Leadership Minute: The Measure of Your Happiness


Happiness…consists in giving, and in serving others. – Henry Drummond

What is happiness to you? How do you measure or quantify it? For some it’s found in the acquisition of possessions; for others it’s their career or the sum of their bank account. For leaders, however, I’d like to submit there’s a different measurement. Yes, there can be happiness found in the success and in the rewards of your career. But leaders know and understand that it’s much deeper than that. The focal point of leadership is a servant’s heart that is more concerned about giving than it is about receiving. Your place or position in leadership is not about having all eyes on you. It’s about embracing the responsibility that comes with where you are and using your influence to serve others. The measure of your happiness then becomes a reality when you understand your purpose is far more important than you.

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Leadership Minute: Be Grateful


Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining- it bores everybody else, does you no good, and doesn’t solve any problems. – Zig Ziglar

What are you grateful for? It’s really all about your perspective. You can spend your time and energy finding things to complain about. You can be one of “those” people who aren’t happy unless you’re unhappy and in the process make everyone around you miserable. But life is too short for that. We all have our share of troubles, but more importantly we all have many things to be thankful for. The thoughts that dominate your mind tend to set the tone for your outlook and life and the happiness you experience. If you are living the life of a complainer then your focus is wrong. The expressions of a grateful heart are realized when you choose to see the good, find ways to serve others, and life your life with a greater purpose. You are blessed more than you realize. Be grateful.

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Leadership Minute: Happy Trails to You


Some of the best views are found at the end of the most challenging trails. – Mark Sanborn

The trails for leaders are seldom easy. They can be hard and treacherous. Sometimes you will walk alone when others take the path of least resistance. After all, if being a leader was so easy everyone would be one. But if you will stay focused, committed, and disciplined you will reap the rewards others only dream about. Don’t worry when the trail seems too hard or too long. You are not where you are by accident. Have faith that you are the right person, in the right place, doing exactly what you were destined to do. At the end of the trail your view will be uniquely yours and all of the sacrifices made along the way will be worth it. Happy trails!

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