Taking ‘No’ Out of Your Playbook and Why it Matters

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Photo Credit: Google Images

Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome – Samuel Johnson

Leaders understand that obstacles are a part of the landscape on the road to success. But how many leaders are self-aware enough to realize that some of the obstacles blocking their desired success are self-inflicted?

When what stands between your employees or volunteers and potential success is a constant drumbeat of “no” or the good ole standby of, “We’ve never done it this way before,” then you are capping your talent and are hindering your chances of success.

In his book, It’s Not About the Coffee, past Starbucks International president Howard Behar writes of the necessity of taking ‘no’ out of your playbook. His thought was that we can grow so accustomed to saying no to our customers or employees that soon these roadblocks take on a life of their own and become the unspoken rules, the No Book, that stands between you and your potential success.

One example Behar shared about Starbucks turning an everyday ‘no’ into a ‘yes’ was by opening the door early in the morning. Customers would come by ten minutes before the store opened and were routinely turned away. The message the prospective customer would get was, “No, we’re not open yet.” When they realized they could say yes they began to open ten minutes before the posted opening to serve their customers.

To be sure, not every yes will guarantee success and not every no will deny it. But what you must realize is that until you release the power of possibilities in your people they will never have a chance to find out. Taking ‘no’ out of your playbook will unlock their potential and give them much-needed freedom to grow. That is critical to your success. Here is why taking ‘no’ out of your playbook matters to you as a leader.

It empowers your people.

There is no better way to empower your people than to release their creative ingenuity with a ‘yes’ attitude. It signals that you believe in them and want them to reach their full potential. Empowered people are driven people and are more invested in the product and outcomes. When you remove ‘no’ from the playbook and replace it with a yes then you elevate everyone to a new level.

It puts the focus where it belongs.

When ‘no’ is replaced with a ‘yes’ then the playbook becomes a different document. The paradigm shifts. You go from playing defense to playing offense. Now, instead of the focus being inward it’s outward. Where once it was all about you, now it’s about those you serve. When your purpose revolves around a “yes we can” mentality then there is no room for “no we can’t” detractors. When your people are free to focus on what they can do instead of what they can’t do it will make a world of difference.

It creates momentum.

Some leaders exert a lot of energy and waste a lot of time trying to figure out the secret to creating a culture of momentum. Sadly, what some do not realize is that they are the reason why it’s lacking. Why? They haven’t taken ‘no’ out of their playbooks and consequently their much-needed momentum lies dormant.

What would it take to motivate you? Former Miami Dolphin’s great Bob Kuechenberg shares how he got his. He tells the story of his father and uncle who were human cannonballs in carnivals. His father told him, “go to college or be a cannonball,” said Kuechenberg. Then one day his uncle came out of the cannon and missed the net and hit the Ferris wheel. It was then that Kuechenberg decided to go to college.

As a leader, you can either take ‘no’ out of your playbook and put in a resounding ‘yes’, or be shot out of a cannon. Why not release the potential of your people, focus on those you serve, and generate the momentum you need? Say yes!


© 2017 Doug Dickerson

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Four Ruts That Will Sink Your Leadership

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Photo Credit: Google Images

Years ago when the western U.S. was being settled, roads were often just wagon tracks. These rough trails posed serious problems for those who journeyed them. On one of these winding paths was posted a sign which read: ”Avoid this rut or you’ll be in it for the next 25 miles!”

Just as the settlers of the old West faced serious problems when traveling roads with ruts, so too will you experience ruts on your leadership journey if not careful.

Ruts. Why is it so hard to break free from them? Intuitively we know that they are not healthy for us. As leaders we ought to know better but too often we fall back on “this is the way we’ve always done it” mentality, not realizing it’s our death-nail.

I believe it’s not so much that we purposefully stay in ruts for the sake of a path of least resistance, but it’s because we settle. Here are four ways you might be in a rut (settling) without even realizing it.

You settle for small victories instead of big failures

I am not suggesting here that it’s an either-or, that you will have small wins or big failures, but ruts prevent us from even daring to do big things. Accepting the same results over and over again without attempting large wins will always keep you down.

When settling on this level you have opted for the path of predictability that stifles productivity. Those who live in this rut will seldom venture off the paths of normal work much less an adventure off the beaten path where fresh ideas are welcomed and productivity flourishes. What are you settling for?

You settle for popularity instead of principles

One way in which your culture suffers is when you get caught up in popularity contests and the appeasement of opposing voices. At the end of the day either your values and principles mean something or not. As a leader you must give a compelling reason to follow a compelling vision. Those who belong will stay and those that leave will be doing you a favor in the long run.

This rut is about low expectations and the type of culture you will settle for instead of the one you create that raises the bar and benefits everyone. 

You settle for a fixed mindset instead of a growth mindset

The fixed mindset is all about staying on the same path like the wagon for the next 25 miles. It embodies the “we’ve never done it this way before” mentality that stunts growth.

This rut is about mediocrity being acceptable instead of embracing a growth mindset that taps into the potential and skills of everyone and daring to believe that the next  25 miles will be unlike anything ever experienced before.  The growth mindset rejects the status quo and puts everyone on a new and challenging path toward success.

You settle for followers instead of leaders

Anytime you settle for a culture of followers instead of a culture of leaders you will always be behind the curve and in a rut. Your goal should never be to develop a tribe of loyal followers but rather an army of engaged leaders who are all-in with the vision, values, goals, and purpose of your organization.

Ruts are harmful because too often we are in them without realizing it. We’ve grown so comfortable with the ruts and how we have adapted to them that any deviation from it becomes unfamiliar territory.

Here’s the bottom line– unless you get out of your rut the view will never change, nor will your future.

℗ 2017 Doug Dickerson

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The ‘Yes Men’ Disconnect and How it Hurts Your Leadership

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Very few big executives want to be surrounded by ‘yes’ men – Burton Bigelow

I heard a somewhat humorous account some years back about the Biblical story of David and Goliath. When the Israelites came up against Goliath all the soldiers thought was, “He’s so big we can never kill him.” When David looked at him he thought, “He’s so big I can’t miss.” It all came down to perspective. And in the end we know, David killed the giant.

One of the blind spots for leaders who have been around a long time in their organization is that they tend to be the ones with the greatest disconnect to what is really happening. And many a good and aspiring leader had rather tell the boss what he or she wants to hear rather than what they need to hear. Sound familiar?

But most credible leaders will tell you that they want the perspective of people they trust. And being a ‘yes man’ is more self-serving than it is helpful. What leaders need to hear is the truth.

But let’s be honest- many find it difficult to speak the truth for fear of negative repercussions, etc. And out of that fear, the truth is sacrificed for the expediency of the moment. As an aspiring leader yourself, what are you to do? Here are a few tips to navigate those treacherous waters.

Build relationships

That you want to speak truth to the leader in your life is noble. But you have to earn that right. And you earn that right not by being “right” all the time but by building a relationship where you earn that person’s trust. Until you recognize this you will always be afraid to speak up.

Be a team player

If you are going to build off that trust you must be a team player. By that I mean you must check your ego at the door and your motives must be genuine. It’s as you build up your leader that you build up your organization. If you have hidden motives eventually it will come to light. You’ll never build trust if your intentions are deceiving.

Stop being the gatekeeper

Leaders need perspective and people around them that will speak the truth. But that can’t happen so long as gatekeepers build walls that prevent all voices and ideas from being heard. If you truly care about your organization then you will welcome input and ideas from a wide range of people who can provide the perspective that is needed. Disarm the body guards and let your leader hear what needs to be said.

Be courageous and humble

Speaking the truth will not always be easy. It will require courage on your part and a dose of humility to say it. To that end, more times than not it is not what you say but how you say it that makes the difference. Most leaders want the truth, but not delivered with an arrogant attitude.

In the end, two things really matter: leaders need to be told the truth and have people surrounding them not afraid to speak it. You are doing a disservice to yourself, the leader you work with, and to your organization as a whole if you don’t. It’s a mark of your maturity as a leader when you learn to do it right and when you do everyone wins.


© 2017 Doug Dickerson


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Why Do Your Employees Hate You? Guest Blog Post by Elizabeth Stincelli


“A good leader can engage in a debate frankly and thoroughly, knowing that at the end he and the other side must be closer, and thus emerge stronger. You don’t have that idea when you are arrogant, superficial, and uninformed.” —Nelson Mandela

I am surprised when managers act shocked to find out that their employees don’t like them. You have to remember that the way you think affects your behavior and your behavior determines how your employees react to you. If you don’t pay close attention to your thoughts this can become a vicious cycle. So, why do your employees hate you?

You think your title makes you a leader

I can tell you that one of the biggest factors that causes employees to hate you as their manager is if you think that your title makes you a leader. You don’t become a leader just because you get placed in a management position. Leadership is something that you grow into and earn. Chances are that if you think your title makes you a leader, you also think it entitles you to power. You may have control over rewards or consequences that give you the power to accomplish short-term tasks. This, however, does not equate to long-term power that is earned through respect.

They don’t trust you

If you don’t trust your employees, they won’t trust you. People like people they trust. Animosity is created when your employees’ notice that you think you know more than them, you stop listening to what they have to say, and you are always keeping score. When it appears that you do not trust them, they stop engaging with you even when you ask them questions. They don’t feel like they can be themselves around you. You can’t command trust and respect, you have to give it first and then earn it.

You fail to build relationships

Even if you had strong relationships at some point, when you were promoted you may have become distant and bureaucratic. Your relationships may have become superficial and fake; employees can see right through your facade. After making the move into a management position, it is easy to forget what it’s like to be the low man on the totem pole or working on the front lines. You fail to build relationships on an individual basis where each employee knows that you care about them personally. If you start relying on email as your main form of communication you lose that face-to-face interaction that can be so important to relationship building. You don’t encourage, welcome, ask for, or act on feedback which reinforces the perception that you don’t care what your employees have to say.

You have something to prove

You think that leadership requires you to make sure everyone knows you’re in charge. In fact, it is quite the opposite. If you need to prove that you are in charge, you’re not a leader. You feel you have something to prove, all the time. You’re smarter, stronger, braver, or more powerful; it’s always something. You default to the use of fear and intimidation when you feel you’re not getting the respect you think you deserve. And, you never admit when you are wrong. No one likes a know-it-all. If you are always trying to one-up your employees, chances are they will start to hate you.

You don’t value their contributions

When you think you’re all that, you tend to minimize the contributions of others. When you don’t recognize the value of your employees’ contributions or reward them for a job well done their distaste for you grows. If you don’t recognize their value you will fail to challenge them or engage their creativity. Everyone wants to feel that their contributions are valued and that their efforts are worthwhile.

Turn it Around

So, now you know some of the main reasons your employees might hate you, what can you do to turn it around? Start by recognizing that you become a manager by being promoted or hired into that position, but you become a leader by focusing on the needs of others rather than gaining power for yourself. Show your employees that you trust them and their abilities, communicate openly, and stop keeping score. Remember that you are not a leader if you need to prove that you are in charge. And finally, recognize that every employee adds value. Leadership is influence, and you can’t influence those who hate you. Pay close attention to your thoughts for they will become your behavior. Turn it around.


© 2016 Elizabeth Stincelli


lizLiz Stincelli is passionate about recognizing and inspiring the leader in each of us. She is the Founder of Stincelli Advisors where she focuses on helping organizations change attitudes, change communication dynamics, improve collaboration and problem-solving, engage employees, and strengthen organizational culture. Liz holds a Doctor of Management degree with an emphasis on organizational leadership.

Learn more about Liz by visiting her website, stincelliadvisors.com and connect with her on Twitter @infinitestin, Google+, and LinkedIn. You can contact her by email at [email protected].

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Taking ‘No’ Out of Your Playbook: And Why it Matters

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Photo Credit: Google Images

Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome – Samuel Johnson

Leaders understand that obstacles are a part of the landscape on the road to success. But how many leaders are self-aware enough to realize that some of the obstacles blocking their desired success are self-inflicted?

When what stands between your employees or volunteers and potential success is a constant drumbeat of “no” or the good ole standby of, “We’ve never done it this way before,” then you are capping your talent and are hindering your chances of success.

In his book, It’s Not About the Coffee, past Starbucks International president Howard Behar writes of the necessity of taking ‘no’ out of your playbook. His thought was that we can grow so accustomed to saying no to our customers or employees that soon these roadblocks take on a life of their own and become the unspoken rules, the No Book, that stands between you and your potential success.

One example Behar shared about Starbucks turning an everyday no into a yes was by opening the door early in the morning. Customers would come by ten minutes before the store opened and were routinely turned away. The message the prospective customer would get was, “No, we’re not open yet.” When they realized they could say yes they began to open ten minutes before the posted opening to serve their customers.

To be sure, not every ‘yes’ will guarantee success and not every ‘no’ will deny it. But what you must realize is that until you release the power of possibilities in your people they will never have a chance to find out. Taking ‘no’ out of your playbook will unlock their potential and give them much needed freedom to grow. That is critical to your success. Here is why taking ‘no’ out of your playbook matters to you as a leader.

It empowers your people.

There is no better way to empower your people than to release their creative ingenuity with a ‘yes’ attitude. It signals that you believe in them and you want them to reach their full potential. Empowered people are driven people and are more invested in the product and outcomes. When you remove ‘no’ from the playbook and replace it with a ‘yes’ then you elevate everyone to a new level.

It puts the focus where it belongs.

When ‘no’ is replaced with a ‘yes’ then the playbook becomes a different document. The paradigm shifts. You go from playing defense to playing offense. Now instead of the focus being inward it’s outward. Where once it was all about you, now it’s about those you serve. When your purpose revolves around a “yes we can” mentality then there is no room for “no we can’t” detractors. When your people are free to focus on what they can do instead of what they can’t do it will make a world of difference.

It creates momentum.

Some leaders exert a lot of energy and waste a lot of time trying to figure out the secret to creating a culture of momentum. Sadly, what some do not realize is that they are the reason why it’s lacking. Why? They haven’t taken ‘no’ out of their playbooks and therefore much-needed momentum lies dormant.

What would it take to motivate you? Former Miami Dolphin’s great Bob Kuechenberg shares how he got his. He tells the story of his father and uncle who were human cannonballs in carnivals. His father told him, “go to college or be a cannonball,” said Kuechenberg. Then one day his uncle came out of the cannon and missed the net and hit the Ferris wheel. It was then that Kuechenberg decided to go to college.

As a leader, you can either take ‘no’ out of your playbook and put in a resounding ‘yes’, or be shot out of a cannon. Why not release the potential of your people, focus on those you serve, and generate the momentum you need? Say yes!


© 2016 Doug Dickerson

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Four Ways Leaders Can Foster Cooperation

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Photo Credit: Google Images

The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people. – Theodore Roosevelt

Charles Osgood told the story of two ladies who lived in a convalescent center. Each had suffered an incapacitating stroke. Margaret’s stroke left her left side restricted, while Ruth’s stroke damaged her right side. Both of these ladies were accomplished pianists but had given up hope of ever playing again. The director of the center sat them down at a piano and encouraged them to play solo pieces together. They did, and a beautiful friendship developed.

We all know that cooperation is important. That much is certain. But if you are a leader on a diverse team of individuals how do you reconcile such diversity of opinion, egos, and DISC placements in a way that inspires collaboration and cooperation rather than a brawl in the break room?

Here are four approaches that may help.

Embrace the tension

Some leaders prefer to shy away from the tension and madness that makes up their organizational culture; I say embrace it. Within those diverse opinions and ideas is a wealth of creativity, when collated and organized, can be a game changer for you. Corralling your team and tapping into their collective creativity can be a leadership challenge but if you can pull it off it can pay huge dividends.

Challenge assumptions

One thing you have to be mindful of as a leader is not falling into the mindset that you must always “keep the peace” or not “rock the boat”. I think once in a while it’s a good thing. I am not advocating disrupting your organization simply for the sake of creating chaos, but I am advocating confronting status quo thinking head-on. Disrupt your way of thinking and disrupt it in your people so that no idea, option, or way of looking at things is ever business as usual and predictable.

Build bridges

Within your organization you have left brain people and right brain people. You have the visionaries that see things before the rest of the team and you have the builders who make it a reality. You have the strong-willed, the analytical, the outgoing, and the humble. You are all over the DISC map. Good! Building a culture of cooperation begins when you acknowledge, embrace, and seat everyone at the table. If your organization is going to grow and succeed you need all of these people with you. It was General George Patton who wisely said, “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.”

Create engagement

Successful engagement and cooperation within your organization occurs when you bring your team together- not when you keep them apart. It happens when you put the visionary and the builder together to see the big picture. It occurs when you put the right brain and left brain people together so they see they are not each other’s competition but their completer.

Lest you think I am looking at this through rose-colored glasses, let me be clear- this will not be easy. It will be hard work and a leadership challenge. People will have to check their ego’s at the door and come prepared to learn.

But before cooperation can take place you must name the elephant in the room and embrace the tension that exists that is a result of different personalities on your team. You must challenge your assumptions and traditional ways of thinking. Cooperation is not forcing everyone to conform to your way of thinking. It starts with an open mind, respect, and by embracing other points of view.

Building a culture of cooperation can be the difference-maker for your organization. As a leader it is up to you to foster the environment.


© 2016 Doug Dickerson



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Jumping to Conclusions

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Photo Credit: Google Images

Man is too quick at forming conclusions- Edward E. Barnard

John was driving home late one night when he picked up a hitchhiker. As they rode along, he began to be suspicious of his passenger. John checked to see if his wallet was safe in the pocket of his coat that was on the seat between them, but it wasn’t there! So he slammed on the brakes, ordered the hitchhiker out, and said, “Hand over the wallet immediately!” The frightened hitchhiker handed over a billfold, and John drove off. When he arrived home, he started to tell his wife about the experience, but she interrupted him, saying, “Before I forget, John, do you know that you left your wallet at home this morning?”.

Jumping to conclusions. It would be great if we could raise our hands and say we’ve never done it, but we all know better, don’t we? Many of us as leaders have been too quick to jump to a conclusion about a person or situation only to regret that decision later. We didn’t wait for all the facts and we let our imaginations get the best of us. In the heat of the moment we made a decision only to regret it later.

As leaders our gut-instincts are critical. We come to rely on our perceptions and intuition and hopefully more times than not they serve us well. So how can we avoid those embarrassing times when we blow it and our conclusions are wrong? Here are a few tips worth considering.

Give people the benefit of the doubt

Not every idea is a bad idea and not all of your ideas are the best. Be open minded enough to hear out the people in your organization and what they have to offer.  Appreciate the diversity of thought in your organization and the people who act in good faith to add value. When people fall short of your expectations be willing to work with them to find ways to improve. Don’t write them off too soon.

Cynical leaders are a drag on the organization because in due time the people in your organization are going to recognize it and as a result will be less likely to bring forth their ideas if all you are going to do is criticize it.

Seek inclusion and input

Your stock as a leader is going to go up as you bring more people to the table and work together. The buffer to your cynicism rests in your ability to hear from everyone. Even if your gut instinct about an idea or person turns out to be correct chances are in the natural course of inclusion and discourse it can be resolved.

By bringing people to the table it can validate your suspicions or it can erase them. Be willing to hear from all sides before jumping to a conclusion you may come to regret later.

Sleep on it

I’ve regretted not doing this way too many times. But sometimes the best thing to do when faced with a dilemma or decision is to just sleep on it. Often time afterward the situation looks much different and you have a much better perspective.

By sleeping on it and thinking things through one thing is for certain – you will not wake up with regrets about making the wrong call. Patience is a hard virtue to come by, and I admit it’s not always mine. But it’s better to make the right decision off a good night sleep than not being able to sleep knowing you blew it.

Check your motives

Before jumping to conclusions about people or ideas within your organization why not check your own motives at the door. What is the basis for the conclusion you’ve come to? What is your motivation? Have you openly and honestly played all of your cards for the benefit of the team? What are you holding back? Do you have your own agenda you are trying to protect?

Yes, these questions all sound like the very ones we use to come to our conclusions about other people, right? Well, perhaps as leaders it’s time to turn the tables and do a little soul-searching of our own.

As a leader it is important to trust your instincts and intuition and not jump to conclusions. Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and even slower in jumping to conclusions.


© 2016 Doug Dickerson



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Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

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Photo Credit: Google Images

“Don’t take your love away from me

Don’t you leave me in misery

If you go then  I’ll be blue

Cause breaking up is hard to do


  • Neil Sedaka


The song by Neil Sedaka was first recorded in 1962 and hit number one on the Billboard Hot 100.  Sedaka recorded it again in 1975. Without a doubt it was one of his signature songs.

Breaking up. Broken hearts, Lost love. The song encapsulates it all. And it’s time to explore the issue now. But not in the way you may think.

A survey by ADP Canada revealed that two-thirds of employed Canadians or 65 percent, are “ready to walk or leave their office doors.” The are described as “the uninspired”, “the casual daters”, and “the dissed”. While the survey was exclusive to Canadian, the implication is clear- many are ready to break up.

Circumstances will vary from one organization to the next but the reasons for wanting to  break up will be similar. While the reasons for a break up might be numerous let’s explore three of them now.

Lack of loyalty/trust

Loyalty and trust go hand in hand and when one suffers it has an impact on the other. People within your organization need to know that you have their back and that you trust them.

As pointed out in the aforementioned article company loyalty has been in decline since the 1980’s. How can any organization successfully move forward with a steady loss of loyalty and trust? As a leader you must shore up the loyalty trust issue. Without it your future is in jeopardy.

Poor communication

Communication is the life-blood of your organization. When done right your people will respond. Your people not only want to be informed of decisions that affect their performance but need to be included in it. If your leadership style is to lead by decrees then this might explain why you have loyalty/trust issues.

Be proactive in establishing clear lines of communication and be inclusive with your team. They will appreciate the inclusion and it will strengthen morale.

Lack of vision or purpose

The buy-in to one’s work is linked to a clearly defined vision and purpose. People deserve to know the vision in terms of where the organization is headed and the significance of their role in seeing it to completion.

If you people are in the dark as to the vision and mission of the organization or if the organization is adrift internally then one’s purpose will be a casualty. A smart leader will keep the vision, mission and purpose clear and before the team at all times.

While breaking up might be hard to do it becomes much easier for your people if there is no loyalty or trust, when communication is ineffective, and when there is no vision or purpose found in being there.

It’s time to evaluate the strength of your organization and reinforce what matters most. Building the type of organization your people would never dream of leaving begins by being the type of leader everyone wants to follow.

© 2016 Doug Dickerson

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When Leaders Are Good Bad Examples



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Photo Credit: Google Images

Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing. – Albert Schweitzer

A story is told of when Gen. George C. Marshall took command of the Infantry School at Fort Benning, GA. He found the post in a generally run-down condition. Rather than issue orders for specific improvements, he simply got out his own paintbrushes, lawn equipment, etc., and went to work on his personal quarters. The other officers and men, first on his block, then throughout the post, did the same thing, and Fort Benning was brightened up.

While no one would argue that leadership by example is the best way to lead, unfortunately, we have plenty of leaders who do not. I know the frustration of working with such leaders and the challenges associated with it. It can make life miserable.

Regardless of where your leadership role places you in your organizational structure there are lessons to be learned from bad examples. An article in Inc. magazine (http://on.inc.com/1p5c4Bj) highlighted some common bad boss behaviors. Here are a few of the findings from the Harris poll: My boss doesn’t talk about my life outside of work, my boss won’t talk on the phone (or in person), my boss doesn’t know my name, my boss takes credit for other’s ideas, and they don’t give clear directions.

Can you identify with any of the cited behaviors? What would you add to the list? Regardless, here is a hard truth I learned some time ago- either change your attitude or change your address. I know that can be a tough pill to swallow especially if you feel trapped without a good viable option. It can be demoralizing. So what is a leader like you to do when your leader sets a good bad example?

Be the example your leader is not

Instead of wasting time focusing on everything that is wrong with the leader in your organization that sets a bad example, make it your priority to do what is right. You are only responsible for your actions, attitudes, and behaviors. What expectations do you have for the leader(s) in your organization? Model it. The best leader is the one who knows how to lead himself.

Be part of the solution

The path of least resistance in your organization is to sing along with the chorus of complainers. It requires little. But if you are going to emerge as a leader worthy of respect then take the high road and be part of the solution. It’s easy to find fault. A leader will seek to find solutions. In the end, your leader who is a bad example may continue to be a bad example, but at least you will have a clear conscience that you did the right thing.

Be understanding of their plight

Leadership is hard. John Maxwell was right when he observed, “It’s lonely at the top so you better know why you are there.” Sometimes we judge the actions and/or behaviors of leaders in our organizations with limited information. Do we really know the whole story or are we simply listening to the latest gossip going around the office? With hard work and determination one day it very well could be you in that position so be careful to not let bad karma come back and bite you. Be understanding and reserve judgment. Your leader is human just like you and you may not know the personal struggles that he or she is going through.

Be intentional about your growth

As a developing leader it is important to be intentional about your growth. From bad leaders in my past I’ve learned valuable lessons that served me well later in life. Uppermost I learned how not to treat people. Your time around a good bad example may not serve any other purpose than that, but learn it. Be observant. Take notice of the good bad examples and their leadership styles and the effects it has on the organization.  We’d all rather be around good leaders who set good examples. But even a bad example can teach you leadership skills. Pay attention.

Brian Tracy said, “Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily; even if you had no title or position.” That is a goal worthy of emulating. Be the leader people want to follow; not the one they have to follow. Be a good example.


© 2016 Doug Dickerson









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The Changing Work Environment Part III: Providing Choice


“I believe happiness is a choice. Some days it is a very difficult choice.” – Steve Gleason 

Our three part series on the changing work environment was inspired by findings in the Staples Advantage Workplace Index (http://bit.ly/1ULVQr7). Findings in the report reveal that half of workers state feeling overworked is motivating them to look for a new job, 62% say wellness programs are a selling point when looking for a new job, but only 35% actually have a wellness program at their current job, 3 out of 4 respondents say their employers don’t give them access to the latest technology to do their job efficiently. You can read more by clicking on the link and reading the full report.

In part III of our series ( In part one we talked about providing flexibility and in part two last week we discussed providing autonomy) on the changing work environment we discuss the importance of providing choice. Employees are not willing to give 100% to a job where they feel trapped. They want opportunity and they want choice.

What does it look like?

In the changing work environment, employees want to know that they have choices. In this new environment management is not dictating ‘how’ everything gets done. Employees are given the ‘what’ and the ‘why’, and then they are given the opportunity to make decisions and design how their work gets done to meet the goals of the company. In addition, they are empowered with the training and resources they need to be successful.

Why is it important?

Employees want to know that they are making a valuable contribution to something bigger than themselves; they want to feel truly invested in their work. When employees have choices, they have a sense of control which shows them that their input is valuable. It tells them they are trusted and are important.

Not long ago Glassdoor published its list of the Best Places to Work 2016 (http://bit.ly/1lN0I2p).  Topping the list was Airbnb. An employee review for MindBody (#14) in the Glassdoor article writes, “It’s a culture of happiness! I’ve never been in such a positive environment. Management encourages you not only professionally, but in personal aspects of life too. So thankful to work for such an amazing company!” That sounds to us like a company that understands the value of their employees and wants them to succeed.

How do we do it?

Providing choice requires management to let go of the control they have clung to in the past. Old habits can be hard to break; here are six ACTION steps to help you think through your current operations and to embrace providing choice.

Accountability – The ebb and flow of an organization that provides flexibility, autonomy, and choice hinges on accountability. Regardless of what the organizational structure looks like or how teams are assembled it all comes down to mutual accountability if it is going to succeed.

Collaborate – In this changing work environment collaboration may take on a new look as well. Your box approach to thinking may now look more like a circle that makes room for more people, new ideas, and greater potential. If your workplace environment changes so too must the way you work with others also change.

Train – John Maxwell said, “The people’s capacity to achieve is determined by their leader’s ability to empower.” This is so true in the changing work environment. Training is essential not just for your success today but how you will look and operate five years from now and beyond.

Inspire – What your people need to see as they embrace a new work environment is greater ownership, greater opportunity for growth, and more control over their future. Inspire your people to the possibilities before them and remind them of it often.

Opportunity – The changing workplace environment can be frightening for people who have no voice in the direction they are going or have not bought-in to the vision. If one’s opportunity is not clear to them they will be the last to embrace change. Be vocal, be clear, and be out front with the opportunities that exist and for the ones they will create.

Now – The time for creating this new workplace environment is now. And we would like to remind you of what we advised in part one of this series. Take baby steps and tackle one or two small changes that you can implement right away. Be intentional about your changes and make them gradually. Include your people when charting the course. But get started!


© 2016 Doug Dickerson and Liz Stincelli


lizLiz Stincelli is the Founder of Stincelli Advisors where she focuses on helping organizations engage employees and improve organizational culture. She holds a Doctor of Management degree with an emphasis on organizational leadership. Learn more about Liz by visiting her website: www.stincelliadvisors.com



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