Why People Fire Their Leaders – And How To Stop It

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People quit people, not companies – John Maxwell

I remember my first job out of college. I was excited and filled with great enthusiasm. But it played out like A Tale of Two Cities, “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times”. I was surrounded by people I genuinely liked with many friends. With a great team in place, we made great strides in the community we served. But I had “the boss from hell” who made life hell. So, I fired him. 

An article in Inc. magazine identified the top 5 characteristics that caused employees to leave their jobs. They are:

  • Management style — 37 percent
  • Condescending attitude — 30 percent
  • Mean or bad temper — 30 percent
  • Inappropriate behavior — 26 percent
  • Harassed employees — 24 percent

Speaking of bad boss behavior, here is a sampling of what respondents called unacceptable or deal-breaking behaviors: Your boss takes credit for your work 63%, your boss doesn’t trust or empower you 62%; your boss doesn’t care if you’re overworked 58%, your boss doesn’t advocate for you when it comes to compensation 57%, your boss hires and/or promotes the wrong people 56%, your boss doesn’t provide proper direction on assignments/roles 54%, your boss micromanages and doesn’t allow you “freedom to work” 53%, etc. 

When you look at the above examples of why people leave their work or the characteristics of bad bosses, one thing is certain – there is a leadership gap.  As it relates to employee engagement, bad bosses, company morale, and corporate culture, how the leadership gap is addressed going forward is critical. A boss without strong leadership skills will drive his or he people away.

I’ve said it in this space before: Building the type of organization that your people would never dream of leaving begins by being the type of leader everyone wants to follow. Let’s explore three basic ways in which you can build that type of culture.

Serve your people

The higher you ascend in your organization the more responsibilities you take on – not more rights. This is where many a boss drops the leadership ball. Think of a pyramid. The old way of thinking is that at the bottom you have many rights and at the top, few responsibilities. Now flip it- when you do, the opposite becomes true. You now have more responsibilities as the leader/boss and fewer rights. Now, start acting like it. 

You will build the type of organization people would never dream of leaving when you develop the mindset of servant leadership and by empowering your people at every opportunity. Click To Tweet

Empower your people

Employee engagement is directly tied to empowered employees. The cited survey, along with many others drive this point home. If your people are micromanaged, underappreciated, and not given credit for their ideas and work, is it any wonder they are firing their bosses? 

Billy Hornsby said, “ It’s okay to let those you lead outshine you, for if they shine brightly enough, they reflect positively on you”. The boss who makes for a good leader understands that when his or her people are empowered it makes them look good. You will build the type of organization they would never dream of leaving when you empower them to reach their full potential.

Engage your people

Employee engagement is only as meaningful and effective as the leader who engages on this level. The boss who only sees employee engagement as something “they do” may have the work of his employees’ hands, but will never have their hearts. If you want to stop your people from walking out the door, then you must open yours. You must be among your people, know your people, and serve them. Click To Tweet

Building the type of organization people would never dream of leaving begins when you understand that they are the most appreciable asset you have. Simply put, employee engagement begins at the top.

Final Thoughts

There’s no way in this space to take a deep dive into all of the issues that need to be addressed here. But engaged and invested people need to step up and help right the ship. What role will you play in closing the back door and helping build the type of culture no one would ever dream of leaving?


© 2022 Doug Dickerson

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Stop Assuming, Start Connecting

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You can make more friends in two months by becoming more interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you. – Dale Carnegie

In the book Leadershift, John Maxwell shares a story about being invited to a game by Pat Summit, the late head coach of the Lady Vols basketball team at the University of Tennessee.

He recounts how he was able to go into the locker room at halftime which served as a major “aha” moment for him. In the locker room, Summit and a few coaches gathered to talk about what took place in the first half of the game. The players gathered around a whiteboard in a semicircle to answer three questions written on it: What did we do right in the first half? What did we do wrong? What do we need to change? When the girls had answered all three questions, Summit and her coaches would then go over and talk about their responses, and then she would send them back out to warm up for the second half of the game.

Curious about this, Maxwell asked Pat Summit about this technique. She replied, “Too many lead by assumptions. They assume they know where their people are. That halftime exercise lets me find my players so I can lead them. That can only be done by asking questions and listening to their answers.”

In her remarkable career at Tennessee, Pat Summit won eight national championships. Her leadership on and off the court left an indelible impression upon many and she is greatly missed today.

With Coach Pat Summit

Her insights into connecting with her players still have relevance today. Look at most any survey on employee-employer relations and you will consistently at the top of any list are complaints like not listening, favoritism, micromanaging, not showing appreciation, overbearing, and the lists go on. 

It’s been said that assumptions are the termites of relationships. I believe this to be true in leadership. But as leaders why do we do it? What are some of the mistaken assumptions we make that hurt our leadership? Here are a few for your consideration.

We assume everyone shares our perspective

While you may wish it were true, not everyone in your sphere of influence shares your perspective and sees things your way. When you assume that they do, it can create misunderstandings that you caused but the shift in blame usually falls elsewhere. At the end of the day, if you want a culture of shared values, mission, and purpose, then you have to quit assuming it exists and connect with your people to create it. Click To Tweet  A key to effective leadership is found when you purposefully connect with your people and respect everyone’s voice. 

We assume everyone else will eventually come around to seeing things our way

In as much as we mistakenly believe that everyone shares our perspective, we can also assume that over time, everyone will eventually fall in line and see things our way. Let’s be honest – wearing your people down is not a good leadership strategy. However, when you listen to your people, as Pat Summit listened to her players, then you can connect and build relationships with your people which in turn elevates morale and creates wins for the team.

We assume everything is dependant on us

“It’s not about you,” is the opening sentence of the acclaimed book The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. It pointedly encapsulates everything you need to know about living a life that matters and also your life in leadership. The assumption that everything is dependant on us or it all goes down the tubes is a misnomer. Perhaps we need to rediscover a renewed sense of humility in our leadership which makes the whole idea of connecting with others more meaningful when we understand that we truly need each other. Click To Tweet

Final Thoughts

Connecting with others and building relationship is one of the greatest privileges in leadership. We should never take it for granted and always remember that what we can accomplish together is greater than what we can do on our own. In order to do so, we need to stop assuming and start connecting.

©2021 Doug Dickerson

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Getting Unstuck: Four Principles to Change Your Leadership – Part Four: Be Prepared

Be Prepared – Boy Scout Motto

Growing up I was a Boy Scout. Troop 300. In fact, I believe my mother held on to my uniform long after I was grown and gone from home. Those formative years being in Scouts was a great time to learn many adventurous things. 

The character lessons learned in Scouts –  things like being faithful, respectful, frugal, and kind are timeless. 

My friend and author John Patrick Hickey wrote a remarkable book entitled, Scouting Out of Uniform: How the Boy Scout Oath & Law can lead You to a Successful Life. It’s a great book, even if you are not a Scout or ever have been. 

In it, he writes, “ Positive people see the world and life around them for exactly what it is. They know troubles and difficulties are all around us. They face the same challenges of work, home, and life like anyone else does. Here’s the difference, positive people do not allow the difficulties of life to get them down and refuse to accept defeat.”

Click here to order Scouting Out of Uniform

When it comes to being stuck in your leadership as I have written about in this series – those times when we feel like we are in a fog, when we feel like we are in a rut, when we feel like we’ve lost momentum, and when we feel like we are not making any progress – we have a choice to make.

Before unpacking principle # 4, let’s review the principles thus far:

  • Principle # 1 – Be Present. Here we learned that when you are stuck is not a time to panic. It’s normal. Chances are, you’ve been stuck before and will be again at some point. 
  • Principle # 2 – Be Patient. Being stuck will not last forever but what you learn during these times will be invaluable to your leadership going forward.
  • Principle # 3 – Be Practical. You will hit your stride again so you need to be realistic about where you are and what you can do in this season. 

No one likes to be stuck. I get it. When stuck, you feel like you are being left behind, but it can be a great time of learning and growth if you manage it properly once the fog begins to lift and you re-emerge from the ruts you were in. And this is where the next principle applies.

Be Prepared – You have new opportunities before you

When you begin to emerge from being stuck, hopefully, you have come away with some fresh insights and things that you learned during that time. The point being, every experience that you go through – good or otherwise, is preparing you for something greater on the other side.

The lessons you learn when stuck will make you a better leader, but now you can use that knowledge to benefit others in their time of struggle.

The key to successfully emerging to the other side of being stuck is to be prepared for what’s next. The mistake many leaders make when stuck is in spending all their energy trying to get unstuck rather than just being in the moment and learning from it. In doing so, you might discover a few things about why you were stuck, to begin with like:

  • Your priorities were out of sync
  • You tried to do it all yourself
  • You were trying too hard to be a people pleaser rather than a leader
  • You forgot that you need to take care of yourself – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually
Emerging a better leader is not always a guarantee. Being prepared and utilizing your time wisely when you are stuck is essential. Click To Tweet

Final Thoughts

Being stuck is just a season you are in now. Discover the principles of being present, being patient, being practical, and being prepared. You’ve got this!


©2021 Doug Dickerson

Click here to pre-order my new book: Employee Engagement- Creating Space for Engaged Employees and a Healthy Culture

The new book releases on AUgust 30th!

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How Change Impacts Your Leadership (Part Two)

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They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. – Andy Warhol

Change is a necessary and constant companion in life. Often we don’t like it, we are slow to embrace it, and sometimes we despise it. But change is a consistent disruptor in life. Like it or not, change happens.

In leadership, how well you adapt to change can be a game-changer. Consider the story of the toy company Lego. Founded in 1932 by a Danish carpenter, Lego began small with wooden toys and simple plastic building sticks. 

Credit: Google Images

For generations of kids growing up, like myself, building with Legos was a favorite pastime. No one would have ever thought that the popular toy would go away. But it almost did. In 2003, Lego almost went bankrupt as a result of over innovating.

To stay competitive it streamlined its business model by changing the way it managed innovation. By taking the time to see where and why it went wrong, Lego adapted to change and it remains a popular toy today.

Critical to any leader is knowing when change needs to happen and is willing to implement it. But why the resistance? Why do so many leaders self-destruct because of an unwillingness to embrace it? 

In part one of this series, I identified the first three obstacles on how change impacts your leadership: comfort zones, habits, and attitude. All of these in some way or another affect the way we respond to change. 

It’s time to take a look at the final three obstacles to change that impact your leadership.

Negative perceptions

Being a change agent is not easy. People are creatures of habit and once settled in routines and ways of doing things seldom want to see it change. One reason why change is so hard is the negative perceptions that surround it. And usually, this is created by opponents of change out of fear or lack of clarity surrounding it.

If you want to successfully navigate the waters of change you have to get out in front of it, anticipate the negative perceptions to it, and make the case for it. Click To Tweet It’s been said that perception is reality, but a negative perception of change can be a death-knell if not handled properly. 

You can overcome negative perceptions of change but only as you skillfully make the case for it, and communicate the consequences of what happens if you don’t. 

Guarded traditions

When time-honored traditions collide with the headwinds of change is when tensions are at their peak. to change is at its peak. One camp wants to move forward and innovate while the other wants to hold onto the traditional ways of doing things. Managing change while respecting the past can be done, but it takes a keen leader to make it happen.

But if traditions are guarded at the expense of progress you stifle the growth that could be yours. While change is inevitable, positive outcomes from it aren’t if you have people working against it. Get the buy-in first.

External forces

There will be times in your leadership when change is brought about by circumstances you have no control over. Covid is a case in point. Many businesses were forced to pivot and make changes in record time just to survive. Regretfully, many didn’t. While you can try to plan and anticipate any and every potential obstacle that can come your way; you’re not going to get it right one hundred percent of the time. The unexpected happens. We like to believe that the force is with us. The truth is, sometimes it’s not.

Final Thoughts

Leading change is one of the greatest challenges you’ll face in your leadership. But also one of the most rewarding when done right. 

©2021 Doug Dickerson

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Burnout: Is There More to it Than Meets the Eye?


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Burnout is what happens when you try to avoid being human for too long. – Michael Gungor

A first-grader became curious because her father brought home stacks of work from the office each night. Her mother explained, “Daddy has so much to do that he can’t finish it all at the office. That’s why he has to bring work home at night.”

“Well then,” asked the child innocently, “why don’t they put him in a slower group?” 

While meant to be humorous, that story is a reflection of reality for many. The work never ends. There never seem to be enough hours in the day to get it all done. The stress is real. Burnout is inevitable. Can you relate?

But is it really the daily number of hours a day that you work that is the primary contributing factor to the source of your burnout? 

The results from a Gallup report indicate that while the number of hours people work each week does matter, burnout risks increase significantly when employees exceed 50 hours and climbing even higher after 60 hours. A foregone conclusion, right?

Would you be surprised to learn that the survey found that it wasn’t the number of hours worked that caused the burnout? It was how people experienced their workload that had a stronger influence on burnout than hours worked. 

According to the survey, engaged employees who have job flexibility tend to work more hours per week than the average employee, while reporting higher well-being. When people feel inspired, motivated, and supported in their work, they do more work and that work is significantly less on their overall health and wellbeing. 

The top five factors that correlate most highly with burnout in the Gallup survey are:

  1. Unfair treatment at work
  2. Unmanageable workload
  3. Unclear communication from managers
  4. Lack of manager support
  5. Unreasonable time pressure
Credit: Gallup

We know that burnout is real. 76% of the respondents to the survey report experiencing burnout on the job at least some time. Have you?

Leaders can make a real difference when it comes to how their people experience their work and as a result improve their personal wellbeing. Here are a few considerations.

Make the environment a priority

It’s not the work that your people shy away from. They shy away from toxic environments that hinder them. When you make the environment in which your people work a priority then you will cut down on the stress, burnout, and the other negative effects that flow from it.

Rightfully empower your people

Take a holistic approach to leading your people. There’s more to your people than their skill sets and the work that they produce. Think in terms of the whole person and seek out additional ways to serve them. When your people are empowered to work in a healthy environment and live healthier lives (mentally, physically, spiritually) they will thrive. 

Intentionally be aware

Your degree of awareness makes a difference. But unfortunately, it’s a trap many leaders fall into. Most leaders are not wired to notice warning signs of burnout and by the time they do, it can be too late. As a leader, you can better serve your people by being more proactive not just about the environment that you create but in the relationships you develop. Don’t leave it to chance, make it a priority. 

Share accountability

When one suffers, all suffer. When everyone on your team takes responsibility for the well-being of your workplace environment and the well-being of its people, then the cases of burnout and stress can be reduced. In order for that to happen, everyone must take ownership. Shared accountability equals shared responsibility. When you have each others’ backs you can have everyone at their best.

How are you improving your work experience?


©2021 Doug Dickerson


Employee Engagement: Creating Space for Engaged Employees and a Healthy Culture

A new e-book from Doug Dickerson and Dr. Elizabeth Stincelli

This new e-book is a collaborative effort of our shared passion for healthy workplaces and engaged employees. Stay tuned for more details!


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Talking Up Feedback

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The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. – George Bernard Shaw

A story is told of a man who dialed a wrong number by mistake and got the following recording, “I am not available right now, but I thank you for caring enough to call. I am making some changes in my life. Please leave a message after the beep. If I do not return your call, you are one of the changes.” Talk about your not so subtle message.

Employee engagement and the manner in which you communicate as a leader is essential to the success of your organization. It matters now more than ever especially during this time of remote work that so many are still participating in. 

One of the barriers to good communication and employee retention is found in the ability of your people to not only receive good feedback but also in their ability to give it. Click To TweetThis was pointed out recently in a TinyPulse article regarding employee retention.

In the article, it was brought out that employees that don’t feel comfortable in giving upward feedback are 16% less likely to stay at their companies. It went on to say that while 60% of employees have a way to provide feedback about their employee experience, only 30% said that their feedback is acted upon. And this is where change can and should occur. 

As a leader, you know how important your workplace culture is to your overall success. You also know that the way in which you provide feedback to your people is equally important. But feedback is only as effective as each person’s ability to receive it and give it. 

What is the ultimate benefit to the health of your organization if the only feedback given is top-down? What purpose does this serve and in what realistic way do you think you benefit as a leader if your people do not have a regular means of talking to you?

Here are four simple tips to consider for the benefit of everyone as you think about employee engagement and employee retention.

Be intentional

You must make it known that you are always available to talk with anyone who wants that opportunity. But you need to do more than just provide lip service. Give specific times and days when you make yourself available for conversations and not just ask for feedback in writing. Many things get lost in translation. Have an open-door policy and make it known.

Be receptive

If you really want the feedback to mean something, be receptive to what you hear. Listen with an open mind and try not to be defensive. Listen to what your people have to say with the understanding that this is likely not easy for them. But when the conversation is over your people need to leave with the confidence that they were heard and respected.

Be responsive

The worst thing that can happen is for one of your people to come and give feedback and feel that they have been dismissed or not taken seriously. Be responsive to their feedback and listen with an open mind. Typically, those closest to the problem or concern have the greatest sense of clarity regarding the issue. Click To Tweet Listen respectfully and respond accordingly. 

Be appreciative

As mentioned already, giving upward feedback may not be the most comfortable thing your people do so don’t make it any harder for them. Be appreciative of the fact that your people are invested enough to come to you. It means that they care. 

Final Thoughts

Just as loyalty is a two-way street, so too is feedback. And while not every idea or concern is something that you can address or satisfy to their liking, you can set a positive tone in your organization by being a leader who listens. 

Employee engagement and retention is up to you. If your people do not believe that they are being taken seriously or are valued then they will find a place where they are. 


©2020 Doug Dickerson

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How Indecisive Leaders Hurt Morale

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Indecision may or may not be my problem – Jimmy Buffett

A story is told of former president Ronald Reagan once had an aunt who took him to a cobbler for a pair of new shoes. The cobbler asked young Reagan, “Do you want square toes or round toes?” Unable to decide, Reagan didn’t answer, so the cobbler gave him a few days. 

Several days later the cobbler saw Reagan on the street and asked him again what kind of toes he wanted on his shoes. Reagan still couldn’t decide, so the shoemaker replied, “Well, come by in a couple of days. Your shoes will be ready.” When the future president did so, he found one square-toed and one round-toed shoe! “This will teach you to never let people make decisions for you,” the cobbler said to his indecisive customer. “I learned right then and there,” Reagan said later, “if you don’t make your own decisions, someone else will.”

Indecisive leadership is a crippling character trait for leaders. When your organization needs clear direction and decisive action, a waffling leader can cause more harm than good.

With so much at stake, why do leaders waffle and struggle with decision making? Three primary reasons come to mind.

They lack clarity

Leaders who struggle with decision making may lack the necessary clarity needed to make the necessary decision. Rather than making the wrong decision, they make no decision at all. 

They lack confidence

In some situations, leaders withhold decision making because they are not confident enough in their own instincts. Rather than take a risk and make a decision, they play it safe and everyone is left dangling.

They lack consensus

In some cases, leaders withhold decision making because they don’t have a consensus on the best path forward. Rather than offend a few with a decision, the leader demoralizes everyone by not making one.

So what is a leader to do? How can a leader overcome this agonizing dilemma? Here are a few ideas.

Trust your instincts

A confident leader will trust his or her instincts in times of decision. Deep down you have a strong intuition that guides you. Trust it.

Invite input

Decisive leaders are informed leaders. Those most affected by your decisions should be the first at the table of discussion. As it’s been said, “the person who sweeps the floor should choose the broom”. Welcome input, but make your decisions on principle, not politics.

Clarify your values

The worst thing you can do as a leader is to make a decision for the sake of making one. Roy Disney was right when he said, “When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier”. When making a decision make sure it aligns with your values. If not, don’t do it.

Check your motives

First and foremost in your decision making should be what’s best for your organization and people. If you are making decisions to gain popularity or to gain favor with some to the detriment of others you are sowing the seeds of low morale. You must have the best interest of the team at heart and not just a few. 

Final Thoughts

Leadership is about making hard decisions. Indecisive leaders make it harder–on themselves and those they lead. Your path forward begins by acknowledging what your indecisive tendencies are doing to your leadership and how it’s impacting the morale of those you lead. 


©2020 Doug Dickerson 

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Taming The Squirrels in Leadership

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Leadership has less to do with position than it does disposition. – John Maxwell

In this space last week, I shared with you my great disdain for squirrels. In case you missed it, I am an avid birder and my backyard is somewhat of a bird sanctuary. That being said, my yard is also a haven for those pesky and unwelcomed squirrels who come and wreak their havoc and leave.

Over the years in leadership, I have discovered that there are plenty of squirrely characters that can be found. And unlike the squirrels in my yard who are not capable of being tamed, your approach to the various squirrely characters that you come across in leadership is another story.

What are the characteristics of the squirrely types of people in leadership? For the sake of context, let’s recap the main points from part one:

First, they are self-serving. They are only in it (any place of work, business, etc.) for themselves. They make decisions based only on what’s good for them. Their motives are not hard to figure out.

Second, they stick together and sow discord. Negative people tend to attract negative people in the same way as positive people. If left unchecked, negative people will ruin morale.

Third, they are indecisive – until they’re not. These squirrely types lack direction, vision, and a sense of purpose. That being said, they drive everyone else crazy.

Finally, they destroy to get what they want. In short, they are not team players. They are only in it for themselves and they don’t care about the consequences of their actions.

So, how do we tame these squirrely people in our organizations? Here are a few thoughts.

Train them early and often

Leadership development is the key to success for those squirrely members of your team. Having the skill sets to do a job are not necessarily the same as the skill sets needed to be a productive team member. Click To Tweet So long as you are content with the squirrely team member simply because she can do her job with a high degree of proficiency but is otherwise a toxic person to be around, then you have some serious leadership gaps to fill.

Don’t look the other way when it comes to squirrely behavior simply because someone can do the job. People who can do the job are a dime a dozen. If they aren’t compatible with other team members, they can be replaced. It’s on you as the leader to train and help them reach their leadership potential.

Hold them accountable

So, you have a squirrely person on your team, now what? As you train and work with this person, hold them accountable for their growth and development. Work with them on a growth plan both personally and professionally. Help them see the connection between the two – how they compliment each other. As they begin to grow and develop in their leadership skills they will gain new confidence and increase their value to your organization.

When people in your organization have a clear picture of the value that others bring to the table, it creates trust and momentum. Click To Tweet When your people trust each other and can create together, it’s magical. But each team member has to be valued, trusted, and held accountable. 

Give them margins to fail and succeed

Let’s face it – we may not all be squirrelly, but we all have our quirks and pet peeves. I do. But, as we work with those squirrely people in our organizations, let’s put their value in perspective. 

Not all squirrelly people need to be written off. They just need to be given opportunities. And sometimes, like us, they fail, stumble, and get it wrong. But isn’t this every successful leader’s journey?

Everyone on your team - the squirrelly and the quirky, can add value and help move the ball forward. They just need to be given a chance - some grace. Click To Tweet Will all of them pan out and remain with you? Perhaps not. 

But as you train and raise up leaders and hold people accountable, the odds are in their favor if you work hard.

Final Thoughts

It’s been said that leadership is a journey, not a destination. See the journey for what it is – full of opportunities to grow and develop as leaders who make a difference in their world. Embrace the misfits and the squirrely people along the way. There’s room for the willing, the accountable, and the teachable.


©2020 Doug Dickerson

Additional reading resources:

  1. We Wait Too Long To Train Our Leaders by Jack Zinger 

Link: https://hbr.org/2012/12/why-do-we-wait-so-long-to-trai

  1. Are You Leading By Example? by Doug Dickerson

Link: https://www.dougdickerson.net/2020/04/08/are-you-leading-by-example/


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When Leadership Gets Squirrely

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Some people are like clouds. When they go away, it’s a brighter day. – Anonymous

I have to start this with a disclaimer. I am not a hateful person. I was raised better. So here goes my confession – I hate squirrels. I hate them with a passion. I have on occasions questioned God as to the reason for their miserable existence. But, I digress.

You see, one of my great joys is birding. I have somewhat of a bird sanctuary in my backyard at home. I love the beauty and majesty of the many birds that visit the feeders every day. They are beautiful creatures and it brings me a great deal of satisfaction to feed them and to create space for them in my yard.

But, I hate squirrels. 

I hate having to chase them away from the feeders. I hate having the “experts” in the specialty stores recommend me to buy their guaranteed product that will keep them away. They don’t. Squirrels are a nuisance of the highest order. 

Hang around in leadership long enough and you will run into squirrely characters. Over the years, I’ve come across plenty. Who are these squirely characters you have to contend with in leadership? In what ways are they like the menacing squirrel? Here are a few examples.

They are self-serving

At times in your organization, you will run across people who are self-serving. They make decisions based entirely on what’s good for them. Typically, these people have hidden agendas that over time become not so hidden. Then one day you have that aha moment and you realize that everything that they have been doing has only had one benefactor-themselves. Like the squirrel, they take what they want and leave the rest with no thought to the consequences.

They stick together and sow discord 

Negative people tend to attract negative people in the same way positive people attract positive people. It’s one of the reasons why attitude is so important. Left unchecked, this pact of negative influencers can grow like cancer and pull everyone down. This is not to say every organization has this pact within it, but most have at least one. And so long as there is one sympathetic ear then there’s the potential for disruptions in the morale of your organization.

They are indecisive – until they aren’t

Have you ever seen a squirrel try and cross the road? They zig-zag back and forth in either direction until they finally dart across the road before they meet their demise. Sometimes in your organization, you will run across those squirrely and indecisive leaders who can’t seem to make up their mind. Their ability to lead is hindered by the obvious fact that they don’t know where they are going or why. This, of course, only frustrates the dynamic of the organization due to a lack of leadership skills which makes everyone else want to pull their hair out. 

They destroy to get what they want

Over the years, I’ve had more than one bird feeder destroyed by squirrels. It’s just what they do to get to the seed. In every good, efficient, and profitable organization there are a group of dedicated and committed people who have the buy-in and determination to bring their vision to life and succeed. And then there are those squirrely people who are only in it for themselves and what’s good for them. And unfortunately, they will cause more harm than good until they are dealt with. 

Final Thoughts


Sometimes when I see a group of squirrels in my yard, I call for my dog, Shakespeare. It’s a fun little activity as he anxiously waits for me to open the door while channeling his inner Mufassa with all of the energy his seven-pound Morkie body can muster. Then it happens – he charges through the door to defend his yard. The chase is on! It ends almost as quickly as it begins – the squirrels win again!

But in real life, it’s not as easy, and it’s certainly not amusing. Too much is at stake. As a leader, you will be surrounded by people who bring you joy and delight like the birds. They are pleasant to be around and are good team players. 

And then you have a few squirrels.

Next week, I will devote this space to how we deal with those squirrely people and help you see your path forward. 

Until next week, keep feeding the birds. It’s worth it.


©2020 Doug Dickerson



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Moving From Buy-In to Engagement: Why Buy-In May Not Be Enough

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 None of us is as smart as all of us. – Ken Blanchard

In his book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John Maxwell devotes a chapter to Law 14 – The Law of Buy-In. In it he states, “People don’t at first follow worthy causes. They follow worthy leaders who promote worthwhile causes. People buy into the leader first, then the leader’s vision.” This statement is profoundly true, simple, and complicated all at the same time.

Many leaders and many more organizations work diligently on buy-in. We aren’t knocking it, we understand that without it, you’re dead in the water. But making the transition from buy-in to engagement can be difficult.

Here’s what we know. The latest 2019 Employee Engagement Report from TINYpulse found that employee loyalty is decreasing. 43% of workers would be willing to leave their companies for a 10% salary increase. A staggering 44% of employees don’t feel they have sufficient opportunities for professional growth in their current position. Less than one-third of people believe they have a strong culture.

We can’t say enough about the importance of buy-in. It means so much for so many reasons. But without active engagement, everything else is in jeopardy. With this in mind, we have identified four essentials that we believe are necessary for engagement. 


The hardest task for you as a leader is to get the buy-in. Selling the ‘why’ to a prospective team member or client puts your vision to the test every time. And, the truth be told, before they buy into the vision, they buy into you as a leader. Oftentimes the crisis of buy-in is not about the organization or product, it’s the leadership. 

Everyone is searching for meaning and purpose. People thrive when they feel their work is meaningful. This meaning is not found in the work itself, it is found in connecting their work to a purpose larger than themselves. Your ‘why’, as a leader, provides purpose and direction that gives those who follow you something to believe in. It appeals to others on an emotional level and makes work feel less like work and more like a purpose. People will be more engaged when they buy into your leadership and are excited about the work they are doing. Click To Tweet


Once buy-in has been achieved, now the real work begins. How do you harness the momentum that buy-in gives you and turn it into action steps that advance you? We believe communication is essential and that it should take place on a regular basis.

American psychologist, Rollo May, believed that “Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy, and mutual valuing.” This sense of community fosters an environment where others feel safe to collaborate, cooperate, and compromise. Effective leaders use conversations to build connections, convey information, share stories and thoughts, and to encourage questions. Click To Tweet These connections form trusting relationships that earn a commitment from others. The safety and inclusion of the relationships built on open communication enhance engagement.


We believe that engagement is the life-blood of your organization. With that in mind, it must not only be communicated regularly, but it must also be given priority. With this in mind, ownership must be taken at all levels and coaching is critical to how it’s done.

Successful leaders play the role of coach and supporter with an emphasis on helping others succeed. They invest their time and resources into building others up. We are drawn to those who want the best for us and will use their strengths to help us achieve our goals. Your employees are more likely to become fully engaged when they know that you will always be there to offer support and catch them if they fall.


Engagement is not hard to measure, but we believe you must keep your finger on the pulse of your organization at all times. The time to find out about issues that impact your people and their performance is not at the end of the year; by then it’s too late. Click To Tweet

Accountability boils down to taking ownership of one’s own thoughts, words, actions, and reactions. One of the greatest keys to accountability is the level of control people feel they possess over their work. When employees are in control of the “what, when, and how” of a decision or action, their ownership and accountability skyrockets. As a result of taking ownership of their work, people will become more engaged.

At the end of the day, worthy leaders are the ones who effectively lay out their vision and get others to buy into that vision. Successful leaders are able to encourage others to move beyond buy-in to becoming fully engaged in their work. Engaged employees have a sense of purpose and know that they are making a difference. They feel safe and included because of open and ongoing communication. They feel supported by a leader who serves as a coach. And, they feel a sense of ownership and accountability for their work.

Final Thoughts

Lay a strong foundational culture for your employees by deliberately sharing a meaningful purpose, building relationships through open communication, serving as a supportive coach, and giving them control and accountability for their work. This foundation will move you from buy-in to engagement. And, active engagement is the key to success.

©2020 Doug Dickerson and Liz Stincelli

To learn more about Liz Stincelli visit her website at https://www.stincelliadvisors.com/

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