Leadership Minute: Scripting Your ‘Good Ole Day’s’


The illusion that times that were are better than those that are, has probably prevailed all ages. – Horace Greeley

This is perhaps a widely accepted generational belief that the good ole days of yester-year were somehow better than the present. It’s not hard to look around without having a certain measure of longing for what we perceive was a better time and place. Just bring back the good ole days we cry. But the good ole days of the next generation is what we create today. As a leader this is your day, this is your time, this is your moment to create the days you long and wish for. Time doesn’t stand still for any of us. The good that you hope the next generation will look back on and remember as the ‘good ole days’ is created by what you do today. It’s found in your daily random acts of kindness, the service that you render to others, and it’s a script that only you can write. You are the author of the next generation’s good ole days. How is your script coming along?

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