Connecting Your Dream To Your Reality

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“If your dream doesn’t scare you it’s too small” – Mark Batterson

Vincent Van Gogh said, “I dream of painting and then I paint my dream”. Certainly, Van Gogh is one who made the connection between dreams and reality. We’ve been inspired by his dreams ever since.

But as inspiring as that may have been for Van Gogh, for many others, there is a disconnect between dreams and reality. And reality hits where dreams end. And the unfulfilled dreams of our youth turn into the regrets of our old age.

In leadership, as in other parts of our lives, we hear much about dreams and goals. For some, it is to land the dream job. For another, it may be to write a book, raise a family, start a business, or travel the world. What is your dream? What is the one passion or desire that you think of often? What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?

Much has been written about goals and dreams and this will certainly not be an exhaustive list nor necessarily new ideas. But I want to put forth these simple keys to serve as reminders that your dreams do not have to go unfulfilled. It simply takes courage to pursue them. Here are six things you will need to do in order to turn dreams into reality.

Face down your fears

This is perhaps the most obvious obstacle that causes most dreams to go unfulfilled. Fear. What if I fail? What will other people think? In the end, what happens? We talk ourselves out of the one thing that truly inspires us. Until you face down your fears, your dreams will never become a reality. It’s time to own your fears and put an end to it.

Face up to your challenges

Depending on the size of your dream, you are going to have to face up the challenges your dream or goal presents. What resources will you need? You will have to flesh out exactly what your dream or goal looks like in real life. What will be required of you? What sacrifices are you willing to make? There’s always a trade off, are you willing to embrace it?

Define your path forward

Your dream becomes a reality when you know what it is, and when you have a clear path forward. It won’t just happen because you dream it. Now you have to live it. Now you must own it. Now comes the time to put pen to paper and chart a course. Do you have the resources you need? What partnerships do you need to form? Connecting your dream to your reality begins when you spell it out.

Consider the risks

No dream worth pursuing will come without risks. What is your threshold for risks and rewards? This is why thoughtful planning is important to you. And this where most people come up short on their dreams becoming a reality. It’s hard for many to reconcile the notion that they need to overcome their fears and take a risk. After all, the risk is one of the fears. But you will minimize the risk and quash the fears when you do your homework. It’s then your faith kicks in and you are able to make the leap.

Go for broke

Once all your homework has been done, your risks assessed, your plan charted, then you can take that step of faith and go for broke. It may be baby steps at first, but al least you are moving in the direction of your goals and dreams. One of the greatest challenges you will have to overcome is dreaming too small. As the old saying goes, “Shoot for the moon, Even if you miss you’ll land among the stars”.

Never stop dreaming; never give up

The secret to connecting your dream to your reality rests in your persistence and perseverance. Will you fail? Will you have setbacks? Will you have fears and at times even question whether your dream was actually a nightmare? Yes!

“Many of life’s failures,” Thomas Edison said, “are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” Connecting your dreams to your reality happens when you don’t give up.


©2017 Doug Dickerson

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Getting Comfortable With Failure

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I have not failed. I have found 10,000 ways that won’t work. – Thomas Edison

As a leader, chances are, you’ve had a run-in or two with failure. If not, be patient. I say that not to be pessimistic or to discourage you. I say that to challenge and prepare you for great adventures that lie before you.

Failure. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear that word? Unfortunately, some people make the mistake of applying false labels to people who fail. They see them as failures rather than a success in progress.

In his book, Chase The Lion, author Mark Batterson gives an inspiring description of what it means to fail. He writes:

The cure for the fear of failure isn’t success. The cure for the fear of failure

is failure in small enough doses that we build up an

immunity to it.

God is in the business of helping us overcome our fears, but

He often does it by bringing us face to face with our worst fears.

He graciously brings us back to the place of failure, and then, He

not only helps us pick up the broken pieces but He also puts them

back together again.

That description, especially as it applies to the fear of failure, is an important lesson every leader must learn. As a leader, you will have to face down your failures, and confront them if you want to grow to the next level.

Regardless of where you are in your leadership journey, and wherever that path leads you- be it in business, sales, technology, management, customer service, etc. you must find your cure for failure and build up your immunity to defeat it. Here are a few ways to do it.

Develop a resilient attitude

Developing a resilient attitude is hard work. But most of that battle is won when we change our attitudes.

It reminds me the story of the two shoe salesmen years ago who left for the Caribbean  islands from Chicago. Upon arrival, they discovered that no one wore shoes. One salesman phoned back to the home office and notified them that he was returning to Chicago, “no one here wears shoes,” he said. The other man phoned back to the home office with excitement, “Send more shoes, no one here wears them!” Both men saw the same thing. One through the lens of a negative attitude, the other through a positive one.

The difference between your success and failure will often be determined by your attitude. Develop resilience in this area and you will develop an immunity to failure.

Develop the right perspective

While attitude has to do with how you see yourself in your present circumstances, your perspective is how you see yourself through it. It’s all about thinking long.

Look back on your own history for a moment. Think back to a time when you were going through a challenging or difficult time. Chances are your attitude at the time may not reflect your perspective on it now. The difference is time and distance. It’s much easier to look back at a difficult time you’ve come through than it is to see light at the end of the tunnel when going through it.

Never allow your present fears or failures to cloud your perspective. You will come through your difficult times and with the right perspective you can see them for what they were–stepping stones to your success.

Develop resilient courage

The formula for courage looks like this: A (Attitude) + P (Perspective) = C (Courage). Your ability to face down your fears and recover from failure takes courage. What will set you apart from your colleagues and give you the advantage over your competitors is courage.

“We don’t develop courage by being happy everyday,” writes Barbara De Angelis, “ We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity”. And this is the place on your leadership journey you must arrive at. It’s when you survive difficult times that you grow strong as a leader.

Resilient courage is developed over time. It’s a process. None of us like failure and we all wrestle with our fears. But failure doesn’t have to fatal or forever. It’s simply a marker on our road to success. Don’t give up!


© 2017 Doug Dickerson


Favorite quotes on failure:

Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts. – Winston Churchill

Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.- Og Mandino

Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently. – Henry Ford

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying. – Michael Jordan

Failures, repeated failures, are finger posts on the road to achievement. One fails toward success. – C.S. Lewis



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