Leadership Minute: Lead the Peace


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. – Matthew 5:9 (Jesus)

This is perhaps one of the biggest dichotomies of leadership. Being a peacemaker is often seen as a sign of weakness when in reality it’s a sign of strength. Keeping the peace is about making hard decisions that are not necessarily seen as peaceful. Leadership weakness is found in a passive or casual style of looking the other way and tolerating things that otherwise would be looked upon as offensive. The decisions you make as a leader have consequences. It can please the masses or anger them depending on the day. But that’s a non-factor for the leader who bases his or her decisions on values and principles rather than on what’s expedient. Leading the peace occurs when you apply your leadership skills to make the case for the direction you are going. You can lead the peace or preside over appeasement, but know this; you will not know peace if you choose the latter. My suggestion? Be a peacemaker.

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