The 1/50 Effect: How Encouragement Defines Your Leadership


A word of encouragement from a leader can inspire a person to reach her potential. –  John Maxwell

Edward Steichen, who eventually became one of the world’s most renowned photographers, almost gave up on the day he shot his first pictures. At 16, young Steichen bought a camera and took 50 photos. Only one turned out — a portrait of his sister at the piano. Edward’s father thought that was a poor showing. But his mother insisted that the photograph of his sister was so beautiful that it more than compensated for 49 failures.

Her encouragement convinced the youngster to stick with his new hobby. He stayed with it for the rest of his life, but it had been a close call. What tipped the scales? The vision to spot excellence in the midst of a lot of failure.

If you were to look back on your life when faced with great doubt or uncertainty during times of fear, career transition, sickness, or other personal struggle – one thing on a short list of game changers would no doubt be the encouragement from a friend or loved one.

In the case of Edward Steichen, the encouragement came from his mother to not give up on his dream of being a photographer. What about you? Who was the person(s) who spoke words of hope, inspiration, or encouragement into your life at that pivotal moment that help turn it around for you?

As a leader you have incredible opportunities every day to speak words of encouragement and inspiration into the lives of those around you. You may never know or understand the power of those words today, or ever, but it can be transformational nonetheless.

Being an encouraging leader will not only define your leadership style, but it will also define your leadership legacy. Encouraging leaders are cut from a different cloth. Do you desire to be an encouraging leader? If so, here are four characteristics that will set you apart.

Encouraging leaders see beyond the failures

The myth surrounding encouraging leaders is that they live with their heads in the sand and are somehow detached from any sense of reality. I submit that the opposite is true. Encouraging leaders are perhaps some of the most attuned leaders you will find not because they refuse to look at negatives, setbacks, or failures, but because although they do see it, and they refuse to let others be defined by it.

Defining trait: Encouraging leaders keep dreams alive.

Encouraging leaders care enough to confront

Just as Edward Steichen’s mother confronted him during a time of great self-doubt about his abilities, so too will encouraging leaders take the same approach. Encouraging leaders know that if negative thoughts and self-doubt linger too long then the path forward will be much harder to conquer. An encouraging leader will care enough to disturb negative thinking and help you forget about the 49 pictures that didn’t turn out and focus on the one that did. There is no time to wallow in self-pity with the encouraging leader.

Defining trait: Encouraging leaders have no tolerance for negative attitudes.

Encouraging leaders take risks on the future

Seeing beyond failures and caring enough to confront are only part of the equation for an encouraging leader. Ultimately, it’s up to the individual to act in a manner that is consistent with his or her potential. But encouraging leaders are those special leaders who had rather risk growth and potential by speaking words of encouragement and faith than by encouraging conformity and mediocrity by playing it safe. By speaking words of encouragement the leader is planting seeds of faith and possibility into his or her people that they otherwise may have never thought possible.

Defining trait: Encouraging leaders inspire action.

Encouraging leaders take everyone to a higher level

Defining moments in your leadership come when you realize that when you speak words of encouragement to your people it is like pushing the “up” button on an elevator. Your words and actions as an encourager will open doors of opportunity that negativity never will. The seeds you plant in their minds and hearts will elevate them to higher places because you believed in your people and dared to encourage them.

Defining trait: Encouraging leaders elevate the potential in others.

You will define your leadership, in part, by your words and actions. Be an encouraging leader!


© 2015 Doug Dickerson


Additional Resources:

Here is a short list of leaders who are high on my list of encouragers. Visit their sites, sign up and follow their blogs and be encouraged!

Cynthia Bazin – Find her at:

Jack Hickey – Find him at:

Paul Sohn: Find him at:

Elizabeth Stincelli – Find her at:

Andy Wood – Find him at:



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Taming Your Inner Cynic


Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a carpenter to build one. – Sam Rayburn

The story is told of a judge who had been frequently ridiculed by a conceited lawyer. When asked by a friend why he didn’t rebuke his assailant, he replied, “In our town lives a widow who has a dog. And whenever the moon shines, it goes outside and barks all night.” Having said that, the magistrate shifted the conversation to another subject. Finally someone asked, “But Judge, what about the dog and the moon?” “Oh,” he replied, “the moon went on shining–that’s all.”

One of the dangers you face as a leader is in developing a cynical attitude. You try your best as a leader to keep a strong positive attitude; after all, you are the one setting the example for others. But we all know that the mental, physical, and emotional toll of being a leader can get to the best among us at times.

Symptoms of cynicism are obvious- if not to you, then to others around you. A cynical leader thinks worse-case scenarios, has an outlook that is more negative, and is too quick to notice the flaws in other people. He tends to second guess peoples motives and is increasingly insecure. This type of behavior can be viewed as “out of character” by those who know you best and are signs that cynicism has taken root.

Taming your inner cynic can be challenging. There are just some days and some people who will take you to your limit. I get it.  So what is a leader to do? Here are five suggestions to help you come back to the bright side.

Choose to be thankful

Instead of being quick to complain about how bad things are why not choose a thankful attitude instead? When you shift your focus to all of the good in your life then your attitude will begin to change. It becomes harder to be negative with a thankful heart.

Choose to be quiet

Cynical people tend to not only be negative but often time very vocal. Instead of saying the first negative thing that comes to mind why not just pause; take a deep breath, and keep that thought to yourself. You never have to apologize for the words you don’t say.

Choose to listen

Cynical people can be that way because they are formulating thoughts, opinions, and attitudes often with incomplete information. A good idea for you as a leader is to listen to your people and gather facts before you speak or make a decision.

Choose to take some down time

There is an old saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” that should be taken to heart. I’m convinced that most cynicism in leaders is attributed to this thought.  It is important for all leaders to have quality down time to re-charge and re-connect– to rest and be restored mentally and physically. Leaders need rest.

Choose to make a difference

The attitude at the top of the organization tends to be the one throughout the organization. As a leader you carry that responsibility. The daily choices you make are critical not only for your well-being but for those you lead.

No leader is immune from stress and each battles the temptation to be cynical at times. But know this: cynicism is a choice and is a reflection upon your leadership style. The discipline of a good attitude over being cynical is winnable. The outcome rests in your daily choices.

In closing, let me leave you with some inspiration from the Anyway poem attributed to Mother Teresa:

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;

Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;

Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;

Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;

Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;

Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;

Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;

Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough;

Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and your God;

It was never between you and them anyway.

© 2015 Doug Dickerson



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Discovering Your ‘One Thing’: Why Passion Matters to You as a Leader

Embracing the challenge of personal leadership is the beginning of expanding your sphere of influence as a leader. Whether you are the CEO of your business or serve elsewhere in the organizational structure, one thing is for sure: the boundaries of your leadership are limitless if you are devoted to developing your personal leadership skills.

In his book, Halftime: Change Your Game Plan from Success to Significance, Bob Buford writes, Most people never discover their one thing.’ But part of what is so unsettling about approaching the end of the first half of our lives is that we know it’s out there somewhere.”

Finding your one thing-your passion as a leader-is life transforming. As Buford says, “It is discovering what’s true about yourself, rather than overlaying someone else’s truth on you or injecting someone else’s goals onto your personality.”

Have you discovered your one thing? Each one of us have unique gifts, talents, and God-given abilities that the world needs.

Here are three simple questions you can answer that will help bring that discovery into focus:

  • What tugs at my heart? – In leadership, what tugs are your heart is likely an area in which you are going to be effective. Your passion as a leader is developed by what moves you at your core.
  • What is my gift? – Often time what tugs at your heart is an area in which you have natural gifts and talents waiting to be used. When you discover what tugs at your heart and blend it with you gift(s) you will excel as a leader.
  • What is my purpose? – Discovering your purpose leads to a life-mission; a course of action that transcends any title or position.

Discovering your passion is essential to your leadership. It is essential to understanding why you are here. Your plan and purpose is larger than you. Find your passion – find your life’s purpose!


*This post is an excerpt from my book: Leaders Without Borders: Nine Essentials for Everyday Leaders – Chapter One: Passion

To purchase the book click on the tab “Order Doug’s books” at the top of the page.

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How to Embrace a ‘Why Not Me?’ Attitude


You can start from where you are with what you have and go where you want to go. – Carey D. Lohrenz

In her book, Fearless Leadership, (On Amazon at Carey D. Lohrenz shares her tremendous insights on fearless leadership and the courage to chase your dreams. The Navy’s first female F-14 Tomcat fighter pilot, Lohrenz knows a thing or two about embracing fears, chasing “impossible” dreams, and having the courage to not give up in the face of overwhelming odds.

In the book she references Dharmesh Shah, the confounder and chief technology officer of Hubspot and his belief that “one of the qualities of truly confident people is their inclination to think, “Why not me?” rather than sit on their hands and wait for an opportunity that never comes.”

A casual study of any successful entrepreneur, inventor, writer, etc. will reveal a common thread of tenacity and a ‘why not me?’ attitude that started it all.

What are your goals and dreams? How long will you wait for that dream to come true before you make a decision to act on it? Here are a few tips on how to embrace a ‘why not me?’ attitude.

Embrace your gifts

Embracing your gifts and talents is the first step on your journey. For Lohrenz it was to be a Navy aviator. While that may not be your goal, you must embrace your gifts and chase your dream if you ever want to achieve it. It’s when you embrace what is unique and special about you that you can live it to the fullest. 

Embrace your fear

One of the chief obstacles you will face with a ‘why not me?’ attitude is fear. Fear will be that voice whispering in your ear that you can’t do it; that you are not talented or skilled enough, that you don’t come from the right pedigree, you are too young or too old, and the list goes on. Embracing your fear is the first step in conquering it. Don’t listen to the voices of anyone else who seeks to hold you back. 

Embrace your struggles

Any dream or goal worth achieving will be met with setbacks and disappointments. It comes with the territory. The ‘why not me?’ attitude understands that it won’t always be smooth sailing and if this is my attitude going forward then ‘it will be me’ facing down my fears and struggles on the way to reaching my goals and dreams.

Embrace your new mindset

Going forward with a ‘why not me?’ attitude will require a new mindset and a self-discipline that you must nurture and develop. It will propel you to a new level of thinking and hard work. Gone will be the days of limited thinking and throwing in the towel when rejected or discouraged. This new attitude is tenacious and courageous in the face of whatever obstacle you face. It also embraces that idea that you are indeed capable and qualified to be the leader you desire to become.

Embrace your possibilities

When you first embrace this ‘why not me?’ attitude you may have had before you some attainable goals or dreams by your own assessment. But when you fully embrace this new attitude you have now taken the lid off of your self-imposed potential. Now a whole new world of possibilities are before you. How? You are removing one of the greatest obstacles – limited thinking. That’s exactly what Carey Lohrenz did when she made up her mind to become a Navy aviator. When you embrace your possibilities and potential the sky is the limit.

Embrace your success

This is the opposite side of the coin from fear. We know how fear works: the fear of failure, the fear of what other people may think or say, etc. But the fear of success can be just as harmful. So instead of embracing our dreams, instead of stepping out and taking a risk, we settle for mediocrity. We settle for what’s comfortable. We forfeit the dream. When you embrace the ‘why not me?’ attitude you also embrace the unlimited world of possibilities and successes that can be yours.

Embracing a ‘why not me?’ attitude is a calculated risk. It’s risking the known for the unknown, the status quo for next level success. It’s embracing a life that could be for a life that is. The choice is yours. I encourage you to embrace the ‘why not me?’ attitude – the world needs leaders like you!


© 2015 Doug Dickerson


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30 Years Earlier: What I Wish I Knew About Leadership


A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool. – William Shakespeare

One of the benefits of aging (not that I am old) is attaining a certain amount of wisdom that can be garnered from it. Being able to look back over a certain span of time and reflect on where you’ve come and lessons learned can be instrumental in how you look to the future. Sharing those life lessons to a new generation of leaders can be invaluable.

The late George Burns once said, “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” That’s a great philosophy. But the aging process ultimately takes a toll on all of us.

What are some of the signs that you are getting older? Here are a few I came across that are my favorites: You know you’re getting older when… everything hurts and what doesn’t hurt doesn’t work; the gleam in your eyes is from the sun hitting your bifocals; when you feel like the morning after and you haven’t been anywhere; your children begin to look middle aged; your favorite part of the newspaper is “20 Years Ago Today”; you sit in a rocking chair and can’t get it going; and finally, your knees buckle and your belt won’t.

I’ve been reflecting lately on the things about leadership I wish I knew back in my twenties that I now know. If I had understood them better it would have saved me a lot of grief and heartache along the way. Here are a few things about leadership I wish I had known.

I don’t always have to be right.

I know many in their twenties who think they know it all. I was one of them way too often. With the passing of time I have learned how much I don’t know. What I wish I knew back then was that my formal education was only the beginning. The real educational experience began after graduation –it’s called the real world. I wish I knew in my twenties just how little I knew, and that I didn’t always have to be right.

Building bridges is more practical than burning them

I wish I knew in my twenties the depth and breadth of how important relationships are in leadership. Sadly at times, it was a “my way or the highway” attitude that culminated in sad endings. As I’ve grown older the more I understand and care about building healthy relationships. I’ve grown to appreciate connecting with like-minded people and building more bridges between them and others.

Titles don’t mean a lot

What I thought was important in my twenties was acquiring a title- that somehow that validated my leadership. With that was the idea that my position commanded respect, admiration, and approval. I was wrong. In hindsight after 30 years I understand that a position without respect, trust, and integrity are meaningless. I’d stop chasing titles and positions and focus more on serving others.

Forgiveness is a virtue

Taking up the mantle of leadership is risky business. With all of the joys and rewards associated with it, also come disappointments and frustrations. In my twenties when I was wronged it was hard not to take it personal and not hold a grudge. What I wish I had known back then was that my unforgiveness was not hurting the person who offended me, it was hurting me instead. Life is too short to hold grudges and be mad. Forgive and move on. And remember, you will need to be forgiven at some point.

It’s not about me

The narcissism of my twenties has given way to the “selfie” narcissism we see in today’s culture. Back in my twenties, of course, there were no cell phones, internet, Facebook, etc. But the leadership principle remains. What I wish I knew then that I know now is that the ultimate act of my leadership is not what I do for myself but in what I do for others. My leadership is not meant to be self-serving but rather what I can do to add value to the lives of those around me.

One thing is certain–life in leadership is a continual learning process. Wherever you are on your journey, never stop growing.

What lessons have you learned?

* What would you add to the list? I’d really like to hear from you! Please leave your comments and the lessons you’ve learned!


© 2015 Doug Dickerson



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Hope For Discouraged Leaders

Feeling down

If you are alive and breathing, you can still become everything God has created you to be. – Joel Osteen

In 1858 the Illinois legislature- using an obscure statute- sent Stephen A. Douglas to the U.S. Senate instead of Abraham Lincoln, although Lincoln had won the popular vote. When a sympathetic friend asked Lincoln how he felt, he said, “Like the boy who stubbed his toe: I am too big to cry and too badly hurt to laugh.”

If you hang around in leadership long enough and you will know what discouragement feels like.  I’m not trying to depress you but simply stating the obvious. Behind the glittering image and friendly smiles are leaders who face incredible pressures and shoulder responsibilities that can be daunting. Unfortunately, many leaders feel trapped with no one to talk with or vent to due to the “glittering image” that they feel compelled to present to the public.

So let’s be honest. Times of discouragement will come. How you react to it will make all the difference going forward. As a leader, you are not immune from troubles-in fact, you may have more. So how do you keep a proper perspective and come through it on the other side a better leader? Here are three reminders that you need to consider.

You are not alone

Life happens to all of us. It’s not always pretty. As a leader you know this to be true. Disappointments come – you didn’t land that new client, a colleague betrayed you, sales are sluggish – you get the picture.

Here is what you need to know: your disappointment today is preparing you for great opportunities tomorrow. But there’s a catch. It all hinges on your attitude. While bad things can happen to good people; good people turn bad things into great opportunities.

At a young age Walt Disney easily could have been discouraged and given up. He was fired by the editor of a newspaper for “lacking ideas”. He could have taken his rejection and thrown in the towel. But if anything he used that experience to motivate him to greater things – and the rest as they say is history.

So when times of disappoint and discouragement come remember this truth – you are not alone.

You are stronger than you think

One truth I’ve learned over the years is this: you can be defined by life’s moments or you can define life’s moments.  So how do you define life’s moments?  You do so by choosing faith over fear, forgiveness over resentment, and by embracing God’s view of your life over man’s view. You don’t always have control over what comes your way but you can choose your path going forward.

Thomas Edison experienced one of those defining moments in his career. His lab caught fire and was destroyed. All of his work went up in flames. To add insult to injury, his building was under-insured. It was a devastating and defining moment. How would he respond?

“There is great value in disaster,” said Edison, “all our mistakes are burned up. Thank God we can start anew.” Edison did not choose the fire, but he did choose to define the moment.

Here is the truth to remember: We don’t like adversity and disappointments because we mistakenly believe that we can’t handle it. But I submit that you are stronger than you think and you can overcome any obstacle that comes your way. Are you ready to define your moment?

You are not defined by your past you are prepared by it

Every experience that you go through is preparation for what’s next.  Along the way you have gained valuable experience. Some of it has come easy while at other times you wish you could have a do-over. It’s all part of the learning curve. I’ve been there countless times and I dare say you have as well.

But if you want to move forward as a leader you have to learn to let go of the past – especially the bad, and cut yourself some slack. What’s important is that you have learned your lessons, have peace in your heart, and are stronger as a result.

Discouragement sets in when you see yourself through the lens of a failure rather than through the lens of grace.

Here is the truth you need to remember: you are not the sum of your fears or your mistakes.  Your past is your boot camp and it has prepared you for such a time as this.

Times of discouragement will come. But the good news is- it will pass. Stay strong and be encouraged. You are not alone, you are strong, and you are prepared!


© 2015 Doug Dickerson



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Becoming a Better Team Player


If a team is to reach its potential, each player must be willing to subordinate his personal goals to the good of the team. – Bud Wilkinson

To highlight its annual picnic one year, a company rented two racing shells and challenged a rival company to a boat race. The rival company accepted. On the day of the picnic, everyone entered into the spirit of the event. Women wore colorful summer dresses and big, floppy hats. Men wore straw skimmers and white pants. Bands played and banners waved. Finally the race began.

To the consternation of the host company, the rival team immediately moved to the front and was never headed. It won by 11 lengths. The management of the host company was embarrassed by its showing and promptly appointed a committee to place responsibility for the failure and make recommendations to improve the host team’s chances in a rematch the following year. The committee appointed several task forces to study various aspects of the race. They met for three months and issued a preliminary report. In essence, the report said that the rival crew had been unfair.

“They had eight people rowing and one coxswain steering and shouting out the beat,” the report said. “We had one person rowing and eight coxswains.” The chairman of the board thanked the committee and sent it away to study the matter further and make recommendations for the rematch. Four months later the committee came back with a recommendation: “Our guy has to row faster.”

We hear much today about teamwork and intuitively we understand its importance. Unfortunately, too many want to sit in the boat and shout out instructions and too few want to row.

Becoming a better team player is an evolving process. It requires continual work and evaluation. Perhaps a few questions are in order to help you gauge your effectiveness as a team player in your organization. Here are a few for starters.

Is my niche still a fit?

Every team player has a niche as it relates to his or her role on the team. It’s important to know what it is. It’s even more important as time goes on to make sure that your growth and the growth of your organization are in harmony. If the team has outgrown you, or you have outgrown the team, then adjustments need to be made.

Do I still have the right motives?

Effective team players think “we” over “me”. If that has changed or you’ve succumbed to playing politics to get your way then perhaps you are not the team player you once were. Team players at heart are selfless and are willing to set aside their personal agendas for the good of the team.

Am I supportive of my teammates?

A good team player doesn’t allow petty jealousies to take root and can celebrate the accomplishments of fellow teammates. Why? Because when one succeeds the team succeeds. Being a good team player is about being a good sport. When you are willing to share the spotlight eventually it will shine on you.

Am I still coachable?

The most difficult player on any sports team is the one who thinks he knows it all and can’t be coached. This type of attitude is drain on the rest of the team. When a team member goes rogue it creates a vacuum that other team members have to step up and fill. So be honest; are you still coachable? A smart leader knows there is still more to learn and a wise leader is humble enough to acknowledge it.

Am I still passionate?

A good team player is passionate about the mission and vision of the organization. Do you still have that ‘fire in the belly” that inspires you to be your best, give your best, and bring out the best in your teammates? That type of passion is what championship teams are made of and is what will see you through adversity and lead you to victory.

Baseball great babe Ruth said, “The way the team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime.” That is the secret to the success of your team and it’s the secret to your success as a team player. As you commit yourself to your teammates the possibilities of great success can’t be overstated.

Becoming a better team player is about intentionally looking inward from time to time and making adjustments where needed.

Are you a team player?


© 2015 Doug Dickerson





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Three Difficulties Every Leader Should Embrace


When we long for life without difficulties remind us that oaks grow in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure. – Peter Marshall

An old woodsman gives this advice for catching a porcupine: “Watch for the slapping tail as you dash in and drop a large washboard over him. The washboard will give you something to sit on as you ponder your next move.”

As a leader dealing with difficulties is not a new phenomenon to you. Workplaces are an ever present source of stress in people’s lives. The American Institute of Stress ( identified workload as the number one cause of stress by employees followed by people issues, juggling work and personal issues, and lack of job security.

Because you are surrounded by so many people who are stressed it’s important to keep your leadership skills sharp. Difficulties will come to you as a leader. But here are three you should always welcome because in doing so you will be a stronger and more effective leader.

The difficulty of personal growth

You have to take ownership of your personal growth as a leader. Your effectiveness in leading your team hinges on your ability to lead yourself. It’s all too easy to put personal growth on the back-burner; after all, we are stressed ourselves. We have meetings to attend, clients to meet, personnel issues to resolve, deadlines that are looming, and the list goes on.

But no amount of busyness will ever replace your need for a personal growth plan. How can you grow leaders around you if there is no growth in you? Regardless of how busy your life is you need to find the time to read, join a mastermind group, attend workshops, listen to audio CD’s during your morning commute, etc. Conquering the difficulty of personal growth can be a challenge but it’s a non-negotiable if you want to be effective.

The difficulty of forward thinking

The bedrock principles of leadership such as trust, loyalty, ethics, values, communication, etc. are your foundations. They are the principles you stand upon that keep you grounded as a leader. They are timeless. But your effectiveness as a leader also rests with your ability to adapt to your present circumstances with forward thinking.

This can be difficult for a leader because it’s all too easy and much too predictable to stay in our comfort zones. But the comfort zones of yesterday will not always serve you well tomorrow. The challenges are new and different. Business is not just local; it’s global, and the way we communicate is ever evolving. Forward thinking combined with timeless values can position you for the future and the challenges you face. Let your values be your guide but keep an open mind.

The difficulty of building community

Building community is an emotional investment and challenge that many leaders are just not up for. It can be a thankless job. It’s difficult. I get it. But your success as a leader and the successes of your organization are directly tied to a strong sense of community and relationships. And it begins at the top.

John Maxwell says, “Don’t ever underestimate the importance of building relational bridges between yourself and the people you lead. There’s an old saying: To lead yourself, use your head; to lead others, use your heart. Always touch a person’s heart before you ask him for a hand.” When you embrace what is difficult about building relationships it will revolutionize your leadership and your results.

The simple truth is this: people are your most appreciable asset. People are more important than your brick and mortar, product or location. When you get community and relationships right then everything else will fall into place.

Being a leader is not always easy but it’s very rewarding when you embrace what’s difficult. When you do it changes everything.

What do you say?


© 2015 Doug Dickerson




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Six Threats Every Leader Will Face


Strong convictions precede great actions. – James Freeman Clarke

The legendary bare-knuckles boxing champion John L. Sullivan was confronted by a runt of a man who, suffering from the effects of too much drink, challenged the burly champion to a fight. Sullivan, who once battled toe-to-toe with an opponent for 75 rounds, growled, “Listen, you, if you hit me just once — and I find out about it …” The Champ didn’t need to finish the sentence!

Hang around in leadership long enough and you will have your share of challenges and threats. While they may not be physical in nature, threats to your leadership and how you handle them is important. Some threats are obvious while others can seem rather innocent. If left unchecked they can threaten your effectiveness going forward.

Identifying the threats to your leadership is helpful if you are going to succeed. Here are six common ones. Which one is the most pressing to you?

The threat against your values.

Your values and character are the cornerstones of your leadership. Threats against your character will come and how you deal with it will make you or break you. Don’t take threats to your values lightly. Be diligent and accountable. Make sure that your values are clear and non-negotiable.

The threat against your time.

One of the largest challenges you will face as a leader is time management. If you are not intentional about the priorities of your day or take ownership of your time then someone else will. If something is a priority to you then it should be a priority in your schedule. From family, children, work, deadlines, meetings, etc…set your pace, set your priorities, and stick to it.

The threat against your expectations.

Expectations fuel your dreams and goals. Threats to your expectations surface when people see the obstacles and not the opportunities. Threats to your leadership occur when people opt for what’s safe instead of what’s hard. Bring these people up to your level of expectations if you can but never retreat.

The threat against your personal growth and development.

If you are not growing as a leader you are in decline as a leader. Personal growth and development is fundamental to good leadership. When you commit to grow and develop it will expand your horizons and will open up a whole new arena of possibilities. Never stop growing.

The threat against your health.

Leaders are busy and are often under a great deal of stress. Don’t allow the responsibilities of your leadership to cause you to neglect your health. A healthy diet with exercise is important not only to your physical health but it will keep you refreshed mentally and emotionally. In addition, your spiritual health is not one to neglect either. When you can tap in to the inspiration that your faith provides it can replenish your heart and mind. Healthy leaders are productive leaders.

The threat against yourself.

Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. Often it’s not the jerk down the hall that’s my greatest threat- it’s the one in the mirror. When my body is tired and my attitude stinks then the potential to make a mess of things is magnified. Can you relate? As you work on the fundamentals of your leadership remember that first and foremost it’s an inside job. Before you can lead others you must learn to lead yourself.

What do you say?


© 2015 Doug Dickerson

* I welcome your feedback! Obviously this is not an exhaustive list. What would you add to the list? Which one of the above do you struggle with the most? 


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Put on Your “Yes Face” in 2015


Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier. – Colin Powell

During his days as president, Thomas Jefferson and a group of companions were traveling across the country on horseback. They came to a river which had left its banks because of a recent downpour. The swollen river had washed the bridge away. Each rider was forced to ford the river on horseback, fighting for his life against the rapid currents. The very real possibility of death threatened each rider, which caused a traveler who was not part of their group to step aside and watch. After several had plunged in and made it to the other side, the stranger asked President Jefferson if he would ferry him across the river. The president agreed without hesitation. The man climbed on, and shortly thereafter the two of them made it safely to the other side.

As the stranger slid off the back of the saddle onto dry ground, one in the group asked him, “Tell me, why did you select the president to ask this favor of?”

The man was shocked, admitting he had no idea it was the president who had helped him. “All I know,” he said, “Is that on some of your faces was written the answer ‘No,’ and on some of them was the answer ‘yes.’ His was a ‘Yes’ face.”

Whether or not you wear a “yes face” is a choice you make each day. Along with it are the consequences of that choice. As we enter into a new year let’s explore a few ways in which a “yes face” can be a difference maker in 2015. Here are four ways.

Say yes to a new attitude

Your attitude is the deal breaker of all deal breakers. 2015 will be no different for you if you do not learn to master your attitude.

As a leader your attitude is contagious and sets the tone for your leadership style and effectiveness. John Maxwell was right when he said, “People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.” In 2015 say yes to a renewed attitude that is positive and empowering.

Say yes to new realities

Each New Year brings a new set of realities. Are you where you thought you’d be? Perhaps not.  But 2015 is your year to embrace a new attitude and to right the course. Don’t be discouraged about where you are – it’s only temporary. It’s your starting point.

It’s now time for some honest appraisals of where you are in order to chart the course to where you want to go. Don’t turn a blind eye to your current realities. See them for what they are – benchmarks to where you want to be by the end of 2015.

Say yes to new successes

As you embrace a new attitude and new realities you can then move forward with a new game plan to achieve new successes. 2015 may be your year to bring on that coach you’ve been thinking about. It could be time to join up in a Master Mind group that can help you achieve your goals and help keep you accountable.

Abraham Lincoln said, “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” This philosophy is essential to your success. 2015 is your year to say yes to new successes and new opportunities you’ve only dreamed about.

Say yes to yourself

2015 is your year to square your shoulders, hold your head high, and to embrace and believe in the God-given abilities you have as a leader. 2015 is the year to tune out the people who would hold you back by their negative talk and influence. It’s time to cut loose from those who refuse to see your potential and those who desire to hold you back.

2015 is your year to say yes to what you already know in your heart to be true about yourself as a leader so you can run your race with confidence and faith. Where other people have doubted you and have said no to your dreams it’s now time to say yes! 2015 is your year to soar!

Say yes!


© 2014 Doug Dickerson


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