Leadership Minute: Mind Your Manners


Good manners are a combination of intelligence, education, taste and style mixed together so that you don’t need any of those things. – P.J. O’Rourke

Good manners are essential to your effectiveness as a leader. Good manners are of importance to you not just because it reflects upon your leadership style, but because it speaks volumes about the respect you have for others. We tend to look at having manners as a self-respect issue but it’s more than that- it’s an issue of respect for those we encounter. Of the many soft skills in leadership that are of importance I believe good manners ranks high in priority. When you blend good taste and style with intelligence and education you possess a good formula for good manners. But the formula, as good as it may be, is not enough. You must put good manners into practice. You must model the type behavior you expect. The more you put it into practice the sooner it becomes a habit. Simply put; a good leader practices good manners.

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