Leadership Minute: Redirect Your Rejection


As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better. – Steve Maraboli

On your leadership journey you will experience setbacks, failures, and rejection. Am I a pessimist? Not at all. How you react to these experiences that will surely come your way is what will set you apart from the want-to-be leader who sulks in his or her self-pity and the one who will learn and grow from it. Every obstacle you face introduces you to who you really are. For that you can be thankful. What you choose to do with it going forward is up to you. Will you sit and sulk, or will you rise to the occasion, roll up your sleeves, and work even harder? Obstacles and rejections are merely stepping stones to something great if you will change your attitude and not take rejection personal. Redirect your rejection and use it for something good. The outcome is up to you.


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