Leadership Minute: Steady Plodding


Robert W. Service said, “It’s the steady, quiet, plodding ones who win in the lifelong race.” Leadership as in life is a race- or marathon. It’s filled with exhilarating highs as well as the lows. But those who endure to the end are those who are steady and plodding. Many leaders burn out because they fail to recognize this important principle. Steady determination is what will see you through to the finish line. Along the way don’t forget to run your own race (not someone else’s), enjoy the journey, and fulfill your purpose. Steady ahead!




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Leadership Minute: Simplify


Einstein said, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” This is such a powerful observation. It is especially helpful in leadership. The ability to simplify is essential to clear communication, clarity of purpose and mission, and critical to your overall success. Some people talk to be heard. But leaders recognize that it’s not about how much you say but in how well you are understood. Be precise. Be clear. Simplify.




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Leadership Minute: Bring It On!


Thomas Paine said, “I love the man that can smile in trouble, than can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection.” Adversity comes to everyone and when it does a method of dealing with it. As a leader you are not exempt. In fact, you may have more troubles. But I like Paine’s reflection and attitude. What can cause a person to smile in trouble? How can one gather strength in distress? I think the answer, in part, is found in the last part of the quote; through brave reflection. When you reflect on your blessings more than your troubles, and when you draw strength from faith and friends, you can endure the storms. Never underestimate the power of a positive faith and attitude.




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Leadership Minute: The Power of Optimism


Robert Louis Stevenson said, “You cannot run away from weakness; you must sometime fight it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now, and where you stand.” Optimism does not prevent difficulties or make you immune from them. Optimism, however, empowers you to face difficulties with a confidence that gives you an advantage to overcome them. Now is the time to rise up with courage and be the optimistic leader you were destined to become. Optimism alone will not put you over the top but it will keep you from being held down. Hold your head and heart high and embrace the possibilities of this day.




If you enjoy reading the “Leadership Minute” you will especially enjoy reading Doug’s books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! Visit Doug’s website to order your copies today.

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Leadership Minute: Older Voices


Jimmy Buffet said, “Older and wiser voices can help you find the right path, if you are only willing to listen.” The secret to your success as a leader is your personal growth. One of the finest ways you can grow as a leader is to find a mentor that can show you the ropes, pass along his or her wisdom, and be your sounding board. We live in the wonders of the technological age where information is at our fingertips like never before. But older voices can give you the wisdom of their years and life lessons you can use now. Don’t be afraid to listen. Be humble. Learn all you can.



If you enjoy reading the “Leadership Minute” you will especially enjoy reading Doug’s books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! Visit Doug’s website to order your copies today.

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Embracing a ‘More Beyond’ Attitude


Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude. – Zig Ziglar

In Valladolid, Spain, where Christopher Columbus died in 1506, stands a monument commemorating the renowned discoverer. Perhaps the most interesting feature of the monument is a statue of a lion destroying one of the Latin words that had been part of Spain’s motto for centuries.

Before Columbus made his voyages, the Spaniards thought they had reached the outer limits of earth. Thus their motto was “Ne Plus Ultra,” which means “No More Beyond.” The word being torn away by the lion is “Ne” or “no,” making it read “Plus Ultra.” Columbus had proven that there indeed was “more beyond.”

Think of how different life would be had it not been for people who pushed beyond what they knew in their day to make way for the things we now enjoy.  Findings in a Top 10 (http://bit.ly/15Dkscr) survey of the top inventions of the past 100 years are ranked from 1-10 as follows: the light bulb, the internet, printing press, telephone, automobiles, television, camera, toilet, airplanes, and metal gear solid. Our lives now revolve around the practicality and usefulness of each invention thanks in part to those who dared to believe that there was more beyond.

Embracing a ‘more beyond’ attitude is essential to your success as a leader. The challenges you face are not unique to others but your attitude is uniquely yours. To transition from “Ne Plus Ultra” to a “Plus Ultra” mindset you must engage a ‘more beyond’ attitude. Here are four steps to get you started.

Don’t let others define you. It is important to be comfortable in your own skin. It is equally important to not be defined by what others say, think, or believe about you. You are a masterpiece and your life’s blueprint is an original not a replica of someone else. As you grow in confidence you can shape your future and be the person you were created to be and the leader you can become. The ‘more beyond’ tip – be yourself.

What hasn’t been done is possible. Thomas Edison was one of the inventors from the Top 10 list. Edison understood failure and disappointment. He once said, “I have not failed. I’ve found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” He embraced a ‘more beyond’ attitude and overcame his negative circumstances. Just because something hasn’t been done, tried, or has been rejected in the past doesn’t mean it’s not possible. It simply means that destiny has been waiting on your arrival. The ‘more beyond’ tip – remove your limitations.

You need courage to blaze new trails. The Spaniards motto for centuries had been set in stone; “Ne Plus Ultra.” Blazing new trails and overcoming traditional ways of thinking can be difficult. A ‘more beyond’ attitude takes the courage of a lion to break away from old views. As Columbus overcame centuries-old beliefs he opened up New Worlds and new possibilities never before known. Courageous leadership is needed today to help others discover new possibilities yet to be fulfilled. Leadership is not for the faint of heart. The ‘more beyond’ tip – don’t be afraid.

You can begin today. Everything worthwhile has a starting point. The inventors had starting points. Great writers begin on page one. Great sculptors have a chisel and stone. Great artist have a canvas and a brush. What is in your hand? What is in your heart? Where does your journey begin that will take you to the place of your dreams? Your ‘more beyond’ attitude begins with the recognition that you will never achieve your dreams tomorrow unless you take action today. Your destiny awaits- what are you waiting on? The ‘more beyond’ tip – there is no time like the present.

What do you say?

© 2013 Doug Dickerson

If you enjoy reading Doug’s columns you will especially enjoy reading his books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted!  Visit his website at: www.dougsmanagementmoment.blogspot.com to order your copies today.

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Leadership Minute: Your Dream is Possible


Les Brown said, “I advise you to say your dream is possible and then overcome all inconveniences, ignore all the hassles and take a running leap through the hoop, even if it is in flames.” I like the optimism expressed here. There comes a time as a leader when you must give voice to your dream and take a leap of faith to achieve it. I’m not suggestion throwing caution to the wind or being reckless, but to be a person of faith. Have faith in your dreams, your abilities, and in your destiny. Your dream is possible. Dare to speak it and dare to live it!




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Leadership Minute: Self-Leadership


Aristotle said, “I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self.” It’s easy to spot the faults of others or be critical. The greater challenge is dealing with the person in the mirror. We should all be as forgiving and full of grace for others as we tend to give ourselves. It’s when we learn how to lead ourselves that we can best learn how to lead others. Self-leadership is the beginning of authentic leadership.




If you enjoy reading the “Leadership Minute” you will especially enjoy reading Doug’s books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! Visit Doug’s website to order your books today.

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Leadership Minute: Embrace Your Value


Mark C. Crowley said, “Here’s what I know to be true: when leaders value themselves while also valuing others, they’re able to create extraordinary results.” Value is more readily given to others when as a leader you believe in your own value as a person. How you see yourself is the lens through which you see the world and ultimately how you see others. When you embrace your value as a person and as a leader it’s then you can add value to people around you. When you embrace your God-given talents and abilities and value others, there is no limit to the possibilities before you.




If you enjoy reading the “Leadership Minute” you will especially enjoy reading Doug’s books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! Visit Doug’s website to order your copies today.

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Leadership Minute: Serve Others


Lewis Carroll said, “One of the secrets of life is that all that is really worth the doing is what we do for others.” One of the real joys of leadership is the ability to serve others in tangible ways. While some may simply relish in the perks of power or position true satisfaction and purpose comes from using your influence to serve causes greater than self. Never doubts that you have risen as a leader for anything less doing great deeds and serving great causes. Consider the good that you can accomplish today simply due to the fact that you are a leader. Now, how can you make that happen today?




If you enjoy reading the “Leadership Minute” you will especially enjoy reading Doug’s books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! Visit Doug’s website to order your copies today!

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