Reclaiming Morale and Loyalty Within Your Organization


The best morale exists when you never hear the word mentioned. When you hear a lot of talk about it, it’s usually lousy. – Dwight D. Eisenhower

Morale issues in the workplace are as important an issue as ever. Frank I. Fletcher said, “No man can deliver the goods if his heart is heavier than his load.” Many organizations today are facing this leadership challenge: striking a balance between what is economically advantageous for the bottom line versus the best thing for the people who operate the business.

As you consider how to build strong morale within your organization take these three ideas to heart. Building strong morale in many ways is about reclaiming the basics of leadership and making them relevant to your environment. Here are three simple steps to help you begin.

Listen to your people

When those in leadership are proactive about listening to the frontline people who make things happen, morale issues can be addressed before they become major problems.

When you take the initiative and care enough to be out among your people and it helps you to more readily identify with your people, assess their needs, and empower them to achieve. It all begins by listening.

Encourage your people

Encouragement is the fuel that drives your business – it’s an awareness of the sacrifices your employees make because they have bought into the vision and purpose of the company. Encouragement is the expression of your human capital IQ and the sharing of common values with like-minded people who also took a risk by following you.

Encourage your people!

Respect your people

Many variables come into play as it relates to strong or low morale within an organization. Strong leaders who listen to and encourage their people inevitably have strong morale. Strong morale begins with mutual respect for the gifts, talents, and contributions of each team member.

Loyalty is the product of leaders who understand the value of human capital.

How is loyalty working in your organization?



© 2014 Doug Dickerson

This post is an excerpt from the book, Great Leaders Wanted, which can be purchased by visiting the “Order Doug’s Books” page when you click on the tab above.



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