Pay Attention To The Small Things


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I can do small things in a great way. – James Freeman Clarke

Dwight Morrow, the father of Anne Morrow Lindbergh, once held a dinner party to which Calvin Coolidge had been invited. After Coolidge left, Morrow told the remaining guests that Coolidge would make a good president. The others disagreed. They felt Coolidge was too quiet, that he lacked color and personality. No one would like him, they said. Anne, then age six, spoke up: “I like him.” Then she displayed a finger with a small bandage around it. “He was the only one at the party who asked about my sore finger.” “And that’s why he would make a good president,” added Morrow.

The story is a simple reminder about the importance of the little things that make a big difference in leadership. While people measure the worth of a leader by various standards, it was little Anne Lindbergh, who at the age of six, who had the best understanding of it.  

It was from John Maxwell a good number of years ago that I learned the leadership principle of walking slowly through the crowd. Too often, leaders are moving so fast and trying to make a good impression that they don’t notice the small things – the small acts of leadership that could be theirs if they just learned to slow down. Walking slowly through the crowd is how Coolidge noticed the sore finger.

How about you? Are you paying attention to the small things? Here are a few things worth considering as you go forward. 

Sometimes a small act of kindness is all that’s needed

How many times have you thought it was the big things you do in leadership that made the greatest impact? I think at one time most of us have been there. Let me encourage you today to realize that it’s the small random acts of kindness that can totally change the course of the day for someone else. The truth is, you just don’t know the struggle that others deal with. Your smile or a kind word – while seemingly insignificant to you, goes a long way. Never underestimate the power of a small act of kindness. It can make a world of difference. Click To Tweet

Small things over time turn into great things

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together,” said Vincent Van Gogh. And I believe it’s true. Paying attention to the small details over time will pay great dividends in the future. It’s as you are faithful in the small things that you move to the big things. This also serves as a great test in your leadership. Can you be patient and trust the maturing process? It’s hard at times for sure. So before you look for the right hand to shake or contact to make, try looking for the sore finger instead. 

If you’re not willing to do the small things, you don’t deserve to do big things

I’m a firm believer in servant leadership. Your growth as a leader affords you the opportunity to be in places and positions to better serve others. But if you are not willing to do the small things then you will be ill-equipped to do the big things. Knowing where you are going is important but not forgetting where you came from is essential Click To Tweet

It’s in the doing of the small things that your character is developed. Wherever your leadership journey takes you never forget the small things. It’s what got you there, and it’s what will keep you there. 


©2019 Doug Dickerson

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Help Wanted: Good Followers

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You have the blood of a great warrior. To lead, you must also learn to follow. – E.Y. Laster, Of Captivity & Kings

I once read the story of a young woman who wanted to go to college, but her heart sank when she read the question on the application that asked, “Are you a leader?” Being both honest and conscientious, she wrote, “No,” and returned the application, expecting the worst. To her surprise, she received this letter from the college: “Dear Applicant: A study of the application forms reveals that this year our college will have 1,452 new leaders. We are accepting you because we feel it is imperative that they have at least one follower.”

That story serves as a good reminder that while the calling and desire for leadership are as great as ever, there is also a need for good followers. 

A misconception that I have observed over the years is that the two – leaders and followers have mutually exclusive roles. Either you are a leader or you are a follower. I don’t believe this to be true.

We tend to assign titles of a follower or a leader along hierarchical lines. The higher you are in the organizational structure the more one might look upon you as a leader. If you are lower on the ladder you may be labeled as a follower. 

Here’s the truth of the matter: The person labeled or looked upon as the follower may be more of a leader than the one with the title. It’s a common misconception. In some situations, the follower can wield more influence as a follower than the leader with the title or higher position. At the end of the day, the one with the influence is the leader.

Organizations are successful because of the collaborative efforts of good leaders and good followers who set aside their egos, pecking orders, and turf wars to create what they couldn’t do by themselves.Organizations are successful because of the collaborative efforts of good leaders and good followers who set aside their egos, pecking orders, and turf wars to create what they couldn’t do by themselves. Click To Tweet

So what are some characteristics of good followers? Here are five worth considering.

A good follower puts the mission first

A good follower is all about advancing the mission of the organization. His focus is on how to achieve common goals and move the team forward. Their work ethic is unparalleled. Never take them for granted.

Good followers make good leaders because they are selfless. They understand that it’s not about them.

A good follower is highly loyal

Loyalty runs through the veins of good followers. They tend to be some of the most reliable and faithful people in your organization. It’s their work ethic and front-line presence that makes all the difference. 

Good followers make good leaders because they know that without a culture built upon loyalty nothing else matters. 

A good follower is service-minded

Good followers are valuable because they are also the ones who will go above and beyond the call of duty to serve their organization and people. These good followers are assets to your organization because they don’t wait around to be told something needs to be done – they do it. 

Good followers make good leaders because they lead by example.

A good follower is an ideal team player

Ultimately, good followers are consummate team players. They are not driven by selfish ambitions. They fully embrace their role and desire to see others succeed. They don’t worry about who gets the credit. They know that every win moves the team forward.

Good followers make good leaders because they understand the power of teamwork.

Leaders and followers need each other. They need to embrace their interdependence because it’s how organizations work best. Leaders and followers need each other. They need to embrace their interdependence because it’s how organizations work best. Click To Tweet

If you are a follower in your organization you need to wholeheartedly embrace that role. You also need to own the dynamic leadership qualities you have that contribute to its success. We need good followers now more than ever.

©2019 Doug Dickerson

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How To Leverage Your Influence as a Leader

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The greater the impact you want to make, the greater your influence needs to be. – John Maxwell

One day a farmer grabbed his shotgun to shoot at a flock of pesky crows. Unfortunately, he didn’t see his sociable parrot that had joined the crows. After firing a few shots, he walked over to the fallen birds and was surprised to find his parrot badly ruffled with a broken wing. When the farmer’s children saw the injured bird, they asked, “Dad, what happened?” The farmer simply replied, “Bad company.”

That story is a reminder of what can happen when you don’t leverage your influence as a leader in the right way. You can get caught up in the wrong crowd and consequently, it can be hard to distinguish you from the crows.

It’s no secret that employee morale and productivity are interconnected. As goes one, so goes the other. As one who is invested in both, how you leverage your influence as a leader is critical. If you are not taking the lead in this area then someone else is. How do you feel about that?

I’d like to share a few insights as it relates to leveraging your influence. As you become intentional about this it can make a world of difference to your organization.  Here are five ways you can do it.

Leverage your influence through relationships

You sway the crowd one person at a time. All smart leaders know that the surest way to gain influence in the lives of your people is to build relationships with them. When your people know you and where you are taking them they will be more inclined to go on that journey with you. But not until then. Click To Tweet

Leverage your influence with trust

Out of relationships comes trust. Your people will not entrust you with their hopes and dreams for a better future until they can trust you as a leader to get them there. Your influence begins with relationships and trust. Until these two are established your influence is nominal at best.

Leverage your influence by your actions

Your people may like you as a person and they may trust you with their children, but at the end of the day, your actions speak louder than your words. Your influence as a leader is measured by how you model it. If you are not living what you communicate then your influence will be diminished. Influence is lived, not spoken. Click To Tweet

Leverage your influence by asking for theirs

One of the ways you can build your influence with your teams is by asking for theirs. By this I mean, people buy into what they help create. The success of your organization should not be limited to just the reach of your influence. It should be attached to the influence of everyone in it. It’s not about what you can build by yourself, but what everyone can build together. If you want to leverage your influence as a leader do it by empowering everyone with theirs.

Leverage your influence by growing more leaders

It’s been said that leaders don’t create more followers, they create more leaders. Multiplication is the math of leadership. Think of how different your influence would be if there were five, ten, fifteen or twenty more leaders joining forces with you in exercising their influence within your organization? What do you think that would do for morale? How much more could you accomplish? What do you think that would do for your bottom line? 

Leveraging your influence as a leader is about recognizing that you have to build relationships, earn the trust of your people, lead by example, and realize that the power of your influence is found as you empower others.

Are you ready to leverage your influence?


©2019 Doug Dickerson

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On Becoming a Natural Leader

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I yam what I yam and dats all that I yam – Popeye the Sailor Man

An insightful story is told of baseball Hall of Famer Ted Williams. In his prime as a player in the 1940’s-50’s, he was known as a “natural hitter.” He was once was asked about this natural ability and replied, “There is no such thing as a natural-born hitter. I became a good hitter because I paid the price of constant practice, constant practice.” 

Williams’ answer reveals the open secret as to what it means to become the best version of you. Practice. And just when you think you’ve got a handle on it – there’s more practice. It’s as simple and as complicated as that.

In leadership, especially among younger leaders, there’s a tendency or temptation to want to rush the process. They want to be at a place in leadership in two or three years that has taken 30 years for others. And while the motivation and desire are commendable, there are no shortcuts on the road to maturity.

Becoming a “natural” is about your daily disciplines. It’s all about paying attention to the small things along the way-things that if practiced regularly will make you a natural leader. 

By no means is this an exhaustive list, but it’s a good starting point. This is not about resolving the debate of whether people are natural-born leaders or if they developed. There are some things that do come naturally for some people, and there are obviously some things that have to be developed. But what I am laying out here are some essentials. Let’s see how they resonate with you.

A natural leader has a servant’s heart

The highest form of leadership is not in what others do for you but in what you do for others. It’s not about you. Click To Tweet This attitude is developed not so much in our mindset, which is part of it, but more so in the attitude of our hearts. At the end of the day, it’s about what you give and contribute, not what you take.

The Daily Practice – Put others first.

A natural leader is a life-long learner

This should go without saying, but I’ll say it. Leaders are learners. Leaders are readers. Your growth and development is a lifelong journey. If you are not learning you are not growing. It’s just that simple. Click To Tweet

The Daily Practice – Never stop being a student. Read and learn every day.

A natural leader adapts to change

In life and in leadership, change is inevitable. A natural leader recognizes this and embraces it. It’s a given that not all change is what it’s cracked up to be and it’s also true that not all traditions are worth enshrining. But change is a constant and a natural leader will keep up.

The Daily Practice – Recognize change and embrace it. It will happen with or without you.

A natural leader has a positive attitude

In leadership, your attitude is everything. How you see your life, your work, and your influence is all connected to your attitude. How high, how far, and how well you make this journey all rests on the attitude you have. And as a leader, your attitude is often what others look to more than anything else. Guard it carefully.

The Daily Practice – Check your attitude at the door. Ask yourself – is my attitude today a good example for others to follow?

A natural leader is connected to faith

The practice of faith will vary for each of you. As a person of faith, I do not seek to impose my beliefs and views on anyone. I will simply say this – as a leader you can draw on your faith to keep you grounded, to keep you refreshed, and to give you courage and strength to fulfill your life’s mission. 

The Daily Practice – Allow your faith to guide you, strengthen you, and inspire you on a daily basis.

No one ever mastered their trade or achieved greatness as an athlete, writer, or musician, etc.without putting in the time and countless hours of practice. It’s the same for you as a leader. If you want to be a natural leader, there are no shortcuts. Just practice, practice, practice.


©2019 Doug Dickerson

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Embracing The Hard Things in Leadership

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Never interrupt someone doing something you said couldn’t be done. – Amelia Earhart

This past week our nation and the world celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first moonwalk by Neil Armstrong.  

Years before that historic moonwalk,  President John F. Kennedy in a rousing speech at Rice University declared:

We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too.”

Kennedy’s speech at Rice on September 12, 1962, was not the first time he referenced going to the moon or rallying the nation around this ambitious goal. He had done so the year before in a speech to Congress and was a driving force behind its realization even though he would not live to see it.

But for me, the most inspiring part of the speech was not the articulation of the goal of going to the moon. It was embracing that goal and others, “not because they are easy but because they are hard”. That, to me, was the inspiring challenge of a past generation, and is one we need to rediscover in ours. Embracing the hard.

The quest for many is the easy route – it’s the path of least resistance.  Embracing the hard is, well, hard. It demands more of us – more than at times we feel we are capable of giving. Shakespeare put it this way, “ We know what we are, but know not what we may be”.  Embracing who we may be means letting go of the easy and embracing the hard. 

This is true in our personal lives and in our leadership. Embracing the seemingly impossible challenges and willfully opting for the hard paths flies in the face of conventional thinking.  Consider these three perspectives:

The hard things in leadership: What it’s not

-Embracing the hard things in leadership is not about embracing hard things as if you have some martyr syndrome. 

-It’s not blind ambition without regard to risks and sacrifices that will need to be made.

-It’s not making things hard, it’s doing hard things in a smart way. 

The hard things in leadership: What it is

Ralph Martson said it this way, “Don’t lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations”. This is the secret to doing the hard things in leadership.

-It’s about raising expectations to such a high level that your people become passionate about wanting to do the hard things. 

-It’s about redefining what success looks like. And it will never look the same again when you embrace the hard things.

-It’s about bringing out the best in ourselves and in others. Knowing what you are truly capable of achieving is not found in doing the easy things. Your leadership is not forged in the valley, but in the fire.

The hard things in leadership: The cost

Many Americans during the 60’s opposed the idea of sending a man to the moon. They argued that the money could be better spent on other things.

-The toll was great for those who worked on the Apollo mission. The divorce rate, in particular, was very high. 

-When you choose to do the hard things in leadership versus the easy – it will come at a cost. Not everyone will take the journey with you. 

-Some are comfortable being “settlers” – let them be. 

-Some are just not willing to pay the price. Don’t let them dissuade you. You must do as Ben Horowitz suggested and “embrace the struggle”. When you do then a whole new world of possibilities opens up before you.

While it may go against the grain of the current way you think about leadership – embrace the hard things. You will be a better leader for it.


©2019 Doug Dickerson

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The Power of Being in the Moment

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So then, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Today has enough trouble of its own. – Matthew 6:34 (NET)

If you are at all familiar with the Enneagram, I am a type 7 – the entertaining optimist. Seven’s enjoy having variety and multiple choices to choose from. They do not like to be limited, restricted, or bored. They may be well rounded, affirming, and generous, or at their worst, they can be self-focused, an escapist, and have an insatiable appetite for excitement.

I make no apologies for being a seven. It’s who I am and I like it. I am very comfortable in my own skin. I like my adventurous lifestyle and all my worldwide travels. It’s been a heck of a ride so far.

The core fear of us type seven’s is being deprived, trapped in emotional pain, limited or bored, and missing out of something fun. And to this point, I get it. Click here to learn more about the enneagram. 

This fear was put to the test not long ago when my wife and I joined up with a few other family members and took a cruise to Bermuda. Admittedly, I am the type who would rather just get on a plane, fly there, and spend my days on Bermuda as opposed to being trapped on a boat getting there.

For me, a cruise ship or an airplane is just a means to an end -the real adventure is being there!  All I could envision on the ship was all the things I was missing out on on the island. I was a seven in distress!

But this recent experience reminded me of something very important. There’s a big difference between being there and being in the moment.

As a seven who likes adventure, I like being there – the doing, seeing and exploring, snorkeling, etc. 

But there’s great power of allowing yourself to just be in the moment. 

Regardless of your enneagram type (or DISC, Myers-Briggs, etc.), being in the moment is an essential quality that benefits you both personally and professionally. As a leader, here are a few reasons why it’s so important.

Being in the moment gives you perspective

When you allow yourself to be in the moment, you can slow down the pace and take in where you are, where you’ve been, and where you are going. It gives you time to process life and put it all in perspective. A busy life with no context, meaning, or purpose is not much more than a rat race. Click To Tweet There is a greater meaning and purpose to your life and it’s by being in the moment that you will discover it.

Being in the moment gives you the advantage of not making ill-timed decisions

If you are making fly-by-the seat-of-your-pants decisions, then you run the risk of making decisions that reflect it. It just makes you look undisciplined and careless. Being fully engaged in the moment forces you to be deliberate and intentional about today. Five years from now will take care of itself so never underestimate the power and necessity of the moment you have today. You won’t get it again. Click To Tweet

Being in the moment reminds you of what truly matters

Is it possible that we sometimes allow the “tyranny of the urgent” to get in the way of life’s most important moments? I think so. Being in the moment at that piano recital, Little League game, picnic at the park, etc. are the things that will ultimately give you the greatest satisfaction when it’s all said and done.  

Being a seven is a challenge for me at times which is why I choose to be intentional about being in the moment. How about you? Have you discovered the power of being in the moment?


©2019 Doug Dickerson

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Leadership Lessons From Fred Rogers

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Life is deep and simple, and what our society gives us is shallow and complicated – Fred Rogers

It’s been 16 years since the passing of the beloved Fred Rogers, the host of “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood”. His life was an inspiration to millions and the life lessons and values he passed on will not be forgotten by those of us who were privileged enough to watch him growing up.

His communication style was simple, straight forward, and sound.  He told it like it was and inspired us to a higher standard. 

There are many notable Fred Rogers quotes worth sharing, but the following are some of my favorites along with leadership applications.

There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.

To my previous point – his communication style was simple, straight forward, and sound. Being kind is a timeless leadership principle. What makes you a leader worth knowing, following, or emulating has nothing to do with your title, position, or who you know. It all comes down to this one thing- are you kind? Click To Tweet How you treat others says all that’s needed about what kind of leader you are. Be kind!

There is no normal life that is free of pain. It’s the very wrestling with our problems that can be the impetus for our growth.

Just as life is not free from pain, neither is leadership. It has its painful moments. But the secret to your growth and development as a leader is not how to make all of your problems go away as pleasing as that might sound. It’s about learning how to wrestle. It’s about what you learn in the struggle that makes you a better person and leader. Don’t shy away from your problems, learn from them. 

There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person.

As a leader, every encounter you have with the people you meet is an opportunity to add value to them. Think about the everyday encounters you have with others and ask yourself this simple question, “Did I add value today?”. Remember, with every encounter you are leaving a part of yourself. Make it count.

When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”

This is a great leadership principle. In today’s world, it’s so easy to be cynical and skeptical as we see how things have deteriorated on so many fronts. Regardless of how bad things may seem, don’t give up on the goodness of the human spirit. It’s still alive. Look for the helpers! Click To Tweet

Often out of periods of losing come the greatest strivings toward a new winning streak  

This is one of the hardest leadership principles to learn. It’s during the dark times that we tend to drift mentally, emotionally, and spiritually and begin to doubt ourselves. And we wonder, “Is it time to throw in the towel and quit?”. Your winning streak is on the other side of the slump you may currently find yourself in. Don’t give up. 

Try your best to make goodness attractive. That’s one of the toughest assignments you’ll ever be given 

As it is with the principle of being kind, so too is the principle of making goodness attractive. You will never be less of a leader because you are kind or because you’ve made goodness attractive. If anything, you will make it more appealing. How are you making goodness attractive?

There’s a world of difference between insisting on someone’s doing something and establishing an atmosphere in which that person can grow into wanting to do it. 

This is a timeless leadership principle that can save aspiring leaders much grief and frustration. You can attempt to lead by decree that’s attached to your title or you can lead from the heart and through relationships. The one path is hard and unfulfilling. The other is transformative and rewarding. Make it your practice to establish the kind of atmosphere that fosters growth and builds your culture. 

Times have changed since the days of  “Mister Rogers Neighborhood”. But the lessons in values and in leadership are as applicable as ever. And as societies and cultures change, we too as leaders must be a step ahead to interpret and give context. While the neighborhood may have changed, the lessons live on for a new generation of leaders.


©2019 Doug Dickerson 



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Sacred Cows and Breaking Rules

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Hell, there ain’t no rules. We’re trying to accomplish something here. – Thomas Edison

As a photography enthusiast, I have evolved over the years with the evolution of the camera. I remember the days of the Polaroid camera, the Kodak Instamatic, and still have very fond memories of my first 35mm camera- a Canon AE1 program.  I was euphoric over the advent of the digital camera – my first was a Sony 3.2 megapixel Canon Cybershot that set me back a whopping $300+ dollars at the time.

Times have certainly changed with photography over the years. The quality is better as is the cost. It’s a great time to be an avid photographer. Innovation a great thing.

I am appreciative for the photography skills I learned back in the day. It made me a better photographer. But think of what I would be missing out on if I had not adapted over the years. What if I held onto an Instamatic mindset in this digital age?

Oddly enough, history is filled with organizations and leaders who have done just this.

In a blog post entitled 50 examples of corporations that failed to innovate, Katrina Aaslaid profiles 50 companies that “failed to innovate, and some ended up in failed businesses. Some are the biggest companies in the world.”  Included on the list are Kodak, Blockbuster, MySpace, Nokia, Sears, Polaroid, AOL, and Hummer, just to name a few.

Be it major companies, mom and pop retail shops, businesses large and small, and leaders in general, etc. one thing is clear – those who do not innovate and adapt to change will be on future lists like the one mentioned here.

Two of the largest obstacles to change and innovation come in the form of our traditions or sacred cows, and our rulebook. Both rob us of a future that could be ours.

So when is it appropriate to let go of the sacred cows and break the rules? Here are a few clues.

When your rules are no longer relevant

In his acclaimed book, It’s Not About the Coffee, Howard Behar advocates replacing the rulebook with a playbook. It’s a game-changing idea if embraced. Think about it – rulebooks are rigid, confining, predictable, and restrictive. A playbook, on the other hand, serves the opposite purpose. It’s liberating, creative, and has unlimited potential.

Think about your current “rulebook” those written or unwritten, spoken or unspoken ways of doing things. How are they working for you? So long as you are boxed in with dated thinking, old and tired solutions, with the same predictable outcomes, how can you honestly expect anything to change? Click To Tweet Perhaps it’s time to bid farewell to the rulebook and embrace the playbook and unleash your best and brightest to take you to a new level. Otherwise, the view will always remain the same.

When sacred cows are worshipped on the altars of progress

It’s a sad day when progress and innovation are put on indefinite hold because we are too afraid to let go of our institutionalized sacred cows. It’s the proverbial “we’ve never done it this way before” approach or the holding onto mission or vision statements that are no longer relevant to the times in which we live.

Please know, I am not advocating disrespecting the past as it relates to the hard work, values, and sacrifices that made organizations great. What better way to honor the life and legacy of a good organization than to build upon it and make it better?

While your values must be bedrock and clear, the way you innovate and adapt to change will determine your future. What’s the point of holding onto the sacred cows of the past if they are not serving you well today? Would you rather have an organizational future based on innovation and change or an organizational funeral based on traditions and sacred cows that you were afraid to abandon? Click To Tweet

We know that change and innovation do not come easy. Righting the ship is hard work. But you must decide – preside over change and innovation with a bright future or preside over the status quo and decline.

For the sake of your future, maybe it’s time to break the rules and leave the sacred cows behind.


©2019 Doug Dickerson

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When Saying No is a Good Option

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Silence isn’t always agreement. Sometimes people no longer argue because they no longer care. – Joyce Rachelle

I came across some humorous ways to say no not long ago. Whether you are a person who struggles with saying no or one who relishes the opportunity, I think you’ll enjoy these.

‘I think I’ll go find a lake of piranhas to jump in instead”.

“Has hell frozen over? Then, sure”.

“There are worse things to agree to, I just can’t think of any at the moment”.

“I believe there is someone a lot stupider who would enjoy doing that instead”.

“Let’s not. And stick with that story”.

“I had rather remove my own gallbladder with an oyster fork”.

Saying no. It’s one of those paradoxical terms in our leadership vocabulary. If you are like me, you don’t like telling people no. I use to pride myself in saying yes even when deep down I wanted or needed to say no.

Over the years, I have made much progress in learning how to say no. It’s as liberating as it is refreshing. There have been times when I’ve even surprised myself at how effortlessly it rolls off my tongue – No! But it wasn’t always the case.

What about you, do you struggle in this area of your leadership? Do you find it hard to say no without harboring feelings of guilt or worrying that you will disappoint someone?

As leaders, we bend toward the upbeat and positive and being there for people, etc., etc. I get it. But sometimes saying no is the best course of action. So let me help you try and make sense of when it’s a good time to say no without the guilt that comes with it.

No is a good option when the timing is wrong

Timing has a lot to do with saying no. It may be that what you’ve been asked to do is a great idea, but the time frame is wrong. Along the way, in your leadership, you will have to learn how to say no to good ideas. It comes with the territory. Click To Tweet A yes answer may be an option later, but if the timing is wrong, then it’s wrong. Sometimes saying no to something good today can pave the way to saying yes to something greater tomorrow.

No is a good option if the motivations are wrong

There will be times when people will try to get you to commit to something, and not only is the timing wrong, but their motives are wrong. When someone is trying to take advantage of you or is in some way trying to draw you into their drama or negativity just say no!  

No is a good option if your values are in question

In leadership, there are simply no shortcuts when it comes to your ethics, integrity, and values. If any decision you are weighing ever puts those things in doubt then the answer is always no. Roy Disney was right when he said, “When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier”. Saying no is easy when faced with the prospect of compromising your values. Click To Tweet

No is a good option in order to protect your boundaries

At the end of the day, no one is going to protect your boundaries better than you. Finding your work-life balance is on you. You can’t complain about the imbalances in these areas of your life if you don’t know how to say no. Learning how to say no protects your family time, personal time, and professional time. Know when to say no without apology. Click To Tweet

No is a good option simply because you can’t do everything

Regardless of how good you are at what you do, you’re not that great. Neither am I. You are not all things to all people. There are just times when no is in order because you have limitations. Don’t be afraid to embrace your “inner no” voice and own it. You’ll be glad you did.

I’m not advocating saying no just to be contrary or to exhibit a bad attitude or to be less than a team player. I am advocating the reality that at times saying no can be the best course of action for you and it may just be the very thing someone needs to hear.


©2019 Doug Dickerson


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Thriving Leadership in a Calloused World

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If you live in a graveyard too long you stop crying when someone dies. – Anon.

In addition to Mt. Rushmore, one of Gutzon Borglum’s great works as a sculptor is the head of Lincoln in the Capitol at Washington. He cut it from a large, square block of stone in his studio. One day, when the face of Lincoln was just becoming recognizable out of the stone, a young girl was visiting the studio with her parents. She looked at the half-done face of Lincoln, her eyes registering wonder and astonishment. She stared at the piece for a moment then ran to the sculptor. “Is that Abraham Lincoln?” she asked. “Yes.” “Well,” said the little girl, “how in the world did you know he was inside there?”

The question posed by that young girl is an appropriate one for the likes of sculptor Gutzon Borglum. His work is rightfully critiqued by the product he produces.

What about you? How would an outsider look upon your leadership and what observations would they make? What inward image do you project? The truth is: what’s on the inside will come out. It always does.

I’m at the age where it could be very easy to be cynical or calloused in my thinking. And quite honestly, some days it’s a challenge.  Hang around in leadership long enough and you can get to the place where you have seen it all, heard it all, and there’s just not much that shocks you anymore. Can you relate?

Studies have shown that those in their first year in a new job are among the happiest in the organization. Contrast that with more tenured employees and you will find vastly different attitudes and opinions.

So how do you retain a healthy perspective as a leader and not become so calloused that you are no longer effective? It’s a challenge we all struggle with. Here are a few tips for your consideration.

Watch your attitude

Your attitude will make you or break you. It always has and it always will. You can come to a place over time that you feel no one is listening, no one wants to improve or change, and that there’s just no reason to be optimistic. Can you relate? This way of thinking can cause your attitude to sour and your leadership to be ineffective.

If you are going to thrive as a leader you must watch your attitude and remember that you are not responsible for other people’s attitudes and actions. You are only accountable for one. Yours. Guard your attitude at all costs. Click To Tweet

Be intentional about your inner circle

In as much as a bad attitude can be disastrous for you as a leader, so too can an inner circle filled with the wrong people.  I absolutely believe that you need diversity in your circle. You need people who will inspire you, challenge you, question you, and bring out the best in you. It’s the sign of a smart and thriving leader. We all need people around us – younger and older – who see the world differently from us. But you don’t need the wrong people.

As a leader, you don’t need people with bad attitudes who bring drama; who are unwilling to change, are afraid to take risks, who protect the status quo, and who are afraid to speak the truth.If you want to thrive as a leader then you must be intentional and selective about your inner circle. Click To Tweet

Hold yourself accountable

We live in a world where cynicism and divisions run deep. As leaders, it can be easy to get sucked into all the negativity that surrounds us on a daily basis. We need trusted friends and advisors around us who can hold us accountable for wrong attitudes, actions, words, and behaviors. Click To Tweet The truth is, we all have blind spots and we need the help. I know I do.

Leadership is a marathon, not a 100-yard dash. So on your journey, keep your attitude strong, be intentional about your inner circle, and hold yourself accountable. You will be a better leader for it and your influence as a leader will be worth emulating.


©2019 Doug Dickerson

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