Leadership Minute: Dodging Bricks


Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith. – Steve Jobs

All leaders know this. Life has a way at times of being harsh. Things don’t go the way you plan, a friend betrays you, the deal falls through. It’s called life. But leaders also know the power of resiliency and look for ways to move forward despite the hurt. When trials and setbacks come your way and it would seem you are being hit upside the head with bricks; don’t despair. Don’t give up. You will rise to fight another day; win another battle, and lead with your character intact. Fight through the discouragement. Don’t let your confidence be shaken. You can do this!

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Three Ways to Map Your Future


Each man should frame life so that at some future hour fact and his dreaming meet. – Victor Hugo

A story is told of an old map on display in the British Museum in London. It’s an old mariner’s chart, drawn in 1525, outlining the North American coastline and adjacent waters. The cartographer made some intriguing notations on areas of the map that represented regions not yet explored.

He wrote: “Here be giants,” “Here be fiery scorpions,” and “Here be dragons.” Eventually, the map came into the possession of Sir John Franklin, a British explorer in the early 1800’s. Scratching out the fearful inscriptions, he wrote these words across the map; “Here be God.”

Your rise as a leader is marked by a future you choose for yourself. Although it’s not a guarantee, you can take great strides to attaining it through big dreams, hard work, and a willingness to pay the price to achieve it. From the old mariner’s chart come three leadership lessons for your consideration as you map your future as a leader.

A future with a clean slate.

Regardless of how others may have labeled you in the past your future is yours to write. Have you made mistakes in the past? Have you been unfairly criticized? Have others tried to marginalize you or overlooked your potential? Well, let me encourage you to know that who you are today and where you are headed as a leader is not decided by what others think or believe but in the way you now choose to behave. It’s decided by the truth you choose to believe and accept about who you are now. Ignore the labels and refuse to be defined by your past. You have a clean slate with which to work. Now is your time to chart a new course.

A future with fresh thinking.

By embracing your future and working with a clean slate you can now go to work with fresh thinking that can propel you to a new level. Are you comfortable enough in your own skin to be made uncomfortable with new ideas? When you map your future you must do so with new and improved ways of thinking. Throw off the shackles of old thinking and stale ways of doing things. It won’t happen by chance. Moving forward with new disciplines will require an open mind and right attitudes. Fresh thinking deserves a chance but it will only work when you cross out the old inscriptions of the past and chart a new future.

A future with unlimited potential.

Mapping out your future has little to do with past labels. It has everything to do with what you believe about yourself, how you choose to act upon that belief, and what actions you are willing to take to go there. In as much as you don’t have to be defined by your past, only you can choose your future. You have all the makings of a strong leader when you believe the truth of today over the definitions of yesterday. Embrace your potential.  What goals or dreams do you need to resurrect and dust off? What past inscription do you need to cross out? It’s time for a new entry on the map of your future and it needs to be the one you write. Dare to believe that you have unlimited potential and a future full of possibilities. Just remember, those who have tried to contain you in your past won’t be part of your success in the future. Your story is yours for the making. Dream big. Work hard. Don’t look back.

© 2014 Doug Dickerson
I invite your feedback! 

1. Which point hit home with you the most?

2. What are some tangible ways one can cross out the impressions of others in the past so that you can move forward with your future?

3. What goals and dreams are you inspired to pursue with a renewed passion?

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Leadership Minute: Reach Back; Lift Up


What makes you great is when you reach back and help somebody else become great. – Joel Osteen

What is the measure of your leadership? For some I suppose this might be a subjective question, but I don’t believe so. This is one of your greatest acts as a leader. The purpose of your leadership transcends your job description, title, or any other marker you may assign to it. What makes you an impactful leader is measured not by those who serve you but by how many you reach back and help become great also. Simply put, it’s not about you. Your impact as a leader is found in helping others become great. Reach back; lift up!

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Leadership Minute: Change Happens


You must welcome change as the rule but not as your ruler. – Denis Waitley

Leaders are change agents. Change is not always popular but if you are going to grow and move forward you have to. To be sure, not all change is good. And not all resistance to change is necessary. Be open to opportunities to grow, learn and advance with change as the catalyst. Your ability to welcome change, inspire change, and lead change is going to be critical to your success as a leader. What change are you resisting? What change do you need to make? See change for what it is; a chance to move forward with a renewed purpose.


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Four Traits of Courageous Leaders


Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”  – Winston Churchill

A story is told of Leonidas, King of Sparta, who was preparing to make a stand with his Greek troops against the Persian army in 480 B.C. when a Persian envoy arrived. The man warned Leonidas of the futility of trying to resist the advance of the huge Persian army. “Our archers are so numerous,” said the envoy, “that the flight of their arrows will darken the sun.” “So much the better,” replied Leonidas, “for we shall fight them in the shade.” Leonidas made his stand, and died with his 300 troops.

It’s one thing to have courage as a leader but another thing to be foolish. While Leonidas’ actions may be considered foolish in retrospect, courage can be one of your most valuable assets as a leader. Here are four characteristics of courageous leaders.

They are willing to stand alone

Courageous leaders are those who know where they are going and what it takes to get there. They can be both inspiring and complex. Their focus and demeanor can be misinterpreted by those who may not share the same leadership DNA who had rather go all out with a passion than play it safe with an assumption.

Leaders who are willing to stand alone do so not always by choice but sometimes out of necessity. When you believe so strongly in your cause that you are willing to stand alone it gives the signal to the rest of your team that you are all in. Be it your values, convictions, ethics, or just the general principles of sound leadership you will earn the trust and respect of those you lead when you are willing to go it alone for what is right.

They are willing to think different

Courageous leaders have cut the strings to the safety nets of a “this is the way we’ve always done it,” mentality and have wagered their chips on new and innovative ways of thinking. Courageous leadership is not about throwing caution to the wind where anything goes, but it’s recognizing that being competitive in the 21st century requires more.

Have you noticed how leaders who think different can be restless? They are constantly brainstorming new ideas and methodologies and challenging old assumptions. They do so not out of disrespect, but out of a desire to contribute in more meaningful ways not yet realized. Courageous leaders are different because they think different.

They are willing to take risks

Founded during The Panic of 1837, would you know of Proctor and Gamble had someone not taken a risk? Founded during The Panic of 1873, you now know of GE because someone took a risk. GM was founded during The Panic of 1907 all because someone took a risk. United Technologies was founded in 1929 during the Great Depression all because someone took a risk. It was during the Oil Crisis of 1973 that Frederick W. Smith founded FedEx. I think it was a risk worth taking.

Courageous leaders are risk takers. They have a high threshold for failure because they understand it’s the surest way to success. Risk takers don’t wait until conditions are just right in order to step up and take a chance. What great idea have you been holding back on because you were afraid to take a risk?

They are willing to make mistakes

Courageous leaders are not perfect. They make plenty of mistakes and at times can be challenging to work with. Their mistakes not made out of an abundance of caution but because they have long sense progressed beyond it. They live not just for the here and now, but are passionate about the future and its possibilities.

George Bernard Shaw said, “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” Courageous leaders are willing to make mistakes and willing to risk looking foolish in order to live out the life she or he has dreamed. The only thing worse is to look back years from now with regrets for what you wished you had done.

What do you say?

© 2014 Doug Dickerson

I invite your feedback!

1. Which one of the four traits did you most identify with?

2. What additional traits would you add?

3. How can we as leaders encourage each other to be more courageous?

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Leadership Minute: Laughing Success


There is little success where there is little laughter. – Andrew Carnegie

Success is the culmination of a lot of hard work, long days, and sleepless nights. It’s the byproduct of defining your dream, setting your goals, and living your passion. And along the way a little luck. But along the way a leader should never sacrifice that success for his or her ability to laugh. Learning how to laugh at yourself will serve you well. How? When you can laugh at yourself and laugh with others it generates positive energy that can help you release much of the stress you deal with each day. It also serves to remind you not to take yourself too serious. Dream big. Work hard. Laugh often!

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Leadership Minute: Hope That Prevails


Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. – Dale Carnegie

This is one of the secrets to personal success and your success as a leader. It’s not found in your possession of superior knowledge or skill. It’s not your pedigree nor is it your social status. Your success is realized in your ability to keep on trying. When you are up against the odds – keep trying. When you are discouraged – keep trying. When you feel like giving up and the critics are all you hear – keep trying. For in the trying you will eventually prevail. In trying you will meet with success. Don’t give up!

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Five Ways Leaders Lose Their Focus


The key to success is to focus our conscious mind on things we desire not things we fear. – Brian Tracy

Writing in Reader’s Digest, Carol Mann tells the story of golf immortal Arnold Palmer as he recalled an important lesson about self-confidence. It was the final hole of the 1961 Master’s tournament, and Palmer had a one-stroke lead and just hit a very satisfying tee shot. Palmer felt that he was in pretty good shape. As he approached the ball, he saw an old friend standing at the edge of the gallery. The friend motioned him over, stuck out his hand and said, “Congratulations.” Palmer recalls that as soon as he took his hand and shook it, he lost his focus.

The next two shots he hit the ball into the sand trap, then put it over the edge of the green. He missed a putt and lost the Master’s. “You don’t forget a mistake like that,” Palmer recalled, “you just learn from it and become determined that you will never do that again.”

Learning how to keep your focus is an important leadership skill to develop. But yet it is one of the hardest to master. Countless distractions coupled with the never ending demands on your time make it a challenge. How leaders lose their focus is important information. Being aware of these common distractions can help you be a better leader.  Here are five ways leaders lose their focus and why it matters to you.

Bogged down in the details

It can be hard to focus on the big picture if you are mired down in the micro details of all of your operations. While it is important to be in the loop you have to empower and trust capable people to help you with the details. It’s normal to want to be informed but when you are mired down in the smallest of details it begs the questions – who’s steering the ship?

Improper delegation

This is where many leaders fall short and where most of them burn out. When the leader is of the opinion that he or she can do the job better by themselves it could be causing more harm than good. Let’s make the assumption that you have surrounded yourself with quality people who are capable of doing the work associated with your organization. Leaders lose focus when they do not empower these people to do their jobs. Delegation at its best will allow you to focus your time and energies where they are most needed. The secret is to empower and release the people around you.

Lack of organization

An unorganized leader is an unfocused leader. It is not so much about the proverbial cluttered desk as it is the personal disciplines that bring order to your life. If you tend to fly by the seat of your pants, if you are reactionary instead of proactive then these are all problematic traits that cause you to lose focus. You can overcome this by bringing order to your day. Keep a calendar. Schedule important calls and appointments and stick to it. Beware of the “tyranny of the urgent” and do not fall into the traps that can easily disrupt your day. Strong organizational skills will keep you focused and serve you well.

The need to be a people pleaser

In all fairness we all want to be liked. But if you are consumed by a need to be liked, you will quickly lose your focus as a leader. Your job is not to be liked. Your job is to lead. That being said; be friendly. But be careful not to get to the place where you are consumed about your popularity so much that it is affecting the decisions you make and it causes you to lose your focus on what is most important. You can’t lead with integrity if you make decisions based upon whom it pleases or displeases.


Technology is great isn’t it? The progress we have made in recent years has made our world much smaller and our work a lot easier. I am sold on the wonders of our technology. But take a look around your place of business or glance around the conference table the next time you are in a meeting. We are all wired up but in many ways are very disconnected. Our technology for all of its benefits has contributed to a strong lack of focus on many fronts. Let your technology serve you but do not be subservient to your technology.

What do you say?

© 2014 Doug Dickerson

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Leadership Minute: What Are You Reading?


Employ your time in improving yourself by other men’s writings, so that you shall gain easily what others have labored hard for. – Socrates

One of the hallmarks for growing leaders is that they are readers. It’s as you read that you can expand your horizons, be stretched in your thinking, and sharpen your leadership skills. It’s a great habit all leaders should develop. Reading stimulates the mind and can take you on a journey of a thousand miles without leaving the comfort of your chair. As of late I’ve been reading David and Goliath (Malcolm Gladwell), 7 Men and the Secret to Their Greatness (Eric Metaxas), and All In (Mark Batterson). What about you? What book are you enjoying right now? Leaders know the secret to personal growth and development – a good book!

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Leadership Minute: Great Experiences


If you build a great experience, customers will tell each other about that. Word of mouth is very powerful. – Jeff Bezos

Great customer experiences are a result of smart leadership practices that ensure that those responsible for great customer experiences can deliver. If customer experiences are less than they should be then you have a weak link in your leadership chain that is preventing you from the results you need. Strong leadership is the key to good customer experiences. Great experiences are essential to your bottom line. Don’t leave it to chance. When you develop strong leaders you produce happy customers and they can be your best form of advertising.

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