Putting Your Leadership in Perspective

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Perspective is everything when you are experiencing the challenges of life. – Joni Eareckson Tada 

Winston Churchill planned his funeral before he died. His wishes called for a bugler, positioned high in the dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral to play taps after the benediction. The taps were meant to represent that his physical life was over. But then came the most dramatic turn: as soon as the taps were finished, another bugler, placed on the other side of the great dome, played notes of reveille – it’s time to get up. It’s time to get up. It’s time to get up in the morning

That Churchill would choose both taps and reveille to be played at his funeral is a reminder to us about the importance of our perspective. So often we tend to dwell on only the negative. Perhaps Churchill chose Reveille to remind those who mourned that it was now their time to step up.

We’ve all been learning how to make adjustments during this pandemic. The old ways of doing things seem like a faded memory. Pivot seems to be the new buzzword as businesses acclimate to teleconferencing, zoom meetings, and social distancing.

As a leader during this time, it’s important that you take time to reflect on what all of these changes mean to you and how you navigate going forward. Here are a few perspectives to consider going forward.

What lessons from the past apply to the present?

You’ve heard the old adage, “the more things change, the more they stay the same”. And there’s an element of truth to that, I suppose. But more importantly, when the pandemic is over, what foundational principles of leadership will help you navigate your new paths? What truths and principles of leadership will always be true and stand the test of time and pandemic? These are the ones you will stand on. Click To Tweet

What practices of the past will be obsolete?

You’ve heard the expression “new normal” and that is what we are living in. While bedrock leadership principles will stand the test of time, not all practices will. In a new normal will come new ways of doing things. Click To TweetYour perspective as a leader will be measured by how you differentiate between the two. The path forward today may look nothing like it did six months ago. As a leader, you have to put it in perspective for your people.

Will your vision be recast or rebuilt?

As a leader, you must assess what your vision going forward looks like. For many, it will mean picking up where you left off by putting your hand to the plow and grinding it out. For others, it will need to be recast based upon new circumstances. Either way, it won’t look the same. You may be one of the many who’ve had to lay off employees or closed entirely and so now your journey begins anew. Be it recast or rebuilt, your perspective as a leader determines what the future is going to look like.

Will you lead with confidence or with fear?

In the end, your perspective as a leader matters like never before. It gives you clarity of mind in the midst of turmoil and gives your people a sense of much-needed hope and confidence. How you communicate as a leader is in part based upon your perspective. It’s during this time you need to engage in purposeful reflection and sound judgment.

Final Thoughts

Your perspective as a leader will be challenged in ways like never before during this time. Take time to reflect, pray, rest, and engage. Be careful to stay grounded and connected to the realities of what is happening while charting your new normal with hope and courage. 


©2020 Doug Dickerson

Why Sacrifice Matters to Your Leadership

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The most important decision about your goals is not what you’re willing to do to achieve them, but what you’re willing to give up”. – Dave Ramsey

It took less than ten seconds for Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt to cover the one hundred meter distance on the Olympic track and win the gold medal in London. Those few seconds cemented his status as the “fastest man alive” and placed him on the winner’s podium once again. 

But the race wasn’t won in those seconds- it was won by hours and hours of practice, workouts, weightlifting, special diet, and coaching. The race was not won in the performance but in the preparation. It is our desire for something greater that causes us to sacrifice some things, even for some good things, for the sake of things that are better.

Many who’ve achieved great successes in their respective fields be it as a musician, artist, doctor, nurse, writer, etc. have done so not as “overnight sensations” but as those with their nose to the grind. We see the byproduct of that hard work and discipline- the fame, notoriety, etc.,  we don’t see the blood, sweat, and tears that were shed for years to get to that point.

The same holds true for you as a leader. Your capacity as a leader is something that is developed over years, not days. Click To TweetThis happens in part simply because there are just things about leadership that you can’t learn in a book. It’s real-world experiences that makes the difference. 

On your leadership journey, there are sacrifices to be made – trade-offs if you will, that unless you are willing to make, will only limit your capacity as a leader. But if you are willing to make them, your future as a leader is bright. What do those sacrifices look like? Here are a few to consider.

The sacrifice of your ego for authenticity

If your desire is to become a leader worthy of following, you are going to have to sacrifice your ego for authenticity. People can care less about your ego or how great you think you are. People do care about authenticity – being real. So long as you think the world revolves around you then your capacity for leadership is limited to how far your over-inflated ego can take you. Click To Tweet

Leadership Tip – Drop the ego and pretense. The sooner you learn it’s not about you the better off you’ll be.

The sacrifice of your pride for humility

The vernacular of a prideful leader is saturated with a lot of  “I”, and “me” talk. It’s quite telling. If you have a genuine desire to be a leader, you must sacrifice your pride for humility. You need to learn the vocabulary of “we”, “let us”, and “how can I help you?”. Until you learn that the secret to being a good leader is found in the role of servant leadership you’ll go only as far as your pride will take you.

Leadership Tip – Expressions of servant leadership are found when you concede being in the spotlight by putting others in it.

The sacrifice of your rights for your responsibilities

We live in a day and time characterized by people demanding their rights. After all, you don’t see people marching and demanding their responsibilities. For you to grow and develop into the leader you’d like to one day become then you must set aside your rights and take up your responsibilities. Click To Tweet Until you understand this, you’ll only go as far as your power grabs will take you.  As the saying goes, to whom much is given, much is required.

Leadership Tip – Be willing to embrace your responsibilities as a leader. When you do, you will genuinely be a leader worth following.


Final Thoughts

All of us owe a debt of gratitude and thanks to all who have made and continue to make sacrifices on the front lines of the Coronavirus front. Our first responders, nurses, and doctors are doing God’s work no doubt. Just know that your sacrifices are noted and genuinely appreciated. We all thank you!


©2020 Doug Dickerson 


How Leaders Keep Calm in Crisis

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Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary destiny. – C.S. Lewis

We are living in unprecedented times. We are living during a moment of history that will be read about in the history books a hundred years from now. These are trying times for sure!

How we handle this crisis will be debated for years to come. As leaders, how we step up right now is as important as ever.

As a leader, you might be able to identify with Tom Welling who said, “I have so much chaos in my life, it’s become normal.” Can you relate?

Being a leader does not exempt you from chaos, stress, pressures, and such. If anything, it might add to it. 

But as a leader, your style and approach at such times are important. Others are looking to you to see how you react which in many ways determines how they will react.

Your leadership when times are tough will either cause people to lose hope and succumb to despair or it will instill hope and confidence. Click To Tweet In these times, your people need an example of the calming effect that your leadership can have. Here are four ways that happen.

Calm leaders see the big picture

Calm leaders are not rocked by every disruption that comes along. Short-sightedness tends to fuel the insecurities in people. A calm leader can exude confidence because they see the big picture and it’s with that understanding they can lead with a steady hand. 

Calm leaders understand timing

One of the hardest things to learn as a leader is timing. We are people of action. Waiting is not necessarily a finer quality. But calm leaders have an intuition for timing. They know when it’s time to wait and when it’s time to act. The calming effect of timing within your organization and with your people can make a world of difference. Calm leaders can help avert a multitude of troubles just by understanding how timing impacts every decision they make. Click To Tweet

Calm leaders challenge norms

Calm leaders tend to challenge norms and stretch others to grow in ways they are not often comfortable with. Call it what you will – human nature, gut reactions, etc., but many people react to things happening to them or around them in ways that only make matters worse. But a calm leader is processing. A calm leader brings peace to the storm, level-headed thinking, and challenges the norms that define the way things have always been done. 

Calm leaders bring stability

Calm leaders bring a level of maturity and stability that is often lacking during turbulent times. Calm leaders know that their actions, attitudes, reactions, and thinking go a long way in determining successful outcomes.

Calm leaders are not passive leaders, nor are they passionless. Calm leaders are simply those who know how to harness the power of their intuition, experience, maturity, and wisdom to be a more effective leader. Click To Tweet

Strive to be a leader who, when everything around them seems to be in chaos, brings a calming presence to the situation. We could surely use more calm leaders.

It was Robert Schuller who once said, “Know that tough times don’t last but tough people do.” And we are certainly in the midst of tough times. Be encouraged today and know that we will get through this together!

©2020 Doug Dickerson


*This post was adapted from Four Attitudes of Calm Leaders that was originally published to my blog in April 2019.

Are You Leading By Example?

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I don’t know any other way to lead but by example. – Don Shula 

When General George C. Marshall took command of the Infantry School at Fort Benning, Ga., he found the post in a generally run-down condition. Rather than issue orders for specific improvements, he simply got out his own paintbrushes, lawn equipment, etc., and went to work on his personal quarters.

The other officers and men, first on his block, and then throughout the post, did the same thing, and Ft. Benning was brightened up. 

Leadership by example is a timeless principle. Actions like this speak volumes and words are not necessary.  

While our current circumstances we find ourselves in today obviously do not mirror those found in the story, we need leadership by example as we’ve never needed it before.

To be sure, leading in a time of a worldwide pandemic is not something any of us have experience in. It’s all-new territory. 

But the foundational principles of leadership are applicable to any situation and is why it’s incumbent upon leaders the world over to step up and be the leader others are looking for.

What exactly does leadership in a global pandemic look like? When the people you lead look to you, what hope and assurances are you offering to them?

Recently, I was reading back through Leadershift by John Maxwell. In the book he makes this noteworthy observation: “What is happening around you determines whether you hold fast or move forward.” This is especially true today. 

Whether or not you move forward depends on how you act today. It’s why your leadership is so important to you and the people you lead. 

I believe in times like this that there are a few foundational leadership principles that you need to be standing on. Here are just a few worth noting.

Lead with focus and perspective

In uncertain times, we need leaders with a steady hand and proper perspective. We don’t need endless knee-jerk reactions to everything we see and hear. This only breeds more fear and stress. In uncertain times we need leaders who know how to weather the storm which allows others to gain much-needed confidence. Calm focus and perspective is a sign of stable leadership. Be an example of it.

Lead with the right attitude

Attitudes are contagious and the attitude of the leader tends to be the attitude throughout the organization. If you want to keep morale strong and hope alive, be a leader with a strong attitude. Click To TweetThe impact of your strong attitude will prepare you for the long haul. No one knows how long this pandemic will last but a strong attitude is essential to beat it. Be the leader who brings hope to your people. Begin with the right attitude.

Lead with empathy and compassion

Before this pandemic is over, most of us will be touched directly or indirectly by COVID-19. You will know people who have it – be it a family member, friend, colleague, and unfortunately, maybe even someone reading this. Your empathy and compassion as a leader are needed now more than ever. As a leader others are looking to, now is the time to step up and care for those in your care. Your leadership will be defined by the empathy you show and the compassion you mobilize. Click To TweetLet’s be all about bringing hope and healing to those around us.

Lead with the end in mind

When this pandemic is over, many people will be walking back into their places of business and familiar surroundings. But it will not be the same. Just as many have had to learn how to adjust to new ways of doing things while working remotely, new adjustments will be made upon the return. A wise leader doesn’t just think about the here and now, but also knows how to think long for the good of his people. Click To Tweet

Final Thoughts

In these uncertain times, people need the assurance of proven leadership. The people in your sphere of influence need you. Be the leader they can look to who is steady under pressure. Be an influencer of hope. Above all else, keep the faith. We will get through this together.


©2020 Doug Dickerson

7 Tips to Help You Teach Your Child at Home


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Guest Blog Post

On March 15, the lives of thousands of families turned upside down. Already experiencing fear of illness, parents were hired for a new job – teacher. A few weeks into this, you may still be struggling to figure out the how-tos of your new role. Perhaps you are feeling a bit overwhelmed.

I thought maybe as a teacher turned tutor, I could offer some tips to make school at home a little easier.  All of these ideas are adapted from the way we approach helping students and families find success.

S- START with a meeting- Many of your little kiddos have a morning meeting. They say the pledge, talk about the day and discuss their feelings before they ever get started. Rest assured they have lots of feelings right now! If you are still working just let it happen before school starts.

U- UTILIZE the experts- Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Stay in contact with your child’s teachers. Seek out a tutor. Check out some of the free offerings ( just a few,  it can become overwhelming) or ask a homeschool parent for advice.

C- CHUNKS– Do the hard stuff in small bites. If your kid hits a wall switch subjects, take a break and then come back to it.

C- CHOICE– Give the kids a choice of something they want to do. Remember a lot of learning (most actually) comes from discussion, exploration, and doing. We can’t go anywhere, but we can make the most of where we are. If you have more than one child let each one have a day to choose something to do – make a birdhouse, take a walk, play a game, or take a virtual field trip.

E – EXPECTATIONS – As mentioned earlier, kids thrive in routine. They also find success in expectations. Tell them what you expect to accomplish, guide them, and cheer them on as they reach their goals. 

S- SUPPORT – There is power in numbers. Some of you are missing your play dates, Mom & Me Classes, or conversations with your co-workers. Find a way to connect with those folks. Grab your coffee or glass of wine, and set up a chat and share a win from the day or share a loss, or just talk about everything but homeschooling and COVID-19 for a minute. 

S- SHAKE if off – If Monday was a bad day, shake it off. Tomorrow is a new day. Take it from a 30-year teacher, we have bad days too. Give yourself and your kids some grace and start again tomorrow. 


©2020 Alicia Dickerson

Alicia Dickerson, M.Ed, is a retired school teacher with more than 30 years of classroom experience. Alicia is the director of The Success Center- a tutoring center located in South Carolina specializing in one to one tutoring including an online option.

Here’s how to reach her:

Email: [email protected] 

On the web at https://thesuccesscenter.myschoolbooks.com/

Time to Count Your Blessings

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When we lose one blessing, another one is often most unexpectedly given in its place. – C.S. Lewis

The story is told of an old Navajo Indian who became rich when oil was found on his property. He took all the money and put it in a bank. His banker became familiar with the habits of this old gentleman. Every so often, the Indian would show up at the bank and say to the banker, “Grass all gone, sheep all sick, water holes all dry.”

Without a word, the banker would take the Indian into the vault, show him several bags of silver dollars, and say, “All this is your.” The old man would spend about an hour stacking up the dollars and counting them. Then he’d return the bags to their places, come out of the vault, and say, “Grass all green, sheep all well, water holed all full”. 

It’s amazing what a few weeks of living with the middle of a pandemic can do to change our perspective. Life as we used to know it has changed. New normals are in place. Activities that we used to take for granted are on hold, have been cut back, or canceled. Most schooling now takes place at home, and work is done remotely for many.

How are you holding up? How are you adjusting?

In times like this, we have a choice- grow bitter or grow better. We can give in, become despondent, or we can rise to the challenge of new opportunities that lie before us. Click To Tweet

It’s inspiring to see stories of children going out in the street in their neighborhoods in the morning reciting the Pledge of Allegiance before they begin school. How great it is to see the sidewalk chalk drawings or how about the bear hunts in the windows of homes in our neighborhoods. 

It seems as though everyone is doing all that they can to pull together and find a way to get through these tough times together. 

Yes, people are suffering, many have lost their jobs or have been furloughed. So let’s be realistic -we are in this for the long haul. And this is all the reason why we need to pull together.

How wonderful it would be if when this coronavirus pandemic has passed that some of our new normal activities would remain in place like caring for our neighbors, making sacrifices for our communities, and continuing with random acts of kindness just to make someone’s day.

We have known times of adversity before. And just as we have come through those difficult times in the past, we will come through this one. It’s who we are and it’s what we do. But before we complain too much about this new normal, how about taking time to count our blessings. Why not inventory the things you can be thankful for that transcend time or pandemic -- faith, family, friends, etc., I believe when we take time to count our blessings will see our world in a whole new way. Click To Tweet

It’s as we count our blessings and change our perspective that we are able to appreciate what truly matters.


©2020 Doug Dickerson

Harnessing the Power of Common Ground

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No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it. – H. E. Luccock

I read a story about a family in New York who intended to raise cattle, so they bought a ranch out West. When their friends visited and inquired about the ranch’s name, the would-be rancher replied, “I wanted to name it the Bar-J. My wife favored Suzy-Q. One of the sons wanted the Flying-J while the other liked the Lazy-Y. So we’re calling it the Bar-J-SuzyQ-Flying-W-Lazy Y.

“But where are all your cattle?” the friends asked. The would-be rancher replied, “None survived the branding.”

While the story does have a humorous component to it, the sad reality is that this scenario plays out on a regular basis all the time. It doesn’t happen on a ranch. It happens in businesses and organizations where its people have failed to find common ground. 

In his book, The Leader’s Greatest Return, leadership expert John Maxwell states, “You need to find common ground with potential leaders, which is less about ability and more a function of attitude.” He’s right. 

But why is common ground so hard to find and maintain? Here are a few reasons that quickly come to mind.

  • Individual agendas  – We want it done our way and we are not willing to bend
  • Unchecked ego’s – We think it’s all about us 
  • We have unhealthy relationships – We view each other as competitors rather than colleagues. Internally there’s an us vs. them mindset that’s killing the culture.

Finding common ground is but a beginning to building deeper and healthier relationships within your organization. It’s where trust, loyalty, and respect are established. With it, the sky’s the limit. Without it,  you’ll always be scratching your head trying to figure out why you’re stuck and not making progress. 

So how do you find common ground? It’s not as complicated as you might think. Here are a few suggestions.

Ask more, talk less (this is where the buy-in happens)

One way to harness the power of common ground is to ask questions. Seek out feedback from all sectors of your organization. The more you ask, the more you will know. That much is a given.

But by asking questions you are also inviting more buy-in and participation from your people. Finding common ground is a discovery that begins simply by talking less and asking more. 

Seek first to understand (then be understood)

The difference between a smart leader and a not-so-smart leader is that the smart one wants to understand others before being understood. Click To Tweet As a leader, when you invest the time to get to know your people – what makes them tick, understand on a deeper level what they do, how they do it, and why – then it opens up a whole new level of understanding for you as a leader.

Also in this is your ability to understand their needs on a more personal level. It’s not just about knowing their requests or their frustrations, but why it matters and is so important to them. When you seek to understand, you are laying a strong foundation of common ground.

Prepare the path (to a brighter future)

It’s not an uncommon desire on the part of a lot of people to want the path cleared for them. But when you prepare your people for the path then they can tackle any obstacle that arises on it. This is done when you and your team have found common ground.

When your people, at every level, are empowered, trusted, given the ability to make decisions in real-time, it’s a game-changer. Click To TweetThis can only happen and be successful when you’ve dealt with individual agendas, unchecked ego’s, and have built healthy relationships. It’s a must if you want your team to share common ground. 

Final Thoughts

Harnessing the power of common ground can transform your organization when you approach it with a humble attitude and right mindset. Your people will learn the value of being on a team with a purpose. As a leader, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn that it’s not about you. 

Common ground is a game-changer. Find it. Protect it. Live it.


©2020 Doug Dickerson


The New Normal: The Impact of COVID-19 in Your Daily Leadership

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What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you. – Ralph Waldo Emerson

For the foreseeable future, we are now living in a new normal. The COVID-19 (Coronavirus) has the world on edge as the virus spreads and death tolls climb. Be it directly or indirectly, everyone has been impacted by it.

Your leadership in this new normal is important. Whether your occupational field is in healthcare, government, retail, financial services, education, religious, corporate, etc. the signals you send as a leader make a difference.

I’m reminded of Churchill’s leadership during World War II. England needed to increase its production of coal. Winston Churchill called together labor leaders to enlist their support. At the end of his presentation, he asked them to picture in their minds a parade that he knew would be held in Piccadilly Circus after the war.

First, he said, would come the sailors who had kept the vital sea lanes open. Then would come the soldiers who had come home from Dunkirk and then gone on to defeat Rommel in Africa. Then would come the pilots who had driven the Luftwaffe from the sky.

Last of all, he said, would come a long line of sweat-stained, soot-streaked men in miner’s caps. Someone would cry from the crowd, ‘And where were you during the critical days of our struggle?’ And from ten thousand throats would come the answer, ‘We were deep in the earth with our faces to the coal.'”

Just as Churchill had to rally the people around a common cause, so too is COVID-19 a challenge all of us face. It’s no respecter of persons. We are all in this together as it were -with our faces to the coal.

What’s needed to lead in the new normal? Here’s a start.

Lead in the new normal with a steady hand

In this new normal, we need leaders with a steady hand. We need leaders with eyes wide open and clear thinking. We need leaders in the new normal who exude confidence and calm. 

Leadership Tip: In this new normal you people want steady leadership.

Lead in the new normal with courage

A new normal like ours will require courage to not just lead with a steady hand but speak the truth with authority. It will require courage, boldness, and at times, restraint. Courageous leadership in times of adversity will calm fears and inspire hope. Click To Tweet

Leadership Tip: In this new normal, your people are looking for courageous leadership.

Lead in the new normal with facts

As we see so often in times like this, there’s information overload that’s accessible 24/7. Justifiably so, people want information. As you lead in this new normal, be responsible and communicate with your people factually. When people look to your leadership in these times, be the voice of reason and facts.

Leadership Tip: In this new normal, your people want facts more than hype.

Lead in the new normal with patience

It’s been said that in times of adversity, leaders aren’t made, they are revealed. Your past experiences, both good and bad, have prepared you for moments like this. It’s time for you to step up in your leadership. But in doing so, exercise patience and understanding with those around you. People may be traveling the same road as you, but they may not have all been on it for as long. Let others both learn from and be reassured by your leadership and experience. Click To Tweet

Leadership Tip: In this new normal your people need your patience as you navigate through uncertain times.

Lead in the new normal with compassion

Now more than ever, we need leaders who will step up and model compassion. So many people have been impacted by COVID-19 and many are in a bad place. Leverage your leadership to rally around those in need. This can be our finest hour if we step up with compassionate hearts. Click To Tweet

Leadership Tip: In this new normal, your people need to see compassion in action. We must look out for one another.

Final Thoughts

Even though we are living in a new normal in uncertain times, I believe we will come through it strong. Your leadership in this new normal is essential. When it’s all over, let it be said that you rose to the occasion and led with clarity and confidence. This is your finest hour.


©2020 Doug Dickerson 

Moving From Buy-In to Engagement: Why Buy-In May Not Be Enough

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 None of us is as smart as all of us. – Ken Blanchard

In his book, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, John Maxwell devotes a chapter to Law 14 – The Law of Buy-In. In it he states, “People don’t at first follow worthy causes. They follow worthy leaders who promote worthwhile causes. People buy into the leader first, then the leader’s vision.” This statement is profoundly true, simple, and complicated all at the same time.

Many leaders and many more organizations work diligently on buy-in. We aren’t knocking it, we understand that without it, you’re dead in the water. But making the transition from buy-in to engagement can be difficult.

Here’s what we know. The latest 2019 Employee Engagement Report from TINYpulse found that employee loyalty is decreasing. 43% of workers would be willing to leave their companies for a 10% salary increase. A staggering 44% of employees don’t feel they have sufficient opportunities for professional growth in their current position. Less than one-third of people believe they have a strong culture.

We can’t say enough about the importance of buy-in. It means so much for so many reasons. But without active engagement, everything else is in jeopardy. With this in mind, we have identified four essentials that we believe are necessary for engagement. 


The hardest task for you as a leader is to get the buy-in. Selling the ‘why’ to a prospective team member or client puts your vision to the test every time. And, the truth be told, before they buy into the vision, they buy into you as a leader. Oftentimes the crisis of buy-in is not about the organization or product, it’s the leadership. 

Everyone is searching for meaning and purpose. People thrive when they feel their work is meaningful. This meaning is not found in the work itself, it is found in connecting their work to a purpose larger than themselves. Your ‘why’, as a leader, provides purpose and direction that gives those who follow you something to believe in. It appeals to others on an emotional level and makes work feel less like work and more like a purpose. People will be more engaged when they buy into your leadership and are excited about the work they are doing. Click To Tweet


Once buy-in has been achieved, now the real work begins. How do you harness the momentum that buy-in gives you and turn it into action steps that advance you? We believe communication is essential and that it should take place on a regular basis.

American psychologist, Rollo May, believed that “Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy, and mutual valuing.” This sense of community fosters an environment where others feel safe to collaborate, cooperate, and compromise. Effective leaders use conversations to build connections, convey information, share stories and thoughts, and to encourage questions. Click To Tweet These connections form trusting relationships that earn a commitment from others. The safety and inclusion of the relationships built on open communication enhance engagement.


We believe that engagement is the life-blood of your organization. With that in mind, it must not only be communicated regularly, but it must also be given priority. With this in mind, ownership must be taken at all levels and coaching is critical to how it’s done.

Successful leaders play the role of coach and supporter with an emphasis on helping others succeed. They invest their time and resources into building others up. We are drawn to those who want the best for us and will use their strengths to help us achieve our goals. Your employees are more likely to become fully engaged when they know that you will always be there to offer support and catch them if they fall.


Engagement is not hard to measure, but we believe you must keep your finger on the pulse of your organization at all times. The time to find out about issues that impact your people and their performance is not at the end of the year; by then it’s too late. Click To Tweet

Accountability boils down to taking ownership of one’s own thoughts, words, actions, and reactions. One of the greatest keys to accountability is the level of control people feel they possess over their work. When employees are in control of the “what, when, and how” of a decision or action, their ownership and accountability skyrockets. As a result of taking ownership of their work, people will become more engaged.

At the end of the day, worthy leaders are the ones who effectively lay out their vision and get others to buy into that vision. Successful leaders are able to encourage others to move beyond buy-in to becoming fully engaged in their work. Engaged employees have a sense of purpose and know that they are making a difference. They feel safe and included because of open and ongoing communication. They feel supported by a leader who serves as a coach. And, they feel a sense of ownership and accountability for their work.

Final Thoughts

Lay a strong foundational culture for your employees by deliberately sharing a meaningful purpose, building relationships through open communication, serving as a supportive coach, and giving them control and accountability for their work. This foundation will move you from buy-in to engagement. And, active engagement is the key to success.

©2020 Doug Dickerson and Liz Stincelli

To learn more about Liz Stincelli visit her website at https://www.stincelliadvisors.com/

Why Encouragement Matters in Leadership

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If you are a leader, you should never forget that everyone needs encouragement. – John Maxwell

As a young boy, he worked in a factory but had an intense desire to be a singer. When he turned ten years old, he took his first voice lesson which procured a less than encouraging remark from his teacher, “You can’t sing. You haven’t any voice at all. Your voice sounds like a wind in the shutters.”

His mother, however, believed that he could learn to sing. She was very poor, but she hugged and said, “My boy, I’m going to make every sacrifice to pay for your voice lessons.” 

Her encouragement and sacrifice for her son proved to be invaluable. He became known as one of the world’s greatest singers. His name is Enrico Caruso. 

I’m always inspired by stories like this. To think that the turning point for a world-renowned singer was the encouragement from one person who believed in him when others passed him over.

Think about your own story. Who was it that inspired and challenged you to be your best and pushed you to go further than you thought possible? 

I’m thankful for teachers who helped me reclaim the confidence I need to succeed in school due to my struggle with dyslexia. Without their understanding and their encouragement to me to push through and overcome my learning challenges, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

Encouragement is the secret sauce for all successful leaders. And all leaders who want to add value to those around them but are not quite sure where to start - well, this is it. Click To Tweet There are many benefits to encouraging those around you, but here are three that stand out.

Encouragement pays immediate dividends

In any given moment, a word of encouragement is the boost a friend or colleague needs. Without your knowledge, encouragement can be a game-changer for someone who may have felt like giving up and throwing in the towel. 

Never underestimate the power of encouragement at the moment in which it was given. It may not seem like all that much to you at the time, but it could make all the difference in the world to the one who just received it.

Encouragement creates margins

Have you ever had those times when you just felt stuck? You were in that funk and it was like your head was in a cloud. I know I have. Many times. When I look back, I can see where it was a word of encouragement snapped me out of it. It caused me to look at my circumstances from a different perspective and try another way.

Encouragement is not meant to be an isolated emotional boost of support. Encouragement stirs you to look at your circumstances differently and find new paths to better solutions. Click To TweetYour word of encouragement may be all it takes for someone else to find new margins they need.

Encouragement creates a boomerang effect

There’s an old saying, “What goes around, come around,” and that is especially true with encouragement. Every leader worth his or her salt is an encouragement to those around them. It’s in a leader’s DNA. 

While it’s never about what you get in return, every word of encouragement you give as a leader has a boomerang effect and comes back around in positive ways in your own life. Be generous with encouragement. People around you need it now more than ever. Click To Tweet

Final Thoughts

By our words and actions, we are either building or destroying. As a leader, let me admonish you to see the best in others, believe the best in others, and speak words of encouragement to those around you. When you do, everyone benefits.


©2020 Doug Dickerson