Rising Above Your Limitations


Know from whence you came. If you know whence you came, there are absolutely no limitations for where you can go. – James Baldwin

Most of us fall short of our potential because of little things we know or assume about ourselves. The most self-defeating assumptions of all are that we are just like everyone else.

The key to growth as a leader rests in your belief that no limitations can hold you back if you act in a manner consistent with how you see yourself. Here are three truths about limitations that will help you move forward.

The hardest limitations to overcome are self-imposed.

While it is not healthy to deny realities that exist neither is it healthy to beheld back realities that do not. If you live in denial of the influence you have as a leader, you rob yourself and others of the gift of your leadership.

The most hurtful limitations to overcome are cast upon us.

While overcoming self-imposed limitations is certainly a challenge, overcoming ones cast upon us by others can be painful. Regardless of how others see you or the limitations they may be trying to place upon you, refuse to be intimidated or defined by their actions.

The healthiest attitude toward limitations is to overcome them.

Most would agree that winning a gold medal in the Olympics is the crowning achievement for an Olympian. So when track star Wilma Rudolph won three medals in the 1960 Olympics it was a defining moment in her career.

In winning those three gold medals Rudolph had to overcome great adversity. At the age of four she was stricken with scarlet fever. She lost her left leg and had to learn to walk again at the age of seven. To overcome these odds and to one day win three gold medals are testaments to what can happen when we choose to overcome our limitations.

Do you want your leadership to be defined by self-imposed limitations or ones cast upon you by others? Are you being held back now by your own thinking? It’s time to embrace your challenges and tune out the critics and embark on a leadership journey that is not characterized by your limitations but by your potential.

What limitations will you overcome?

© 2014 Doug Dickerson

This post is an excerpt from the book, Great Leaders Wanted, which can be purchased by visiting the “Order Doug’s Books” page when you click on the tab above.


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