Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome – Samuel Johnson
Leaders understand that obstacles are a part of the landscape on the road to success. But how many leaders are self-aware enough to realize that some of the obstacles blocking their desired success are self-inflicted?
When what stands between your employees or volunteers and potential success is a constant drumbeat of “no” or the good ole standby of, “We’ve never done it this way before,” then you are capping your talent and are hindering your chances of success.
In his book, It’s Not About the Coffee, past Starbucks International president Howard Behar writes of the necessity of taking ‘no’ out of your playbook. His thought was that we can grow so accustomed to saying no to our customers or employees that soon these roadblocks take on a life of their own and become the unspoken rules, the No Book, that stands between you and your potential success.
One example Behar shared about Starbucks turning an everyday ‘no’ into a ‘yes’ was by opening the door early in the morning. Customers would come by ten minutes before the store opened and were routinely turned away. The message the prospective customer would get was, “No, we’re not open yet.” When they realized they could say yes they began to open ten minutes before the posted opening to serve their customers.
To be sure, not every yes will guarantee success and not every no will deny it. But what you must realize is that until you release the power of possibilities in your people they will never have a chance to find out. Taking ‘no’ out of your playbook will unlock their potential and give them much-needed freedom to grow. That is critical to your success. Here is why taking ‘no’ out of your playbook matters to you as a leader.
It empowers your people.
There is no better way to empower your people than to release their creative ingenuity with a ‘yes’ attitude. It signals that you believe in them and want them to reach their full potential. Empowered people are driven people and are more invested in the product and outcomes. When you remove ‘no’ from the playbook and replace it with a yes then you elevate everyone to a new level.
It puts the focus where it belongs.
When ‘no’ is replaced with a ‘yes’ then the playbook becomes a different document. The paradigm shifts. You go from playing defense to playing offense. Now, instead of the focus being inward it’s outward. Where once it was all about you, now it’s about those you serve. When your purpose revolves around a “yes we can” mentality then there is no room for “no we can’t” detractors. When your people are free to focus on what they can do instead of what they can’t do it will make a world of difference.
It creates momentum.
Some leaders exert a lot of energy and waste a lot of time trying to figure out the secret to creating a culture of momentum. Sadly, what some do not realize is that they are the reason why it’s lacking. Why? They haven’t taken ‘no’ out of their playbooks and consequently their much-needed momentum lies dormant.
What would it take to motivate you? Former Miami Dolphin’s great Bob Kuechenberg shares how he got his. He tells the story of his father and uncle who were human cannonballs in carnivals. His father told him, “go to college or be a cannonball,” said Kuechenberg. Then one day his uncle came out of the cannon and missed the net and hit the Ferris wheel. It was then that Kuechenberg decided to go to college.
As a leader, you can either take ‘no’ out of your playbook and put in a resounding ‘yes’, or be shot out of a cannon. Why not release the potential of your people, focus on those you serve, and generate the momentum you need? Say yes!
© 2017 Doug Dickerson