Mixed Signals and the Art of Communication

“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place”. – George Bernard Shaw

Every good leader knows the value and importance of good communication. Leaders succeed or fail based on it. Organizations rise and fall because of it. To say that good communication is essential to your success as a leader is clearly an understatement.

In her book, Fearless Leadership, Carey D. Lohrenz shares a story of just what can happen when communication does not take place as it should:

Failure to communicate effectively can have disastrous results. Consider this true story, not the only one of its kind: A young Navy sailor was working the flight deck at night. Needing to cross the flight deck in the few seconds available between aircraft landing, the sailor signaled the arresting gear officer by waving his flashlight vertically. After getting acknowledgment from the arresting gear officer via the waving of a green flashlight vertically, the sailor sprinted across the pitch black landing area.

When looking to cross back over, the sailor once again signaled to the arresting officer and received the same vertical flashlight wave-only in red. The sailor knew that the vertical waving meant it was okay to cross, but didn’t know that the color of the flashlight was a critical piece of information. On this ship, green meant “go” while red meant “stand fast.” Confusion in communication signals almost cost this sailor his life.

While the decisions you make regarding communication may not carry the same life or death consequences, it does, nevertheless, carry important implications for your team. The last thing they need from those in leadership is mixed signals. Here are some of the most common mixed signals and what to do about them.

Mixed signals occur when you say one thing and do another

This is perhaps the most common mixed signal out there. It’s when you say one thing and do another. As a result, people are not on the same page, goals and objectives become muddled, and trust is compromised.

As a leader, you must develop consistency in your communication and do what you say. If circumstances warrant a change in a previously communicated directive or course of action, clarify it in person and do it in a timely manner. As a leader, you don’t like surprises and neither do your people.

Mixed signals occur when you keep your people apart

Ineffective communication occurs when you keep your team members apart instead of bringing them together. Instead of building a unified and cohesive team, mixed signals occur in communication when your people get their information second or third hand. This is a prescription for disastrous communication and team morale.

If you want to facilitate strong communication within your organization you must bring your people together, not keep them apart. Make it your practice to be a bridge builder. Communication flourishes when people are connected.

Mixed signals occur when you fail to connect on a personal level

The secret sauce of establishing good communication within your organization is being a leader who knows how to connect with his or her people. The good news is that it can happen. The bad news is that it takes a lot of work. But until you are relationally invested in the people you lead you will always run the risk of mixed signals and poor communication.

Whether it’s communication or any number of related issues within your organization, it begins when you learn to connect with your people. it’s out of that connection and the relationships you build that communication works.

Stop with the mixed signals – keep your word, bring your people together, and connect on a personal level. It will make all the difference in the world to your leadership and to your people.


© 2017 Doug Dickerson

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Reader Comments

  1. gsawmelle

    ‪Great article, Doug! I loved two points in particular: ‬

    ‪1) Trust is compromised when there is miscommunication. Realizing that this compromise WILL happen whether you didn’t intend to miscommunicate or not (although, ‬great relationships will mitigate the consequences meaningfully).

    2) Bring your team together. Build a bridge (love the analogy, but of course I am bias. 😉 My team is 50% remote and bringing them together has been critical to the successes we’ve achieved. I actually believe we are successful *because* we are split up. Achieving wins for our projects was like winning twice. Once for the project and once for ourselves (building a stronger team).

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