Leadership Minute: Practice Kindness


Be kind to one another, because most of us are fighting a hard battle. – Ian McLaren

One of the misconceptions about leadership is that once you are a leader you have fewer problems. One of the truisms of leadership is that leaders are no different from anyone else. We all have our share of hardships and troubles. What will separate you as a leader is when you go out of your way to show kindness to those in the battle. Going through the battles of life is not uncommon, but you shouldn’t go through them alone. While it’s not your place to solve everyone else’s problems, you can show acts of kindness and give encouragement. Be the type of leader that has not only open eyes; but also an open heart.

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Reader Comments

  1. Dorcus Ngwako

    Is good to be a leader who can put a pad on the back of other so they can appreciate you by working harder and smart. That is working with kindness to others. Wao! i like it. We have to be leaders not a bosses.

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