Leadership Minute: Learning Curves


The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” – Alvin Toffler

The impact and longevity of your leadership will in large part hinge on this principle. Leaders by nature are learners. But can you go the extra mile with your learning? Can you unlearn and relearn? As we grow and mature as leaders we accumulate a lot of information and knowledge by which our leadership style is shaped. It’s not so much your learning capacity that is at issue here as it is your relevance going forward. Being able to unlearn and relearn is smart leadership and demonstrates your capacity to grow and stay current. Never are we talking about compromising your values or principles that keep you connected and grounded. But as you strive to be the best leader possible you show that sometimes it’s not what you know that matters but what you can unlearn and relearn that makes the difference.

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