Leadership Minute: Don’t Be Bitter


Some guys leave a place after a long time, and they’re bitter. Not me. – Peyton Manning

If there was ever a person who led by example on this issue it was Peyton Manning. When he left the Indianapolis Colts for the Denver Broncos he did it with as much class and style as anyone could. He modeled the way it can be done. But in your leadership journey I am sure you’ve come across those who left a place after a long career who didn’t leave on such good terms. Perhaps their journey didn’t go as planned. Maybe their dreams went unfulfilled and they left bitter and beat down. In leadership you will always have challenges. You don’t always choose your circumstances or how people will treat you. But you do own your attitudes and reactions. So regardless of what you are facing today – know this, you are there for a purpose. Make up your mind to guard your heart and your attitude at all costs. When it’s time to move on you will know it- not because you are bitter, but because you are at peace.

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