Leadership Minute: I Dare You


It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult. – Seneca

We can either play it safe on the sidelines or we can dare to live life to the fullest. We can either take steps of faith or always be left to wonder ‘what if.’ Not every path you want to take comes with guarantees or without obstacles. And you will never fully know the depth of your dream and the strength of your resolve unless you dare to take the first step. Today can be the first day of realizing your destiny but you have to dare to believe that you can do it. I dare you to go for it!





If you enjoy reading the “Leadership Minute” you will especially enjoy reading Doug’s books, Leaders Without Borders & Great Leaders Wanted! Visit Doug’s website to order your copies today.

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Website: www.dougsmanagementmoment.blogspot.com

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Doug is available to speak for your civic, business, or church group for leadership development and keynotes. Email him at [email protected]


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