Leadership Minute: Live Fearlessly


I have a lot of things to prove to myself. One is that I can live my life fearlessly. – Oprah Winfrey

Leadership is not for the faint of heart. And if you are going to live your life fearlessly then there are some choices you are going to have to make. The life of a leader is not characterized by avoiding fearful things or circumstances. It is however; living in the presence of fear without being afraid. It’s about choosing not to allow those fears to hold you back or control you. Living fearlessly is having a greater confidence in your faith and abilities than any threat that fear can pose. To be sure, fear is a motivator. As a leader it will push you to achieve and overcome seemingly great obstacles, or it will paralyze you. Living fearlessly is not the absence of fear but is the stronger belief that you are equipped to handle anything that comes your way. Are you living fearlessly?


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