When we lose one blessing, another one is often most unexpectedly given in its place. – C.S. Lewis
The story is told of an old Navajo Indian who became rich when oil was found on his property. He took all the money and put it in a bank. His banker became familiar with the habits of this old gentleman. Every so often, the Indian would show up at the bank and say to the banker, “Grass all gone, sheep all sick, water holes all dry.”
Without a word, the banker would take the Indian into the vault, show him several bags of silver dollars, and say, “All this is your.” The old man would spend about an hour stacking up the dollars and counting them. Then he’d return the bags to their places, come out of the vault, and say, “Grass all green, sheep all well, water holed all full”.
It’s amazing what a few weeks of living with the middle of a pandemic can do to change our perspective. Life as we used to know it has changed. New normals are in place. Activities that we used to take for granted are on hold, have been cut back, or canceled. Most schooling now takes place at home, and work is done remotely for many.
How are you holding up? How are you adjusting?
In times like this, we have a choice- grow bitter or grow better. We can give in, become despondent, or we can rise to the challenge of new opportunities that lie before us. Click To TweetIt’s inspiring to see stories of children going out in the street in their neighborhoods in the morning reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before they begin school. How great it is to see the sidewalk chalk drawings or how about the bear hunts in the windows of homes in our neighborhoods.
It seems as though everyone is doing all that they can to pull together and find a way to get through these tough times together.
Yes, people are suffering, many have lost their jobs or have been furloughed. So let’s be realistic -we are in this for the long haul. And this is all the reason why we need to pull together.
How wonderful it would be if when this coronavirus pandemic has passed that some of our new normal activities would remain in place like caring for our neighbors, making sacrifices for our communities, and continuing with random acts of kindness just to make someone’s day.
We have known times of adversity before. And just as we have come through those difficult times in the past, we will come through this one. It’s who we are and it’s what we do. But before we complain too much about this new normal, how about taking time to count our blessings. Why not inventory the things you can be thankful for that transcend time or pandemic -- faith, family, friends, etc., I believe when we take time to count our blessings will see our world in a whole new way. Click To Tweet
It’s as we count our blessings and change our perspective that we are able to appreciate what truly matters.
©2020 Doug Dickerson