Are You Playing To Your Strengths?

A key characteristic of leadership is playing to your strengths. What are you good at? Are you playing to your strengths? A leader’s frustration exists when you are playing the roles others have designed or placed upon you rather than fulfilling the role for which you were designed to live.

As a leader, when you understand and embrace your strengths you will be in a better position to live out your destiny and add value to others. There are many benefits to playing to your strengths and this is the purpose of the lesson today.

In today’s leadership lesson on the Management Moment Radio Show, I will share four key principles to help you understand how playing to your strengths will benefit you as a leader and ultimately add value to those around you.

Tune in today at 2 p.m. ET to the show. Simply click on this link and tune in:

If you are unable to tune in live, simply click on the same link at time to listen to the show on demand! Thank you for tuning in and sharing the Management Moment Radio Show with a friend.

Momentum by Mistakes

Even a mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement. – Henry Ford

I came across some interesting statistics recently that underscored what could happen if 99% were good enough:

  • 12 newborns will be given the wrong parents daily
  • 2.5 million books will be shipped with wrong covers
  • 315 entries in Webster’s Dictionary will be misspelled.
  • 291 pacemaker operations will be performed incorrectly
  • 20,000 incorrect drug prescriptions will be written this year

This is just a sampling of the types of errors that would occur on a regular basis if 99% is good enough. But let’s be realistic, mistakes will be made in your business or organization and some of them will be made by you.

The question as a leader then is how to minimize them and most importantly what we can learn from them and how to keep from repeating them.

A story is told some years back of when Jim Burke as head of a new products division at Johnson & Johnson dealt with a particular mistake. One of Burke’s first projects was the development of a children’s chest rub. The product failed miserably, and Burke expected that he would be fired.

When he was called in to see the chairman of the board, however, he met a surprising reception. “Are you the one who just cost us all that money?” asked Robert Wood Johnson. “Well, I just want to congratulate you. If you are making mistakes, that means you are taking risks, and we won’t grow unless you take risks.” Some years later, when Burke himself became chairman of J& J, he continued that word.

While no one relishes in mistakes and each one is committed to excellence, a good leadership skill and practice is to allow a margin of grace for mistakes and the possibilities that it creates for future success. Consider this: you might be one giant mistake away from your greatest breakthrough you’ve been working toward. Don’t give up!


© 2012 Doug Dickerson

Follow Doug at

Doug’s new book, Great Leaders Wanted, is now available. Visit to order your copy today!


Restoring Confidence

Confidence is that feeling by which the mind embarks in great and honorable courses with a sure hope and trust in itself – Cicero

The American painter, John Sargent, once painted a panel of roses that was highly praised by critics. It was a small picture, but it approached perfection. Although offered a high price for it on many occasions, Sargent refused to sell it. He considered it his best work and was very proud of it. Whenever he was deeply discouraged and doubtful of his abilities as an artist, he would look at it and remind himself, “I painted that.” Then his confidence and ability would come back to him.

One of the great marks of leadership is the ability to instill confidence in others. Don’t be distracted by all the negativity that surrounds you. Be encouraged and place your faith in the fact that despite how things may look for you at the moment, better days are in your future.

Theodore Roosevelt said, “Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.” As you chase your dreams keep the faith. Your best days are yet to come!


© 2012 Doug Dickerson

Follow Doug at

Doug’s new book, Great Leaders Wanted! is now available. Visit to order your copy today!

It’s All About People

The more I get to know people, the more I like my dog – Frederick the Great

Are you focused on your people skills? How important is it to you? One of the most important leadership skills that you will ever develop is your people skills. Without it, you are at a distinct disadvantage.

In the 1950s, marketing whiz Stanley Arnold was working at Young & Rubicam, where he was asked to come up with a marketing campaign for Remington Rand. The company was among the most conservative in America. Its chairman at the time was retired General Douglas MacArthur. Intimidated at first by a company that was so much a part of America, Arnold also found in that phrase the first inspiration for a campaign. After thinking about it, he went to the New York offices of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Beane, and placed the ultimate odd-lot order:

“I want to purchase,” he told the broker, “one share of every single stock listed on the New York Stock Exchange.” After a vice president tried to talk him out of it, the order was finally placed. It came to more than $42,000 for one share in each of the 1098 companies listed on the Big Board at the time. Arnold now took his diversified portfolio into a meeting of Remington Rand’s board of directors, where he argued passionately for a sweepstakes campaign with the top prize called A Share in America. The conservative old gentlemen shifted around in their seats and discussed the idea for a while. “But Mr. Arnold,” said one, “we are not in the securities business.” Another said, “We are in the shaver business.”

“I agree that you are not in the securities business,” said Arnold, “but I think you also ought to realize that you are not in the shaver business either. You are in the people business.” The company bought the idea.

This example is a clear reminder that while there are many things that we consider important; we can’t lose sight of the most important thing—people! It’s as you develop, nurture, and grow your people that you begin to grow in the other areas that are important to you as well.

Wise leaders model good people skills. Are you a people-centered leader?


© 2012 Doug Dickerson

Follow Doug at

Doug’s new book, Great Leaders Wanted! is now available. Visit to order your copy today!

Making Your Workplace Great(er)


Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers – Stephen Covey

In Reader’ Digest a story is told of a factory worker who refused to sign up for group insurance. The problem was no policy could be issued until all employees signed up. Yet he held out stubbornly. The foreman begged him to sign; the shop foreman pleaded with him; the plant superintendent and general manager begged him to sign. Still he said no.

Finally, the owner of the factory took him aside and said, “Listen, if you don’t sign up, I’ll fire you.” The worker grabbed the paper and signed immediately. “Now,” asked the owner, “why didn’t you sign this thing before?” The man replied, “Because no one explained it as clearly as you did.”

That humorous story reminds us not only of the importance of good communication, but of the importance of a positive workplace environment. Recently in Washington, D.C., the 2012 Gallup Great Workplace Awards were presented. The annual awards recognize the top distinguished organizations based on the most rigorous workplace research ever conducted.

The award honors organizations whose employee engagements demonstrate they have the most productive and engaged workforces in the world. According to the story, the Gallup Great Workplace Winners span the globe and represent all facets of business from healthcare to hospitality, retail and manufacturing, banks and insurance.

From the list of the top 27 companies, here is the Top 10: ABC Supply Co., Inc., Adventist Health System, Alegent Health, Atlanta Hotels International, Bon Secours Health System, Central Retails Corporation ltd., Charles Schwab, Compassion International, Fairmont Raffles Hotels International, and Hawaii Pacific Health. It’s quite an impressive list.

Gallup’s Chief Scientist of workplace management and wellbeing James K. Harter said, “Worldwide, there are more than two actively disengaged employees for every engaged employee. The organizations we are honoring are ones that have worked hard to shatter and reverse what is typical and they average nine engaged employees for every actively disengaged employee.” What an eye-opening fact to be sure.

A Mercer survey last year of 30,000 workers worldwide found that between 28% and 56% of employees worldwide wanted to leave their jobs. In the U.S., 32% said they wanted to find new work. Conventional wisdom might suggest that given global economic concerns most employees would rather stick it out with a job rather than do without one. So how can employers bridge the gap between apparent or perceived dissatisfaction and foster a climate that makes their workplace a great place to succeed? Here are three ideas.

Engagement on all levels. As the Gallup awards indicated, the great workplaces are predominately filled with engaged employees. But what does that engagement look like? I believe it is characterized by strong morale, a collaborative work atmosphere, stellar communication, and respect for each individual’s talents and gifts.

Harter further noted, “Engaged employees are more productive, safer, more customer-centric, and more profitable. They are also 3-5 times more likely to be thriving in their overall lives, experience better days, and have fewer unhealthy days. In short, these winners are improving lives as they improve the overall performance of their companies.” That’s terrific.

Commitment to success. Organizations that thrive in today’s marketplace are characterized by those who have made it their mission to succeed. This takes shape when each individual in the organizational structure makes it their goal to deliver the highest quality possible. When this commitment is made on all levels then the sense of purpose and teamwork takes on a greater meaning.

Legendary football coach Lou Holtz said, “Once you learn how to work with people, you can accomplish anything. To do this, you must subvert your ego in the service of a higher cause. You must never forget that there is no “I” in the word team.” He’s right. Successful organizations are the product of success-minded people. Do you have the commitment of everyone on your team?

The extra -mile mentality. Engagement on all levels and a commitment to success are excellent starting places. But if there is not an “extra-mile” work ethic that captures the imagination of your team then you will be denied “great workplace” status. Going the extra mile may sound like a cliché but being average is not that appealing either.

What if everyone in your organization adapted an “extra-mile” philosophy? How would it change the culture and the success of your business? Wouldn’t you like to find out? As you embrace this mentality you position yourself for greatness.

Workplace greatness begins with you. Are you game?


© 2012 Doug Dickerson

Follow Doug at

Doug’s new book, Great Leaders Wanted! is now available. Visit to order your copy today!

The One Minute Encourager

If you think encouragement is not that significant or necessary; think again. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the number one reason people leave their job is because they do not feel appreciated. The Gallup organization reports that one poll found that 65% of Americans reported receiving no recognition for good work in the past year. How tragic. Almost seven out of ten people last year were not recognized, acknowledged or told how much they were valued or appreciated.

On today’s broadcast of the Management Moment Radio Show, I am talking about encouragement and its three primary benefits. I invite you to follow the link, and tune in today at 2 p.m. ET for the broadcast.

If you happen to miss the show live, you can follow the same link and listen to it later on demand. Have a great day!


© 2012 Doug Dickerson

Follow Doug at
Doug’s new book, Great Leaders Wanted! is now available. Visit to order your copy today!

Encouragement on the Road to Success

It is said that Thomas Edison performed 50,000 experiments before he succeeded in producing a storage battery. We might assume the famous inventor would have had some serious doubts along the way. But when asked if he ever became discouraged working so long without results, Edison replied, “Results? Why, I know 50,000 things that won’t work.”

I like Edison’s attitude. His determination in the face of obstacles and countless setbacks serves to remind us that we are one attempt away from success before we give up. Whatever the challenge you face today on your road to success, do not let your setbacks hold you back. Stay focused. Be determined. Don’t give up!

© 2012 Doug Dickerson

Follow Doug at

Doug’s new book, Great Leaders Wanted! is now available. Visit to order your copy today!

The 68 Percent and why They Matter

Recent research by European Leaders found that sixty eight percent of employees questioned did not understand their company’s vision. Which raises the question of why not? The report also revealed that only eighteen percent of respondents from the same survey viewed the company they worked for as a good organization.

John Maxwell said, “People who understand how important their part is are motivated to persevere and work with excellence, even in the face of obstacles and problems.” He’s right. And in today’s edition on the Management Moment Radio Show, I will be sharing three guiding thoughts about the vision of your organization and why you can’t lead without it.

Tune in today at 2 p.m. ET and listen to the program live. If you miss the show, it’s OK; you can listen later on demand. Either way, be sure to share the link with a friend and let them know about the show!

The Management Moment Radio Show on Blog Talk Radio can be listened to live by following this link:

Like to call in and be on the show? Call me at 347.843.4719. The 68 percent – they matter; and today you will find out why!


© 2012 Doug Dickerson

Follow Doug at

Doug’s new book, Great Leaders Wanted! is now available. Visit to order your copy today.

Filling the Leadership Void

So much of what we call management consists in making it difficult for people to work. – Peter Drucker

A story is told of a man flying in a hot air balloon who realizes he is lost. He reduces height and spots a man down below. He lowers the balloon and shouts, “Excuse me, can you tell me where I am?”

The man below says, “Yes, you are in a hot air balloon hovering about thirty feet from this field.”  “You must work in information technology,” says the balloonist. “I do,” replies the man, “How did you know?”

“Well,” says the balloonist, “everything you have told me is technically correct, but it is of no use to anyone.”

The man below says, “You must work in management.” “I do,” replies the balloonist, “but how did you know?”

“Well, says the man, “you don’t know where you are or where you are going, but you expect me to be able to help you. You are in the same position you were before we met, but now it’s my fault.”

That humorous story illustrates not just the difference between IT and management, but the stereotypes people have about management. Stephen Covey said, “Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out.” And while Covey’s definition is an applicable one, a recent study reveals that we’ve lost much ground as of late.

In a story by John Eccleston in Personnel Today, he cites research from The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development revealing there is a “reality gap” between how good managers think they are in their roles and how effective they actually are.

The research reveals that three-quarters of employees report a lack of leadership and management skills, and believe that too many managers have an inflated opinion of their management abilities.  The research highlighted contrasts between how managers said they manage their people and the views of their employees.

Six in 10 said they meet each person they manage at least twice a month to talk about their workload, meeting objectives and other work-related issues. However, just 24 percent of employees say they meet their managers with such frequency. In addition, more than 90 percent of managers said that they sometimes or always coach the people that they manage, but only 40 percent of employees agreed.

The glaring disparity between what managers believe they are doing verses what employee’s say they are is revealing. When asked about the disproportion, Ben Willmott, head of public policy at CIPD said, “Too many employees are promoted into people management roles because they have good technical skills, then receive inadequate training and have little idea how their behavior impacts others.” And he is right. So what steps can be taken to bridge the gap between the necessity of good management and strong leadership? Here are a few tips.

Focus on relationships. Whether you are in management in your office or in another form of leadership within your organization- relationships are critical. Relationships are the gateway to successful coaching, mentoring, and staff development.

The mechanics of office management are what they are and can be mundane, but good relationships are the key to team development. Get out from behind the desk and get to know your people.

Grow leaders. At the end of the day, it’s leadership that matters. Want to be a good manager? Grow as a leader. Want to be the best salesperson? Grow as a leader. The secret to your success and that of your organization is found in leadership development.

John Maxwell says, “Everything rises and falls on leadership” He’s right. The day you discover the secret of leadership is the day every other dimension of your organization begins to improve. How are you developing the leadership skills of your people?

Be intentional. Think of all of the required components of the operation of your organization. Careful thought and planning goes into goal setting, staffing and payroll, taxes, budgets, etc., but how much time and emphasis is placed on leadership development? John D. Rockefeller said, “Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior people.”

An average manager becomes superior when shown a better way; the same for average employees. In what ways are you being intentional in the development of your team?

By no means is this an exhaustive list of steps that can be taken, but it’s a start. We do know this, there is a gap between management skills and strong leadership and the gap between the two is taking a toll. It’s time to fill the leadership void.

© 2012 Doug Dickerson

Follow Doug at

Doug’s new book, Great Leaders Wanted! is now available. Visit to order your copy today.

Are You Solving the Wrong problem?

As a leader, many of the problems that your organization faces will come across your desk. While this is not uncommon, especially for a small business, what should not be uncommon is the way you address them. But unless you are tuned in to your people and their needs, what you perceive to be a problem may not be one at all.

On today’s Management Moment Radio program, I will guide you through the lesson entitled, Are You Solving the Wrong Problem? I will share three insights about problems that will help you gain a better perspective on how to approach problems and what you can learn from them.

I’d like to invite you to tune in to the show today at 2 p.m. ET. Simply follow this link to listen in

If you miss the show, that’s OK, simply use the same link to listen to the show on demand. I’d also appreciate you telling a friend and sharing the link. Would you like to call in during the show? Call 347.843.4719.


© 2012 Doug Dickerson

Follow Doug at

Doug’s new book, Great Leaders Wanted! is now available. Visit to order your copy today!