Talk It Up: Three Conversations That Can Strengthen Your Company Culture


Making good decisions is a crucial skill at every level – Peter Drucker 

Writing for Talent Management and HR (, John Hollon cites a survey concerning the state of employee engagement. Among his finding that employers need to pay attention to include: More than 54 percent of employees have felt frustrated about work; only 38 percent of workers strongly agree that their manager has established a strong working relationship with them; some forty percent say they don’t get their company’s vision, or worse yet, have never seen it; nearly 67 percent of American workers can name at least one thing that would prevent them from taking any kind of risk at work.

With survey results like the one mentioned above- coupled with all the talk about company culture- it’s safe to say that there is a disconnect between what we want and what we actually have. But does it have to be this way? What steps can be taken to turn it around?

All of the answers and possible solutions will not be covered in this space. But hopefully it will serve as a catalyst for an honest assessment and how to move forward in your own organization. I think it begins with priorities in what we communicate. Here are three ways to make a difference.

Talk up your values

Your organization is only as strong as the values you subscribe to and in the way you practice them. Building a workplace culture on clearly articulated values reinforces your purpose and gives a sense of meaning and buy-in on the part of your people.

In the book, Full Steam Ahead, Ken Blanchard and Jesse Lyn Stoner write, “Values provide broad guidelines on how you should proceed as you pursue your purpose and picture of the future. They need to be clearly described so you know exactly the behaviors that demonstrate that the value is being lived. They need to be consistently acted on, or they are only “good intentions”.”

If your values are not clear, regularly communicated and subscribed to, then your organizational culture is adrift. Talk up your values and keep them before your people. When your people know where they are going- and why- they will show up not out of duty but for a compelling purpose.

Talk up your purpose

Your purpose is your “why”. It’s your heartbeat as a leader. Knowing your “why” gives life and work meaning and direction. The same principle is applicable to your company culture. When your people know the “why” of the organization then they can understand the importance of the role they play in advancing it.

In his book, It’s Not About the Coffee, former Starbucks International President Howard Behar writes, “At Starbucks, I’ve always said we’re not in the coffee business serving people, we’re in the people business serving coffee.” And this is at the heart of knowing your “why” and why that is so important. Do you know the answer to your “why”?

Your people will never rally around and devote themselves to an organization that doesn’t know its “why” and how it relates them and to their future. If you want to build your culture start by talking up your purpose. If you don’t know your “why” then neither do your people.

Talk up your vision

When some forty percent of workers don’t know their company’s vision or have never seen it then it’s time to get real about company culture. So let’s take a moment and get real: As an employee, do you know what your company’s values are? As an employer, when was the last time you communicated your values?

When your organizational values and purposes are clear in the hearts and minds of your people then they will naturally gravitate to your vision for the future. When team members buy-in to the leadership, and understand the “why”, then they will begin to look at their role in a different way.

Talking up values is not a one-time proposition or something to tuck away in a discarded employee manual. As Blanchard and Stoner state, “Visioning is an ongoing process; you need to keep it talking about it.”

The challenges of building a healthy company culture are real and ever-evolving. It takes a leader with insight, a teachable attitude, and a willingness to improve on all levels to make it work. By talking up your values, your purpose, and your vision, you can instill in your people a greater understanding of where they are, why they are there, and where they are going.

Talk it up!


© 2016 Doug Dickerson




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25 Leadership Quotes to Live and Lead By


I’ve been a student of leadership for more than 30 years. I’ve written four books on leadership. It’s my passion and it runs deep.

This week I’d like to share some of my favorite leadership quotes with you. Narrowing it down to just 25 was a challenge because there are so many good ones. In no particular order here they are- enjoy.

“The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.” —Max DePree                                                                               Serving others is the cardinal point of leadership.

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, concerned citizens can change world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.” —Margaret Mead                                              Leaders can accomplish a lot more with a team than they can by themselves.

“Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily; even if you had no title or position.” —Brian Tracy

True leaders understand that it’s not about titles.

“A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.” —Max Lucado

As a leader you have to be willing to stand alone.

“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” —John Quincy Adams

Your actions should always inspire and bring out the best in others.

“Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy.” —Norman Schwarzkopf

Character is the most important quality in leadership.

“The greatest leaders mobilize others by coalescing people around a shared vision.” —Ken Blanchard

When leaders put forth a compelling vision people will follow.

“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” -Peter Drucker

Management is easy; leadership is hard. Be a leader.

“Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.” -John F. Kennedy

Leaders never stop learning, growing, and developing.

“Good leadership consists of showing average people how to do the work of superior people.” -John D. Rockefeller

Leaders inspire others to do great things.

“Leadership is unlocking people’s potential to become better.” -Bill Bradley

Leaders inspire others to be better people.

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” -Warren Bennis

A leader will help others connect the dots and see where they are going.

“Talent is God given. Be humble. Fame is man-given. Be grateful. Conceit is self-given. Be careful.” – John Wooden

The mark of a good leader is humility and in recognizing where all gifts come from.

“The leader is the one who climbs the tallest tree, surveys the entire situation, and yells, “Wrong jungle!”” – Stephen R. Covey

Leaders are not afraid to admit their mistakes. Keep charging!

“I learned that if you aren’t willing to put yourself in “this is crazy” situations, you’ll never experience “this is awesome” moments.” – Mark Batterson

Leaders are willing to take risks to achieve their goals and dreams.

“The race to be a leader is crowded, but the field is wide open for those willing to be servants.” – Rick Warren

Servant leadership is the essence of true leadership.

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go, they merely determine where you start.” – Nido Qubein

Never underestimate your God-given talents and abilities.

“You’re the same today as you’ll be in five years except for two things: the people you meet and the books you read.” – Charlie “Tremendous” Jones

Broaden your circle and never stop growing.

“A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination.” – Nelson Mandela

It’s not always about what you know – it’s how you apply it and how you treat people.

“Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don’t interfere as long as the policy you’ve decided upon is being carried out.” – Ronald Reagan

A smart leader will empower his or her people and get out of the way.

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” – C.S. Lewis

What goal and dream are you pursuing?

“Don’t let the voice of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice.” – Steve Jobs

There is a lot of chatter out there. Be true to yourself and trust your instincts.

“Effective leaders know that you first have to touch people’s hearts before you ask them for a hand” – John Maxwell

Always connect with the heart first.

“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” – Zig Ziglar

Your attitude will make you or break you. Choose it wisely.

“As a leader sometimes you will have to defy the critics and ignore the experts and just do what’s in your heart.” –Doug Dickerson (Just for good measure)

What’s in your heart?


© 2016 Doug Dickerson


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How Hidden Agendas Impact Organizational Success


In reality, there are very few villains who view themselves as villains. They just have a certain agenda at a certain time.” —Michael Jai White

Hidden agendas make it impossible to unite your team and achieve shared success. They destroy trust and eliminate any hope for transparency. When hidden agendas are in play in your organization, your team is divided and it is every man for himself. When leaders and employees have their own agenda, they are looking out for their own best interest and not the interest of the whole. Here’s how.

Hidden agendas reveal motives

When you, as a leader, have a hidden agenda employees will begin to perceive you as devious. They will start to question your motives, words, and actions. Soon you lose their trust. Without trust, you lose your ability to influence others.

Hidden agendas are self-serving

When employees operate based on hidden agendas, they are working toward their own goals and what will benefit them the most. In order for an organization to be successful, every participant must be working toward the same goal.

Hidden agendas jeopardize morale

Hidden agendas are perhaps the single greatest morale buster within your organization. They conceal true motives and are in many ways deceiving. Once exposed it can leave your team feeling demoralized and betrayed. When morale has been compromised your effectiveness will suffer.

Hidden agendas endanger your company’s future

We can’t state it emphatically enough – hidden agendas on many fronts are a threat that reaches beyond the scope of your internal structure. Unfortunately, identifying hidden agendas can be difficult. Addressing them in time can be a real challenge for you as a leader. Here are a few questions that can help shed some light on hidden agendas and help you as a leader before it is too late.

Are we driven by our values or by our profits?

When you and your people are driven by values rather than by profits then hidden agendas become less important. When the driving force behind your organization is to put people over profits, honesty above cutting corners, and integrity over deception then the profits will follow.

Does our communication foster accountability and growth?

Open communication is the life-blood of a sound organizational structure. But it must go beyond that by holding people accountable for what they say and do. When the lines of communication are flowing and everyone’s voice is being heard then hidden agendas are more readily identified and confronted.

Are we building strong relationships within our teams?

We accomplish nothing alone. We need the collaboration and participation of every member of the team. In order to be successful, we must build strong relationships within our teams. And, relationships are based on trust; there can be no trust when hidden agendas are in play.

Are we working toward shared goals?

If we are not working together toward shared goals, each member of your team will be working toward their own goals. This is where hidden agendas take form. Each team member focuses their energies on doing and getting whatever they need to be successful regardless of how it will affect the success of the team as a whole.

None of us set out to intentionally undermine the success of our organization but, this is exactly what happens when hidden agendas are at work. Our motives become questionable. Our actions become self-serving. We jeopardize morale. And, we end up endangering the future of our company.

Our objective here is to not only raise awareness to the pitfalls of hidden agendas but to show a better way. The strength of your organization is found in its people working together toward shared goals and values. When hidden agendas are put to rest then the team can move forward together.


© 2016 Doug Dickerson and Elizabeth Stincelli



Elizabeth Stincelli is passionate about recognizing and inspiring the leader in each of us. She is the CEO of Stincelli Advisors where she focuses on helping organizations engage employees and improve organizational culture. Elizabeth holds a Doctor of Management degree with an emphasis on organizational leadership.

Learn more about Elizabeth by visiting her website, and connect with her on Twitter @infinitestin, Google+, and LinkedIn. You can contact her by email at [email protected].



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On The Brink and Out the Door: How Employers Can Build a Culture that Matters



People don’t quit companies, they quit lousy bosses. – Jimmy Collins

I was in the car not long ago listening to an episode of the Dave Ramsey Show ( when a caller was describing to Dave how her husband was ready to quit his six-figure income because of a toxic work environment that had pushed him to the brink.

I couldn’t help but wonder how a person in such a financially secure position could walk away from it due to deplorable working conditions. Unfortunately, it’s a wide spread  problem for far too many people.

A Benefits Pro article ( reveals some of the top reasons why many in the workplace are ready to bolt. Among the top reasons are: Low pay, awful commute, unreasonable workload, annoying co-workers, poor work/life balance, lack of opportunity for advancement, the boss, and layoff/firing fear, to name a few.

If you were to give yourself an honest assessment of your present circumstance would you find yourself in the position like the lady talking to Ramsey or perhaps a person described in the article above who for whatever the reason were ready to quit?

Perhaps you are an employer who is trying to make sense of poor morale and attitudes that reflect a disengagement that troubles you. Here are some steps you can take to begin to close the gap and build a culture that matters.

Look in the mirror

Building the kind of company workers would never dream of leaving begins by being the kind of leader everyone wants to follow. If workers are ready to walk out the door making six figures it likely has less to do with the company and more to do with the leader. Never stop growing and learning as a leader and before you try to grow others, grow yourself.

Get connected

It was John Maxwell who said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” Unless you get this right, your organization will be a revolving door of talent who can and will go elsewhere. Building your company begins by building relationships. When your people mean more to you than your profits you will never have to worry about people walking out the door.

Build bridges

Building a culture of trust and openness begins when you connect your people to one another. While job descriptions and responsibilities may vary it is important that each person see the value of his or her role. Job titles and duties may vary but everyone brings talent and skills needed for success. Building a culture that matters begins when you bring people together, not when you keep them apart.

Embrace change

Building a culture that matters can only happen in an environment where change is allowed. The way things were done twenty years ago may have served you well at the time but how is it working now? Employee engagement is essential to your success and creative options exist today on levels that were not present a decade or two ago. Many an organization have lost their competitive edge simply because they were not ahead the curve as it relates to change. Don’t let your inability to change be the reason your best and brightest flee.

Be willing to prune

The truth is, some people are never happy unless they are unhappy. They are chronic complainers and whiners. They have bad attitudes and are the laggards on every decision to move forward. For them the glass is always half empty and they are always finding fault along with sowing seeds of strife. The old saying goes, “What you tolerate, you promote.”  In order to build a culture that matters in which everyone can thrive and reach their potential you must accept the reality that not everyone can or should take the journey with you. Let them go.

Give ownership

When your people are empowered they will seldom disappoint. It’s an age old principle that has been proven time and time again. When people have ownership and the power to make decisions at the closest level to the problem they will succeed. Sometimes the best thing you can do as a leader is to get out of the way. When there is a shared ownership of the mission and vision then everyone has a stake in the outcome. The key for you as a leader is to welcome your people into the process, not shut them out.

These are but a few practical steps that if implemented can start a process of closing your revolving door and building the kind of culture that you and your people can take pride in. Are you ready to get started?


© 2016 Doug Dickerson






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Life, Work, and Discovering Your ‘Why’: Finding Balance in an Unstable World


In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. – Abraham Lincoln

Architect Frank Lloyd Wright once told of an incident that may have seemed insignificant at the time, but had a profound influence on the rest of his life. The winter he was 9, he went walking across a snow-covered field with his reserved, no-nonsense uncle. As the two of them reached the far end of the field, his uncle stopped him. He pointed out his own tracks in the snow, straight and true as an arrow’s flight, and then young Frank’s tracks meandering all over the field.

“Notice how your tracks wander aimlessly from the fence to the cattle to the woods and back again,” his uncle said. “And see how my tracks aim directly to my goal. There is an important lesson in that.”

Years later the world-famous architect liked to tell how this experience had greatly contributed to his philosophy in life.  “I determined right then,” he’d say with a twinkle in his eye, “not to miss most things in life, as my uncle had.”

Many people often miss the most important things in life because they fail at this essential skill as a leader- work/life balance. It’s a struggle for many leaders. Could it be yours?

In research conducted by EY ( it was reported that, “33% of full-time employees globally say it has gotten more difficult to manage work/family in the last five years. The most common reasons cited 49% “my salary has not increased much, but my expenses have” and 48% “my responsibilities at work have increased.” Sound familiar?

Having a good work/life balance is essential to your success. As a leader you are not immune from the challenge. In fact, it may be more problematic for you. So what is the solution? Here are a few tips to help you recapture some of that much needed balance.

Begin with your priorities

Almost every article I read on work/life balance begins with work. It goes without saying that work is important. But how would things be different for you if you looked at it from the viewpoint of a life/work balance? If the priorities of your life are not in order then how can work? Get life’s priorities in order first then you can take care of the rest.

Discover your ‘why’

I’m a firm believer that you should do what you love and love what you do. When you do, it’s not work but your passion. Understanding your ‘why’ is essential to you as a leader. John Maxwell framed it this way, “People who know their why can keep their heads while everything around them is in turmoil. And that draws others to them.” Life and work makes sense when you know why you are here.

Get flexible with schedules

Fortunately, many companies are seeing the benefit of flexible work schedules which allows for greater productivity, greater teamwork, and happier employees, etc. ( Creating a work/life balance does not have to be an either/or proposition where one is good and the other is not. Smart leaders can create a culture where both can thrive.

Define your borders

As a leader many things compete for your time and attention. If not careful you can get caught up in solving problems that are not yours to solve, involved in details that easily can be handled by someone else, and otherwise distracted from having the work/life balance you desire. This is an area in which you will need to stand firm. Define your borders and stick to it.

Get real about relationships

People are your greatest appreciable asset. Building strong relationships is the key to your growth as a leader and to the success of your organization. But surrounding yourself with the right people is more important than surrounding yourself with a lot of people. So here are some questions you need to answer: Are those closest to you adding value or subtracting? Do those closest to you share your vision and values and see the big picture or are they in it for themselves? Relationships are key to your work/life balance. If you are surrounded by the wrong people then it’s time to prune.

Lighten up

Ella Wheeler said, “Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone”. Creating a good work/life balance can be just one laugh away. It’s important to take your work seriously, but not yourself. Laugh. Lighten up. Learn to take things in stride. Don’t be wound up so tight that you can’t enjoy a light moment now and then.

Your work/life balance begins with these simple steps. Are you ready for some balance in your life?


© 2016 Doug Dickerson

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Transformational Leadership Webinar


On Thursday, January 28th at 7 p.m. EST, I am teaming up with my good friend and prolific leadership author John Patrick Hickey as we present the Transformational Leadership Webinar.

We will share our insights on transformational leadership and how you can take your leadership to the next level.

Space is limited so be sure to reserve your spot today. At only $15 this is an investment in your leadership you will not want to miss.

To reserve your spot go to and register today!

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Relationships: The Fuel of Your Company Culture


The purpose of life is not to be happy, it is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. – Emerson

Some time ago I came across this story of 76- year old Bill Baker. If you think your family has problems, consider the mayhem created when he wed Edna Harvey. She happened to be his granddaughter’s husband’s mother. That’s where the confusion began, according to Baker’s granddaughter, Lynn.

Lynn said, “My mother-in-law is now my step-grandmother. My grandfather is now my stepfather-in-law. My mom is my sister-in-law and my brother is my nephew. But even crazier is that I’m now married to my uncle and my own children are my cousins.”

From this experience, Lynn should gain profound insight into the theory of relativity.

We’d all agree that relationships can be tricky. We bring to any workplace culture our own unique personality, quirks, beliefs, and qualities. Blending those characteristics into a cooperative environment can be a challenge.

The truth is, we live and work in the context of relationships and as leaders we are not exempt. Are you being intentional about the value of relationships and doing what you can to foster good ones? Passive participation will produce nominal results at best.

Building a strong organizational culture begins with building solid relationships – it’s that simple. But it’s also that hard. So what is a leader to do? Here are four steps to building better relationships.

Take the initiative

This is one of the fundamental characteristics of a strong leader. As such, you do not wait to take the first steps in the right direction. Take responsibility and act as if developing good relationships depends on you- because it does.

You build good relationships as a leader by being proactive. For some leaders this may be a big step out of your comfort zone but the more you do it the more at ease you will become. Show your people that relationships matter by making it personal.

Find common ground

Good relationship are essential to your company culture. Mesh all of the personalities and differences together and you have the potential for something truly unique and special—if you do it right.

So long as we allow our differences to divide us we will have problems. A strong leader will find common ground, find points of common interests and goals, and build off of it. Our objective is not to create molds of ourselves – to mold everyone into our way of thinking, believing, and way of doing things. It’s to embrace our differences, build off of our uniqueness, and elevate everyone because of it. Find common ground and build from there.

Welcome everyone

Building relationships in your company environment happens as everyone is welcomed in. The responsibility rests with you as the leader to create an atmosphere in which everyone is made to feel welcome and no one is shut out. To foster anything less is to play favorites and create division.

When diversity of relationships are seen through the lens of value that each person in your organization possesses then everyone feels like they belong. Your life as a leader is much richer and rewarding when you experience the full range and scope of a diversity of relationships. Do yourself a favor- broaden your circle and welcome everyone.

Look outside yourself

The final thought is this – the strength of your relationships and the power of the company culture you build is realized not when you attain it but in how you use it. It’s not so much about having a “look at us” mentality, but in a “how can we serve you?” expression of it.

As a leader it’s not about you. If you integrate that belief and expand it system wide, then you have the potential to do great things. Why not tap into the uniqueness of your people, harness the power of your relationships, and turn it into a force for good? Can you imagine the impact you can make? When you do this then you will begin to discover a whole new dimension of the power of relationships. Are you ready?


© 2016 Doug Dickerson



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10 Courtesies Every Leader Should Remember


Courtesy – Excellence of manners or social conduct; polite behavior. –Random House Dictionary

“Everything rises and falls on leadership,” says John Maxwell. He’s right. The temperament of a leader is an important ingredient that goes a long way in determining his or her success. In short; behaviors and attitudes matter.

Too often sadly, we hear the stories of workplace bullying and other behaviors that are contributing to poor morale and working conditions. As a leader it is important to be aware of your surroundings and your workplace culture.

Now is a good time to be reminded of simple courtesies that make a difference. Here is a list of ten common courtesies every leader should remember. The list is not exhaustive but is a good place to start. They are in no particular order.

  1. How to say “thank you”, “please”, ‘you’re welcome”, etc.

It should go without saying but these polite yet simple forms of communication are essential words in the vocabulary of every leader. Use them often and use them with sincerity. They are still relevant and meaningful.

  1. Return your phone calls and emails.

How many times has this happened to you? You leave a voicemail or send an email and you go days or weeks without a response. How did it make you feel? Nothing screams “you don’t matter” any louder than the silence of being ignored. A courteous leader will return calls and emails. For a great resource I recommend my friend Dr. Monica Seeley (the Email Doctor) you can find her blog at

  1. The timing of your words

One of the courteous things you can do as a leader is to speak words of encouragement to those around you. The timing of a kind word to a colleague can be just the thing he or she needs to make it through the day or through a difficult time. Be aware of the needs of those around you and don’t be afraid to speak a kind word.

  1. The timing of your silence

As the writer of Ecclesiastes says, there is a time to keep silent and a time to speak. As a leader, there will be times that the best thing you can do is to hold your tongue and not say a word. You can be just as courteous by what you don’t say as you can by what you do say. As a leader you have to learn the appropriateness of the moment.

  1. The value of time

A courteous leader is considerate of other people’s time and knows how to manage their own. Showing courtesy as a leader means that you value and respect other people’s time and won’t waste it. You’ll show up to meetings on time and you won’t waste it on trivial things that don’t matter.

  1. The giving of your undivided attention

On so many levels we are losing the art of being present in the moment. We are losing the art of conversation. The better connected we are through technology the more distant we’ve become relationally. Don’t believe me? Try having a 30-minute lunch with a group of friends without each person checking their mobile device repeatedly.  A courteous leader will put away the phone or any other distractions and give others their undivided attention.

  1. How to stay out of other people’s business

Gossip and office politics has been around for a long time. A courteous leader will stay out of it. If it’s not your business then don’t make it your business. If it is your business then use it as a teachable moment to show the proper way to handle it.

  1. How to let things go

Extending courtesies as a leader can be challenging. But one of the wisest things you can do is to learn how to let things go. Don’t be so hell bent on winning the battle that you lose the war. Consider the issue and measure your response.  Learn how to forgive and move on. You’ll be happier in the long run.

  1. Keep your word

Courteous leaders are reliable and keep their word. Be slow to make promises and if you do – follow through and do it. Reasonable people understand that circumstances change and things come up that you didn’t anticipate but as far as it depends on you do what you say you are going to do.

  1. Be kind

It’s simply stated because it is. A courteous leader is kind, considerate, and helpful to others. It’s the little things you do as a leader that makes a big difference. It begins with common courtesy.

What do you say?

© 2015 Doug Dickerson

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Merry Christmas


I’d like to take this opportunity to wish each of you a Merry Christmas! Thank you for being a reader of my blog and I trust that not just on this day, but every day of the coming year is a day filled with peace and hope that is found in this one.


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Three Leadership Lessons from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer


Then all the reindeer loved him as they shouted out with glee, Rudolph the Red-nosed reindeer, you’ll go down in history!- Robert L. May

For many years, the story goes; Montgomery Ward department store in Chicago purchased and gave away coloring books as a promotional during the Christmas season. In 1939, company executives wanted to do something that would both reduce costs and be new and different.

To help with the new project they turned to Robert L. May, a 34-year old Montgomery Ward copywriter who was known to dabble in children’s limericks and stories. His creation was a short story written in rhyming verse and differed from the version known today. The original Rudolph lived in the woods with his loving parents far from the North Pole.

May’s story became an immediate success. Montgomery Ward gave away 2.4 million copies of the story in 1939 and by 1946, despite wartime paper shortages; over 6 million copies had been distributed. Faced with large medical bills because of his wife’s battle with cancer, May asked Montgomery Ward officials if he could have the copyright to Rudolph turned over to him. The company agreed and that same year the story was published commercially.

May also asked his brother-in-law, songwriter Johnny Marks, to adapt his basic story idea to music. When Marks was done, one singer after another, including Bing Crosby, declined to record the song. Finally, in 1949, Gene Autry accepted and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer shot to the top of the charts. Autry’s version is now the second bestselling Christmas song of all time, surpassed only by Crosby’s White Christmas.

From the song Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, come leadership lessons that are still applicable today. Here are three leadership lessons that will serve you well regardless of the season.

We all have natural gifts and abilities

Rudolph was the object of scorn by the other reindeer who mistakenly thought that because he was different from the others he didn’t have anything to contribute.

We all come in different shapes, sizes, and with unique gifts. It is not in the similarities that we stand out, but in our differences. The gifts and talents you bring to the table of your business or organization may not look like anything else in your company, but that is your gift. As you embrace and celebrate those gifts, others will also come to appreciate what you have to offer.

We all face opposition

Because his appearance was different from others around him, Rudolph faced opposition. There will always be an element of people who will oppose you not based on your appearance as in the story, but because you have a different perspective, you have a different attitude, and you bring an optimistic mindset to the challenges your company faces.

When you embrace that which causes you to stand out you are on your way to the top. Others can ridicule you or join you but the choice is theirs. Regardless of the opposition you face, never surrender your uniqueness to any opposition.

Your moment to shine will eventually come

It is your daily faithfulness in the little things that you prove yourself. Even though Rudolph faced opposition from the others, he didn’t allow their negativity to defeat him. In the moment of crisis when Santa needed a go-to Reindeer, Rudolph was ready. Armed with his natural giftedness and positive attitude, he navigated the team of fellow reindeer to a successful completion of the Christmas mission.

Your moment of destiny will come one day and it may not happen the way you expected. Open your eyes to all the possibilities that your leadership can provide. As you remain faithful your big moment will come.

This Christmas season, celebrate your gift as a leader, rise above your opposition, and stand ready to embrace your destiny. As you do, you will have a greater understanding of just how special the season can be.


© 2015 Doug Dickerson

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