Leadership Minute: Learn All You Can


I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn’t learn something from him. – Galileo Galilei

Leadership is a life-long learning process. Class is always in session; it never ends. As leaders we have the ability to tap into many streams of learning opportunities. Be it a book, a workshop or seminar, or webcast. The point here is simple and direct –learn all that you can from as many sources as possible. Working around you are many people from whom you can learn. Some may be more beneficial to you than others, but from everyone you can learn something. A little humility is in order as it relates to what you can learn from your peers or others in your circle of influence. If you come across as a “know it all” then it might be a challenge to think you can learn from those around you. The question is – are you willing to learn? Don’t try be so above everyone around you that you can’t learn something new. You can. A smart leader realizes he doesn’t know it all and is humble enough to learn.


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