Leadership Minute: An Eye For Potential


Do you see more potential in people than they do in themselves?  – Adam Grant

This is one of the hallmarks of a good leader. Seeing more potential in others than they do in themselves can turn into a life-changing moment for the other person when you act on it. When you can help another person discover a talent or skill and help awaken that gift it can be a most rewarding experience. Having an eye for such potential requires looking beyond the surface. Now you are focusing on the other person’s passions, skills, talents, and giving voice to your recognition of it. Chances are the other person is aware of it also but perhaps hasn’t been ready to step out and act on it. Maybe fear has held them back. You can’t motivate them beyond what they are willing to do themselves, but you can encourage, challenge, and inspire them to put their gift into action. You could very well be the encourager someone needs today.

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