side with group B and you alienate those in group A – and back and forth it goes. 

Here’s the reality – everyone has a set of political beliefs that they subscribe to and regardless of those beliefs, everyone’s views ought to be respected. No one’s morals should be called into question regardless of who they support or oppose and no one should be punished because of it.

As a leader, how you position yourself among your people during this time is important. Some leaders within their organizations opt to stay out of it. Others jump right in. But in the context of the effects on your culture and relationships, what’s a good approach? Here are a few tips.

Foster a culture of acceptance

How you model acceptance is important. Our diversity is our greatest asset. We are better for it. There ought to be room for differing views without fear of repercussion. Click To Tweet As for your workplace culture, acceptance fosters relationships that lift and unites, never tearing down. It’s not unreasonable to expect that people with differing political views can work together for the good of the organization. 

Promote meaningful dialogue

So long as we are shouting over one another, the partisan divide will always exist. Meaningful dialogue with an emphasis on asking questions and listening will go a long way in building bridges rather than tearing them down. Your workplace culture ought not to be a place where your people dread going during this election season. It ought to be a place for meaningful conversations. Click To Tweet

Always protect your culture

While it may be wishful thinking that all conversations are meaningful between your people and everyone is accepting of the views of their colleagues – all it takes is one, two, or more to upend your culture and wreak havoc in your workplace. These people can be toxic to your culture and the consequences can be detrimental. Above all else, you must protect your culture.  

Final Thoughts

While it’s important that we accept the views of others and that we aim for meaningful conversations, we must also bear in mind that not everyone cares to participate in these exchanges in your workplace. Believe it or not, there are those who are just as passionate about their politics as you, just not as vocal. They just choose not to constantly talk about it or post their opinions all over social media. That has to be respected as well.

Leading in the era of the partisan divides doesn’t have to be destructive, but it will take strong leadership to pull it off.


©2020 Doug Dickerson




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Talking Up Feedback

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The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. – George Bernard Shaw

A story is told of a man who dialed a wrong number by mistake and got the following recording, “I am not available right now, but I thank you for caring enough to call. I am making some changes in my life. Please leave a message after the beep. If I do not return your call, you are one of the changes.” Talk about your not so subtle message.

Employee engagement and the manner in which you communicate as a leader is essential to the success of your organization. It matters now more than ever especially during this time of remote work that so many are still participating in. 

One of the barriers to good communication and employee retention is found in the ability of your people to not only receive good feedback but also in their ability to give it. Click To TweetThis was pointed out recently in a TinyPulse article regarding employee retention.

In the article, it was brought out that employees that don’t feel comfortable in giving upward feedback are 16% less likely to stay at their companies. It went on to say that while 60% of employees have a way to provide feedback about their employee experience, only 30% said that their feedback is acted upon. And this is where change can and should occur. 

As a leader, you know how important your workplace culture is to your overall success. You also know that the way in which you provide feedback to your people is equally important. But feedback is only as effective as each person’s ability to receive it and give it. 

What is the ultimate benefit to the health of your organization if the only feedback given is top-down? What purpose does this serve and in what realistic way do you think you benefit as a leader if your people do not have a regular means of talking to you?

Here are four simple tips to consider for the benefit of everyone as you think about employee engagement and employee retention.

Be intentional

You must make it known that you are always available to talk with anyone who wants that opportunity. But you need to do more than just provide lip service. Give specific times and days when you make yourself available for conversations and not just ask for feedback in writing. Many things get lost in translation. Have an open-door policy and make it known.

Be receptive

If you really want the feedback to mean something, be receptive to what you hear. Listen with an open mind and try not to be defensive. Listen to what your people have to say with the understanding that this is likely not easy for them. But when the conversation is over your people need to leave with the confidence that they were heard and respected.

Be responsive

The worst thing that can happen is for one of your people to come and give feedback and feel that they have been dismissed or not taken seriously. Be responsive to their feedback and listen with an open mind. Typically, those closest to the problem or concern have the greatest sense of clarity regarding the issue. Click To Tweet Listen respectfully and respond accordingly. 

Be appreciative

As mentioned already, giving upward feedback may not be the most comfortable thing your people do so don’t make it any harder for them. Be appreciative of the fact that your people are invested enough to come to you. It means that they care. 

Final Thoughts

Just as loyalty is a two-way street, so too is feedback. And while not every idea or concern is something that you can address or satisfy to their liking, you can set a positive tone in your organization by being a leader who listens. 

Employee engagement and retention is up to you. If your people do not believe that they are being taken seriously or are valued then they will find a place where they are. 


©2020 Doug Dickerson

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When Critics Come Calling (Part 2)

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No matter what happens, you’re always going to have those critics and haters. You just have to learn to deal with that. – Tim Tebow

During his last years in office, Winston Churchill attended an official ceremony. Several rows behind him two gentlemen began whispering, “That’s Winston Churchill.” “They say he is getting senile.” “They say he should step aside and leave the running of the nation to more dynamic and capable men.” 

When the ceremony was over, Churchill turned to the two men and said, “Gentlemen, they also say he is deaf!”

Criticism is a way of life for the leader. It may not be a pleasant part of it, but it’s a constant companion nonetheless.

Learning how to deal with criticism is important for you as a leader. In part one of “When Critics Come Calling”, I shared three common reactions we have when critics come calling:

  • We take it personally
  • We retaliate
  • We put up walls

Any of those sound familiar? 

While it’s just in our human nature to take on any or all of these postures, we also have to understand the unintended consequences when we do. While we don’t typically like criticism, we can cut ourselves off from voices around us that can help us if we are willing to listen.

So when critics come calling, why not take these questions into consideration.

What’s true about the criticism?

Not all criticism from your critics is meant to be harmful. And while your feelings or ego might be bruised, perhaps some introspection is in order. When you hear from your critics, stop and consider what parts have merit. From there you can determine if it’s just a case of sour grapes on their part, or if it’s something you work on to make better. 

In the long run, your critic may be doing you a favor by pointing out a blind spot you didn’t see. Click To TweetOn the other hand, your critic may just be blowing off steam and it has no merit. But before dismissing it out of hand, as yourself if it’s true.

What’s the motive behind the criticism?

When hearing from your critics – directly or indirectly- you have to take into consideration the motivation behind it. Does the person have an ax to grind with you? Is there politics at play? Understanding the motivation behind the criticism will enable you to better know how to handle it.

A word of encouragement to you as a leader here – don’t look for ulterior motives that don’t exist. Don’t let your imagination run wild. Be more concerned as to why a person with a legitimate issue was not comfortable in approaching you to begin with.

What can I learn from criticism?

When the critics come calling is a good time to reflect upon your leadership. Is there any validity to the criticism? Was the criticism helpful? Some of your best growth opportunities will come not when everything is smooth and calm. It will come when you feel everyone is against you. Click To Tweet

Final Thoughts

“The final proof of criticism,” said Elbert Hubbard, “lies in being able to endure criticism without resentment.” And this will always be the test of your leadership. So the next time critics come calling ask yourself is it true? What’s the motive? What can I learn?  Above all, keep your attitude in check and keep climbing upward. 


©2020 Doug Dickerson

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When Critics Come Calling (Part 1)

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Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing – Aristotle

In a Peanuts cartoon Linus is curled up in a chair, reading a book, while Lucy stands behind him with a funny look on her face. Lucy then says, “It’s very strange. It happens just by looking at you.” 

“What happens?” Linus asks. 

Lucy calmly answers, “I can feel a criticism coming on.”

Criticism. It’s the constant companion of leaders. Hang around long enough and you will come to know this truth about leadership. Click To Tweet

“No leader lives a day without criticism,” said J. Oswald Sanders, “and humility will never be more on trial than when criticism comes.” 

What about you? What’s been your experience? How have you dealt with criticism? 

Let’s look at three common reactions when critics come calling.

We take it personally

Most leaders I know have a deep sense of pride in their work and otherwise like to think of themselves as good leaders. When critics come calling, it’s a normal reaction to take it personally and get defensive. 

Another consideration is the source of the critic. While it can be easy to brush it off as petty behavior from a disgruntled colleague, it especially hurts when it comes from someone we once considered close. 

While this is a common reaction, it may not always be the most healthy reaction. More about that later.

We retaliate

A sure sign that we have taken the critics too seriously is that we retaliate. We justify ourselves by pointing out the faults of the accuser. How many times have you, or someone you know gone down this road? How did that work out?

The trap here, if you go down this road, is now you have entered into an unhealthy game of comparison. In order to justify your hurt ego, you now have to engage on the level of the critic in an unhealthy way. Now, by your act of retaliation, you have escalated the situation whereby making amends becomes more difficult because you allowed your bruised feelings to get in the way.

While this may make you feel good in the short-term, you have now put up barriers and slowed any chance of reconciliation.

We put up walls

Among these three common reactions, this is perhaps the most destructive to your leadership. And this reaction has nothing to do with your critics. This response is all on you. 

To be sure, no one likes it when critics come calling – especially when the critic has less experience or is nothing more than arm-chair quarterback with no skin in the game. I mean, who the heck do they think they are, right?

But when you choose to put up walls – those defensive measures- it is the one action that hurts you more in the long run. When you cut people off you put yourself in danger of hearing only from the people who will tell you what you want to hear - not what you need to hear. Click To Tweet

So what is a leader to do? What should your posture be when your critics come calling? What can you learn from your critics? These questions and more will be answered in When Critics Come Calling (Part 2).

Final Thoughts

As the saying goes, haters are going to hate. But for you in leadership, there’s no room for that. And while dealing with it comes with the territory, you can rise above it, learn from it, and be a better leader because of it. 


©2020 Doug Dickerson

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Manufacturing Energy


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You are responsible for the energy that you create for yourself, and you’re responsible for the energy that you bring to others.” – Oprah Winfrey

Since the onset of the CoronaVirus pandemic and more specifically since March, how have your energy levels been? I have spoken to many people who are feeling overwhelmed, mentally, and emotionally drained, and much more. Sadly, many studies point to a spike in the number of people who are suffering from depression and other related issues. 

How are you holding up? 

One of the challenges for leaders during this time is in sustaining energy levels within their organizations to meet new demands and challenges they are now facing. Many are trying to keep up with the same workload but now with fewer people due to layoffs, etc.

Adapting to these new challenges and demands often requires more energy than was needed prior to conditions in March. Talk about your stress levels increasing!

I became more aware of the importance of energy levels after reading an article by Carey Nieuwhof in which he made the point about how manufacturing energy is exhausting for everyone. Nieuwhof states, “Everyone’s already tired, and please hear me, I am a huge fan of hard work- throwing your heart into the mission is critical. But there’s a big difference between throwing your heart into the mission and throwing your heart into a method.” And herein lies my point.

How many of you have had to change your methods of operation since March? For many, how you operate today looks a lot different than it did back in January. 

While you must preserve the integrity of your mission, you can and should consider your method of delivery. Out of necessity, many of you already have. Your energy levels are driven by your passion for what you do. Nothing can be more demoralizing than seeing your energy levels decline because discouragement set in when what you were so passionate about was taken from you or has been very slow in returning.

Maintaining your energy is as important as ever, but manufactured energy may not be the answer to your current situation. So, what is a leader to do? Here are a few simple tips.

Channel your energy toward what you can control

If we’ve learned anything in 2020 it’s that nothing is for certain. In your business or organization, focus your energy on what you can control today and going forward. Focus on your mission, be flexible with your methods. Don’t burn up energy defending the practices of the past when they are no longer relevant today. Click To TweetWhile it’s true that you can’t control everything that happens to you, what you can control deserves the best form of energy you can give it.

Reserve your energy for the long haul

Whether we like it or not, we are in a marathon, not a 50-yard dash. And since we don’t know how long this marathon will last, it’s important to reserve our energies for the long haul. This will require focus and discipline and a think-long attitude. It’s best to make your necessary adjustments now than regret it later when you are burned out. Manufactured energy is no substitute for the real thing. Click To Tweet

Practice self-care 

Just as you need to embrace a think-long attitude, you must also take into account the fact that no one is going to practice self-care for you. That’s on you. So it’s imperative that you take time to rest, refresh, and recharge on a regular basis. This can be something as simple as going for a long walk, a run, swim, or whatever it is that nourishes your mind and soul. And while you’re at it – be mindful of what you eat.

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A proper balanced diet and exercise are as important now as ever. If you are tired, rundown, and low on energy you are not at your best and it’s a drag on the rest of your team. 

Final Thoughts

My tips barely scratch the surface as it relates to steps you can take to make sure you have harnessed all the energy you need during this time. But it’s a starting place. My hope is that you will see that manufacturing energy is wearisome and in times like this and can be counterproductive to achieving your goals. 


©2020 Doug Dickerson

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